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Fist: Speed +11 Accuracy +13 Damage +5B Defense +13<br>
Fist: Speed +11 Accuracy +13 Damage +5B Defense +13<br>
Kick: Speed +8 Accuracy +12 Damage +7L (Steel-toed boots) Defense N/A<br>
Kick: Speed +8 Accuracy +12 Damage +7L (Steel-toed boots) Defense NGreymane/Oldmoon/A<br>
Ebb and Flow: Speed +14 Accuracy +16 Damage +12L Defense +8 Rate 7
Ebb and Flow: Speed +14 Accuracy +16 Damage +12L Defense +8 Rate 7

Latest revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

Name: Seventh Moon
Caste: Full Moon
Nature: Survivor
Demnor: Bravo
Totem: Husky
Concept: Kid from the Bronx, Lunar God-killer
Merits: Past Lives
Flaws: Permanent Caste Mark, Emotional Anima [Valor], Known Anathema

Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Awareness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Endurance 5, Larceny 2, Occult 2 (Northern Deities + 3), Presence 1, Resistance 3, Stealth 4, Survival 3

Backgrounds: Followers 3, Mentor 5, Artifacts 5, Artifact 3

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 4

Virtue Flaw: The Curse of the Raging Bull (Valor)

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 15/38(53)


  • Shape-Changing

Finding Spirits-Shape (Wardog - Husky)
Monstrous Beast Transformation x 1
Calling Lunas Favor Blossoming Gift of Luna

  • Body Enhancement Charms

Ox-Body Technique x 3

  • Unarmed Combat

Body Weapon Technique
Deadly Claw Blow
Claws of the Silver Moon
Hunter’s Eye Technique
Door-Breaking Method

  • Defensive Charms

Steel Paw Style
Feline Guard Technique
Hide-Toughening Essence

  • Perception Charms

Sense-Sharpening Change
Heightened [Scent and Taste] Method
Every-Wary Fox Technique
Blood on the Wind

  • Stealth Charms

Stealthy Fox Method
Traceless Passage Technique

  • Spirit Charms

Spirit-Scenting Technique
Devil-Restraining Grip
Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack

Monstrous Beast Form “Fenrir, the God-Eating Beast”
Seventh Moon has rarely taken to his hybrid form and only under Father of Crows prompting, yet it’s mere existence already a frightful rumor among the lesser gods and elementals near the Boil. They speak of horrifying gray-furred beast with eyes like the heart of winter, terrible crushing fangs, and raking silver claws stalking through the forests and hills. It hunts them. Be it day or night, the beast has come for them, following their scent no matter where they hide. At times it only observes them, a pair of gleaming silver-blue eyes peering out of the darkness of the night, eerily calm and intent. Yet several prominent spirits in the region have vanished since the beast was first sighted, with no more left behind than foot prints in the snow which lead nowhere and end abruptly.

They know it is a Lunar, but know nothing of where it came from or why it hunts them. It is a wolf, yet not. Too clean, it’s fur glossy with care, it’s face holding an odd sort of roundness. Too sleek, it’s muscles lean and powerful rather than approaching the robust tones of a true wolf. The beast is calculating, deliberate, and remorseless, not primal and savage. Pleas to the Silver Pact to call off the beast and end it’s bloody hunt met only the chilling answer that they knew of no such Chosen of Luna and that they can do nothing to aid them.

The spirits of the Boil have named the creature Fenrir and they fear it as they fear little else in Creation.

Strength *****(**)
Dexterity ****(**)
Stamina *****(***)
Perception ***(**)

Gifts Horrifying Might, Resilience of Nature, Wound Knitting Power, Rugged Hide, Impenetrable Beast Armor, Terrible Beast Claws, Enhanced Senses

Equipment: Long Coat, Collar of Dawns Cleasing Light, banada, steel-toed boots, leather gloves, Ebb and Flow, Khonshu

Base initiative: 11
Soak: 10B/6L/0A (Long Coat, 4L/5B, -0 Mobility, 1 Fatigue)
Dodge: 13
Fist: Speed +11 Accuracy +13 Damage +5B Defense +13
Kick: Speed +8 Accuracy +12 Damage +7L (Steel-toed boots) Defense NGreymane/Oldmoon/A
Ebb and Flow: Speed +14 Accuracy +16 Damage +12L Defense +8 Rate 7

Character Description

Appearance: From head to foot, Seventh Moon makes no pretenses at being anything what he is, the hard and rough product of the streets. He is well built and strong, the lines of his muscles can be traced with the naked eye and ripple like living bands of iron bellow the touch of his skin. Brown hair dangles out to either side of his face from beneath the black bandana he wears to hide his Caste Mark. What could be a beautiful shade of earthly brown is butchered by a hack-knife cut and washings by harsh soap, leaving it rather uneven and frayed where hangs out beneath his bandana.

The Lunar is darkly handsome, even exotic by the standards of locals. Moon’s skin is oddly dark for a northern, a dusky-golden hue that speaks of southern blood somewhere in his linage. The silvery tattoos of his Caste twist and dance across his arms and chest, while scars and bruises nick the places between them like badges of honor. His brows are thick and arching, setting his expression into an almost constant scowl that gives him a violent look even in his most gentle smiles. Moon is also clearly something inhuman. His eyes are strikingly pale blue, not so unusual for the northlands, but seeming to glow against the field of his burnished skin and his teeth bare bestial fangs that glint silvery whenever he smiles.

Seventh Moon dresses well for what he can afford, but functionally as much as he can. He favors the muddied, dark tones common in the Boil’s working men, rather than the flamboyant colors worn by other youth gangs. Stiff, dark leather work boots with thick steel toes and a heavily worn leather coat lined with warm sheep skin are staples of his outfit, giving him a handy place to hide a knife or the ability to deliver a particularly viscous kick in a brawl.

Expanded Backgrounds

Followers 3 - Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack
Dwelling within the basement of Madam Vivian’s House of a Hundred Heavenly Delights, within the realm of gang-politics, the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack are the undisputed masters of the Boil’s red-light district. Once claiming a turf that only encompassed a handful of streets within the infamous pleasure district, the Pack’s adoption and raising of Seventh Moon became their blessing. Many gangs within the city were ruled by the bastard children of mystical beings, yet Seventh Moon’s heritage was far more powerful than most and the Pack recognized it well enough to let him step forward to claim leadership when their eldest were all hanged in one of the garrisons ‘cleaning seasons.’

Championed by a Moon-Born during a time when there were almost no other God-Blooded among the gangs in the city to oppose them, the Pack’s strength and influence began to expand. Neighboring gangs, still attempting to recover from the mass-executions, were crushed or absorbed, and where the howling cries of the Pack could once only be heard from shadows of the Half-Moon Alley, now the silvery cry echoed through-out the city. Had resistance from other gangs not stiffened and the garrison not dared numerous arrests, it might have been possible for the Pack to have gobbled up the Boil entirely in those first tumultuous years of Seventh Moon’s leadership.

Matters have by far become quieter since then. The short-term peace forged by the siege of the city has lead to a drawn out uncertainty. The gangs of the city had received the first command from Father of Crows in living memory. The event was unprecedented, but then their shadow-lord, the one even worshiped by some as a living god, had gone silent. The Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack had answered the call as readily as most and been left as confused as any when the orders were reversed and the city handed over to the Deathlord.

As Seventh Moon quietly slips out of the city under the direct order of Father of Crows, much rumbling can be heard from Pack. Questions about Father of Crows have begun to arise and speculation towards their own place in the world, now that their very way of life may be under threat. Yet for the doubts about the Under-King, they remain loyal to Seventh Moon himself. As Father of Crows is the living-god of many gangs, Seventh Moon is seen as the very avatar of the Pack. Known far too long and too closely for them to worship him, but held in more respect and higher regard than even the unseen Father of Crows, the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack await their friend and leaders return and will serve him just as loyally as before once he comes back.

Mentor 5 - Father of Crows
Enigma and legend surround the name Father of Crows. It is a name is known by everyone within the Boil and by many far beyond, a name which has been linked to the city since as far back as the memory of even the Exalted can recall. Father of Crows is a popular topic within the mining city. Everybody has an opinion. God, Demon, Anathema, Ghost. He could be many men. He might not exist at all. And while all criminals within the city claim to serve him, few will make the claim to have seen him. He is the Under-King of the Boil and master of the shadowy realm where dark men ply their trades - the seedy gambling dens, the smuggler hideaways, the camps of bandits and highwaymen in the hills and forests, even the lowly young thugs who live on the streets.

While many believe otherwise, Father of Crows is very real. He is Anathema, a Lunar of the First Age who’s life and destiny have been inexorably linked to that of the Boil since the first stones were laid for it’s foundation. His control over the criminal network within city is as absolute as many rumors claim, tighter even. Figures of wealth and power sit unknowingly within his pocket. Rulers rule only at his consent. The threat of death and the promise of great reward maintains the certainty of his control, yet he exercises little direction over their actions and the orders he gives come down as enigmatical and bizarre.

Father of Crows had seemed to have taken a vested interest in Seventh Moon well before the young gang member had Exalted. In the guise of a well known apothecary named Shadow Eyes, the Chosen of Luna had slipped into the boys confidence by opening his doors to the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack, tending to their wounds and illnesses, performing several abortions upon lovers or female gang members, advising on their troubles. Then, having earned the trust of Moon-Born, he went a step further, offering tidbits of knowledge and training, helping the violent half-caste nurture and focus his budding power.

And on the night Luna came to Seventh Moon as he pulled himself bleeding through the rain-washed streets and snarled his defiance at the numbing death which tried to claim him, Father of Crows was there as well. He took Seventh Moon further into his confidence, casting aside the guise of the mortal savant and reveling the secret few within the city knew, but all wondered. Their training became more vigorous and involved after Seventh Moon Exalted and under such steady guidance, the young Lunar’s power flourished as few would.

While he knows the secret of Father of Crows identity and has spent more time in direct contact with the ancient No-Moon than anyone else knowingly has, Seventh Moon knows no more about his mentors plans or past than any one else in the city. Nor does he question after them or hesitate to fulfill the orders his master gives him. He is loyal to his teacher and benefactor, but more importantly, he knows better than to question.

Artifacts 3 - Ebb and Flow
Speed +6, Accuracy +3, Damage +7L, Defense +3, Rate 7

  • Treated as black jade or moonsilver for purposes of attunement, depending on which Magical Material the user is aligned with (if either).
  • By simply touching the gloves and desiring to wear them, the wielder can cause Ebb and Flow to liquefy and 'melt' into place upon his hands as a free reflexive action.
  • A Lunars or Water Aspect Dragon-Blooded attuned to Ebb and Flow gain the material bonuses conferred by both jade and moonsilver.
  • Martial Arts Charms of the Water Dragon Style can be channeled through Ebb and Flow, reducing the cost by 1 mote. Charms cannot be reduced to less than 1 mote via this method.
  • For 5 motes as a supplemental action on a Brawl or Martial Arts attack, Ebb and Flow can soften and liquefy. As the blow connects, the metal will seep through joints and narrow openings in armor and clothing, transmitting most of the force of the blow through such defenses and impacting the target directly. Mechanically, this ability allows a blow to ignore the targets armor soak, though not any soak derived from Stamina or Charms (unless the Charms only directly effect the targets armor). When used, the damage is applied as bashing rather than lethal. This ability cannot be used in conjunction with Charms.

Artifact 5 - Khonshu, the Wanning Moon
- Konshu lends a great deal of the protean nature of the Moon into the body of his barer. Their muscles and bones become flexible, swifter, and more certain. For as long as they wear the amulet, Konshu's barer acts with a +4 bonus to their Dexterity.

- By spending 2 motes as a reflexive action at the beginning of a turn, Khonshu’s barer can automatically win Initiative rolls, except against Charms which specifically state they win Initiative (such as Opportune Shot).

- Though the Child of the Moon does not always desire to speak, Konshu's barer is capable of communicating with the still-living spirit of Luna's son. This communication often occurs during sleep, rather than waking visions, but Konshu is capable of either. Most often, Konshu seeks to advice, guide, and teach the one carrying him. Having seen so many of the Chosen turn to insanity and sadism, he does his best to sooth their minds as well. The former god-blood has an effective score of Lore 7, Occult 7, Charisma 4, Intelligence 4, and Manipulation 3. His Compassion and Valor are both 5.

- Unyielding Moonsilver Beast - For an additional 10 number of motes, when the Lunar transforms into any non-human form, he can choose to imbue himself with the very Essence of the ever-shifting moon. Konshu will erupt suddenly into a tidal-wave of liquid moonsilver and coat every hair and inch of their body. Glistening like a silver-statue, the Lunar's body is as fluid and graceful, sleek and elegant, pure moonlight Essence shimmering across their beautiful form. While they yet remain in this form, they gain the following prosperities:

  • The Lunar's bite becomes lethal septic to creatures of the Wyld, dealing aggravated damage to Fair Folk or other Wyld-tainted beings and inflicting them with a major poison that degrades their coherency and causes them to make all dice rolls at -3 on a failed Resistance + Stamina roll at a difficulty level equal to the Lunar's Essence score.
  • He is immune to poison and illness and will never become infected.
  • For 5 motes the Lunar can liquefy himself as reflexive action against any incoming attack for the remainder of the scene, granting the Lunar a difficulty to be hit equal to his Essence score.
  • For 5 motes as a reflexive action against a successful attack, the Lunar can cause his body to erupt into a coat of razor-shape blades, dealing Strength + Essence of unavoidable lethal damage to any creature making an unarmed Martial Arts or Brawl attack against them.
  • For 1 mote per turn, the Lunar can liquefy himself completely into a featureless puddle of moonsilver. He can move in a limited fashion (1/2 running speed) and can slip easily through cracks or other tiny openings, but cannot meaningfully interact or communicate with the world around him until he ends the ability


Total: 57 Monstrous Beast Transformation x 2 - 30

Current: 27