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== Silver Bird ==
The three Exalts stand gazing over the aftermath of the Celebrant's last gasp of defiance in death, something happens. A small spirit pops out of the air in front of them, rainbow-hued and six-winged like a small fairy, or an angel. A messenger spirit, perhaps another from Selina?
It moves up to the Pale Angel -- as the last one had -- and begins to speak. But the feminine voice Vorpal and Cael hear is quite different from the Dark Angel's. Not one either of them have heard before. Alexander, however has, years ago.
"Good morning, Pale Angel, I am Valencia la Silverstar." The voice is cold-feeling, though not the same kind of chill Vorpal and Selina can radiate -- the frost of the grave. This voice is entirely free of that, a ring of crystalline snow rather than headstone-ice, no less regal then theirs, though not with the undertone of arrogance they're used to hearing in Selina's spoken titles. "I've heard of your successes. Are you perhaps traveling to Windia? If not, I advise you to, and if so, it will be to both our good fortune. There is the matter of a possible alliance to discuss. Your friends' ship should be able to use our older docks for larger craft -- I have already made arrangements. Please, do not delay. I am looking forward to meeting you all, especially the new King of Whiteshield."
With that, the messenger spirit dematerializes in a puff of essence.
<b>Vorpal:</b> In the moment of silence that follows after the Terrastrial spell loses its effect, Vorpal slowly folds her arms over her chest.
The Pale Angel does not know much about spells. Sorcery - or necromancy for that matter - has never really been her style, but she does have caught a smattering of knowledge about the subject during her time in the Lover's Fortress. One of the details she remembers being that such messengers usually locate their recipient by a description alone.
"...the advantages of looking so damned unique", she mutters under her breath. "Anyone can harass me with their messages."
<i>But still, her network moves fast. She learned about all this within a single night.</i>
"Well, I suppose that will be the next step in our plan", she then states to the others. "How long before we reach Windia?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael lifts an eyebrow at the message.
<i>Valencia la Silverstar ... Now there was a turn up for the books ...</i><br>
Cael couldn't think of the last time he'd heard she had done anything .... beyond the usual rumours of course.<b>
<i>and she talks of Alliance ...</i>
He considers "We should be there by nightfall ... we've been heading vaguely in that direction since the battle anyway .. I will change our course to a more direct one."
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander smiles as he hears the voice again. She knew.... Windia's information network must be good indeed. And if she could send the message....
<i>Then that means they are fine! That Windia prevailed...</i>
<i>Or was the Celebrant bluffing?</i>
<i>Or is this a fake...</i>
But maybe he had been too paranoid. Either way... "She probably had someone watching, since the people of Genmel never saw us... right? But some spirit of winged spy..."
<i>I should change to better clothes, though - not ready to go to the court of Windia like this...</i>
"We are going, then? Any of you ever met her?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Yes, we are going", the Pale Angel responds, slowly tapping her chin with one finger... much in a same manner the Dark Angel does. "I know her only by her reputation. It may be a trap, it may actually be a desperate plea for help. But whatever it is, I'd hate to let this sort of chance to pass by. Considering what kind of forces the Bishop has at his disposal, we need all the allies we can get."
She turns slightly, addressing Alex directly."But keep in mind, Alex", she says, putting some emphasis into her tone, "The enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend."
Her eyes flicker over to Cael, and she gives the Quicksilver Falcon an affirmative nod of her head. "Change that course, skypirate. After that, we shall take a look at these artifacts the Celebrant left behind."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods to Vorpal's words, all of them.<b>
<i>It really was too good an oppertunity to pass by ... despite the potential dangers</i><br>
"I'll be back down shortly."
<b>Windia:</b> The Zephyer sails into Windia in the late afternoon, going in just under the mostly overcast clouds that fill the sky. It is snowing -- lightly, the snowfall making visibility a bit less than it would normally be, although the pilot of the Zephyer handles the approach and docking with the ancient airship docks on a smaller secondary peak of one of the main mountains of the city with more than adaquate skill. The top of the peak is tapered off, rounded and gently sloped along the sides and flattened at the top for special airships which have not graced the sky in millennia, although the Zephyer's berth is quite close to the utmost top, along the northern side of the mountain.
Those watching the city pass beneath them catch a glimpse of the primary battleground between Valencia's forces and the invaders: the grounds and gardens of a large park and part of a business district which they had passed through on their way to the castle. Mostly destroyed now -- torn by elemental energies and the violence of war. The engagement seems to have been confined to those properties and some of the surrounding locality -- Vorpal's tactical savvy does not pick up many signs of it spreading beyond there. Snow already begins to cover the wounds in the city, although the wards are unmistakeable, as are the tiny figures bundled against the northern cold who are visible if one's vision is sharp enough, conducting rituals and sorcery mortal and exalted to make sure the battlefield does not become a shadowland.
Once docked, the group of Exalts disembarks from the Zephyer, met by a Terrestrial aide of the Countess', still bandaged from the battle. Their journey through the mostly deserted, stripped-down corridors of the First Age dock is uneventful, and after a few more hours, just as the light of the sun is finishing its dip below the horizon, they come to Valencia's own city-manse, in the noble district below the castle of Windia. As beautiful as any of the others, not nearly so austure as her main home further to the north in Port Aurora. The Dragon-Blooded gains their entry into the manse, bidding them wait in a richly appointed drawing room while he fetches his commander from her other business.
<b>Alexander:</b> Dressed in regal clothes more fitting his station, that he had taken on his family's state before even boarding the Zephyr, Alexander waits... not ready for battle, but his blade on him all the same - a sign of station, of state.
<i>I do need someone to carry it for me sometime, though...</i>
His father had, before. Before...
Windia being safe makes him a little brighter, in any case... he would rather he would be dealing with the Durants... Valencia always was... "... she is very powerful, as powerful as the mightiest Princes of the Earth they have here in Windia. The court always seemed to be a little nervous on her presence, as much as they felt safe. I always thought it was because she was always so... calm, icy. Not so sure lately, really." He tells his companions as they wait.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hmm..." is all the Pale Angel has to give in reply.
Once again clad in the dark leathers of her mercenary outfit - only the reasonable measure to take, considering the cold weather and the fact that she has a reputation to keep - Vorpal pushes her hood back from her head and allows her hair to spill down onto her shoulders.
The Ghost-Blooded has been quiet since their return to the city they had fled from not so long ago. After the Dragon-Blooded is gone, she moves further into the room, inspecting the windows and furniture with the vacant air of someone whose mind is working on entirely different matters.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael watched with interest as the city approached, the details crystal clear long before they would be anything but a dot on the horizon, his eyes ranging over the damage to the towers and the working in the field, taking note of the sorcerors too.<br>
<i>A brutal battle, it seems, though a small one.</i>
"Been a while since you've seen a real dock, Cal, hasn't it?" he murmurs to her, then calls the others up to the cockpit for the approach to the city.
When they find themselves in the waiting room, Cael is dressed in his usual dress, a fine black silk shirt and black trousers covered by a pure white jacket.<br>
He sits easily, studying the waiting room with idle curiousity.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Cael", the Ghost-Blooded suddenly says softly, her back turned to the skypirate. "See if we have any spirits around us."
* Cael makes no indication that he heard, but tunes his vision to the spirit word
* Alexander taps the chair a little as he wait, wondering if Valencia herself is well, seeing that the helper was hurt...
<b>Windia:</b>  Cael sees no spirits or ghosts in the room, indeed, the previous population of ghosts they noticed in the city seems remarkably...absent, this time. As if they've been purged.
<b>Cael:</b> "No spirits. No ghosts." he says quietly
<b>Vorpal:</b> "A refreshing change, isn't it?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "They really did their job well" He smiles. "Have to wonder about that Shadowland."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> As the three make idle conversation, the minutes tick by. The drawing room's walls are mostly populated with snowy landscapes of the North and paintings of battles. Very few portraits, and none of Valencia herself in that room. In fact, they've seen not one at all since they entered the place.
Then, she enters the room. The first impression is that of...the Dark Angel. Too many similarities, in face and body -- there was supposedly de Windia blood in the Silverstar line by all accounts, from what Alex remembered. Or maybe in this case, the Dark Angel is a copy of her, deliberately so, although the paleness is more natural, and the skin along her left cheek is marked with graceful runes of the north in flowing silver tattoos that flow down her neck and further, and her frame is just an inch or two shorter. The long hair is an odd mix of icy light blue and silver, her steel-gray eyes much more outwardly calm than Selina's -- a gaze which looks too easily turned to the total indifference of a killer -- and doubly piercing, as if they belonged to a bird of prey. No arrogance in those eyes or her carriage, no pretense. Simply knowledge of ability, and gauging the same in others. She carries with her only her longsword Winter, and is clad in a slender light blue gown -- high necked and with long fluted sleeves. Simple elegance is Valencia la Silverstar's watchword in fashion.
She looks at each one of them in turn, the Pale Angel last, although her gaze flickers to Alex for a moment upon leaving him. Then, raising her eyebrows just the slightest bit, she speaks in the same delicately crystalline voice she used on the airship. "Good evening, honored guests. I am delighted to receive you all...even in some circumstances as these. Please, have a seat." She demures, remaining standing until they take their seats first.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael looks up and down the famous famed lunar discretely as she enters, and from what his expression reveals, he approves .. of something anyway.
"It is my pleasure to be here, whatever the circumstances." Cael says with a smooth voice then sits with easy grace, and waits for the lunar to seat herself.
<b>Alexander:</b> "Good evening, lady Silverstar. It has been a long time." He says, taking his seat, looking at Valencia now... there was something so... different, in her. Pehaps his own Exaltation is making him see other Chosen differently? Yet... there is something off, something of a... kinship? With the noblewoman, something beyond station and power. Something for another time, probably. "Hopefully, things will not remain as they are."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal turns as the woman enters the room, her face carefully devoid of any particular mien. Her gaze takes a calm, deliberate stock of Valencia, just the sort of capability-evaluating glance military officers tend to give one another when meeting for the first time to discuss the matters of war.
"Valencia la Silverstar", she states slowly. Then she plops down into her own seat, leaning back in a matter-of-fact yet, at the same time, somewhat careless fashion. "You had a problem?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "indeed it has." The Windian agrees firmly, catching Alex with her cool glance as she comes about, adjusting her sheathed sword so she can sit comfortably on an opulantly upholstered chair, as the rest are. "In some ways for the best, in others...not so much."
She exhales lightly, then takes in all of them, finally deigning to answer Vorpal's question. "I do. The same problem you yourselves have, if I am not mistaken." Those eagle-eyes focus on the Pale Angel, almost uncomfortably, for a moment. "Deathknights. And their command, as you well know. Or so the leader of last night's strike into my city told me." There is an odd, but not very noticable emphasis on 'my', that she has. One which perhaps, Selina would not be happy to hear. Certainly, not deference to the Durant family.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Despite her relaxed posture, Vorpal sits in her chair very still, like a statue of marble and ice clad in dark mercenary leathers. "What is your current situation?" she asks, softly.
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander sighs. All the time she took to look at Vorpal...
Past her power, she was just another power-affictionado like the Pale and Dark Angels, it seemed.
Alex relaxed on the chair, ignoring the cold glance, waiting for the inevitable argument. She had seen that often enough in the past few weeks.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael settles himself down to listen, while Valencia and Vorpal talked tactics and numbers.
While he could follow what they said, he probably couldn't add much to the discussion.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "The group from last night is gone." A servant enters the room from a entrance to one side, and the Windian looks to him and nods. The man leaves. She turns back to the her three guests and takes them all in, not focusing on any one of them now. Her tone turns somewhat gracious, thankful. "And you all recently dealt with the northmost of the Bishop's armies -- for which I am exceedingly grateful, as are the people of this country. I was in something of a bind regarding that group."
"However," She pauses, looking at Alex once again, almost idly. "I believe the time for independant action has passed."
<b>Alexander:</b> They were being strangely polite. So, two women like that could meet without
sparks flying?
The Prince was impressed.
"That we did." He says, touching the scar on his chin, "Not a particularly easy victory, but we did! And if Winlandia decides to come forth to help liberate Whiteshield, we will certainly be forever in debt with you..."
<i>..if there is a Whiteshield when they are done...</i>
Speaking up, he felt more and more inadequate. The Duchess had Windia with her, and what did he have? Being there reminded him more and more that he had nothing left...
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal glances mildly at Alex for a moment, but then she focuses her attention back to Valencia once more. She does not say anything, merely gestures the other to continue.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Any threat to one of our countries, is a threat to both. The question is merely if we are to oppose it united or not." The servant comes back with a tray bearing some glasses of wine. A blush, not very heavy, lightly spiced. Taking a glass from the tray with her easy grace, Valencia nods to the rest of them, and the servant comes around to her guests unobtrusively.
"I understand there are more of your number, yes? Another deathknight, and...one of my kind. Our distant neighbor means only the best with this aid, I'm sure."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael accepts the glass with a murmur of thanks to the servant, and then takes a sip of the wine, nodding his head to Valencia after he tastes it.
"Yes, another deathknight, and one of Luna's Beloved, like yourself."
<b>Alexander:</b> "Another like you, as well. A man from the Boil. Both are within Whiteshield now, having our enemies chasing shadows, causing problems for them from within."
As he says it, he wonders if they would be alright. Despite Selina's message... he wonders if he did well coming up with the split. He had barely known Moon for a day before they split... desperation might have doomed him, then...
<i>or not...</i>
After all, Cael was there. And Cael could tell those things, right? If he agreed that Moon goes...
<b>Vorpal:</b> Although her expression remains as alert and unreadable as before, Vorpal presses a mental palm over mental eyes in her mind. Were Solars always so darned eager to share information with men and women they met for the first time?
"You seem to have been following us for quite a while now", the Ghost-Blooded says evenly even as she accepts her own glass from the servant.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> The man moves off, leaving the room as silently as he came. Valencia looks thoughtfully at Cael and Alex, then chuckles. "I have. Well, your companions should put them off balance. This ship of yours could be very useful, however. What is its capacity?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles at the mention of the ship.<br>
<i>So, you're not that old then, since you don't recall it from that age.</i>
"She is very useful. She is not a troop ship however, though she can carry a few people if she has too."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "I see. More useful for moving Chosen then." She looks back to Vorpal, fixing her with a gauging eye now. "What would you estimate their forces to be, Pale Angel? I would put them with roughly another circle of deathknights, given how they can throw them singly to us as diversions. And given how you say that the Dark Angel and her companion were dispatched to distract the enemy."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal supresses a mild smile. The Lunar is a war leader, that much was obvious. Moving armies like game pieces, integrating an assorted group of Chosen into her plans without a pause, having the presumption of assuming the said group of Chosen is willing to lend her all the aid can without a second thought...
<i>She's as bad as I am.</i>
It is an amusing and - at the same time - slightly irritating thought.
"The Bishop has two full Circles of Deathknights at his disposal", she responds, matter-of-factly. "Minus two that have been slain so far. A couple of his Moonshadow Castes - Diplomat-Deathknights - are working in the neighboring nations even as we speak, spreading ill rumors and sowing discord to make certain your lands will receive no outside help. A few ghosts of powerful Terrastrial Exalted. They also had at least one tainted Chosen of Luna in their leash, but that has now been slain. However, they might have more. At least two tiers of the elite Death Hand zealots. The number of the ghosts and walking dead is impossible to say - they make more all the time, but I would say 'thousands' wouldn't be too far-fetched an estimation." Allowing herself a short pause, she sighs. "War-machines, some of which seemed to have been made with you specifically in mind, Lady la Silverstar. If they have any Day Caste Deathknights around, expect to be assassinated soon."
Lowering her gaze to her wine, which she idly sloshes around in her glass, she finishes: "After the destruction of the Celebrant and her army, it is most likely that they will amass their Chosen, to make certain we can no longer pick them one by one."
She keeps a meaningful pause here, to make it clear that she is at the end of the information she is willing to impart for now. "And what are your plans, Silverstar?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Interesting." Valencia replies at last, having sipped at her wine a bit. One might wonder where all the Lunar-ness is with this one, or maybe she simply controls it that tightly. "Or, they withdrew to concentrate for something far more important? With that kind of force they could overwhelm Windia without too much trouble. Yet they dither."
She looks to the other two. "Would any of you happen to know of any other allies that we might obtain?" Halting for a moment, she chuckles again, more to herself. "Should we become allies, at least. Or are we waiting for a more official utterance of alliance and nothing more at this point?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "A possible alliance, as I recall, was the reason why you invited us here in the first place", Vorpal says, placing the glass of wine onto a table, untouched. "Consider the information you got up until now a gesture of goodwill. If you wish for more, you will begin to fulfill your own part in the alliance, or pay my fees as a true employer would. I did not come here to enlish, but..." She shrugs. "I am a mercenary."
<b>Cael:</b> "I do not think we would be adverse to the offer of alliance with you, no. As the pale angel notes, we did come here to discuss as such."
He smiles at her. "On the other hand, as she also noted Lady Silverstar, it would seem that we have been bringing most of the information to this table, and you have said little of what you could contribute to such an alliance ..."
<b>Alexander:</b> So many words danced n his mind. So many possibilities. And yet... he did not know.
Why did he not strike Windia? he opening of the Labyrinth Vorpal had told them, of course. And the fact they have to move on all directions and not just Windia! But... it had to be something else, right? If they had not thought of that, it had to be something else!
And the alliance... yes, only they had spoken. Valencia had not said anything... how Cael caught things he did not. If they didn't mention it, it was certain to be for factors they knew and he did not. And yet, it would not be good to ask, and need to have things explained for him like a class. This was a war council, after all...
He did not say anything, again wonderng about the alliance. He had seen the power of the Chosen yesterday, they had taken a thousand or more of Undead... but they needed an army, to deal with the rest, right? They needed... he didn't know what. He didn't know what the enemy had.
And so, he let them do the talking.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "You are." Valencia replies simply. "Although not just a mercenary. Or did Alexander pay you for your involvement?" She ends the last sentence with a nod to him, and a knowing look to Vorpal.
"As for what I can contribute: I myself will accompany you into the final battle, if necessary. I am loathe to leave Windia unprotected for but a short time, as you can surely understand." Valencia looks back to Vorpal after surveying Cael and Alex. "The Royal Guard are not mine to take -- they serve in defense of the king and queen and the capitol, and my <i>personal</i> forces are wintering in Port Aurora. But for whatever battle in which large numbers of troops may be needed, I can offer the old unit of House de Windia: the Winged Divinity. And some scrapings of various other formations. They <i>will</i> work together. This includes a few Terrestrials, although I must loan them sparingly, we are no Lookshy."
<b>Alexander:</b> "That... is not much, is it?"
<i>Not much at all...</i>
"You are not speaking for Windia, then...?"
It semed logical, deal with Exalts using an Exalt, but now... now...
<i>We will need something else. Somewhere else.</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "That is over five-thousand men and women. Even accounting for how the Durants have used the de Windia unit for replacements to their own formations." The Windian replies calmly. "All able to take to the air. I must confess they will be more effective if I lead them. Our gods probably will not fight unless they must defend the soil of the kingdom -- it is for Chosen to take to the offense."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Supplies and equipment?" the Pale Angel asks, settling back into a more comfortable posture in her seat and leaning her cheek against the knuckles of her hand. "Artifacts?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Spoken for -- the supplies and equipment at least." Valencia replies. "Of course, artifacts are less common. We have but few large scale war-machines, I am sad to say. Almost all of those are in some state of refit and repair. The same with warstriders."
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander goes quiet then. Would be better to let Cael or Vorpal speak if they thought they were many or few. He was certainly out of his league there...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael raises his eyes just slightly at this, warstriders and other artifacts of power she had to offer ... well, that was slightly more ... and a regiment the size of a Realm Legion...
She would be a powerful ally he thought, but then the pale angel knew military matters.
<b>Vorpal:</b> If the Pale Angel is impressed, she does a good job at hiding it. Slightly shifting her position, she brushes her cheek absently with one finger. "I'm intrigued. You wouldn't have any spare Warstriders around?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Raising one eyebrow in faint amusement, Valencia eyes Vorpal. "'Spare'? Well...we have one or two. And of course, the de Windia warstrider. The Durants inherited quite a bit of de Windia's resources after that house fell -- but they were very easily persuaded letting me use it in defense of the country. Which of course, this will be."
<b>Alexander:</b> "So... I assume we have our alliance sealed? That we will help one another, with all the power and might we can muster?" He asks, finally getting some wine to drink. A little bit of confidence rushed in with it.
The chalice touched the table again, and a crystalline sound ran across the room, and as he spoke his voice was slightly... different. Older. "Are we together again, to cleanse our lands from the filth of the Underworld?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Now Vorpal <i>smiles</i>, revealing her white teeth in what could be interpreted as malicious delight. "We'll take a look at that Strider later", she says, her voice silken and sweet.
Suddenly she falls silent, however, as Alex's voice gains an odd tone.
<i>And there it is again.</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Valencia stops in the middle of formulating a reply, looking very intensely at Alex after he says that. Not with any visible concentration, but any of them can almost feel her will focused on the boy. After a long moment, she speaks again. "It will not be easy, Alexander. You had better hope the Dark Angel and her friend manage to whittle down one or two more of their deathknights before we go in."
"I do have one condition, however." She turns to Vorpal and Cael. "Those troops are Winlandian troops, and the same with the artifacts. They will remain loyal to Windia, not be swayed to align with you beyond their time of loan. There is to be no magic used on them, or raising of their corpses."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Worry not", Vorpal reassures the Lunar. "I know my own repuation, but I take a good care of the men and women I command."
<i>No matter how it might sometimes seem</i>, she adds idly and throws a sideways glance in Alex's direction.
"Besides, I do not use necromancy."
<b>Alexander:</b> "I have no illusions about their power, <i>milady</i>..." It sounds strange as he says that. So intimate. Almost a profession of ownership. "I saw the enemy. I saw as another chosen of the sun fell for the lady of the red hair, the same that.."
<i>killed my mother...</i>
His voice wavers once again, it is Alex's. "I saw the Disciple moving like Ivory light... I saw that dark statue be hit by one like you, with a blow that shook the ground, I saw the Dark Angel throwing waves of chaos over him... and it did nothing."
"I have no illusions, milady Silverstar... but that is something we have to do. We have to."
<b>Cael:</b> "They will remain windian troops. While I do have something of a reputation for being a pirate ... well, Legion's worth of troops is a little more than I would want to steal."
<i>It would be interesting to try and pull off, though ...</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Some of us may even perish in the attempt." Valencia shrugs at her own words, a small motion, and directs another intent glance at Alex before continuing. For a Full-Moon, it was a fact of life that such things could happen. Even a 'civilized' one like her.
<b>Alexander:</b> "So, what do we do now?"
Knowledge flows again, and for a moment, he is a leader. "I imagine the Pale Angel is going to check on those troops, and this warstrider. We have to see exactly how many the Zephyr can handle, as well. Be wary that it goes both ways, milady Silverstar - if you try to take the Zephyr, you will lose both it and us."
"How long until you think they are all ready to take field, on a trip all the way to Whiteshield? We still need to properly coordinate it with our companions, but..."
A moment passes.
He sits down again, and wonders why people are looking at him like that. "Oh, oh.. or... not?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal stares at the young prince for a moment, her eyes reflecting varying degrees of surprise, annoyance and amusement, not necessarily in this order. Finally, however, her lips curl up, and suddenly she throws herself against the backrest of her seat, chuckling loudly. "I really have to stop calling you a boy, Alex. Welcome to the ranks of the warlords!"
After taking a moment to recover from her mirth, she leans forward and adds, more soberly: "Yes, Alex, we shall get to work right away. Cael", she then turns her attentions to the Eclipse Caste Solar. "You know sorcery, don't you? Do you know a spell to create those..." She holds out her hands, waggling her fingers in an imitation of tiny wings. "Messengers?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods. "I can indeed create those." he mimics the pale angel's gesture, with a grin on his face. "Messengers."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Valencia merely raises her eyebrows at Alex this time, a somewhat knowing flicker in deep in her steel grey eyes by now. She yawns, and then looks to the other two. "I would assume you are going to inform your two comrades of the development?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Excellent", Vorpal states. "Both you --" she gestures at Valencia, "-- and the Dark Angel also know it, so we shall have no trouble at communicating with each other, should anything new arise."
She pauses, nodding at the Lunar's suggestion. "And yes, we might want to inform the others of this."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Valencia finishes the last of her wine with a long sip, and rises to her feet, shifting her weapon back toward it's proper place.
"Excellent. I suppose we shall have some supper here, than we can get to the preperations."
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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