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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Fear and Loathing in the Spire ==
A little while later...
It was a room in Spire with comfortable, large couches of gold with vivid red cushions. Glass tables followed a similar pattern, with their crimson sheets over the glass, and the golden lining on on their legs. The pictures were calmer, this time... depicing people, men and Gods, great ministers, generals, holyswords... and gods, Cetari, Levana, Avia, Aryan, a very... interesting depiction of Luna as all and one, and the Sun Himself...
The Prince had called them there after the meeting, to lounge around... and eat. He still felt shivers when he thought the food would end... but still, if it was, no better way to see it go than to part it with his loved ones.
And thus they had pastries and cookies there with them, as well as saltier snacks, together with the wine and the juices of five tyes of fruits.... there to enjoy a little comfort.
"When everyone has their drinks, I would like to propose a toast... but to what?" He smiles as he asks...
And Fiona returns, with the Child of Wyld Days in tow.
"Sorry it took so long, it was a little harder to find hi... her. A little different than most of you remember, right?"
She asks, proud of the taller girl beside her for some reason...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Snow Monkey still slinks, still cowers, not having recovered from her breaking. Thus, she hangs behind Fiona, practically on all fours and looking like a shy puppy hovering around Fiona's ankles than the strong and fierce Child of before. Small she is now, only slightly taller than Fiona and decidedly more wiry and boyish, attire unchanged and expression looking almost ashamed of her present state. "... rrrr..."
''Not in front of all of them... please... ''
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti concentrates on the drinks that her prince had set out for them, filling each one with a little magic, a little fire, just to make the meeting that little more relaxing.
She looks up from her position next to the prince as Fiona enters, with the girl-days beside her and she eyes her warily, despite the fact that Days seems to be more scared of her..
'''Alexander: ''' The prince takes the wine out of his lips, nearly spinning what he had already drank of his glass...
".... Days?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth restrains herself from going to the Fae immediately, though she doesn't hide her concern-- the sometimes unpredictable and wild personalities of the fae often belied a frightening fragility... "What's wrong with her...?" she asks the young Solar concernedly. Elizabeth didn't like seeing women like that-- ever... regardless of the fact that Fae didn't really count.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Hmm." Valencia hmms, looking at the fae after swallowing a bit of salted fish. White Sea fish, nothing from the sea further south. "I don't recall ever seeing a Faerie like that." She observes.
"Are you alright?" She asks Days curiously.
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa nods encouragingly, smiling at Fiona and the... now-female Days. It had taken a while to get used to, but apparently transformations like that were not unusual for fae.
She has bathed and changed since the afternoon's meeting, after her time spent at the clinic; her kimono is a rich crimson, now, shimmering with a regal pattern of chrysanthemum leaves embroidered into the fabric. A dark, dark purple obi encircles her waist, patterned with clusters of thousand-petal chrysanthemum blooms, cinched there underneath the elaborate butterfly knot at her back with a gold obijime. Stiff golden cords draw her long dark hair back from her face in a high ponytail, worked thereafter into a bow resembling the wings of a dragonfly.
The healer does not focus overly much on Days for now, not wanting to exacerbate the fae-girl's nervousness. Quietly, she nibbles on the biscuit in her hand, waiting for the others to become more accustomed to the newcomer.
'''Seventh Moon: '''Well, this was new. The Lunar was about to ask who the kid was and why Fiona had been out looking for her, but the prince answered the question for him. His eyes narrowed as he peered at the girl huddling behind Fiona, trying to see in her the attractive woman he'd first met and muscle bound man Day's had become later. Beyond the colors though, there wasn't damn much of either one.
''Sheeyit... '''rakusha. ''' Least she's got fuckin' breasts again. ''
''Kinda... ''
Either way, this called for a drink. Moon had passed on the wine, but only because he'd brought along his own booze; an anonymous brown jug of beer he'd scavenged out of the larder. He lifted the jug to Days, then swung it towards every woman in the room, offering the toast that the prince had called for.
"Here's ta the ladies," he saluted. "Fuck all if there's enough of 'um in the world."
Hooked over his shoulder, the Lunar tipped his whole body to the side as he drank. Drank long, his throat bulging as he poured the warm drink down.
"Should'a gone with somethin' older, Monkey," he said as he lowered the jug and wiped his mouth clean on the back of his hand. Valencia was right; he'd never seen Days cow like that behind anyone before, no matter what shape she took. Might have just come with the territory though. New look, new attitude? Fuck if he knew how fae worked. "Ya looked better first time 'round."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''New face! Unknown! Can I trust... Alex trusts her... but he trusts the Angel, and she is fair and terrible at the same time. Can I... ''
Monkey has to tense up in order to keep herself to withdrawing sompletely. "No.... no, honored madam, I am not."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona holds each arm of Monkey and pushes the Raksha in front of her, smiling to them all as her face appears at the Monkey's side... "She is just... well, a little unsure of herself. So be nice to her, will you all? She is still as formidable as she has always been... and as dependable when in a crisis. I have seen it!" She nods, confidently, proud.
"And shush, Moon. She looks so cute like this! And she is about this age, my age anyway..."
'''Alexander: ''' Fiona holds each arm of Monkey and pushes the Raksha in front of her, smiling to them all as her face appears at the Monkey's side... "She is just... well, a little unsure of herself. So be nice to her, will you all? She is still as formidable as she has always been... and as dependable when in a crisis. I have seen it!" She nods, confidently, proud. She giggled about Moon's remark of never being enough ladies... even for someone who lives in the Red-Latern? Moon was so fun...
"And shush, Moon!" She says playfully, forgetting to be respectful for a moment, then biting her lip and hoping he thinks she has enough intimacy with him to say something like that... "She looks so ''cute'' like this! And she is about this age, my age anyway..."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona holds each arm of Monkey and pushes the Raksha in front of her, smiling to them all as her face appears at the Monkey's side... "She is just... well, a little unsure of herself. So be nice to her, will you all? She is still as formidable as she has always been... and as dependable when in a crisis. I have seen it!" She nods, confidently, proud. She giggled about Moon's remark of never being enough ladies... even for someone who lives in the Red-Latern? Moon was so fun...
"And shush, Moon!" She says playfully, forgetting to be respectful for a moment, then biting her lip and hoping he thinks she has enough intimacy with him to say something like that... "She looks so ''cute'' like this! And she is about this age, my age anyway..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You should probably keep Selina away from her." Valencia observes once again, looking at Fiona this time. "Really."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona frowns... whispering "Relax, relax." To Days, before thinking more on Valencia's words, bringing a finger to her lips, the chains around her arms tingling. "You... are right. Aine would be so... scary, to her. She has scared me many times, too, and she scared her away even when he was a big she..." Fiona says with her hands in front of her chest to signify the... chest size, then stops, noticing how silly she is being, and blushes embarassedly.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth glanced at Alex, ''"Would that I could keep those two away from '''everyone'''"''
"You think she did this?"
'''Alexander: ''' Under her gaze, Alexander froze... and then tried to disappear a little on his couch.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Moon's version of a toast brings a quiet chuckle to Ryshassa's lips... enough that she nearly chokes on her biscuit, in fact, and takes a long sip of her cider to recover herself.
''Women for you, perhaps, but for me... I would drink to my husband's good health. I do so wish he will be back soon... '' She has become accustomed by now to standing without him, but it still feels so... conspicuous to her, not to have Alexsei by her side.
Not having even seen Days the first time around, Ryshy can only agree with Fiona's sentiment. "She ''does'' look lovely. Though perhaps a change of clothes, later? Something more pretty and feminine..." Ryshassa looks thoroughly excited at the very idea of helping Days with a new look. "Of course, it is really up to you, Days."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I remembered my Valor then... but I knew my limits." It's barely a loud whisper, but she speaks it, crouched on the ground and eyes downcast as she simply tries to will herself to not be the subject of conversation anymore. "The Dark Lady is terrible and alluring, and that appeals to a faerie..." She trails off, scratching nervously at the ground. Somewhere inside her, her Valor claws its way back into health, but far too slowly for it to matter now.
"I apologize for being unlike myself..." She merely looks at Ryshassa, unsure what to say.
'''Fiona: ''' "Days... you did well." Fiona says, then shakes her head to Elizabeth's comment.
"She got like this... broken, she says... after the Dark Angel was away. She got like this trying to save me, and Iselsis..." She looks about a little guiltily... "She seems to have... given too much of herself, or somesuch. I don't... I don't quite understand how it works..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Selina -- the ''Dark Angel'' -- doesn't do things like that, I don't think." Valencia sips some wine, looking at Elizabeth, then Alexander. She eventually settles on Fiona again, noticing Days doesn't enjoy being looked at. "Commendable. Will this wear off?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "In time. But a price must be paid before I am whole again."
She simply nods at that. She is not hungry, not for food or for souls. Right now, she simply wants to disappear, feeling small and pathetic and alien.
"Until them, I am as I am."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I don't think it is Lady Aine at all," Ryshassa adds belatedly, a little bit stubbornly. Her biscuit is done; hmmm... it was good. Absently almost, her slender hands reach for another before drifting away from the table with food, towards where Valencia is seated.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "She don't," Moon answered Valencia and Ryshassa, settling his jug down on his knee and leaning an arm across it. He gave the women a lopsided smile, a little green around the gills suddenly as he recalled just what it was the Dark Angel ''did'' do. "Shit she does ain't nowhere near as pretty, y'know?"
'''Fiona: ''' "... don't remind me." Fiona puts a hand over her mouth, remembering how the Dark Angel rent the people, brought them to her hungry maw... she walks with tingling of chains and the little dream-butterflies trailing behind her, towards one of the seats, close to Kanti, bringing Days with her, "I want to eat something tonight, you know.... and remembering that is just... not good for it."
Then, she sits down, pushes Days down, and pecks a kiss on Kanti's cheek. "Hey, Kanti."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: '''Elizabeth... understands-- probably better than anyone else in the room. Her own sword grace flickers imperceptably in her hand, and she knows this is not a thing that coddling and friendship could help.
Still, she is human. She wishes she could help.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks up to Fiona with a smile, though she has subtly positioned herself such that the solar is between her and the fae, kissing her cheek.
"Hello, Fiona." she says quietly, but warmly
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey sits down, and proceeds to curl up like a cat, displaying a surprisingly amoung of flexibility as she makes herself small. There's little else for her to do, although she does look towards Kanti for a moment... and envies her, for a moment.
The moment passes, and her tail pats against the seat, lazily.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "So, ya wanna come with us darlin'?" Moon asked Days suddenly. He leaned off the couch towards the table and scooped a handful of shiny black olives out of a silver bowl, shifting his jug from his knee to the floor.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Days does not want to be looked at. So Valencia does not look at her. "Maybe she should get better first."
'''Fiona: ''' "I... think it might be better if she is somewhere I can protect her, Moon." Fiona says, holding her hand... "If she gets better, I will send her to meet up with you, if she wants... I can do that sort of thing." The twilight says, a bit smug.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Turning to Valencia conversationally, Ryshassa speaks in somewhat more hushed tones: "Marshall, about what I'd wanted to speak to you of earlier... would this be an appropriate time? It is a small request, really..."
''One I know Alexsei would have wanted me to make... ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Hmm?" Valencia hums curiously, looking at her. "It is ok, really. What is the request?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "She gonna do that sittin' 'round here on her ass?" he shot back, peering out from under his brows at Valencia, then over at Days. Without looking but taking meticulous care not to break them open, Moon began to stick the olives onto the tips of his fingers. "Maybe we can find a cure for what ails her, y'know?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Moon may be right." Elizabeth ventures. "A little adventure might be just what she needs."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "The cure is simple."
Another whisper, barely audible. "My weakness must bring pain, bring suffering, before I can remember my Valor again. This is the way of the raksha's being." She says 'being' like a person would say 'soul'.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Once Ryshassa is assured of having Valencia's attention, she continues onward -- feeling somewhat self-conscious, really, with everyone around, but it would have to do.
''Besides, I have my doubts I could possibly be as frightened as Days seems to be now... poor girl... ''
"Ah, well, it is the matter of needing a bodyguard, actually." Ryshassa's hands fold primly onto her lap as she settles into her seat. "As you know, I am primarily a healer, not a combatant. Without my husband here, I could potentially be more of a liability. It is not that I am without defenses, of course. I can weather a great deal of pain. But I cannot counterattack... so I would be hard pressed to remove, rather than merely endure, a threat."
"So I suppose what I am asking is... whether you might spare a competent soldier from your forces to serve as my protector, at least temporarily."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Always helps ta rub some dirt on it 'n walk shit off," he agreed, popping the last olive onto his finger tip. He held up his hands, examining the row of ten black hats that crowned his fingers, then wiggled them at each other. Olive brawl! Loser will be consumed!
"What the fuck thats supposed ta mean?" he looked back up at Days, though his fingers continued to flail at one another. "Ya gotta go hurt folk ta feel better?"
'''Fiona: ''' "Well... if you want to go, Days... I can see about going with you." Fiona nods, smiling at Days...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "The Virtues for us... they're a thin wall between us and madness. When depleted, the madness seeps out. For Valor, it is Meekness, cowardice, weakness." She takes a breath. "Don't you think I hate this? I... I am a pathetic, mewling little coward. And I hate it. I hate it so much..." She trails off, curling up a little more in obvious unease.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "I could, yes." Valencia replies with a nod, crossing one leg over the other and reaching for some sausage. "Though...I would have to find someone suitable."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona holds the Child, craddling her on her hands... wondering if this was not a mistake...
To bring her there, amidst everyone. Seemed like a good idea at the time...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Of course," Ryshassa says with a nod, after swallowing another bite of her biscuit. "I will leave that judgment up to you. I am unsure how long Alexsei will be away... but whomever you choose will be well-cared for. That is my job after all." She smiles faintly, her eyes drifting towards Days briefly. Wishing, as she often does in futility, that she can give to her the strength she needs.
But to inflict pain in order to give strength? The mere concept of that brings a shiver to Ryshassa's spine.
'''Cael: ''' It's just a moment after Ryshassa asks her question that Cael sweeps into the room, the edge of his white greatcoat gleaming in the light of the room, the shirt below black and apparently unpatterned, his fingers subtly decorated with a number of rings.
His smile is sunlight to the assembled people there, though there is something different about him too, something Dorian and Clouds can detect at least, if no one else can.
"Greetings, all." He says with a warm voice.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' An olive flipped off one of Moon's fingers, spinning high into the air before it plummeted down into his waiting mouth.
"A'ite," he chewed, leaning back against the couch as he swallowed down the first victim of the battle. The other nine were still engaged desperately before him. He was watching Days though, not unaware that he was damn near the only one in the room doing that. She was worried about being meek. What the hell good did coddling her about that do? "So, we make ya get over it. Just sounds like the shivers ta me. Plenty'a shit can call for bein' brave where we're goin'. Sides, can't leave ya behind anyway. Ya still gotta teach me ta read that scribbly old shit Opal was messin' with, y'know?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Cael!" Ryshassa rises back to her feet. A little too quickly, almost. Fortunately her cider was almost done or she might have spilled it.
"You've returned," she says, pleased, stepping forward to greet him. "How did things fare in Great Forks? And... and the others..." She is sure he had not brought Alexsei back with him. She would sense him if that were the case. "The Angels? Everything went as planned?"
She realizes belatedly she is asking entirely too many questions at once. Not to mention drawing attention to herself... she steps a half-step back, hastily, so that everyone else might greet him properly as well.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Mmmmm," is Days' only reply, although she does look at Moon for a moment, feeling even more pathetic than before. ''It's not that simple, Hellhound. It is not that simple... ''
'''Alexander: ''' "''Cael! ''"
Now they got great news!
The Prince gets up from where he was 'hiding', for a moment Days' woes forgotten, that thing he was not sure he could help with... and rushes towards the Windwraith, holding the man on a tight hug. "I missed you! How have you been? Are they safe and sound? You will not believe the sort of thing that happened with us here!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon was grinned at the fae when Cael came through the door. He twisted around and pulled back slightly in surprise, having not actually been expecting the sky-trotting Solar to be back ''that'' soon. But he kept the grin on his lips and tilted his chin back in greeting. Maybe not as enthusiastic a greeting as he was getting from the prince and Ryshassa, but hell, he hardly knew the guy. Couldn't really expect him to go groping a fellow ''that'' fuckin' fast.
"On watch," he called, flicking his finger towards the Solar. Another olive slipped loose and tumbled through the air, over Alex's head and towards Cael's smiling face. "Soon as ya done bein' popular, we got us shit ta talk 'bout man."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' ''Cael... Cael... where have I heard that name before? ''
''Oh, right. ''
''Crap. ''
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona smiles at the Windwraith's entrance, getting up, happy that he is back... and that means Millia was safe! Her friend... and Cedric... she reminded all the times she had played with the little prince, then. To create azure birds to run after things for him... those good times. Her ears fickled as she reminded that...
With that smile on her face, she let go of Days' and Kanti's hands and got up, ears perking up, tail swishing about, walking towards the Windwraith... "Welcome back, Cael! Is Millia alright? And Cedric? And Anne? Did everything go well?"
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, Ryshassa, it seems you missed me... ''
And then, as he's formulating his reply, he's hit by a young whiteshieldian prince, travelling at high speed, hugging him as he replies to Ryshassa.
"Hello, Ryshassa. You look wonderful in the Crysanthamum's today." His eyes briefly taking in her form. "Everything ended up as intended at least, yes," he says, the way he words it perhaps slightly strange. "The Angels and the star-touched were both in good health when I left them, as was your brother, Alex."
He glances about the room then, as Moon speaks, nodding to the man, his face betraying some curiousity, though not voicing it.
His face takes on just a slightly darker cast as he sees Elizabeth there, and wearing Ainerach. "I see that you have arrived, Princess Elizabeth. Welcome." His tone none-the-less perfectly polite and warm for the princess.
"Ah, Fiona, thank you. The ears, they definately suit you." He says with a smile. "Though they're also something Millia now shares with you."
'''Fiona: ''' "T... thank you." She blushes, trying to hide herself a bit... still not used to those ears, to those features. She was told they were cute... but she still felt like a freak. "Millia? She was... she was also..." her face shifts, bcoming concerned, afraid... "But... you said she was alright..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Cael." Valencia had said as a quiet greeting back when he entered, though most people probably didn't hear. Since then, she has been eating some of the food.
''May as well enjoy it before it's gone...or most of it is. ''
"That is good to hear."
'''Alexander: ''' "Great! Oh, Cael, I want to introduce you to my sister, she has come to the Great Forks, El..." He stops, as the Windwraith adresses her, feeling a little cross that he could recognize her... "... you know? Well, sorry if she was not there... I had no idea that... well, Cedric was not very...disappointed, was he?"
''Millia? '' He turns, just as concerned... "Millia? She was attacked... you were attacked by Virdynn too?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Whatever Elizabeth was expecting, that certainly wasn't it...
''He's going to kill me and wants to do it alone... Well... okay, I can live with that. ''
"Cedric is alright? That's good to hear..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "T-thank you..." Cael is one of the few besides her own husband that really paid attention to her manner of dress. Kanti too... but Kanti didn't make her so... flustered, sometimes.
Surely it was nothing -- just the sort of flush any proper woman would get from a genuine compliment!
"I hope we will have some time to continue our lessons, while you are here," Ryshassa says enthusiastically. "Anyway, it is good that you and the Angels are safe. And Anne, Prince Cedric and Millia settled in their new home."
The mention of Millia sharing catlike traits with Fiona has not escaped her attention either.<br> ''Those Virdynn seem to be everywhere... ''
'''Kanti: ''' "Welcome back, Lord Pattona." Kanti says quietly from beside Days, from a pile of cushions near where Alex had sprung from.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''They aren't focused on me. I'm invisible to them. Finally, I can just... vanish. ''
And thus Monkey remains there, curled up and willing herself to remain out of the sight and minds of others, knowing that somehow she was bothering them, offending them. They had to know of what had been... they had to know.
'''Cael: ''' "She is, except for her ears and tail." He says, picking up a glass of wine. "And that will hardly affect her over much in Great Forks." He says smoothly.
"She was possessed by a Virdynn, though I talked her out of her." He says with a smile, a few words so much easier than the ritual.
"Prince Cedric is well, yes, Princess Elizabeth. He was not disappointed at your absence, at least after a short while. There were ''other'' things that distracted him from that." The slight emphasis on the word 'other' quite probably directed towards Elizabeth.
"And hello, Kanti." He smiles to the kneeling girl.
'''Alexander: ''' He sighs in relief about Millia, just as Fiona does. To know Millia is alright... matters so much to them. She was like a sister to them both... and just knowing she was alive and well, that she had survived the ordeal, made them sigh with relief. And to Alexander... the thought of Millia with the feline geatures was not bad at all. But then, something makes him turn from his relaxation...
"Other things? ''What'' sorts of other things, Cael? What happened there?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "I... want to hear all about it, Cael. Perhaps you could join me later--" she glances at Alex--
'''Alexander: ''' "No, wait. If he has something to say, he will tell us now!"
"I want to hear about it too!"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Now now, that is not polite, Elizabeth." Valencia admonishes from her chair. Not even bothering to get up -- she doesn't want to see another sibling fight.
''It is bad enough the other two will be screaming at each other once again when they are reunited. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa raises her eyebrows, noticing the distrust implied in Cael's tone, the defensiveness in Liz's... and Alex, wanting everything out in the open.
"But... the lessons...?" she says almost plaintively, looking from Cael and then to the Prince and Princess. Or...well, no. Alex is still a Prince, even without his... tool.
''I will just have to ask him later. Insistently. ''
'''Cael: ''' Cael glances between the pair, before looking across to Ryshassa.
"Forgive me, Ryshassa. Yes, I will be hear long enough to teach both you and my other pupils at least one lesson. We should talk about this in perhaps just a short while."
He gives Alex a look of mild reproach. Making demands of that nature was hardly appropriate. "It seems that the dayshield was a little upset with certain events surrounding the Princess' precipitous departure from the city. Though I never did find out just what had happened."
''I, for example, have no idea how  long you spent watching him being abused, Elizabeth. ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth did not believe ''that'' for a second-- which meant she owed him for covering for her... Still, it was only delaying the inevitable.
'''Alexander: ''' Alex takes a step back under his glance... yes. He had broken all etiquette just now. But he was ''curious! '' ... and it was still no excuse. Royals did not wash their laundry in public. In fact, they did not do it if at all possible. So he sighed, and asked most carefully... "You forgot to warn Dayshield, sis...? We should not get such an important goddess unhappy. She must be sad enough for her sister's death here..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Bit'a that shit goin' 'round her return ta ''here'' too," the Lunar muttered, though mostly to himself.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Elizabeth is odd, Valencia admits to herself. And precisely what she has been doing is not all that clear, either. As impolite as prying would be, the Lunar has to admit that she wouldn't mind finding out. Especially since the Princess Royal of Whiteshield seems to have her fingers in so many pies.
''But I need not do so. ''
While not a player of courtly games, Valencia does know them well.
''Selina will be curious and do the awkward questioning for us all. ''
A weary thought comes to her mind. ''Because she is just the type of person to go prying openly without a care for what anyone thinks. ''
She can wait. As long as there is no blood involved, at least.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizbeth coughs, not wanting to answer Alex-- but not wanting to lie either-- especially since he ''would'' find out later one way or another. "The situation was something of a... mutual diplomatic failure with Daedrin-- my fiance... All things considered, it's good I left."
''It was mutual allright-- he killed me and I killed him back. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "You fought with Dayshield's heir? Oh..."
"And we could use the Forks' help too. This is so.. unfortunate."
''Does this mean you will be staying, now? '' His eyes seem to ask. It is the only question on his mind... a thought that would have made him so happy just a few days ago. So, so happy... but now... he was not so sure. Not after all she took from him, even if he understood ''why'', even if he was surehe would thank her later... it still made him uneasy.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia listens to that...and giggles. Loudly. She takes a sip of her wine and a bite of the sausage, chews, swallows, and giggles again. "Oh my."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth shakes her head slowly, "Some things cannot be helped, Alex."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa has remained silent, listening to the royals and Valencia. It is... not really her business. Though from what she can surmise, Elizabeth was away due to being betrothed to the son of this Dayshield, in Great Forks. Her return meant that the betrothal soured somehow.
''Just'' how sour, it remained to be seen... but from what she knows Elizabeth can do, it must mean something...
... ''terribly'' disfiguring.
It almost makes her want to muster the magic to ask of it properly, but at this point it would only be gossip, for her.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon had no idea what any of them were talking about. He got the general gist of it, that was easy enough to pick up on: princess peaches had been somewhere far away to marry some poor dumb bastard and had fucked up somehow, so now she was back here. Hoo-fuckin'-ray.
He let the others talk without comment though, taking the chance instead to steal a serving platter and start piling on the better foods that the prince had laid out. Hell, if they weren't going to have shit like this to eat for a while, he'd be damned if he wasn't going to enjoy it while he could!
'''Alexander: ''' "Still, Liz..." He starts, but then stops. No need to do laundry in front of them...
So, the prince just shrugs.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' The Lunar takes her eyes off of the others and looks at Moon. The look swiftly becomes a full fledged glare as she takes another article of food.
'''????: ''' "Yes, it ''could'' be helped!!!"
Comes the voice from the balcony, as its doors slam open.
A female voice, oddly familiar, as she stands there, a figure cloaked in a heavy coat of white and silver, hood hanging low over her face, obscuring all but the girl's lips... and the great white wings on her back. Her voice is angry, judgemental.
Elizabeth can just feel her eyes... burning on her skin "But we know why it was not, right?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth blinked, then blinked again. Unfortunately, she'd run out of predetermined catastrophies tonight, so all she had was a simple dumbfounded "Wha...?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "...Anyway... Thank you, Cael. I... didn't mean to be pushy about it. But I've studied since you've been gone, it would be a shame to let that go to waste..."
The unexpected arrival of the winged woman in white and silver cuts her off, though. She blinks, thoroughly surprised, but waits for the royals to respond first.
Perhaps someone they know...
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Watching as something he was getting ready to reach for vanished, Moon followed the offending hand up to Valencia's face. He glared back, his hand darting down to sweep an entire pile of little pastries onto his platter.
Competition over the grub might have spiraled out of control from there, no one could be certain. More pressing matters imposed themselves rather loudly on the room.
Moon's plate was on the ground and the Lunar to his feet the moment the un familiar voice rang out through the room.
"A'ite darlin'," he growled, hunched wary and ready to spring even as he started shifting into a better position, pushing the table out of his way with a sweep of his leg. "Nothin' personal, but somebody better be tellin' me who the fuck ya are and that that ya were invited or else you're gonna be goin' right the fuck back out that door the hard way..."
'''????: ''' "Who I am?" She smiled, walking into the room, the wind howling behind her...
And then, she drops her hood. Showing the face of a princess.<br>
With silver hair.<br>
With amethyst eyes.<br>
A face that is already in front of them.
"I am Elizabeth Holysword, that is who I am. Unlike that '''imposter'''!"
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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