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== Conflict of Interests ==
Laken Knute is a very wealthy and powerful nobleman from the Linowan nation. Those of Linowan become nobles not by birth, but by deeds. Shamanistic mask crafted for him over his deeds... he hunted Haltans and promoted Linowan, in his youth, but, four years ago, retired from the hunt and military to become a merchant. A very, very successful one. Not a wonder, when one finds out that, at some point in time, the man had become a Solar anathema.
One that did his part in the shadows, and for himself. One that all of Linowan who really wanted to know of, did. And of course, that would call for unwanted attention...
The Grave Dragoness was called to the meadows of Linowan, to take care of the matter. Hired by the Immaculate Order to operate in a place where they by right cannot. Allied with the Realm, especially against their enemies in the Redwoods, the Haltans, the Linowan do not believe in the Immaculate Phylosophy, worshipping the Sun and the Maidens instead... staunch allies of the Realm, and yet, a perfect place for Anathema to hide. And that is why the have to use deniable agents... like Selina Miriana De Windia.
Alexsei Krauser was called by the Gold Faction. A Solar had been running around for too long alone, with contacts and an ability to lay low that are definetly... interesting. All the way from Gethamane, now closer to Sijan... and old times. On the Northeast he is, with his wife, to meet this Solar and offer him their backing...
The moment, a party. The right moment to sneak into a Solar's confidence. A great party for the merchants, on the fall of the Realm Year 767. One year before Angels begin their Dance. Lord's Knute manor is a great place, with many waterways around his property, small brooks with small, but cute bridges around them. A great garden... a hedge mazes, two redwood gazebos... countless lanterns in the shape of apples lighting the garden for the party. Invite-only, but they had the invitations.
And there you stand, at the gates of such a party, two large men of dusky complexions with arms crossed at the door of the property... the three arrive at once, invites taken, then shown in by a tall, beautiful man, warm smile, dusky skin and hair the color of autumn leaves... "Welcome to our great lord Knute's celebration for another bountyful year, and for his noble's day! Is there anything I can do for you, ladies and gentleman?"
*Ryshassa inclines her head courteously at the man's gracious introduction. The motion sends wisps of hair sweeping forward from the sides of her face, the glittering gems -- some more than just gems, though who would know? -- at her temples, ears and throat catching in the light. She has, for the occasion, eschewed her typical robes for an elegant gown of draped lavender silk embellished with gold-embroidered highlights at the hems and high waist, her hand tucked smartly in the crook of her husband's proffered arm.<br><br>"Thank you kindly for receiving us, sir. I have been long in colder climes... it is wonderful to be closer to the warmth and lushness of spring." She looks to Alexsei questioningly, whose eyes have taken a thoughtful, somewhat distant look to them, as if distracted by an errant thought. "I myself would love to view the gardens... they are truly magnificent and awe-inspiring to eyes that have seen so much of sleet and snow. Perhaps partake of some refreshment as well, but... do you have any preferences, beloved?"
*Alexsei smiles courteously at the man's polite invitation. Almost reflectively, he brushes the silk of his ceremonial robe, one he has donned especially for the occasion - a long, black robe embroidered in purple at the hems, with delivate silver threads dancing around the edges. On his shoulders rest a heavy mantle of black velvet, trimmed in violet and depicting the image of a stylized crow. A garment he hasn't worn since the Convention of Wood... Since Sijan.<br><br>His mind wanders for a split second, but the noise of the people standing in line at the gates of the great manor quickly call him back to reality. He gazes at his lovely wife, her eyes fixed on him questioningly. "Why, yes, of course, dearest. The gardes seem like an excellent idea." Smiling warmly, Alexsei turn his gaze to the man that greeted them. "Please, kind sir, if you could indecate the way to the gardens, and the refreshments, if that is not too much of a hassle." The priest bows respectfully, ficxing the man with an amiable stare.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She takes a moment to pause at the gate, looking over the manse before her and all its verdant grounds, especially the waterways, glimpsed once or twice over a year ago when she was up this way last. It was interesting how places could change such. Hopefully no one would remember her eyes.
''When I was after Spring Gust. When he passed through this place. ''
And then pats down the wisps of hair trying to escape the bun at the back of her head, dyed black tinged with a slight purple -- to match deep evening. Her long tresses reached their end much quicker with some of their length bound up thus, cascading past the roots of her now off-red wings. Magical dye was such a useful thing sometimes. Her cream and light blue-trimmed gown was heavier than she was used to, in order to guard against the bite of fall's brisk winds. It reached to the neck, exposing no bosom at all (nor any of her back), and the layers of skirts and petticoats underneath did, she admitted, conceal her other weapons well. The great emerald at her throat threw the light from the sun back in a thousand glittering shards, resplendant in its setting of argent and jade collar. Dreamshard hung at her side, for all the world to see. It wasn't uncommon for the upper class to wear weapons openly, if they were at all elegent. Especially if they were, or had been, warriors in any capacity. She knew from experience how boundless noble arrogance could go. It proved a useful cover.
"Not at the present, thank you." Selina demures with a slight nod of the head. "I am simply still getting used to the air -- Centak is warmer at this time of year."
''And not so close to Red Ice. ''
'''Servant: ''' The man, every movement making little bells chime on his exotic outfit, nods to them, his hand waving at the path behind him... a path of cobblestones, lit by so many apple-shaped lights, snaking down to his house proper, and the garden around it... the deciduous woods covering most of the view, but you can see the garden down... and the countless lights, and even the mixed, faint voices of the party below. "Just follow the trail, lord and ladies, and at the end, you shall meet the garden. Pehaps find a place in a gazebo when you are tired of social interaction... or maybe play in the hedge maze." His eyes glisten in an invitation to romance in those nights of fall... "When you come down there, you shall see easily about the refreshments... lord Laken spared no expenses, so you will probably have anything you can possibly desire, there. Especially if it is to warm your bodies."
'''Ryshassa: ''' As their other companion -- for the moment, it seems -- raises her voice, Ryshassa allows her gaze to slide cautiously in her direction. Even before they had reached the gates she had noticed this one... her regal bearing, exotically dyed hair and layers of exquisite silk and petticoats that made her gown seem plain in comparison. The wings intrigue her most, of course -- but it would not do for her to stare. Instead she dips her head slightly in polite acknowledgment of the other woman, and returns her gaze to the man who greeted them, nodding at his directions.
"We will do just that, then, if you will excuse us," she murmurs, her eyes momentarily downcast. Of course, in thoughts, she has far from forgotten the true purpose of she and her husband have come to this place. But it is Alexsei's duty that called them there; she merely accompanies him, for in all things she wishes to remain by his side, where she can aid him
'''Alexsei: ''' As the lady accompanying them speaks, Alexsei turns his head to her, trying to hide his surprise. Lost in his thoughts, he had not yet taken the time to take in those surrounding them. He bows his head to her, smiling softly at the regal woman. The wings on her back seem fascinating to him - he had heard about the winged ones from the north, but had yet to meet one himself. Fortunately, the man at the gate speaks up, keeping Alexsei from looking at the wings with interest and thus preventing a possible social blunder.
He acknowledges the young man's polite direction with a grateful nod. With one more bow of his head in the direction of their companion, Alexsei heads down through the gate, Ryshassa still holding on to his arm. The Chosen of endings closes his eyes, and shaking his head softly.
''Too much on my mind. I have to focus, this is not like me to fumble the factions's missions... ''
He takes a deep breath, and his smile is back once more. ''Thinking of the past at least has one advantage... Sijan was a mess... Better be prepared this time around. ''
Silently, Alexsei taps into the threads of Destiny, sharpening his senses to be ready for any trouble ahead.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Hmmm. ''
She notices one of the other guests glancing at her again -- a few had already, though. Most of them seem decent enough to spend the evening talking to. Of course...she hadn't talked to many yet. None at all, really. Windians tended to be aloof to a degree with those would could not fly, that was expected of her. She could afford to mix business and pleasure a bit tonight, though.
Foregoing her dive into the Trance for a few minutes, the assassin moves over to that woman who'd glanced at her, and her companion. "Excuse my intrusion, my lady." She says idly, turquoise eyes a bit curious. "But you and your companion hail from the north?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Somewhat taken aback by the winged lady's regard of her, Ryshassa manages to hide her surprise -- besides a brief flush of her cheeks, a difficult feat to conceal with skin so lily-pale -- and meets her curious gaze with a smile. "Yes, that is right," she replies affirmatively, willing herself to keep her chin up. After all, they are both invited guests at the same party; she should feel no need for inferiority now, as a grown woman with a respectable business of her own. "We are from Gethamane in the north, where I have based my trade as a healer. It is a cold, harsh environment, for certain, but it makes my work all the more rewarding, for my skills are in great need there."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Wings perking up a bit behind her as she absorbs the information, Selina responds, somewhat slowly at first. "Mmm, Gethamane? Interesting. I imagine it gets tiresome dealing with the sort who enjoy the tunnels, yes?" Moving her gaze to the landscape around them for a moment, especially the manse, Selina takes a deep breath of the brisk autumn air, thanking providence that she isn't wearing something more scanty, and closes her eyes.
Diving into the Trance takes but a few seconds, and she exhales as she comes out of it, looking back to the woman, tone as idle as before. The streams and eddies of essence about them fill the night with a soft radiance visible only to herself, or any other who possess essence sight. "I am from Centak, though I maintain residence in Nexus as well. Shipping firms can be so bothersome at times. If it pleases you, may I ask your name?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles in a friendly manner at the gracious tone of her question, her face and stance relaxing visibly. "Of course. My name is Ryshassa Krauser. It is truly a pleasure to meet you, and I am sure my dear husband Alexsei feels the same..." She squeezes his arm slightly, just enough to spark his attention without seeming overly... clingy. "To whom do we have the pleasure of speaking to?" she asks politely in return.
* Alexsei smiles warmly at the lady, bowing slightly in a gesture of respect. "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you milady. I am Alexsei Krauser, at your service." He nods slightly, his violet eyes shimmering slightly.<br><br>"Perhaps you would like to accomplany us to the gardens, milady ? We would love, the company, I assure you. Me and my wife do not know many people in this region, so having someone to converse with is a blessing, really." Absent-mindedly adjusting his spectacles, he nods towards the woman, smiling amiably.
* Ryshassa nods in obvious agreement, taking a deep breath of the crisp autumn air before speaking again. Compared to the bone-chilling winds and below freezing temperatures she has grown used to, the breeze is still warm enough to be soothing, even in the light fabric she now wears. "That would be wonderful. I am not much used to gatherings such as these... as you may well imagine, Gethamane is not a choice environment for the social elite. But to enjoy such greenery and beauty -- it is a joy to be able to share it with others, no matter what our origins..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "A pleasure for me as well." Selina responds. "Ausra Deveikas, scion of the Realm. Well, not quite, but..." She trails off, then shrugs and resumes the conversation with a slight smile. "Indeed, it would be a delight to walk these grounds with some fellow guests. An evening like this is a bit brisk to be out alone in."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Then let us be off," Ryshassa pronounces, taking the first step down the lantern-garlanded trail towards the gardens -- and the other guests therein. Even in late evening, with the sun long past descended from the horizon, she seems as a flower long starved for the fertile, temperate environs in which she most thrives. An uncommon eagerness drives her near dancing footsteps, urging her husband along the path with her, and their winged companion -- Ausra -- close beside.
'''Servant: ''' And they come down to the gardens... the great Manse looming over them, a row of stairs thrice Selina's height to get to its door, suntuous as a palace. On the garden, on the light of so many apple-shaped lamps... the party. Redwood sculptures fill the place, depicting many spirits of the woods, and the maidens, although in a take of them that is... hardly religious. Despite being made of redwood, they are works of art that look smooth and realistic, curvy, even.
The garden is filled with people - many groups, talking, laughing.... many servants walking around with plates on their hands, filled with glasses, refreshments for all who want it. A great table, one that would fill most of many a household's living room, holds the food - many plates of salads, exotic cheeses and many combinations of them, as well as steaming great birds and other meats... more being roasted by servants on a little rocky oven close by, taking requests. Over the table, a sculpture in Redwood of Venus, languid and beautiful.
As they get there, another servant approaches, "Your invitations, please? I am sorry for any inconvenience, but many would jump our wall to get here.. and we can not have any trespassers, now, can we?"
He checks the invitations, "Do you wish for anything, lord and ladies? I can place the requests for you, to be delivered anywhere on the garden as you wish to stay... most of the tables are already taken, though... if you wish me to search for a good one for you, ladies and lord, I am at your service."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Of course not." Selina replies to the servant, producing her invitation for the man with raised eyebrows, as if surprised that anyone would consider ''her'' a ''trespasser''. "That would never do."
Pursing her lips as she looks over the tables, the Windian shrugs slightly -- her wings with her -- and looks back to the servant. "One of the tables away from the press will do for me, I expect."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's eyes, and indeed her whole senses, take in the immediate surroundings -- the merrily conversing guests, the fanciful decor and bountiful food, the artfully shaped and cultivated greenery seeming to combine in her regard into a living, throbbing entity of warmth and life. She smiles and nods at the servant, her invitation at the ready, and glances up at her husband. "Any table would do, for me, though having some space to breathe and relax would certainly be nice -- if you do not mind our continued company, of course, lady Ausra."
'''Servant: ''' "Far away? Why, it does seem like you all. I would not have taken you for one to hide, gracious lady, but I do see the other tend to prefer the back of a crowd. May I suggest one of the gazebos? We have little tables on them, and I do think the western one is mostly empty!"
"Now, now, what would you like for food and drinks?"
'''Alexsei: ''' Taking a moment to observe the surroundings, and making a mental mark of the location of the main points of interest, Alexsei nods his agreement to Ryshassa's statement. "Oh yes, any table will do for me also, provided it is not too close to the... buzzing."
Smiling at Ryshassa, he then turns his gaze to the lady accompanying them. "I believe that means the choice is yours, lady Ausra, as long as you don't mind our presence."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Food?" Ryshassa tilts her head slightly, considering but a split second before she replies, her eyes sparkling delightfully. "I would very much enjoy your freshest of fruits and nuts, perhaps a salad for repast... You would not believe how difficult it is to procure such items in Gethamane, and certainly not in as fresh a state as they must come here!" The last she addresses more to Ausra, as the three of them begin to take their seats.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Normally I do not, but tonight I feel the need for some relative quiet. The gazebo it is." Selina replies, glancing to the large table. She didn't get to eat this well in inns, well,not most of them. And certainly not on the way north.
''Of course, at home... ''
"A salad, good sir, with some cheese and...river dragon, should there happen to be any. Rare, if you please." She wasn't lying, of course: she was half-Dynastic exalt. And river dragon was something she, like so many others, found to be immensely satisfying.
'''Alexsei: ''' "Fresh fruits and would indeed be a treat," Alexsei replies softly. "It has been a while since we could have access to fresh ones. If I could get some like some cheese, also...As for a drink... hmmm. Well a cup of tea would be greatly appreciated, if possible."
'''Servant: ''' "So, two salads, as many fruits and nuts as I can get... the north has been harsh on you, haven't it, m'lord and lady?" He winks, "Cheese, and rare meat. Of course we have River Dragon.. in fact, our good host hunted it himself, while coming back from one of his bussiness. He is still a little bit of a hunter, he is!"
"Tea, Red Wine... and for you, lady of Gethamane?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh, water would be fine... or perhaps juice? A lovely glass of field berry juice would be wonderful, if you could." She laughs melodiously, recalling the servant's off-hand comment. "You are right... we do not realize how much we are missing until we emerge out of our... cave," she quips lightly.
'''Servant: ''' "Then enjoy your time here in Rubylak as much as you can, lady of the mountain. I will make sure to spice your food and send more than you can take with it, so you still have the taste in your mouth when you return to you cave!" He says, looking behind them, seeing no new guests are coming, and then clapping his hands together, "You may go now. I will be sure to providence that all gets to you!"
*Alexsei Smiling softly, Alexsei nods to the generosity of the servant, delighted at the prospect of fresh food. With a swift motion of his arm, he gestures towards the table and chairs of the gazebo, then look back at his companions.<br><br>"Shall we, ladies ?" he offers, pulling aside so that they can choose a seat.
*... and better than the man had hoped, they are alone, there. The sound of the small brooks, the waterways of the garden, sounding relaxingly to their ears, the winds of fall on the leaves of the trees... isolating all the chatter away, leaving them only by themselves, there, so see the shadows in the firelights in the distance... the chirping of bugs and the fireflies. A moment of peace.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''I wonder when the good lord will appear. '' Selina thinks as she makes her way to the gazebo. ''Should probably deal with him after the party. Although if he knows I'm coming... ''
That had, afterall, happened before.
She takes a seat, the one facing all the bustle and noise from the rest of the garden. Where the lord would likely show up, to eat with his guests.
''I should make sure my food is not poisoned. ''
She would not be pleased if he poisoned his food. Not a bit. It would be a waste of a perfectly good dinner.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Settling herself down in one of the seats under the western gazebo, Ryshassa lets out a contented sigh. "Enjoyment, indeed," she says, a slight smile still gracing her face as her gaze sweeps towards the lady accompaning her and her husband. "What brings you to these parts? The party, of course... but I admit, I do not know overly much about the lord of the manor besides his mercantile accomplishments, which are indeed praiseworthy. Trade, of course, is crucial in a place where we have few natural resources to rely on, such as our home."
'''Alexsei: ''' Setting himself comfortably in one of the seats surrounding the grand table, Alexsei lets out a relieved sigh as his attention focuses to the bustle of people socializing in the gardens proper.
"Indeed, the lord and host is quite a mystery, isn't he ? Of course, his name is known since his mercantile success has been tremendous, but other than that..." Removing his spectacles, he then gently buffs them, his eyes wandering absent-mindedly in the distance. "Of course... There is also word about his succesful millitary service, and his reputation as a seasoned hunter... Quite the character it seems."
Resting the spectacles on the bridge of his nose, Alexsei gives a small nod of approval. "It should be interesting to see what the man is like."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Coming out of her reverie, Selina blinks for a moment, then looks to Ryshassa, wondering what manner of healer she is, in Gethamane. There were many types, as she had discovered. That went through her mind in an instant, though. "Well," She begins, taking a breath of the cool evening air. "My grandfather is interested in learning Lord Knute's interest in shipping his goods down the Silver under his company. It is my understanding that a number of his fellows have suffered...losses, taking their vessels past the Black Chase. We know how to deal with such things, of course."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Without a doubt, if he has been in the business this long." Ryshassa nods approvingly, then lets her eyes wander somewhat to ponder the crowd of socialites and revelers mingling in the garden. ''I suppose if she is here for some specific business, she would prefer some solitude to clear her head. She does command quite a bit of respect, though... as courteous as she is, I do not doubt she can use that blade quite well. ''
'''Alexsei: ''' At the mention of the Sijanese Shadowland, Alexsei turns back from the garden to gaze back at Ausra. "Ah, yes, the Black Chase. A place best avoided... Unless of course, you know how do deal with... what might find in there..."
Smiling at the lady opposite him, he turns his eyes back to the crowd. "I was in that area before, when I was receiving my training as a funeral priest, in Sijan. Many a soul have lost their lives there... Many of them I knew personally. So I understand that one intending to cross the Black Chase while following a trade route would suffer... losses."
For a moment, his mind seem to wander, but it is only fleeting. Removing a strand of black hair from his face, Alexsei turns back to his companions, still smiling.
'''Fate: ''' Suddenly, the Chosen of Endings is aware.
Painfully aware of his lack of awareness.
As Alexsei's senses try to peer into the future... they find nothing. Nothing at all.<br> Something... something seems to be obscuring him. Suddenly, everything shatters.<br>
As if his glasses had, everything blurry, shadowed. <br>
Something blurring his perceptions... something... close?
Very close.
Blood. Blood on her hands, on the woman's hands... blood on the winged woman's hands.<br> Blood covering the party... on her hands.
'''Laken Knute: ''' "I must humbly beg your pardon for the intrusion, honored guests"
Light had flickered and then he had appeared. A sparkle in the darkness; the warm gleam of gold. It is almost as though the gentleman standing adjacent to their tables was a firefly one minute and a man the next. He is a tall man, older than any of them by a great deal, yet still ruggedly handsome and carried with a weight of dignity and pride. Silver-gray hair sweeps back from his face, cut short in a military style, save for a long, serpentine braid worn over his shoulder. Shades of white and pale gold make up most of his simple, fashionable attire. Arms folded neatly behind his back, the man seems to make a circle of light around himself as the glow of the garden lamps reflects off his clothing.
"If you will permit me the honor of an introduction," he smiles at them politely and shifts a foot back as his body dips into a bow. "I am Laken Knute, your host for the evening."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Mmmhmm, and even going up the Silver can result in disasters. The Fields of Woe are another problem, but trade with the Kingdom of Halta is more...sparse." Beginning to get hungry, Selina taps her left-hand fingers on the table.
* Ryshassa rests a hand on Alexsei's arm, stroking it gently -- then finds her attention taken by the approach of the lord of the manor, whose radiant, dignified presence momentarily subdues the hum of laughter-interspersed conversation as he passes through the crowd to meet them. At his polite interjection into their idle chat, Ryshassa rises to her feet and offers him a smooth, short bow in return before settling back into her place at the table.<br><br>"The honor is ours, of course. It is good to meet you in person, my lord -- I am Ryshassa Krauser of Gethamane. And I assure you, I have been enjoying my time here thus far, so far removed from the harsh realities of the northern mountains. You have definitely done well for yourself here in the verdant West."
'''Alexsei: ''' The awareness finally strikes him. A little bit too slow for his tastes, however.
Of course, after the vision, the presence of lady Ausra seems even more... evident. The way she carries herself, the way she exudes confidence... But even a fool can cite the clues leading to a discovery AFTER it has been discovered.
Blood. Blood on her hands, and blood on this reception. But why ? The feeling of danger should not be so... present, unless she was out to threaten them...
''Or their host. ''
The arrival of lord Knute has doen even more to prove Alexsei how his awareness of the future has been lacking. Now, it seemed, all the pieces were in play...
''And the Maidens know how it will end. ''
'''Laken Knute: '''Laken's eyes light up as Ryshassa introduces herself and smile beams through the night.
"Ah, the lady Ryshassa!" he pulls his hands out from behind his back and claps them together in delight, the sudden noise startling several in the near-by crowd who seemed oblivious to his presence until that moment. "My daughter was most insistent that you receive an invitation. She has heard much about you and found it all most fascinating. I am pleased to welcome you in my home."
Lifting a hand scratched with green-inked tattoos to his brow, he dips again in a lower, more formal bow to the healer. As he looks up again, his pale jade eyes twinkle. "The rumors spoke little of your great beauty however, madam healer. I think I should have a long talk with my agents for hiding this detail from me."
Stepping closer to the table, he inclines his head to the other two figures at the table, his gaze lingering on the Windian for a moment. "And please, your companions? Who are they? I fear, perhaps, I am not so readily knowledgeable about many of our guests as I should be," he chuckles softly. "My daughter, dear as she is to me, was a bit... shall we say, over-zealous about to whom we sent invitations. Had I not curbed her enthusiasm, I fear we may have been playing host to half the world tonight."
'''Alexsei: ''' Nodding politely to the lord of the Manse, Alexsei does his best to remain as neutral as possible, now aware of the danger lurking close by.
"Good evening, my lord, and yes, you do have a magnificient property. This party is a big success, it looks like... And we have been treated extremelly cordially since our arrival. I thank you deeply."
Smiling softly, Alexsei tries to remain focused, despite the flow of thoughts cascading in his head. How can he warn the lord to be careful ? Or how can he notify Ryshassa without alerting Ausra ?
''And what is it exactly that the lady wants with him ? ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ausra Deveikas, lately from Centak, my lord." Giving a polite nod, but not rising from her seat quite yet. The curtsy, if she was going to do it, would come later. Selina always made a point of never curtsying more than once to a man she intended to kill.
She made sure to note the essence flows and patterns around him with her essence worked sight.
* Ryshassa blushes demurely at Laken's compliments, even more so because of the attention of nearby guests upon them. "I must admit shamefully that I do not recall your daughter, personally, but my husband Alexsei and I --" she gestures to the man beside her, letting her eyes linger fondly on her beloved for a moment "-- are very grateful to have the opportunity to attend. A... fortunate vacation, if you will."<br><br>"But it does seem you have... quite a full house," the healer remarks with a soft chuckle. "Is your daughter about? I would love the opportunity to meet her again, especially if she has spoken of me so highly!"
'''Alexsei: ''' At the mention of his name, Alexsei blushes slightly. "Oh yes, my lord. Pardon me for my lack of manners. I should have introduced myself some time ago. I am Alexsei Krauser, a funeral priest from Gethamane. We were happy to be able to travel down all this way to be part of this... celebration. I am happy your daughter holds my wife in such high regard... The people from our home have become quite fond of her, it seems."
Still smiling to the host, Alexsei shows his best manners, trying to disregard the tension of the situation.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Alexsei and I do have some matters of which we would like to speak of with you, when the time is right," Ryshassa adds after a moment, smiling as she slides her hand in that of her husband's. "But now is not the time for business. Now if only our food would arrive, it would be a pleasure to relax for some time in your company, Lord Laken."
'''Laken Knute: ''' "Lady Ausra. I am most humbled to have you join us tonight." He returns Selina's nod with an equal measure of politeness, not seeming put off that she failed to rise as Ryshassa did. Though perhaps his forgiveness has something to do with the way his gaze lingers on her for just a moment again...
Lingers, but doesn't stay, turning back to the more talkative Ryshassa. "I am most pleased that you and your husband find the event worthy of your time. I assure you that the evening will prove most entertaining once all of our guests have arrived."
Her question brings a fond grin to his face and he laughs a little again. "My daughter? Ah, she is not quite ready to present herself I fear. You know how young girls can be, I am sure. She will spend more time making ready for her appearance than the party itself may last."
"A funeral priest, is it?" he looks Alexsei over appraisingly, a merry glimmer in his eyes. A black bit of humor, perhaps? A funeral priest wed to a healer? Now really... but the thought so obviously stirring in his gaze goes unspoken in the way of good manners. "Business is slow for you then I hope, master Krauser. Not to slight your profession, but less work you see, the better the state of the world. Is that not true?"
* Alexsei Alexsei chuckles at the remark, nodding his approval to the lord. "Indeed my lord, you are right. I am happier when I am merely asked to bless the hunters before their hunting trips or such more mundane tasks... It is one of those cases when I am happier when my wife gets more work than I do."<br><br>Gazing back fondly at Ryshassa for a moment, he turns his gaze back to the host. "And yes, like Ryshassa said, there are some... matters we would like to discuss with you, when you deem it appropriate, my lord."
* As Selina tries to find something in him, she finds... nothing. No magic is operating on him that she can see.... but, the gardens...<br><br>Geomancy flows in them. A geomantic pattern... a ritual circle. The place is a ritual circle.... arranged neatly for it, the brooks, the gazebos, the right trees... essence flowing around everyone neatlly without anyone even noticing they are standing at a gateway.
'''Servant: ''' ... And then he comes, leaving the plates over the table.... rare River Dragon meat, and salads and nuts and fruits and cheese... so ''much'' of it all! An opulence one would not expect even on this party, together with tea and berry hjuice and red wine... three different tastes for three different styles. Their differences never as stark as when the drinks are poured for them...
"There, hope I did not take too long. Enjoy the encounter with healthy fruits, lady of Gethamane. Enjoy your wine and dragon, oh noblewoman. And you, m'lord Knute, would you care for anything else?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Shush..." Ryshassa plants a gentle kiss on her husband's lips, interrupting any further flow of words about such dry matters. "In time... yes. But we should not be so hasty now, shall we?" She glances from Lakus to Ausra, her brows barely furrowing at the extra glances between them. But soon the food arrives, and Ryshassa's smile widens to a near-grin as her eyes gaze upon the feast of fruits and nuts before her.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Dragon rises up within her at the sight of that meat. Almost, even, overwhelming her business with their gracious host. Of course, she replies to the man. "I am simply fortunate that my luck was such that I was chosen to make the trip, my lord. It could have easily been another."
Suppressing the Dragon, Selina looks about the ground, and into the sky, to give the impression she is taking in the scenary.
''Well well...but this could be for anything. Perhaps he summons demons in his spare time. ''
* ... And all over the drinks, Selina sees... something. There is magic on the drinks. Potent magic. All over the drinks.
'''Laken Knute: ''' The elder man begins to nod slowly, yet pauses as a murmer ripples through the crowd. Glancing back over his shoulder, Laken watches as musicians begin to drift like ghosts out of well hidden corridors in the hedge-maze. Baring instruments stringed and brass and some outright bizarre, the music-makers of the local tribes, they gather into a alcove that stands in the shadow of one of the gardens great trees. Almost vanishing from sight completely, in a moment the air is filled with their festive, engergtic playing and guests begin to clear a dancing circle near the alcove.
"Matters? Business I am sure," he smiles as he turns his attention back to them and nods slowly. "I am certain we can find the time to discuss whatever is your pleasure."
His eyes watch as Selina rises, respectful but intent on her every motion. "Ah, but now, master priest, if you will do an old man a great favor and part with the company of your enchanting companion..." Laken extends forth his palm to Selina invitingly. "My lady dragon, I would be most honored if you would dance with me."
'''Alexsei: ''' At Ryshassa's remark, for a moment Alsexsei's, expression changes, in a desperate attempt to make his wife understand the urgency of the situation.
He then gazes back at the lord, his smile coming back to his lips. "But of course, my lord. But you will have to allow me and Ryshassa to share the pleasure of this dance... We are not so bad at it, if my humbly say so myself." Cocking his head slightly, he gently rubs Ryshassa on the shoulder.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I will, indeed, enjoy myself," Ryshassa beams merrily... faltering slightly, though, as she notices Alexsei's flagging enthusiasm in comparison. She picks up a particularly large peach, bringing it close to her lips -- but wondering when, or if the others will bother to join her.
Her eyebrows raise at the lord's request of Ausra, suddenly filled with the speculative notion that more is transpiring behind the scenes without her knowledge. She glances back to Alexsei, who frowns suddenly, his body oddly tense even as he offers that she join them in their dance. "Of course, that would be wonderful, Alexsei..." she says, somewhat hesitantly as her eyes linger momentarily on her uneaten fruits.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The drinks. What was he trying? And for all of them? No, this wasn't just his possible foreknowledge of her anymore, it was bigger than that.
''He's trying to kill all three of us... ''
"Mmm, very well, my lord Laken." Selina replies, trying to show none of her suspicion at the sight of her drinks. She cannot, of course, eat the food now, either -- it might have something that is not magical on it. It would put her in a bad mood, but there is no room for such things at the moment.
Rising gracefully from her seat, long-sleeves of her gown hiding her arms, Selina leaves her chair out for now. "I am told I am not such a pleasant dancer except concerning the Windian styles."
'''Laken Knute: ''' "You will find, my dear dragoness, that the Linowen are far less stringent judges on matters of dance and festivity than your own people."
Taking the Windian's hand, the merchant-lord puts the finest glow to his cheeks as he moves with her away from the table. Shadow and light, side by side, the crowd parts for them readily as they make their way towards the ring of dancers spinning through the garden. Whispers fly behind silk fans and gossip rolls through the guests. Eyes follow their every step; a wall of shadowy figures and watchful orbs looming on either end of a narrow hall. Liken simply beams and exchanges passing pleasantries with familiar faces as they approach the dancers.
Stopping at the edge of the impromptu dance floor, the elder man steps back and bows to his partner, holding out his arms for her take.
"I am certain, so long as you can keep to the beat, that they will be most forgiving..." his eyes twinkle mischievously. "My feet, however, may be owed an apology by the end of the dance."
'''Alexsei: ''' Gazing at Ryshassa for a moment, Alexsei smiles slightly before turning his attention back to lord Laken and lady Ausra, making certain the elegant couple does not escape his sights.
''This is a lot more complicated than it seemed... '' He muses, before gently sliding Ryshassa's hand in his. When the host and the mysterious lady are a safe distance away, Alexsei drops his smile slightly, shooting a quick glance at Ryshassa. "I am sorry if my behavior has seemed strange, belladonna, but I sensed danger emanating from our lady Ausra... This party might turn into a catastrophe in an instant if we do not find out what is going on... And we cannot afford to leave the host and our mysterious lady alone together... So pardon me if we seem to hurry to the dance floor, beloved."
With a soft, gentle smile, Alexsei nods at Ryshassa, rubbing her hand softly as he leads to the way towards the runaway couple.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa watches the extravagantly dressed pair leave the table -- the very epitome of poise and elegance, but dangerously, deliberately so -- then glances back to Alexsei with an uncertain look in her eyes. At his surreptitious explanation, her questioning gaze becomes more resolute, more -- hardened, though her expression is still gentle and unassuming, as is her trademark. Still, she cannot resist taking a bite or two of the succulent globe of fruit she had snatched up before Alexsei pulls her away to the dance floor with a flourish. Her lips glisten with freshly spilled peach juice as she hesitantly returns his smile and tosses the remnants away, places a trembling, slightly sticky hand on her husband's shoulder.
''And now we dance... oh, I do hope I do not trip him up. '' Together, they follow the opening in crowd in the wake of the dragoness and their radiant host, past incredulous whispers and colorful flashes of silk, and the ever-watchful attention of gossipers' eyes. ''If something terrible happens here, so many people may be hurt -- I must be focused, and put some confidence into every step! ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''So he wants to kill all of us. ''
A pity she could not tell the two at her table. Of course...they could be in on it as well.
Curtsying gracefully, wings half-extending in order to add to movement, Selina comes up with a smile -- not that she feels like smiling at this point anymore -- and takes his arms, moving close. Of course, she'd let him lead. The light blue lace at the end of her fluted sleeves billows a bit in the evening breeze, rather like her mind now. Going everywhere.
''We'll see what else is owed an apology by the end of this dance. ''
'''Laken Knute: ''' The ring of dancers parts easily to allow in another pair, Laken merging them into the spinning circle gracefully. She allows him to lead and he does so with gusto; leading her and the dance alike. His mere presence seems almost a sign for the band to rise the tempo, deep drums joining the lighter winds instruments into a heart, primal beat that shakes up through the earth itself and rattles the dancers senses loose. Feet rise and fall and the world swirls to a blur of featureless faces, pungent smoke, and silken frills. Other dancers begin to fall out of the circle, red-faced and breathless. But Laken's handsome face does not even bare the gleam of sweat as he smiles unwaveringly at the beautiful Windian in his arms.
"A funny thing," he begins conversationally, his voice soft over the music. Against he back, his palm moves slightly. He strokes her wings lightly, a finger tip rubbing back and forth against the roots of her wings. "Black suits you much better, my dear. With all the stigma, one wouldn't think so. It should be intimidating But it does suit you so much better."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "My hair, you mean?" Selina asks conversationally, keeping surprise from her face as her mind races. Turquoise eyes look at the man with slight confusion as she follows his lead in the dance, wishing for more of a breeze as well. "They say this style is behind the times, but wishing to tangle it around my wings is most unseemly."
''He knows then. ''
Her tone turns a bit chiding, softer. "That part of my wings are...off-limits, in most circumstances, I am afraid." Her eyebrows raise as they complete a circle, she keeps the Dragon down, even as it tries to rise. It knows the danger. "Really, touching me like that in front of guests...for shame, Lord Laken."
'''Alexsei: ''' With confident, deliberate steps, Alexsei leads Ryshassa through the crowd, smiling politely and bowing his head at the inwuisitive glances directed in their direction by the curious flock of party guests. As he guides his wife through the maze of silk and fans, he strives to keep up with the radiant lord and his somewhat darker companion.
Closing in on his mark, Alexsei comes to a stop, choosing a spot allowing him to monitor the movements of the flamboyant lord without appearing too different from the other dancers. Closing his eyes for a split second, he concentrates on feeling the web of fate stretching around him, the thousand of intricate strands extending towards their predicted goals... Focusing on these strands, the Chosen of Endings pays close attention to any use of essence that might disrupt their perfect harmony. Nodding imperceptively, he bows to Ryshassa with a smile, chuckling slightly as the orchestra seems to pick up for their dancing lord.
"So, it seems our dear host has chosen to wear out his guests, dearest." He softly whispers to Ryshassa's ear. "I haven't danced like this since the Convention of Wood, but I think I can recall a move or two." He smiles at her, his violet eyes shining slightly,
"Just follow my lead, belladonna."
* Ryshassa feels a flush of mixed embarrassment and excitement brighten her pale cheeks as the music increases dramatically in tempo. Alexsei pauses in their pursuit at the perimeter of the ring of dancers, and they are quickly drawn into the whirlwind of swishing skirts and fancy footwork, of faces shining with sweat and pride -- some couples crushed together with passion in their eyes, others held together by little more than their outstretched hands clasped together, spinning, laughing, smiling. Ryshassa's heart thumps with a rush of adrenaline, locked in a rhythm synchronized with the beat of the drums, as she finds herself swept into her husband's arms, lost in the tenderness and intensity in his gaze.<br><br>"I will follow you anywhere, beloved," she whispers breathlessly, doing her very best simply to hang on as he leads her through moves she had never known he was capable of.
'''Laken Knute: ''' "Allow an old man at least ''some'' fond memories before he dies." Laken continues to smile, nonplused by her chiding tone, but respectfully moves his hand away, leaving behind little more than ruffled feathers and a tiny golden mite among them. His voice betrays nothing more than playful teasing and a faint sorrow as he sighs out the last word. But his eyes are locked to hers with an intensity known only to lovers and outwardly, to any watching, it would seem no more than the good merchant engaged in an intense courtship of the beautiful dragoness.
From afar, of course, they couldn't see how hard his eyes were, as Selina could.
"Besides," he continues as they swirl past the band again, serving gracefully around yet another pair of dancers dropping to the way side. "We Linowan are hot blooded."
Swinging easily into the next step of the dance, the merchant lord oversteps by just a little and his hand upon her back pushes forward while she stands with one foot off the ground. A clever move to bring him closer to the Windian, their bodies touching in the warm air. "Let them gossip. It will be fun to parry later. It has been a long time since the rumor mongers have had any romantic follies to string upon my name. A younger woman, and a foreigner at that, with a widower and a daughter? It would make for a delightful story. Don't you agree?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Something tickles her back, and Selina's shoulder blades and wings twitch a bit as the man removes his hand. Almost as if he'd pinched her, or poked her wing roots, or...
''What? ''
"And Windians are cool as the breeze." The Windian replies smoothly, following his lead still. Those other two, they are dancing as well, and not badly. Selina wonders if they'd partaken of their drinks -- probably not, although some poisons and sophorifics were slower than others. Her eyes half-close teasingly as she makes a small, lady-like chuckle. "Fond memories can be easily created, Lord Laken. One must be careful that the memories one creates are not ones that would be regrettable."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''So far away from home. '' Ryshassa lets her head tilt back slightly as Alexsei leans her into a dip, long blue-black tresses arcing, then whipping through the air as they continue their dance, replete with a touch of dramatic flair and the closeness only a couple bound by love could exude. ''But are those cold, unforgiving mountains truly home? No -- only here I am content, in the embrace of my beloved. His warmth is my sustenance, my anchor when I fear... ''
A moment of clarity sends a cold thrill through her body, and her supple body tenses slightly in his arms. She pulls close to him in a moment of boldness, bringing their dance an intimate, almost sensual flavor as her moistened lips brush past his cheek to his ear. "Perhaps it is not enough to stay at the perimeter... we should come closer. The lady Ausra should not know that she has him alone, though does it not seem he has her ensnared, instead?" Her eyes slide towards the other couple, even as she and Alexsei remain drawn close together in their dance, her hands sliding up and down his back perhaps by their own volition -- perhaps not.
'''Alexsei: ''' Gazing into Ryshassa's eyes as they glide on the surface of the dance floor, Alexsei allows himself a slight moment of respite as his eyes meets those of his beloved wife. Would the circumstances be any different, this moment would be amazingly enjoyable, and for a second that he could have given this kind of occasion to her more often - the great North was not a particularly good place for social gatherings.
Returning his gaze to lady Ausra and lord Laken, the Chosen of the Maidens narrows his eyes slightly. ''Him... ensnaring her ? I admit this is how it looks but... It would be different than what the vision showed then... ''
Doubt starting to creep on his thoughts, Alexsei nods intently at his beloved's words. ''This is getting nowhere fast... If we don't do something quickly, I fear the situation will fall out of hand.. ''.
Returning his gaze to Ryshassa, Alexsei subtly and gracefully leads the dance closer to the mysterious couple, hoping to be able to gather more information as to what is transpiring.
'''Laken Knute: ''' Laken laughs, tossing back his head and letting out with a hearty chuckle that stills the conversation at the edge of the dance floor. He looks back down at the Windian, bright with amusement. "When you're my age, my dear, you find very little to regret anymore. Perhaps you would care to help me create a few lasting memories though."
Yet another couple falls to the way side and it's only then it becomes apparent that just two pairs remaining, spinning to the rhythmic pounding. A new note begins to trill through the orchestration, something high-pitched and stringed that bounces through the air and up the spine, eliciting the same shiver as a finger tip up traced up the back.
Without word or prompting, Laken begins to swing them into a tighter circle, drawing the Windian and himself closer into the center of the clearing. His smile flashes to Alexis as they pass. "Brother! Shall we give the ladies a finish to remember?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Brother? ''
"Create...lasting memories?" Her suspicion deepened even further, but Selina waited for the rest. And for what might be coming. If she was being setup, she'd take them down with her. She'd make a show that Rubylak would not soon forget.
"I don't know what you mean." The assassin says, tone obviously confused now, but much softer. Trying to pitch it so only he could hear. It didn't hurt that she wasn't knowing to expect at this point. "It's much to early to be getting under my skirts."
'''Alexsei: ''' As the circle of dancers grows thinner and thinner, leaving only the bright host and his mysterious partner still swaying skillfully in its center, Alexsei leads the dance progressively closer to the remaining couple, ignoring the whispers and remarks of the surrounding guests.
As the steps bring them closer to the flamboyant couple, Alexsei raises an eyebrow at the unexpected challenge coming from the host. "Your trust in my skills humble me, kind lord. I am not quite certain I am your equal in this discipline, but I am willing to accept your challenge."
Something, however, troubles him, and he hopes the expression of worry that crossed his features for a moment was not picked up by the other dancers. The lord is neither irrated or surprised, nor does he seems to even be surprised by Alexsei and Ryshassa's sudden arrival. As if...
''As if he was expecting us... What are you planning... "brother" ? ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Yes, truly," Ryshassa adds, forcing a gracious smile onto her face as a renewed thrill of nervousness shoots through her spine. "I am a terrible dancer -- if not for my husband, perhaps, it would be much more apparent." She shifts her attention to the lady in his arms -- crimson wings, impeccable dress and regal bearing unchanged, of course, but the turquoise eyes reflecting uncertainty, confusion. "What of you, Lady Ausra... what think you of this dance?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It is..." Selina trails off, not sure what to say. Really, what could she say about the situation? Her wings twitched again, involuntarily, and a shiver ran through her. "Interesting...I think."
The tension was waiting to snap, inside Selina. Waiting for your opponent's move was never something she took enjoyment out of doing.
'''Laken Knute: ''' The merchant lord answered Selina at first with only a soft chuckle and a slow shake of the head. He was still being playful, almost mocking her confusion. “You skirts are quite safe from my attentions tonight, little bird. Though I certainly won’t stop you from doing what you wish with them.”
His hand suddenly tightened around hers and drew it in close between them. As they spun left, he pulled himself back sharply to the right, rolling the Windian down his arm. The music spikes as her body is flung out from his; a clatter of drums and pipes that turns tuneless for the instant before it bubbles back into a racing, pulsing beat. Someone in the crowd clearly knows the song, for a strong male tenor begins to chant, four words in the Linowan tongue over and over, punctuated with a clap. Others lost in the swirl of smoke and night take up the chorus by feel alone. The merchant lord stares down his arm at the beautiful Windian, his eyes nearly glowing and his finger tips twitching against her as he sweeps in and raises her arm upwards. As if she were weightless, he spins her on his arm; once, twice, her skirts swirl and her feet leave the ground as he pirouettes in place. Then the music slows and Liken with it, twinning Selina’s body around his, draping her over his arms.
"See, little bird?” Finally showing some wear from exersition, Laken’s face is flushed red and his breath hard as he stares down at Selina. “Amidst so many sour memories, some can be just this sweet." He tips his head, smiling to Alexsei. "And you were masterful in your performance, brother. It is an honor to be your host tonight. I should always trust my daughter."
* And then, from all sides, everywhere.... it came.<br><br>Making the earth seem to shake, dulling the senses, came...<br><br>......<br><br>....Applause.<br><br>A round of applause for them, as in the end, only the two couples were there, in the center of the garden, as all others stopped to watch. And they applaud the supreme skill of the four, who gave them all such a spetacle...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It is... I suppose." Now Ryshassa frowns slightly, apprehension rising -- but just as she opens her mouth to speak again, the music regains its pulse and fire and Selina is swept into a spin that makes speaking very, very difficult.
The evocative, pounding rhythm of the exotic Linowan dance tune draws her and her husband back into the heat of the moment. Swish, spin, sway, dip, slide away and return, always again into the arms of her beloved who seems to have memorized her body and soul, caught up in the motions of a passionate exchange of moves and gestures that seems second nature to them both.
And then... abruptly, it ends, and Ryshassa finds herself standing still on the dance floor, her skin shimmering with a sheen of sweat as the spectators about them burst into applause.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''And now, we're going to find out exactly why you're so forward. ''
She's panting, just a bit, from all that exertion during the dance, standing still and suddenly thinking the world around her is moving. Just a bit. She's never stepped a dance quite that vigorous.
Well...there was '''one''', but she'd never do it ''here''. Not like this. If this Laken Knute thought she was fetching like this, it was good they were not in the South.
Focusing her essence, Selina attempts to discern what the man is thinking, feeling, wanting. If it's her, she'll know, if it's something else, like her death...she'll know. Like a creeping wall of thought, her simple magic tries to ferret out what this Laken Knute wants with her... '''exactly'''.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "So then, Lord Laken," Ryshassa speaks in a somewhat breathless tone as she slowly regains her bearings and the wind in her lungs. Still quite conscious of the attention of the crowd, she murmurs in a quieter tone, "Was that a satisfactory performance? Perhaps we should take our seats now, and relax together for a time, all of us. After all, there is no reason for us to be standing here out in the open... is there?" she adds more cautiously, her gaze moving from Ausra to Laken in turn.
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei stands, his breath labored ans his forehead slightly glistening, as the other couples shower them with applause. He meets the praise with a slight bow and a soft smile in the public's direction, adjusting his spectacles nervously at the sudden surge of attention.
His mind does not want to stray away from the current situation, however. So many strange occurences... So many things do not add up. The identity of the mysterious daughter, for one, anfd how she seems to know Ryshassa... His behavior towards lady Ausra, almost to the point of overconfidence...The more it progresses, the more lord Knute seems to know of all of them... Or, more accurately, he seems to know ''them. ''
With the crowd still roaring, he risks a quick glance to their host and his companion... And, in that very moment, he finds himself unable to tell anymore which of the two he would deem the more threatening. The vision pointed to lady Ausra, that is for sure. But the radiant older man is not above all suspicion, either... He seems to be gliding with the confidence of a man well prepared... ''Of a man covinced that everything is going according to plan. ''
Caught between the vision and his own doubts, Alexsei forces himself to remember the Great Contagion : only the arrogant believe they are above any failure. Unlike the elders, Alexsei would not make this mistake.
Drawing a deep breath, Alexsei leans closely towards Ryshassa, still smiling to the generous public for their kind praise.
"Stay on your guard, belladonna", he softly whispers in her ear, trying not to draw to much attention. "Our dear host does not seem to be the victim I would have deemed him to be at first... I think it would be wise to be cautious." Nodding slightly, the Chosen of Endings straighten up again, his smile back on his lips.
'''Laken Knute: ''' As Selina peers into his flushed and excited face, the depths behind his eyes begin to peel back like an onion. Layer upon layer vanish under the insight of her Essence-driven perception, digging into his psychie where she is suddenly rebuffed. ''Something'' moves to bare her path. A flash, an image between heartbeats, a nightmare of ten-thousand legs and chitinous shell. It squeals into her mind, a backlash of perception that throws her violently into her own mind once again.
Laken's face is a blur for a moment as the vision flees, sharpening slowly. back into the handsome, weathered features of her host. Easing Selina back onto her feet, the merchant seems satisfied, even more cheerful than before if such a thing were possible. With a contented sigh, he lets her go and turns to face the crowd, bowing to them with a flourish; a man with no hesitations towards attention, use to playing to the crowd, and they ate it up.
The band was starting up again as Laken turned back to his trio of guest. Rosy cheeked and still grinning, he nodded in agreement with Ryshassa. "Yes, let us clear the way and let others take the field. I am a bit winded after that adventure."
He chuckled and brushed wrinkles out of his clothes as he lead the way back to their table. "Ah, it is a young persons world, is it not? We elderly folk must find our pleasures while we've yet the strength to do it."
*Ryshassa acknowledges her husband's words of caution with a barely perceptible nod. As the four of them stroll back to their table with a deceptively casual stride, Ryshassa edges a bit closer to their host, so confident and radiant in the aftermath of the dance. "This is quite a party you have put together, my lord. Is a gathering of such quality a typical occurence for you? And in such company -- I would think you knew all of us personally, with the graciousness you have treated us all. A silly notion of mine, perhaps..." She trails off, gazing at him expectantly as her Essence works subtly behind the scenes, to pick and comb through his response like fishing out gnats from beloused hair.
* And then, a servant comes. A willowly man, dressed in a loose-fitting clothing, like many robes falling... all in black and dark blue. His hair shines black under the moonlight, his eyes of a sea-green. He approaches your host respectfully, bowing. "My great lord... all the praparations of your daughter are ready. She says she is ready to come foward now, if my lord would be so kind to introduce her to the party...."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Her mind turned from his, rebuffed by...something. It layers itself over the man's face like a fae's illusion, until you can't tell whether it was playing you false or not. And then, without the grounding touch of iron to send it fleeing back into the realms of fancy in riven, streaming shards, it vanishes. And throws the assassin's perception into the gutter, taking any information she could have gleaned with it. Her magic dissipates.
Now, she knows for sure. He is more than he seems. Her only choice is whether she wants to kill him now, and make the first move, or wait until he draws her reaction out.
Except he seems to know too much already.
As Ryshassa talks, the Windian's essence-sight notices...golden. No mortal would see it, but she does, dancing and curling around the demure woman's questions as if they were living vines -- to what end, Selina knows not. Essence being worked, the essence of an Anathema. The essence of an Anathema Selina was once, years ago.
''This is rapidly becoming too complicated. ''
'''Laken Knute: ''' Lekan grows taller at Ryshassa's compliment. Taller and brighter, the circle of pale white light that hangs about him seeming to grow dazzling with his pride. "Well, we may not have the finery and wealth of the Realm or the weight of ceremony you have in Gethmane, but we do our best to make days of celebration grand. I am happy to know it meets with your approval though, lady healer."
"My company, that being your company, is of my own choosing though. Knowing so little of the people here tonight, I simply picked the most interesting looking group of the night to socialize with. So far, you have not disappointed."
"Most of the guests are of my daughters doing," a fond smile passes his lips as he mentions her. "As I said, she picked many of the guests on the list. Yourselves included, I might add. She was most eager to meet you."
Growing closer to the table he turns back to face the servant who comes forth. A look comes into his eyes, an eagerness, an excitement. "Ah, at last. Could young girls take any longer, hmm?"
His tone is the bemoaning of a thousand fathers, but his expression one as satisfied as he wore on the dance floor. Waving the servant off, he inclines his head to the trio. "My honored guests, you must excuse me. My daughter awaits her entrance."
With a slight bow, the merchant-lord quickly steps away and leaves them on their own.
* Ryshassa feels the empathy linking them.... and she understands him. His soul. She opens herself to it, feeling the flows of his emotions, and feeling...<br><br>.... Longing.<br>He feels longing. For someone. Something.<br><br>....Murder.<br>He will kill. He will kill them all. The whole party.<br><br>....Malfeas. Sacrifice. Ritual.<br>As a ritual. A ritual for his masters. A ritual to the Malfeans, a sacrifice of his whole party.<br><br>....Daughter.<br>For his daughter. Ryshassa sees the same image Selinahad seen. His daughter. The monster... that could not possibly have any link to humanity... is his daughter. And it is all for her. To bring her. To bring her from Hell.<br><br>... Contempt.<br><br>He doesn't care. It is all coming, as he orchestrated, and he does not care. About any of you. All he wishes is for all dead, so his daughter can come into the world.<br><br>All comes together. He will murder all of the people in the party, with poisoned drinks on a ritual to bring forth his daughter from Malfeas.
* Ryshassa makes towards her seat, nodding politely as Laken prattles on about the grandness of his party and especially his daughter, whom he seems inordinately fond of. Her inquiring eyes, for a moment, take on a distant cast to them, as if distracted by some errant thought -- and then she freezes in the process of pulling out her chair, seizing the back of it so tightly that her slender hand shakes with the effort. As Laken dismisses them with sudden haste, turning his back to the remaning trio, Ryshassa's eyes narrow with a righteous anger that seems out of place on her normally pleasant, passive expression. She waits tensely for the servant to depart, then turns to her two companions and addresses them gravely.<br><br>"He's going to kill us all," she says without further hesitation, her voice low and constricted with barely checked emotion. "His daughter is not a daughter at all, but a demon from the depths of hell. We'll be sacrifices if we don't act -- soon."
*....It hits Alexsei.<br><br>''Danger! ''<br><br>Long-term senses failed, but not short-term. his awareness of the immediate future warns him of danger. And his awareness of power makes him see the man's mansion lighting up in a conflagration of power.<br><br>Infernal Sorcery, of the highest sort.<br><br>And then, people begin to fall sick to the ground. Screams fill everything. A red light rises, and Essence appears, all around them. Alexsei had seen that before. A demon-summoning pentagram.<br><br>Only, this is to a demon-summoning pentagram as Epilogue is to a broken twig.<br><br>And as Essence rises up and people fall.... Selina feels her flesh pierced by an annoying bug....
''' Selina de Windia: ''' And she felt the poison enter her. '''Her. ''' No one poisons the Dark Angel! The strength of Selina's will burned into her silent essence, exalted body steeling against the venom. Never. Never by poison! She has too much to do yet!
'''Ryshassa: ''' "N..NO!" Ryshassa screams, as the surge of ominous red Essence rushes forth and continues to build up into a magnitude far beyond anything she had personally touched. "Not now.. not ALREADY..."
She rushes to the first guest who falters, stricken by some unknown, terrible sickness, her hands touching what flesh the victim has bared -- face, neck, arms, hands, it made no difference as long as she could understand the sickness, could transfer the sickness onto herself. But even as she begins to help the one, others fall to their knees, gasping, choking, convulsing. She cries out with every last vision of suffering, as if she herself suffers with them, even by the invisible connection of sight.
"Alexsei," she utters desperately, her tear-rimmed, pleading eyes turning to her husband. "You could not have seen this happening? How can we help them now??!"
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei freezes at Ryshassa's sudden revelation, and then, it hits him. Death. Death of ALL of the guests. The screams. They are almost too much to bear. And the pentagram.
A summoning. Sacrifices. All of the people present are demon food. ALL of them.
''Unless we move. Now. ''
In an instant, Alexsei's right hand is filled with a flash of purple and black, fading almost as quickly as it appeared. When the light is gone, his hand holds a staff of black, crimson and silver. The rings at the end of the staff chime softly as Alexsei turns towards the women accompanying him.
"Quickly, my ladies, if we are to prevent this fiend from the depths from raising and consuming us all."
He tightens his jaw at the sound of the first ones to fall, and his eyes fall to Ryshassa, his heart clenched at her desperate plead. "I have failed, belladonna." He shakes his head, cursing his lack of awareness - but the self blaming will have to wait.
Taking a deep breath, he then turns to lady Ausra, bowing his head slightly. "I was not sure of your intentions, milady. I am still not sure what you were here for, but it does not matter. What I know, however, is that if we are to make it, we should unite our forces, even if just to prevent this catastrophe. If could only break the summoning pattern before it is too late..."
* The person she holds, a middle-aged aristocrat, has the color to her face returned... out of the sudden dizzyness of poison, looking up at the growing red light.... "T. T. Thank you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Feeling the poison continue to course through her veins, lessened now, Selina staggers and grits her teeth. The Dragon begins to uncoil, like a great beast rising out of slumber, casting its shadow over her mind.
''No. ''
The hunt is up. The Dark Angel surfaces.
"Indeed." Selina turns and looks toward the gazebo, holds out a hand...and her aura wakes. Blazing into existance around her as she takes to the air, keeping away from the rest of the guests so the stray lightning and biting wind which bleeds off of her anima of night does not strike them. The energy collects at her open palm, a crackling ball of Oblivion. And then it expands, streaking toward the gazebo they ate dinner in with a air-vibrating roar, strong enough to disrupt the essence currents enough to hopefully ruin the summons.
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Too many... '' Ryshassa barely registers the searing pain coursing through her veins as she absorbs the nobleman's poison into her body. She nods tersely at his thanks, yearning to show greater compassion, greater affection -- but no, there are many more who remain in torment, beckoning her golden touch.
She rises to her feet, recalling her years of practicing speech and oratory during her years of the Realm, pouring a heartfelt, persuasive presence to her words. "Come to me, all you who suffer, for I will be your salvation." As she approaches the next group of sufferers, she strives to retain some sense of dignity deserving of respect, her gentle, sorrowful face taking on the benevolent glow of a compassionate caretaker. She touches two of them, one with each hand, a shimmer of light forming on her brow, not quite the Caste Mark that belies her true nature.
"Touch me and you will be healed," she murmurs, projecting a personage of gentleness and a peace she does not feel, deep inside, as her heart pounds with despair over those who may die due to her damnable physical limitations. "Do not fear -- I am here to bear your suffering so you may yet live..."
She heals, and soothes, and transfers all her body can handle, all her willpower can bear, giving herself to the task as if born to it. A corona of golden light surrounds her and increases in intensity with every patient's touch, summoning with it the telltale ephemeral blossoms of her anima in new bloom, petals swirling about her to the sweet, soothing sound of mellifluous strings.
And still... it cannot be enough...
* And they come to her.<br><br>She gives her all.<br><br>And when one gives her all, when one is a saint... the sun smiles.<br><br>The sun smiles for Ryshassa, and shines... in her, through her. And they come. Touching her, all of their poison burned with no effect for her. Her light engulfs them all, the eight that came, the two she had touched. All ten touch her, and of all of them, she purges all that might ever been wrong....
'''Alexsei: ''' It did not take long at all.
He was barely finished with his sentence when lady Ausra unleashed her power on one of the gazebos, visibly an important source of power for the summons. And besides him, Ryshassa has already gotten to work, healing one aristocrat before calling the others to her, a golden vision of compassion in a sea of chaos. She is in her element, there, bearing the pain of those who suffer.
With the ladies already hard at work, Alexsei shoots a quick glance around, trying to identify any threats to the guests other than their drinks - the personel of the manse might turn to more... straightforward methods, if the Ryshassa makes the poison ineffective enough. Without the knowledge of the occult that lady Ausra displayed, Alexsei has to rely on what he ''can'' do.
''Namely, find out a certain sun-kissed rat. ''
Tapping his senses into the infinite tapestry of fate, Alexsei sends a passionate prayer to Saturn, invoking his patron Maiden into his very being, channeling her sorrow into Epilogue, his staff, and into his soul. In response, the essence surrounding the funeral priest ripples and waves, radiating around him in a vibrant purple aura, and filling his senses with the familiar scent of endings.
The Chosen of Endings open his violet eyes, the mark of his Maiden shining like a beacon on his forehead, and he witnessers Ryshassa's compassionate feat towards the helpless guests... His smile comes back to his lips as his heart is filled with pride for the loving healer.
''Now, if you will excuse me, ladies, it is time I make myself useful, also. ''
With a deliberate stride, Alexsei marches among the surrounding chaos, looking for the host of this horror... And intent on bringing Saturn's judgement upon his golden head.
* The sphere of oblivion hits the gazebo, exploding it to splinters.<br><br>Void Essence taints Creation and Malfean essence... two forces work together, one inimical. And it breaks. It breaks the link, the chain, the pentagram. It begins to break.<br><br>Alexsei feels him, within his Manse. The geomantic convergence made a labyrinth of his state... a mystical labyrinth to whom no mortal sense can peer into.<br><br>But Alexsei is no mortal, and he walks amidst the labyrinth, knowing exactly where the demon is. And nothing can stop him.<br><br>Selina feels it, as does Alexsei. The summoning is not broken, but it is... weakened. Extremely so.<br><br>Broken.<br><br>And where it is broken... it explodes.<br><br>Essence pours forth.<br><br>Selina had read about that... what happened when a Lookshy essence battery went wrong. The essence overload explodes all the people close to the gazebo, hopefully few enough... and awashes over the others, all but the eleven under the protection of Ryshassa's aura, adding additional pain to them, even if not killing all those others... yet.<br><br>But it was done. What was a matter of moments, had became a matter of... minutes? They had gained time. That is all that mattered. But then.... <br><br>Infernal Essence touched all of the property.<br><br>And that is when things went to hell.<br><br>Literally.
Alexsei did botch his awareness roll to see the future... and so, he saw it all wrong!
Which is why he saw the blood on Selina's hand... true, but totally twisted for him to get confused!
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/Rehearsals|Prelude]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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