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== The Whole Truth ==
The next morning...
The apparition of the dark one had caused a similar fuss. It frightened the princessly Elizabeth Holysword. It did not endear the dark one to others, but she did not wish that. She claimed that Elizabeth Holysword was dead, that the monster in front of her killed her and the man she loved, and this is what both Cael as well as Ryshassa’s magic could see. She said little else, gazing at the Blood Angel with hate-filled eyes...
Of course, things had to end sometime. The next day, they would go to the Temple, to discover the secrets of one of their Princesses... and from there, to discover the truth behind the other one, hopefully. One of them had to be fake... right?
None of them dared to do anything, surrounded by Chosen as they are. All they could do is wait... and the next day, under a soft squall, they met on the Zephyr’s docking in the great Palace of Crystal... and flew to their destination.
The Abyssal was there, of course. And while the Zephyr cut through the skies to its destination, the assembled players of this drama sat in a room with three nearly-identical princesses...
The Abyssal one simply watched.<br>
The princessly one, on the other hand, was visibly consterned. “This is outrageous.”
'''Alexander: ''' "Not really... we need answers, and that is the closest place to go, sis." As soon as the last word is spoke, he looks around, hoping the other ''two'' sisters do not mind. It was confusing. They all exibited some trace of her... minus the shadowy one, but she had her reasons, if half she said was true... "We need to know, of course. We will be respectful to Eos' temple, I promise."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "Good. That is a sacred place, and if any of you step out of line, I will have to ''kil''..." She stops, despite herself, coughing. "... sorry. All my time in the temple, and I still... hold a bit of my temper."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Three of them. Valencia was, for the first time any of these people have known her, getting somewhat irritated. She doesn't actually ''frown'' or anything, but...
"You sure had better hold your temper."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "I try. I have prayed so much, have meditated so much... it is not be you should be worried about. But the others here, who seem to have never gone through that, are the ones you should be worried with. You have ''seen'' her hands drip blood, for Dawn's sake!" She says, pointing at the Blood Angel
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sits in the corrner, returning all the nasty glances, glares and grimmaces of the fakes. This was ridiculous-- totally nonsensical. They should have killed the Abyssal the second she appeared. Even if she was real... ''Which she ISN'T'' what did it matter? She was a deathlord's slave-- she could not be trusted.
...But mightn't the priestess say the same about her?
Preposterous. Luna didn't exalt ''fakes''
"My Tell is a reminder of my guilt. You'd be better off worrying about those who deny their past..." she looks at the Abyssal Elizabeth, with a scowl.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You had better hold those comments close to yourself as well." Valencia adds upon hearing that, looking disgustedly at the three of them.
''At least this didn't happen to Selina. ''
Oh, that would be so bad. So bad.
'''????: '''"You can trust me in this : I only want to kill that monster. Don't want anything else
to do with you."
"Guilt? You think that alone will save you? Do you know what she has done?" She asks with a hateful smile.
"Shapeshifting. How terrible that can be in the hands of such a monster... if you have seen it, Alex, Lady Silverstar... you would ''kill'' that bitch before she got the chance." She fingers the hilt of her blade, watching the Lunar... "And I don't deny ''anything''. I made a deal with the darkness, yes. Why deny it, when it is so clear?"
'''Alexander: ''' The mortal princess holds her hand back, and the Prince watches the Abyssal... something so wrong about her. Above and beyond the darkness... "I... um..." ''I already felt it. I have already seen it. What she has done to me... '' but he does not say it. It is too shameful to...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "You sacrificed your very identity to oblivion-- thus you deny your past, and in denying it, in forgetting it, your identity is nothing more than that of a nameless slave. We cannot trust ''your'' word, for you have none."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "This bickering is pointless." Valencia says, not in a nice tone. "I am not coming along to resolve this so I can hear three of you fight every step of the way."
'''????: ''' The Abyssal sinks back on her chair, drinking some more wine.
"Oh, and... I have a title, grander than any name, bitch. You can call me ''Heir to the Light. ''"
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince sinks into the couch together with Silver Angel, looking between
them all...
''Heir to Whiteshield... darkness to inherit the light... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth shivvers, not deigning to respond to that and quietly promosing to herself that will ''never'' happen... but her assurances are cold comfort. After a few moments of worried silence, she stands up abruptly. "Lady Silverstar. I... have something I must talk to you about... In pivate."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Oh?" Valencia blinks, then looks to the other two Elizabeths and sighs. They had better not protest.
Then she looks to her mate. "Alexander, if you would be so kind as to watch these..." The Windian Lunar looks back to Liz. "Very well."
'''Alexander: ''' "I can... try." For the young prince, it is a... daunting task.
For a moment, he wondered if that is how Cedric felt.
''Nah. Carina and I are way less scary than two Elizabeths... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth leads Valencia out of the room, and down the hall until she is sure she will not be overheard. Eventually she stops, and turns to the Elder Lunar, a bit sheepish, yet determined. "Lady Silverstar, there is something I must be assured of despite my pride in my identity and immortality. I don't know what will happen when we reach the temple of Eos, but I must accept that there is a possibility... I don't know, something might happen. I would ask your assurance on two things..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia raises one eyebrow slightly, at Elizabeth.
''You want assurances in a situation like this. ''
That is, of course, what they all probably want. But she may as well listen to the first one.
"What are these two things?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "No matter which of us is real, assure me that if it is not I, Ainerach will go back to Alex. Given the situation, I will not trust anyone else with it..." That was the first. Easy and sensible. Neither of them wanted the title Ainerach would bestow, it had to be Alex.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Considering he had it to begin with," Valencia replies only a bit cooly. "That is not objectionable to me. And the other?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Second..." she looks down at her bloody hands. "The black sword Acheron has been a part of our family legends for a thousand years, and until recently it has been ''only'' that-- a legend." she shakes her head, almost sad, "Not any more. After I Exalted, went to Old Home-- what used to be the capital of Whiteshield. It was there I found pieces of the sword Acheron. No matter the result of this trip, I will'nt give it up. No matter what proof I am given, or what pleas are made, it is a burden too heavy for anyone in that room and an honor not worthy of one."
"--but I tell you this not as a warning or threat. True, I would appreciate help if Acheron turns out to be one of those puppets' goals, but more importantly I would ask you Lady Silverstar: if I become incapable of protecting Acheron-- if you ever '''''deem''''' me incapable of it-- Take the sword. Take it to Windia and pray no one ever learns of it."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "All of them?" The Lunar asks, looking at the younger Lunar more closely. "I would wager the Bishop wants them."
''Among others. ''
It would probably be best if Selina and Vorpal did not learn of this weapon's presence.
"Where did you put it?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "No, not all of them, but more than half... And I imagine a great deal more than the Bishop would like to get their hands on it. As for where..." Elizabeth tightens her grip, and blood begins to drip down the tiny invisible form of her Sword Grace, Sanguine Barb. A sharp motion drives the blade into her abdomen, just below the ribcage. With a grimace, she twists the blade, and a sliver of black metal the size of a *tinks* onto the floor at their feet. Soulsteel. "It is kept as safe as I can make it."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"The Bishop is our primary concern at the moment." ''Mask of Winters will have to wait his turn. '' Valencia thinks to herself. And certain ambitious abyssals. "I see." She notes the display. "So, I will keep that in mind."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth looks back and forth down the hallway, making sure they are still alone, then scoops up the shard and replaces it. "Thank you Lady Silverstar-- that is all I ask." She glances back over her shoulder once more, worried. "We should get back to Alex quickly. I don't like leaving him with those two."
'''Narrator: ''' They return, and it is not very long afterwards that the Zephyr comes to the enclosed mountains facing the East of Whiteshield, in front of plains, overlooking the great Mount Offering, where the Sun appears cupped in its hand-like peaks... it was a little further north and hidden amidst the mountains, and, apparently, the Dead saw no cause to storm it, as of yet...
The temple itself was carved out of the mountains, with beautiful gardens filled with wide-leafed plants... and a few priestesses, walking its gardens and collecting the little dew that is left, to be their holy sip when they watch the next dawn.
They look up at the Zephyr, and Dryads with fair skin like spring flowers appear before them as the Ship lands and they walk out... at first, worshipful of the first Elizabeth that walks out... and soon, confused. Very, very confused, even as the princessly, mortal princess regards them with a smile. "I am home."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' ''Here we go... '' Valencia thinks wearily. ''They're going to start arguing again. ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth's reaction is mixed... At once, she is heartened to see even a small portion of her kingdom seemingly untouched by the plague of the dead, yet the crowd's reaction is not quite what she expected. ''Well la-de-fuckin-da, they like her. Doesn't prove anything''
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' They all watch... shying away from the Princess dressed in black, whose very presence darkened the sky. Looking at the Princess whose tatoos seem almost hypnotic, whose skin glistens with silver... losing themselves in her tatoos. The Mortal One, dressed in a more regal version of their robes, is not very amused by that, moving so as to block their view from the Lunar... "So, what then? We look back to the day my family left, leaving me here with honors?"
'''Heir to the Light: ''' "Who cares?" The Abyssal asks, touching one the plants and leaving it to wither, watching the priestess around her with a smile. "Elizabeth Holysword is dead, I said. Go ahead and find out already which o you bitches is less of afake."
'''Narrator: ''' Leonas and Fiona step out right after, coming from the Zephyr's lybrary where they stayed during the course of the flight... exchanging comments about how there is never enough time to read books. And then Fiona gawked, enjoying the pretty sights... "So... just point us where we should weave our spell..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth's lips tighten to a line as she resists the urge to make Abyssal paste. Since her talk with Valencia, she had begun to come to the realization that it doesn't matter-- she was who she was, and she would protect Whiteshield until the end. "Lets just get this over with."
'''Cael: ''' Cael emerges from the Zephyr after everyone else has left, a small black bundle of fur just visible leaping back into the Zephyr, something about the temple bothering it on some level, before he steps out into the sunshine, smiling at the assembled dryads and priestesses.
"Yes, we shouldn't stay too long here, pleasant as it is."
'''Narrator: ''' The Dryads and Priestesses see Cael's smile... and blush, smiling at him....
The Prince steps out, little birds coming to perch on him and his wings, ellicting him to giggle as he waves to them, and brings his own gallery of sighs out of the ladies then. Between the two of them, all sacred vows there seemed to diminish in importance just a bit... the rays of the sun touching the palace through the clouds, somehow, never seeming to form a completely cloudy day, there...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Yes." Valencia agrees with the Lunar-Liz. "Let us do so."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona hears the directions... and walks, through the glades and the halls of the grand temple, of the First Age wonder it was, within, all plants forever covered in dew, within, the light of the previous dawn forever held in its windows. She asked for Eos' assistance, but got told that the God would not receive any visitors. And then, she set for her task... weaving the sorcery on her fingers, following the directions of both princesses....
And opening windows for the past.
Before Leonas and Cael, sorcery stronger than they could dream opens up... as Silver and Gold break the barrier of time itself. Before the eyes of both Emerald Savants, the Ball of the Harvest of the Realm Year 763 appears... and they see the Holyswords.
They see King Doniel, Ainerach at his side, always, dancing with Queen Adrianna... Adrianna Durant, a girl who had run in Valencia's halls so much in her youth... they see Alexander, so younger, with his cousin Reina, dancing... they see Carina, such a prim and proper girl, trying to sing for all, the pride of the family... and they see Elizabeth. Elizabeth, and the God Eos always admiring her...
They see another age, and follow... room after room, spell after spell.<br>The day they arrived.<br>The day they left.
Both women draining their reserves of power, the Prince touching their hearts... and filling them with his own will. Pouring his own soul and resolve within his mate and his friend, to try and bring the truth... even if it would drain them dry...
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' Emerald Spetacles set in front of his eyes, Leonas du Mistlav watched the past unfurl before him with the eyes of a hunter. Hunting the specitic prey of truth. His eyes saw the spell's essence signature... and within it, saw that of the Demigods, Mortals and Divinities assembled. He saw the beat of their souls, looking for any discrepancy... he saw their behavior, trying to divinate something from the many interactions that appeared around them...
For a moment, moved by what was lost. King and Queen seemed so magnificent. Carina Holysword, so beautiful, so pure, now as Dark as the third Princess. But that would not take his focus away. He took away the glasses, cleaned them... and set out again.
Somewhere. Somewhere amidst those smiles. Somewhere amidst celebrations, admiration, etiquette and nobility, there was their truth. Somewhere between the moment they arrived and the moment they left... he saw their coming. He saw their leaving. He walked the rooms, soon directing the sorceresses, burying any jealously he might have of their great power... and hunting the truth like Arad would hunt gods.
'''Alexander: ''' A young prince of Whiteshield ran through the garden with his cousin, smiling, hand in hand with her... there was such a joy, in them. He tried to lift her with his newfound wings, but it was so hard, and only made them fall on the grass together. They giggled. They smiled. So innocent...
"For Friendship!"<br>
"For honor!"<br>
"For duty!"<br>
"Knights forever, Alex?"<br>
"Knights forever, Reina."<br>
Good times...
The ball, seeing Carina trying out her new wings...<br>
"See, Liz, I can fly too! I can fly too!"<br>
Always after Elizabeth... always wanting to 'be as cool as her big sister'.
Singing, to try and impress her. She tried out fighting and riding to do so once.... but did not do well with it.
But Sun glass her... she tried.
The prince found herself trying to touch her face, caress it, and crying...
Crying as both him and Carina tried to get Elizabeth to play with them...<br>
...when Reina joined them...<br>
....Mia Summerfal with them...
The Festival on the temple of Eos. That single moment in every hundred years. And they could live it. He remembers wanting into the inner sanctum, the actual holy temple inside the temple which is almost a single holy... castle? citatel...? It was a single spring, never to be repeated, but had meant so much...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth studies the cascade of images with a grim determination to find the truth. Focusing on the path she knows she took, entering the temple with a look of childlike awe and a bit of trepidation in anticipation of meeting the goddess of the Dawn; exploring the grounds with a twinkle in her eye looking for trouble; ''finding'' that trouble in the form of a lattice arch that Really Looked Solid Dad, Honest...
Yet that is not all she sees-- for every happy memory relived there are things she hadn't yet learned to appreciate on her first trip that fill her with a brand new awe and for some-- her innocence, her parents-- a sadness for things lost. She lets herself dwell on those as she pushes her investigation into the realm of spirits, after all if there was something amiss in her past, the gods were likely a part of it.
She frowns at the eyes she notices watching the young Elizabeth-- mortal and god alike, they made her skin crawl. ''She's just a little girl! '' she thinks jealously, but that wasn't true: she may imagine herself an adventurous pioneer of the new wine-throwing sport, but seeing herself now, she could only imagine the crowds seeing one thing: A vulnerable, impressionable princess. She tightens her grip into a fist, she wants to hit them, but they are of course, only illusions. She galnces over the other Elizabeths for something more real to spend her aggression on, but sees only herself as those manipulators would have changed her.
She stops, takes a deep breath, forces herself to clear her mind of these distractions and moves on to the next room to do it again.
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches, watches the magic of the sapphire circle woven of the two women, and truth be told, the magic he sees there interests him almost more than the images they show and the clues they give. Thankfully though, Cael is good at ignoring distractions, at least when it's important to. (And are they really distractions when it's not?)
And so he concentrates on the scenes before him. Concentrating especially on the pulse and flow and lines of influence in courtly life, the things the Lizes had said and the things they had not, always reading between the lines of the situations. Notes flow from his fingers in a private language of high realm symbols, each stroke carved onto the air in ice-rimmed gold. As time draws on, the notes become almost as a blizzard, clusters of notes twisting and colliding as new evidence comes to light, old hypothesis modified, discarded, strengthened as the scenes indicated.
By the time though that the two sorceresses and alex stop the stream of essence and images though, there is just one golden character floating in front of him, elegantly formed.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' ''What a sad thing. '' Valencia thinks to herself, as she sees the images play out in front of her. The magic is not difficult to control...though she must be mindful of it. She had lived long enough, seen enough, to truly appreciate what had happened when Whiteshield was destroyed so thoughly. When the family was scattered to the winds, and most of it in ashes. She could hear the funeral bells, shadowing this past now. And the mourners talking.
'''All the siblings gone.'''
'''None of them could even be buried.'''
'''Whiteshield's 700 history is over now.'''
The Lunar thinks of that other fallen family she knows. And she can hear the mourners saying the same for them.
''So alike in this. ''
''One falls, and so does the other. ''
How odd that was. And how cruel. It saddens her, and for a moment she almost regrets that she had to live to see such.
''We live in a time of lost children. ''
''Blown on fate's fickle winds, to their sorrow. ''
'''Fiona: ''' Some wonder how Fiona became a Sapphire Sorcerer so quickly.
But the group around her saw why. The way she saw things. The way she instantly connected the dots, and followed the trail... much like Cael, the Windwraith, who possessed the same lateral thinking in his investigation as she did, connecting dots no other could see. Together, they walked by the great temple-citatel, finding the places...
They see the whole festival, and the moment the Holyswords left.
They left... but that was not the end.
Leonas and Fiona, in special, asked for them to scan the following few days...
And they saw it. The Royal Family leaving... once again. But this was different. Elizabeth had decided to stay now. She stayed... and then the Royal family left. But it was not the Royal Family... as they stepped out of the Gates, and bid their farewells, the royal family... disappeared. They had been illusions...
And the real royal family had never left their child with Eos.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She cries.
The cry of a soul torn apart.
She goes to Fiona, holding the girl by the collar of her white, pearlescent gossamer-dress, tears streaming down her eyes, anger in her face... "You '''witch'''! That was an illusion! Eos would never lie to me like that! '''never'''! You... you wtich, say it! Say you are '''lying'''!"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' And now, she gets to see some of the broken children in front of her. Either a trick, or they really are...broken.
''Someone is going to pay for this. ''
"That's ''enough''!"
'''Cael: ''' "Calm yourself, please." Cael says in sunlight laced tones that all but compell the young mortal who thinks herself to be Elizabeth Holysword to relax.
"Everyone should calm themselves, and we should wait for the lightflood to calm itself." He gestures expansively to the two brilliant solar glows and the one silver one.
"There is so much loose essence around here it is surprising one can think."
'''Alexander: ''' It was hard to think. He was drained, of resolve, of will... as Valencia and Fiona were, he was sure.
He felt the impulses... the raw essence... the desire to decry one of them as fake...
But Cael made ''sense''. They were watched from afar. But even from afar, the prince could hear the whispering from all the priestess and spirits... after all, their most proeminent high priestess was being exposed as a fake and breaking down...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs in relief as they see the second farewell... but that wasn't the end of it by a long shot. No, this wasn't a moment to be celebrated-- there was a broken heart here, and someone who had to answer for it... But that would come later. Awkwardly, she brings her arms up to hold the other Elizabeth. "Shhh... E--Elizabeth... It's okay... Um, hey... Look, it's not the end of the world... You're still yourself... a good person..."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She begins to cry, then, unable to hold to Fiona more, held by Elizabeth, so gently, and yet so strong. Without the outlet of her rage, she simply... breaks down, into a stream of tears and coughs. Alexander comes to her as well, hugging her from the front, but that only gives her even more shame.
She breaks down, and only some words can be understood... "Eos... I want to see Eos..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth nods. "We will see Eos, and she will give us an honest answer, or..." ''Or so help me, Whiteshield will be out its last decent god... Lets hope it doesn't come to that... ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' ''And not a bad person like the other two? '' Is the meaning Valencia derives from what is left unsaid.
She almost hopes she will not be around when the de Windias reunite. Almost.
''This is not right. ''
A cold thought, coming remotely from some part of her now, awash in her anima as she is.
'''Cael: ''' Cael shakes his head just a little at the rather sad sight of the ex-holysword princess, hugged between not-brother and maybe-sister.
''That is a terrible lie to tell to tell to anyone. ''
''Eos ... Eos ... ''
He gives another shake of his head and then turns to Valencia.
"Lady Silverstar, I will go now and talk to Eos. I believe he has some explaining to do while you, Fiona and Prince Alexander recover your essence somewhat."
He smiles to one of the dryads, Eclipse sign gleaming faintly on his forehead.
"Please, take me to see Lord Eos. I cannot believe he is doing anything right now except expecting us."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Please do not kill him if this is his fault." Valencia says, almost serenely except for the note of sadness in her voice. But she has seen her share of it in her time.
'''Narrator: ''' She starts on how Eos does not wish to receive visitors... but silences at the Eclipse Mark.
''That one of the Inner Sanctum's guards stand between the Solar and Eos, '' the Dryad thinks, leading him away... ''I am not so foolish... ''
'''Cael: ''' "You can rest assured that he will start any violence, Lady Silverstar. I merely intend to talk."
''I am not fighting a god alone in his own sanctum unless I most absolutely have too. ''
=== Within his Sanctum.... ===
The lights behind him, but still filling the sky to form a unique form of aurora, the Windwraith comes upon the doors to the inner sanctum... where women dressed in golden and viridian, their chins and lips all that is visible of their skin under the armor, cross swords on his path, before a great gate of Green Jade and Gold, depicting the rise of the sun in a beautiful, intricately-carved forest. "Lord Eos will receive no visitors. He does not wish to be disturbed."
'''Cael: ''' Cael's long white coat shines in the lights reflected from the three flares and his castemark gleams on his forehead, the writing surrounding the central spot shimmering with mystery and power.
"I feel it is in his best interests to speak to me now, because I do not think we will leave here without certain answers from his lips. And so he can speak to me now and maybe he will not then have to speak to the Lady Valencia and the Holysword Prince and Princess later."
"They, I think, may not be inclined to stand and talk with you so much."
"So please convey to your lord that Cael Pattona, Quill of Heaven, will speak with him today. I leave it up to him when we exchange words."
* The guards look at each other... he could not see their eyes through the visors, but he could see their lips quiver. He could see their blades lowering as they imagined fighting the Solars and Lunars outside... the Silver Angel with them, no less... and pehaps the wrath of the false Princess. That was... not a pleasant prospect, and the Windwraith conveyed it with all possible authority. And so, they dropped their weapons... and the gates opened, morming mists coming from within, as they vanished in them... and a moment later, came out, bowing their heads to the Solar. "The Lord of First Light shall receive you now, Windwraith."<br><br>And so the Quicksilver Falcon walks within... through the morning mists, into a cathedral full of glasses... through tunnels of stone, ending in different points in the mountain, and catching the sun to make great celestial forms appear with light far above. Such light touched mirrors hanging in the mists, that seemed to hold the Light of Dawn... and within, it was always dawn, with a representation of a half-sun forever shining its purest light down....a man with wings of azure, hair the color of morning mists falling over his serene face, bangs falling over his eyes, clear and crystal as dew, clad on a green coat that opens in the middle, leaving most of his torso bare. "The Windwraith. It is a pleasure to see you, at long last. Solars are welcome in Whiteshield... especially one that has done so much for our country."
'''Cael: ''' Cael noded his head to the pair of guards, softly voicing the words "Thank you." as he stepped between them and into the sanctum of the god of the dawn, looking about him, his face showing that he is impressed, though not overly so.
He inclines his head politely to the god.
"Thank you for recieving me, Lord Eos, First Light of Dawn." He says as his head lifts once more. "I do what I can, for Whiteshield. It keeps me interested, if nothing else..."
"As pleasant as it is to see you though ... you and I, we need to talk. And what we need to talk about are the Holyswords."
'''Eos: ''' The guards do not move, but seem to blend in the morning mists all around the cathedral-garden, glimpses of golden and steel through the leaves. Eos himself nods politely to Cael, more mist-bangs falling over his face. "Interested? I take you are the type that gets bored easily, then. And that is what this is, an adventure?"
He shrugs, azure wings, the color of the sky at dawn moving with him as he walks by, touching the flowers around them, forever covered in dew. "Ah, the Holyswords... I take this is about Elizabeth? I did not expect her to return so soon..."
'''Cael: ''' "That is one way to look at it, yes, Lord Eos." He says with a smile.
''Of course it's an adventure. ''
''It's also part of the future of the North. ''
''Why does no one accept it can be both? ''
"This is indeed about about Elizabeth Holysword. And Elizabeth Holysword."
'''Eos: ''' "I heard there was another. I was going to keep her, safe and hidden here until this insane war was over, you see. But..." His eyes, like the dew around them, turn colder, with such a sad tinge... "But see, when this other princess appeared... I realised I had to send her. To show them the true one, so you are not deceived."
'''Cael: ''' "But it appears deciet is woven through the heart of this event." Cael says, his voice still warm, still entirely, wholely reasonable.
"How is it that the Holysword prince had no idea his sister was here?"
"How is it that the Dayshield knew naught of this when her son was wed to Elizabeth Holysword?"
"How is it that there is a young woman out there who truely believes herself to be the Holysword princess, if there has been no intent to decieve?"
"I can only advise you to consider your answers most carefully before you give them, Lord Eos."
'''Eos: ''' Eos is calm... a calm that stirs within like the hunts on the morning light. He plucks a yellow flower, watching it... and thinks. "Deceit, is it? No deceit should survive in the light of dawn..." he sighs, before thinking, and turning to the Windwraith to answer... "He did not know, because it was a private thing. There was a dopplelganger of his sister, sent to continue her life, so Elizabeth would be safe here. And that was the one sent to the Great Forks, of course... I would never allow Elizabeth to stray so far. I should not have allowed her to leave yet..."
Cael sees through his answers.... there is a dopplenganger, the one kept with him.<br>
She was made, because he admired the princess, admired her so greatly...<br>
He created the fiction, and held her close to him... admiring her, caring for her with platonic devotion...<br>
But then, all happenned. And she wished to leave. He wanted to keep her from going...<br>
...but she would have none of it.<br>
Spirited, there was no way to keep her there... and so, Eos let her go, in sorrow...<br>
...knowing it could not posibly end well...
'''Cael: ''' Cael gives the god a look that verges on pity. "Unless of course the deceit is '''in''' the light of dawn, and then it is born afresh each day, Lord Eos."
"And it is a terribly sad thing when that happens." He shakes his head slightly.
"We saw, you see, the royal family bring her here. And we saw them leave her here."
"And then we saw them dissolve like the mists in the morning." His voice deep and full of power, and a certain sadness that a god of the sun, respected by the Holyswords would betray their trust in such a way.
"Why do you persist in such dishonesty even when you know you must be unmasked, Lord Eos? Such duplicity ill suits the dawn, as you so rightly said. Still, it is not my place to judge you, Lord Eos." He says, his voice grave. "That, I feel, lies at the feet of the Holyswords. I shall merely leave you to consider that your lies reduced the girl you cared for all these years to tears and almost to breaking, that you caused great trouble for the real Elizabeth Holysword, who you profess to admire so much ... And had it come at a more inoportune time, perhaps all that remained of the Holysword line."
And with that he turns from the god, and starts to slowly walk from his sanctum.
"Before I go though, just how did you make her? I do not think you made her from essence wholecloth..." he turns, to hear his answer and perhaps any excuses he might offer.
'''Eos: ''' The flower is crushed in Eos' hand, the eyes of crystalline water filled with regret and sorrow. Cael had seen that look before, in those about to be sentenced. Those resignated to their fate. "I would rather that was avoided. I could say I am sorry, but that cannot change anything, at this point. I can just say that I made sure she was as happy as she could be, Windwraith. I made sure of it..."
He does not look at the Solar in the eye, instead at the dawn-dome in the rocks far above them, answering in kind. "She was one of my most devout priestesses. She loved me, and her faith. She wished it, and Sorcery shifted her body. When the Princess was here, I held her memories as she slept, and mirrored them in the light of dawn, shining it over my priestess. And body and soul, she became the Princess of Whiteshield."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, I see." Cael nods, with finality.
''So you have taken two lives on this day'' say his eyes to the god.
"I shall take my leave of you now, and will convey what you have said to those who are gathered outside."
"Good bye Lord Eos, First Light in Dawn."
And then he walked from the sanctum and from the temple, and back out into the sun.
=== Outside... ===
'''Heir to the Light: ''' And then, Cael goes away... and Heir to the Light laughs.
"Honestly... she is a fake. Just trash. Throw her away, already." She says, shaking her head, watching the siblings hugging with such a cruel smile "She was not even a good fake, at that..." She reaches to something on her black dress... taking something out a pocket...
... and taking out silver-and-gold spetacles, which she brings closer to her face...
"When Elizabeth got older, before her death, she used glasses, trash. Do your research."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Shut up." Valencia says curtly. "Or I will make you." The hostility enamating from her with those words is so suddenly intense that it seems physically palpable.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth shivers as the other one spoke up. She wouldn't be nearly so supportive when ''she'' is revealed fake. Elizabeth gives Valencia a short 'can I kill her just to shut her up?' look, holding the priestess tighter as if that would keep her from hearing.
'''Alexander: ''' Alex does the same, eyes narrowing as he looked at the Abyssal...
"She is not trash. She is my sister. She looks like my sister, she thinks like my sister. And so she is."
"And she is ''not'' trash!" He says as Fiona joins them in holding the priestess...
'''Heir to the Light: ''' "As you ask, Silver Lady. The time of talking is over, I guess."
A little smile on the corner of her lips. And then, everything around them goes darker. Light dims. For the first time in decades, the clouds cover the sky above the temple. Everything goes dark, as she holds the glasses... and breaks them.
''I will not need them anymore. ''<br>
''I will not need the token of my hate, anymore. ''<br>
''Hate's time is over. ''
And then, radiant blades come out of their sheathes... knives of pure dream. They shot out of the Abyssal's hands... as a barrage of ten thousand different weapons, knives of legend and dream, the content of all of Dayshield's armory once-gazed falling over Elizabeth and the others she holds... "Time to '''Die''', Slut!"
A blink of an eye.
One one moment, seeing her doppleganger crying... and the next...
Death is at her.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' ''Time to die, '''slut'''''
In a split-second, Elizabeth instantly recognizes the hate behind that voice, and everything clicks into place-- her story, the glasses, of course: Daedrin thought she actually needed the glasses. She had spent all her suspiciousness on the first fake, she hadn't thought it would be the second... She was an ''Abyssal'' after all. Of course in hindsight, she could see him as nothing else-- hateful, shallow, manipulative, and... damn good looking.
Her mind goes back to the old Daedrin, and she is almost glad he is alive... Actually, one part of her is, while the rest remembers what he did to her and instantly moves to take his head off with the first thing she can find. ''A piece of wall if it comes to that. ''
Yet, in her heart there is neither lust nor fury, but pure hard bitter spite. She will do anything to shove this in his-- her face and it just so happens that means keeping her from hurting Elizabeth's... family-- and she is surprised she means more than Alex. There is no time to contemplate it though, fueled by love, spite and essence, she uncerimoniously shoves the three girls... well, two girls and one neut-- to the safety of colliding with Valencia in a horrible mess of limbs Alex would probably rather enjoy if he was capable
'''Heir to the Light: ''' Everyone is pushed away...
And only the Blood Angel remains as a target.
And a target she is, her body filled with blades... all of them breaking her body, so many, like a nail-pillow, like some sort of obscene hedgehog. And then he came, burying his knife in the middle of the Blood Angel's face, cleaving it in half. "I am tired of seeing that in the mirror! It has to be cut! To be..."
He severs her head, falling behind Elizabeth's mutilated body...
"... ended. It is over. It is... '''over'''!" She screams. She laughs.
And his lies, so purposeful to break a Solar’s lie-detection...
''Elizabeth Holysword is dead'' She was, in his eyes.
''That thing killed her. '' She did. When she became a slut, a monster.
''She killed the man I loved. '' He has always loved himself.
He looks down on her parts, covered in her blood... and laughs.
Relieved. His revenge... all he ever wanted...
"'''Finally!!!! '''"
'''Alexander: ''' The prince got up... slowly... his eyes shining with shock... and then, with white-hot anger...
"You... you... why... why... she was... why did you..." He cries, coming out of the mess of wings, legs and breasts that he would have enjoyed so, picking Valencia's blade from its sheath and running after the Abyssal, tears and light streaming behind him... "'''why did you kill my sister?!? '''"
The voices Valencia had heard touched him, as well...
''All the siblings gone. ''
''All... ''
'''Heir to the Light: ''' A strike that, without the gift of essence, is effortlessly diverted by Heir to the Light's Abyssal prowess. He is not there for Alexander, but behind the prince, dream-knife on his neck... "Why? Because she killed me. Because she killed my love. Because the ''slut'' deceived me by spreading her legs to half the great forks, when playing the cute little innocent princess for me. And I bought it. When I found out I was... angry, you must understand..."
"So I took what was ''mine by right! ''She should be grateful I even wanted to ''touch'' her slutty body ever again! But was she? No... she was touched by the bitch-goddess, and made me into... ''this''! She took away my manhood. '''''She killed me!! '''''"
"And now, we are even."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "--!" Elizabeth tries to scream as the blades pierce every inch of her skin, yet the sound comes out as little more than a wheeze cut short as a blade plugs her esophagus, and soon the point is made moot as her head is bisected and severed. As her head hits the floor, she can only think one thing... ''GODDAMN fucking OW blasted BITCH--!'' --and so on and so forth.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "When I said 'shut up', I did not mean to begin killing." Comes a voice behind the Abyssal-liz. Valencia has ascended. And her claws touch the Abyssal's neck, not yet wrapping around it. "You will stop this, or I will send you to the Oblivion Selina spoke of. Since you liked it enough to swear to it."
'''Heir to the Light: ''' Heir becomes serious. The smile of utter ''satisfaction'' never leaves, but....
"Alright. I do not want to die, Silver Angel... and I would be a fool to fight you. I thought you were more drained than this... and I am sorry for underestimating you. I just want to leave, now. I will take the blade off his neck, and I will leave. Deal?"
* The Dawn Guards, priestess in armor of golden and green step forth, all of them feeling a tinge of fear, to see all the anima banners... all the lights, and especially the dark light, which, they knew, had destroyed most of Whiteshield... slowly, they begin to surround them. Some were sorry that the lights had kept them so far away that could happen. Most, were glad they had not been targets then, knowing their presence might not have stopped a Deathknight...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Go where? To our enemies?" Valencia shakes her head slowly. "Oh no. You will remain with us until you are given leave."
'''Heir to the Light: ''' "''Dog! ''" He calls... and a firery portal appears in mid-air, and a canine spirit in human form appears, much of his face appearing burnt away... Elizabeth knew him. He was one of the Spirit Hounds of one of the Great Forks' dogs. He grew up with Daedrin... shaped by his wishes, by his desires. A little puppy that had grown up twisted, but never scarred by flame as he is now. It seems that whatever turned Daedrin into such a beautiful angel of void did the opposite to his hound... "If you try to kill me now, he will kill you. You probably do not have ''that'' much, and I will have killed the boy. I am not one of your enemies, Silver Angel... I could care less about Whiteshield. I did what I wanted. This place has nothing to me."
Then, he disappears from her grasp, appearing close to the portal... not deigning his Dog with much.
One last, triumphant look at Elizabeth's body... at the Priestess... and at the Prince.
"Your sister was nice to have, at least. Her tears tasted of strawberry. I will miss that much."<br>
She had been a virgin, at least. At least where it would count for marriage, he would sure she had not been otherwise...
''Liar. You will miss much more. ''
''That was a '''lie! ''' ''
"But she was a liar, a monster. You are all as well off as I am. Well... arrivederti."
And thus he steps into the portal, realising he had said too much. And that Valencia would come for him....
And then, the portal closes.
'''Alexander: ''' ''Milady... you saved my life! ''<br>
''Sis... she is... sis... she was... she was the real... ''<br>
'''''You killed her'''''
He stood there, contemplating all that... two lines, was all he said after he stepped away. Barely enough time for him or Valencia to react... and... and... his knes got weak, and he knelt, on his sister's blood.... unable to do anything... unable to know what to feel, sorrow, anger, the slight relief of his life saved...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Shit, I always hated that goddamn fucking dog." Elizabeth says, "I swear-- it was like he loved me third after his mutt and himself."
The first thing people realize is obviously: Elizabeth is alive. The second: she's standing. The third... She's not ''really'' exactly standing. Just sort of... vertical. A quarter of a head atop a vaguely human matrix of blood and sinew that's just barely implies shape. Globs of silver moonlight cling to the mass, nestled up against the forming muscle gently-- unlike the twisted shards of Acheron, which jut out of muscle randomly here and there... Though new grown, the flesh around these shards looks dark... rotten.
Perhaps she was embarassed of how people were looking at her, perhaps she was only keeping Acheron safe, but suddenly-- before anyone is sure of what they saw, there is a flash of silver light, and there she is, whole and bare as the day she was born, only with a bit more grimmace and hate. "Shit, if she hadn't surprised me like that I would have killed him again. That fucking HURT-- are you girls okay?"
"--and godDAMNIT Alex, quit bawling like that, you mayn't be a man at the moment, but you're not a damn ''kid'' either. I '''told''' you I'm fucking immortal."
=== A Few Moments Later... ===
Cael walks outside amidst whispers and fear.
As he gets to the pillars of light, he sees blood.... everywhere.
Alexander had blood on him, the Abyssal was gone, Valencia had ascended into an eagle-woman...
And despite the blood, no one there looked hurt...
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' And as soon as he steps in, the mortal princess rush towards him, holding his coat, her eyes filled with tears and pleas to the Windwraith... "Did you talk to him? What did he say? ''What did he say''?!?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael looks about him, ignoring the young NotPrincess for the moment, beyond a small, sympathetic look.
"What happened here?" He does a quick reconing of the people gathered there. "The other Elizabeth?" He hazards a guess.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' As Cael returns, Elizabeth picks a bloody strand of hair from the ground and with a flick of the wrist, forms it into a silver robe to cover herself with, meanwhile mumbling "I knew ''one'' of them was Daedrin..."
'''Alexander: ''' He is still shaken, uncertain of what to feel, if anything... finally realising Winter was in his hands, offering it back to the Silver Angel. "Sorry, milady..." how much of their chances to capture him he had ended in his thoughtlessness? As if he was even worthy of holding Winter... "The dark one was Daedrin, Cael. My sister's fiancee..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "The Abyssal Elizabeth got angry. She tried to kill the Lunar." Valencia replies, still in her six-winged warform. "But it seems as if the Lunar Elizabeth can take quite a bit more punishment than even the other thought."
Valencia takes back the sword and sheaths it, looking a bit irritatedly at Alexander. "Please do not do that again."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She looks... visibly hurt by Cael's cold demeanor, stepping back... tears coming again...
"No... nooo..."
She felt a fake, treated like a fake... the Abyssal had been right... she was... trash.
'''Cael: ''' "She was Daedrin?" Cael says, more than a little sceptically. ''That, above all else, I think the Dayshield will have the most difficulty forgiving you for. ''
"And then, since I see no body, I assume she escaped somehow?"
He turns then to the girl backing away from him and gives a small shake of his head. "I am sorry, Elizabeth. You are not the real Holysword Princess. You were one of Eos' priestesses, his high priestess."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth wants to ask Cael what Eos' excuse was, but there was little chance it would make the priestess feel better. Elizabeth sets a hand on her shoulder, "Hey... You probably don't want anything to do with Eos right now... I-- if you want, we could take you with us. I'm sure you still care about Alex-- there's nothing wrong with that..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "She escaped." Valencia nods slightly, then shifts out of her Ascension with a sigh, looking at the other Elizabeth, the other fake one. Pity clearly in her eyes.
''And what will you be now? ''
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "If... you are the real one, then..." She looks over her shoulder, turning around to almost fall over the Blood Angel... "Who am I? '''What''' am I? He... he was probably right... I... I am trash.."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "What are you? What a silly question." Elizabeth looks at Alex briefly with a smirk, "You're our sister!"
'''Alexander: ''' His hand touches her shoulder, smiling, caring, warm...
"Yes. You are. You are a Holysword, you are one of our siblings, and we will not suffer anyone to say otherwise."
'''Fiona: ''' The twilight smiles from her seat, watching them...
"You are in luck, too. I always wanted to be part of that family..."
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' Leonas, who had been unable to act fast enough when the action happenned, and blamed himself for it quite a bit, took out the glasses, wiping them once again, walking closer to the Silver Angel, watching them... "I got to hand it to them, Marshal. They are a cute bunch." ''And a caring one too... ''
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "I... am..." That makes her smile. Faintly, but it does, the warmth of brother and sister pulling out of the pits of despair, making her smile to the fading pillars of light around her.... "But Elizabeth... Elizabeth is your name. I... guess I will need a new one..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "They are." She replies, feeling better for the sight.
''It is good the children have not lost that vital thing. ''
She could not have welcomed the girl back. It would be almost as false as what she had been doing. Alien. It had to be them, unless Valencia had no other choice.
'''Cael: ''' "Well, perhaps that is something to decide on the way back?" Cael offers to the young girl with a smile.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "I... guess so...." She says, her hands holding tightly on the true Elizabeth's... "Let's go... sister?"
Anger would come later. Envy was there, jealously was there, burning within her.
But right now, she clung to that one hope... she clung to it, and managed to smile.
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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