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== Mistress' Cruel Whispers ==
After the warmth that were the talks, the fun, the night..
After meeting all of Moon's gang, seeing him happy with the meeting, being stared at...
Kanti returns to her room, the small haven for her and Fiona amidst that cold city, Fiona falling on the bed, smiling tiredly... "Hmmmm.... tonight was nice. Not as bad, at least..."
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>The looks were not so bad..<br>And she left us alone.<br>Which I can cope with ... I think.</i>
She smiles down at Fiona, gently runnin gher hand over her hair.
"It was not so bad ... sleep now, I'll watch over you."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Goodnight, Fiona!" She smiles... probably the most pure smile she had seen on Fiona's face yet, content, happy... for everything, and for being with Kanti, like this... "Don't let the bed bugs bite me, then" She says, leaving a content, warm kiss on Kanti's hand, a content smile, and falling down, closing her eyes...
<b>Kanti:</b> That was better ... Fiona didn't seem to fear her now. She stroked the girls hair as she laid them, then moved off to the other side of the bed to watch her.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> Time goes on, and on.... and as the night turns, at the darkest midnight, Kanti feels... something.
Her body begins to burn, her scars warming with life, the searing warmth that is Oblivion existence over her - it is life, warm, but it burns. It hurts. It rages against the living flesh it is in.
And as she feels this... she feels a hand caressing her face... something so ephemeral, but so... real! A scent, with it... she knew the scent, the scent of southern carmine blossoms, of fire...
... of mistress.
She caress Kanti, a warm whisper on her ear from behind, "You never came back, my Garda Bird."
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>What ... what is happening?<br><br>It... it burns!!<br><br>What's going on?<br><br>Mistress!!!!</i>
Kanti doesn't know whether to scream in terror or in joy, her whole body paralysed by the conflicting emotions running through it.
<i>I ... never ... came ... back<br>But! I'm still Hers!<br>What..what to say to her...<br>She'll be so angry with me!<br>And I deserve it ... I failed her.<br>But how could I succeed?</i>
"Mistress!" she exhales the word in a mix of joy and fear and apology.
"... I ... I ... couldn't b-beat the Dark Angel..."
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> The hand begin to trail down, and she can feel it, over her body... and almost... not. She can feel it, and yet, there is a... ephemeral quality to it. "You failed me, then. You failed me."
Her voice sounds... deeply disappointed. "I am almost tempted to think Maera was right about you, my sweet... what happened, then? Tell me."
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>I ... failed ... Her.<br>I ... failed Her.<br>I failed Her.</i>
Kanti nods to herself as she curls up, pressing the Screams into her.<br>
<i>Calm!<br>Tell Her.<br>She has a right to know!</i>
"We ... we followed them to a pass ... and then we attacked ... I attacked the Dark Angel ... Kiri ..." she gasps as she says her name.<br>
<i>Poor Kiri...</i><br>
"Kiri attacked Moon... I ... I couldn't touch her ... she clouded my vision .. her blade always knocked my spear aside ... and ... and she was so cold ... she ... she felt no pity ... my magic didn't slow her blows ... her blades carressed my skin .. and mine didnt touch hers..." She takes a calming breath.
"...Then there was an explosion of silver light ... and ... and Moon ri-ripped Kiri to shreads ... and then she rose above me."<br>
Kanti curls up more, trying to press up to the comforting sensations of Mistress, wishing they were stronger.
"They .... they spoke through her!!!! The Dead Ones you worship ... and she was thing of Cold and Ice and Death ... and I was down below her in the mud and she gestured and essence tore through me ... and I couldn't stand before that ... and ... and I said I would obey her ..." she swallows "..F...Fiona tried to stand up to her bu-but she was going to kill her ... I-I had to stop the Dark Angel from killing her...so..so I stoped her...she's so cold Mistress ... so cold..." Kanti tails off falling silent, her usual control ripped from her by the Vestal, all the emotion she normally tries to keep out raw in her voice. She is terrified.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> The Vestal does not stop her. The Vestal simply... listens.
When she is finished, she feels the hand move her face back..."Do not be scared, my Kanti..." She pets, leaving herself open, Kanti seeing her mistress... almost clearly beside her. She can feel the warmth that will be there if she touches... "You can hold to me. Your mistress is here besides you, always. Those wonderful scars mark you as mine... and through their beauty, I can be with you."
"Kiri... that is... unfortunate. I loved her as well. My beautiful faerie princess, so powerful and so violent. Breaking her willful spirit had been so wonderful... I was sure she could destroy the unwashed dog. I was wrong, it seems... and you..."
"Should not obey anyone but your mistress, Kanti. I am... sad, to hear you obey her now. She is Cold and Ice and Death, yes. That is why I want her so, that is what makes her beautiful. That is why I want her to me."
"But you had promised not to bend at anything, much less Cold... or Ice... or Death."
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>She is here!!<br>She is stroking me.<br>Maybe she isn't so upset..</i>
Kanti presses herself desperately up to the warmth, pushing her body against it, rubbing her head against Mistress' hand, anything to feel closer to her, to wash away the memories of the .. cold.<br>
The Vestal's words cut though her like a scythe, and she collapses against her, momentarily too crushed to move.
<i>I ... I did promise that ...<br>I ... I failed Her even more than I thought.<br>I ... I don't deserve Her.</i>
"...I...I know Mistress ... I ... I'm sorry ... I could not stand up to her ... she ... she was ... is ... to much more for me ... she ... she is almost as powerful as you ... and ... and so I failed you ..."<br>
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> "You have failed me."
Her hands hold Kanti, still warm, despite her harsh words... "But I still love you. Or want to, at least. You are one of my favorites. Why do you think you received this," She says as she trails the scars, "And not Maera? You are heaven. You are mercy. And I love you clad in oblivion for me. All mine. Mine alone. And I do not intend to share with anyone, even the Dark Angel."
"And I will remain your mistress. And I will still love you, if you repent for me."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti just remianed, curled in her Mistress' arms as She told her she failed.<br>
No will to fight.<br>
No will to resist.<br>
<i>She is willing to love me?<br>To .. to try to love me?!<br>...as long as I am Hers.</i><br>
Relief! Relief floods Kanti, filling her skin with fire, lightening her body, now pressing herself tighter up to the Vestal.
"..What...what must I do?"
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> She smiles, stroking her pet's hair... "I know you are here.. and scared. I do not intend for you to be hurt... so I will come for you. Just wait... and remain there. I will not be able to talk to you much... this... takes its toll... on your body, on mine, on my resources. So this may be the last time, until we really are together again."
Her hand slides in, caressing Kanti, feeling her even from afar... "Is there anyone here who could hear you?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti makes small contented noises as she is stroked, pressed up to the love and warmth.<br>
"... What ... what if she wants to move on, Mistress?"<br>
<i>..And.. gone?<br>No more to hear from Her til she comes?<br>I will be alone with the Dark Angel again..</i><br>
"There is Fiona, Mistress ... Asleep I think ... on the bed."
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> "You will go with her." She says, coming a little lower, licking Kanti's neck, her breath hot against Kanti... so hot, so different from the cold of the city, of her captors, even of Fiona's content warmth. "You will wait. Until I come. This is your first penance."
"Your second... Fiona is there, is she not? I should not have left her to go with you, if it was not the easiest, quickest way to find the Dark Angel and Moon... she was still not trained well enough. Too new. Sorceress. How faithful has she been, Kanti? How much has she strayed?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti starts to breath a little faster as she feels her Mistress tongue and lips moving over her.
<i>First .. penance ... </i>
"Yes, Mistress."
<i>How..how had Fiona been?<br>She ....</i>
"She is, Mistress. She ... she has been faithful Mistress ... she tried to stand up to the Dark Angel ... tried to get me to stand up to her. She tried to .. to persaude me to run away ... She .. has done all that I asked of her ...she...she questioned my devotion to you...." she swallows.<br>
<i>I'm not betraying Fiona.<br>I'm serving Mistress.</i>
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> "She questioned it. As I imagined." Her touches bring Kanti to the climax of ecstasy, and in the throes of it, she hears her mistress' voice... "Then go to her. Wake her up. Touch her, as I do you. Dominate her. Tell her I will come. Tell her she is <i>mine</i>. Tell her I love her, that she is mine, and mine alone."
"And tell her other words you know I would. A test. Otherwise, I might have to give her to Maera when she comes back. I will be too busy, after all... I would rather you did it, if anyone."
<b>Kanti:</b> "...I...I..."<br>
<i>...How can I do that to her?<br>...How can Mistress make me do that?<br>To punish me.<br>For failing Her.</i><br>
"...Yes, Mistress."<br>
She crawls over to the girl on the bed, looking down at her.<br>
<i>..I'm sorry Fiona.<br>I ... I don't want to hurt you...<br>But ...but I have to.</i><br>
She gathers the girls hands in one of hers, pinning it over her head, pushing a hand up her top to massage as she leans down to kiss the girl hungrily.<br>
"Wake up, Fiona."<br>
Then she kisses her again, to stop any protest.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona wakes up slowly... "M...m... mistress? No.. Kanti?" Then the kiss, and her arms on her, she squirms at first, her first reflex being trying to get away. A telling. Those properly trained by mistress would never do so. She stops at the kiss, knowing it is Kanti... "Kanti...?" She asks, and she just does not.. understands...
<i>Kanti, she.. she never acts like that...</i>
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>...I...she...she is so innocent...</i>
"Mistress is coming.<br>
Coming for me.<Br>
Coming for you.<br>
Coming for what is Hers."<br>
She kisses her again, putting as much force as she can into the kiss, starting to bring a touch of fire to the hand on the girl's breast as she does.<br>
"Until She does, until She comes to take us back, you are mine, She has said so.
To reward."<br>
She gives her a soft and gentle kiss.<br>
"Or to punish."<br>
She kisses her again, harder, to muffle any sound as she squeezes with her hand, filling it with fire.<br>
"...And you questioned Mistress..."<br>
<i>I ... I ... did it.<br>I ... hurt her...</i>
<b>Fiona:</b> <i>No....<br>Noooo....<Br>Not you, not you, Kanti, you are my friend, you are my friend, not younotyouhowcouldyou...<br>How can you be like mistress, no, nooo...</i>
No escape. No peace. Not in her mind, not in her soul. She begins to cry, tears flooding her face, breath on Kanti's mouth as she squirms... and locks all the thoughts she had entertained in the past couple of days deep within her soul.
Along with hope.<br>
Along with Alex, Millia and Cedric.<br>
Because Mistress is here now...<br>
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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