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== The Nature of Love ==
'''Ryshassa: ''' The Palace of Timeless Winters is full of beautiful places, so much so that one might wonder whether its ancient magic might create such spaces, simply from the whims of its inhabitants. But the Gallery of Arcadian Rapture at least seems quite real -- an expansive hall with high, elegantly vaulted ceilings illuminated by floating crystal chandeliers, each reflecting a warm seemingly eternal flame at their centers.
The room might have been a ballroom once, as the floors are of smooth, hard wood inlaid with scrollwork patterns at the edges. But since then its marble walls have been covered with framed oil paintings, their depictions ranging from expansive, panoramic locales to extraordinary natural phenomena to fantastic creatures both beautiful and grotesque. Among such works of unusual yet striking talent are portraits of wealthy, attractive figures from the past, posed languidly upon silks and velvet, their flushed faces captured in states of utter rapture. Lush velvet drapes frame each of the paintings, so that they seem to be windows looking into a reality both like and distinctly unlike that of the modern age.
The far end of the room draws the eye towards one painting in particular: a beautiful, pale, blonde woman in black silks, posed so that her hands rest upon one thigh. She gazes out from the frame with eyes so deeply sorrowful that the paintings around her seem to weep for her, the normally rapturous faces twisted in mourning, the beautiful sceneries blasted with chill that freezes over rolling hills and lush forests, the creatures bent and contorted with a terrible keening madness.
Before this painting is where Ryshassa awaits, clad in a dark kimono glimmering bronze in the light, embroidered with the winter bared branches of a tree in burnished gold, upon which pale white butterflies rest in flower-like clusters. She sits upon one of the many velvet-upholstered benches lining the Gallery, looking outward towards the double doors at the other end of the room.
She hopes that Kanti will come.
'''Kanti: ''' It's a few minutes after Ryshassa entered that the tall doors are pushed inwards and a slippered foot pushes through the small gap just created, and then following that, the rest of Kanti's body. She's clad in a dress that Ryshassa has seen her in before, a red cheogsam patterned with feathers of gold, her long, dark hair held up with several black laccquer pins, red petals curled around them. Then appearing at her feet, a small ball of black fur with a pink ribbon on her neck - Xue has come along too.
She pauses at the end of the room, looking around her at the many and beautiful paintings before she notices Ryshassa and moves towards her with speed, though some how making it look like she isn't hurrying, Xue playing round her feet as she moves.
As she reaches Ryshassa, she stops to bow.
"Hello Ryshassa. How are you this evening?"
Kanti had received the letter inviting her, written in a graceful flowing script that reminded her of home earlier that day. A young boy with beautiful blonde hair, and glasses that still couldn't hide the beauty of the water behind them, beautiful enough even for Kanti, who was not a creature of water. The letter was now sitting with the rest of her megre collection of most prized possessions.
"Thank you for the letter."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You are quite welcome," Ryshassa replies, her eyes lighting up as she sees Kanti enter, dressed elegantly in red and gold, with her little black kitten in tow. Rising, she steps forward and gives the other woman a warm, friendly hug. "I enjoy writing letters, though it has been some time since I've the opportunity to do so." Certainly she would not have been writing any letters to home.
"You look well, and I'm glad for it! I thought that since we might not see each other again for a little while we should spend some time together." Ryshassa does have something specific to ask, but as she is not one to bring up the main topic of conversation so soon, she begins with pleasantries. "I would have liked it to be more than this, but between my work at the clinic and the... excitement around Spire, there's been precious little time until now."
Ryshassa giggles as Xue prances around in front of her owner's feet, and bends down to offer a hand to the kitten, and rub her behind the ears gently but generously. So adorable!
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti hugs her back, wrapping her arms and giving her a squeeze, warm and happy to be hugged. "I used to write them too, I never knew when or where my friends would be in Heaven ... I should write to them again but ..." She gives a small shake of her head.
"I know you've been busy ... it's been so busy here." She shakes her head again. It seems that she doesn't like busy so much. Or perhaps just that kind of busy.
Xue though, seems to know no sorrow and she mews happily as her ears are rubbed, before tilting her head back, apparently to show off the ribbon to Ryshassa some more, so very proud of it, she seems.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles indulgently as the kitten shows off, and speaks to her gently, much as if Xue were human rather than feline: "You're doing a good job of cheering your mistress up, aren't you? She needs that, so be good to her!"
Straightening, finally, the healer returns to her seat before the sorrowful painting amidst a gallery of rapture, and gestures for Kanti to join her on the bench. Xue too, of course, though she may very well need to be carried there, small as she still is.
"I suppose we have both come from places we cannot return to... at least not now." Of course, Ryshassa said that more for Kanti's sake than hers; she rarely ever entertained the thought of returning to the Realm, knowing she would never be accepted there as Anathema. Kanti, however, was wronged, and perhaps there would be time one day to make it right. "Do you find life here too harsh? There is still such beauty here, even amidst war... there are people, and places, worth fighting to preserve."
"And surely the Prince does his best to keep you happy?" Not a challenge, just a question... after all, Ryshy likes to know Kanti finds at least some happiness somewhere.
'''Kanti: ''' Xue purrs proudly, apparently well aware of the important job she has. Or perhaps just pleased at the attention from the kind lady. Maybe even both.
Kanti sits though, with a grateful smile as Ryshassa gestures, leaning over to scoop Xue up and hold her on her lap - well as much as any kitten can be held.
"It is so dark here, as soon as you leave the Palace, and the buildings ... it is like some Yu Shan slum ... except I know almost every city is like this, and some are worse. And the food .. since Valencia's annoucement ... " She looks down, a little ashamed, sounding like a whining child. "I know there are beautiful places though, rooms like this, beautiful people, people like yo-... Fiona."
"My Prince though, he is good to me, yes. He does his best to keep me happy..he is good to me."
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa gazes at Kanti sympathetically, touching her hand and squeezing gently, offering comfort. "It must be difficult now... Though trust me you would rather be having rations than Gethamane fungus..." An amused smile cracks through her concerned expression, and just as quickly fades away.
"I know this sort of hardship is difficult for you though. I try my best to surround myself in beauty even when everything around me is bleak, because I believe it is soothing to those who look upon me. My patients, my friends, my... beloved..." She almost hesitates over the word, still remembering what Kanti had said after they helped to replenish the Essence of their comrades and companions. But she cannot help but think of Alexsei. She cannot help but miss him, as she does every waking moment, even though she keeps the thought of him to the back of her mind most times, not wanting to be too distracted by it...
"So I won't tell you that you'll get used to it. It is necessary, but... you do not have to like it. The war will end, though, and when that happens, I am sure Prince Alexander will want to bring you only the best of what you desire."
Again Ryshassa squeezes Kanti's hand. But she does not yet bring up the question at the tip of her tongue.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiled and took comfort in the warmth of Ryshassa's hand, smiling at her.
"I try .. with flowers and gifts and pretty little things... and with Xue~" she says happily, then looks down once more "But sometimes even Xue isn't enough...."
"I want this war to be over though, I don't want to see more people in the infirmary...I hope it's over soon.."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I wish I could say how soon it will be... Though we are finally on the move, and that is a good thing, I think." Ryshassa gazes up at the high, arched ceilings, at the flames trapped in crystal keeping the room lit warm and invitingly. "Though it also means that more will likely be hurt... and even worse than that..."
"I like to think I do my best to prevent that." After all, it is both Ryshassa's duty and her pleasure to bear the pain of others. Everyone by now knows that. "Though I will not be going to the front with you and the Prince, not right away. I have never seen Windia before... I admit I am both curious and somewhat apprehensive. If we can succeed in our plan we will help amass quite a force to help in winning the war, rivaling the mercenaries the Angels brought from Amber Post."
"I am worried for Rain, too... He will be part of it, and I'm not sure he will be up to it... So many have suffered because of the Bishop." A frown briefly crosses Ryshassa's delicate features, before she perks up -- "You have met Resplendant Rain, haven't you? He is such a sweet, well-mannered boy, and he's offered to help me care for my... ah... extensive wardrobe."
'''Kanti: '''"Yes, you do." She smiles, with a very happy smile at Ryshassa, so happy in fact that Xue picks that moment to mew on her lap. "You do so much to help people ... they are all grateful for you in the hospital ... the nurses and the doctors and the soldiers." She nods, encouragingly.
"Windia is a ... strange place. Everything is so open, and sometimes it looks strange from the ground ...you should try and see the city from the high towers though. That is a sight!"
"I have met Rain though. He surprised me with your letter, but he was so polite with me. I am glad he will be going with you, you will keep him safe, and it seems he will keep your wardrobe in order." She giggles, suddenly struck with whimsy. "He won't be out of a job soon!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You are right, he will have his hands quite full!" Ryshassa says pleasantly. "It is a blessing he has come to me, though. His help will leave me more free time to practice my own crafting skill."
She is particularly pleased to see the joy on Kanti's face, even if brief. For those who have experienced such sorrow, every bit of happiness they can experience should be a moment to treasure. And Ryshassa does treasure it. She wishes it could last. But she has also seen so much of the dark, tangled strands that make up Kanti's innermost thoughts, and knows it may be quite some time before the firebird can truly rest easy.
"I wonder if I will have trouble navigating in Windia without wings," she muses aloud, after a moment. "I suppose I may have to get used to being carried. Or used to heights, at least." Well, she ''had'' jumped clear off a high cliff to help Alexsei when the Starbreaker attacked, but then again, that was adrenaline...
'''Kanti: ''' ""That will be wonderful indeed." she says, and tickles Xue so she purrs. "I look forward to seeing what you create. I am sure it will be every bit as beautiful as the clothes you wear now."
"It is not impossible to navigate without wings, though it is easier with them. Though yes, you would need to be used to heights. It's very tall there in places."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I will keep that in mind," Ryshassa says about Windia and heights, a touch wryly. "And my offer still stands, by the way! I would love to make clothing for you, as well." In fact, she is to help the Prince with just that, designing clothing for Kanti. But, of course, she would not dare ruin the surprise!
Another silence falls, as Ryshassa reaches over to stroke Xue again, all warm and content on her perch on Kanti's lap. ''Should I... bother saying anything about it? '' she finds herself contemplating quietly. It almost feels... awkward to be the one to bring something like this up, when it could very well be nothing of consequence.
''Still... I cannot simply assume is nothing. ''
"Kanti," she begins -- ''please let this not sound strange'' -- "Would you say you are the kind of person who can love many, and equally?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles as she speaks once more of making clothes for ''her''. Such gifts, they would be, she is sure of it, knowing Ryshassa would allow herself to make nothing less.
"I would like that very much, once you return and once we have time for such things."
And then she watches Xue as Ryshassa gives her more attention, smiling at the little kitten with love in her eyes.
And then Ryshassa asks her question, though it isn't really an answer she has to think over much.
"Yes." She says softly. "I cannot imagine being any other way, to give my heart to one and one alone seems ... odd." She falls silent. "For me at least." She ammends, knowing full well that Ryshassa loves only Alexsei in the warm centre of her heart.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I see..." The answer does not surprise Ryshassa much at all, really, though it confirms some things. "Then ...when you kissed me that day..." She is reasonably sure she does not have to elaborate when. It stands out in her mind, at least, a distinctly intimate moment as they created between them a seemingly infinite wellspring of Essence. "Was the feeling that inspired it a fleeting one, or something more... lasting?"
She quickly amends, "I don't mean to bring this up to make you uncomfortable, or discourage you, because it is hard to dissuade the heart once it has decided. I just... would hate to inadvertently hurt you out of ignorance... or have that affect our friendship without me realizing it."
'''Kanti: ''' "I ..." She started quietly, her red face troubled below the scars with thoughts hard to read.
"I loved you then." She answers and it seems like that is all she has to say on the subject, gently petting the now quiet Xue.
''I know I shouldn't, but I think I still do. ''
''But you have Alexsei. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Then it is passed now?" Ryshassa does not relish prodding about it further, but she does so, gently, patiently. Perhaps a part of her is curious to understand how a person can love, then simply stop loving... could that even be possible? "Love is a strong emotion to claim, even in passing."
"Though there are many forms of love." At least for Ryshassa there are. As a healer, she loves all life. One could say there is love in the process of healing, for she must be so willing to care that she would risk her own well-being for the sake of another. And she cannot bear to witness others suffer innocently; if she can soothe the pain, she will give everything she has to do so.
Alexsei is the one greatest exception simply because she does not only wish to give to him. She also trusts that she will receive the same care that she gives to him, and that his care for her is unique and above all others. A security she can count on when everyone else has gone...
''Is it so selfish to feel that way? '' But she looks to Kanti, wondering whether the other woman would admit any more than she has already.
'''Kanti: ''' "... it is complicated...." She says softly.
''But I should explain it to you. ''
''I must... ''
"When I am in the Radiant Viridian Form, when I attain the posture of the Saint ... my heart overfloods. I love so many things, and in return, they love me a little bit more and so they falter."
"You've always been so good to me, and your love was returned to me in the essence of the soul restoring whisper and so I loved you." She seems to be studying Xue's ears with great dilligance now.
"Then I left the posture of the Saint, and my love faded and now I do not know...I only know that I shouldn't."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''So that explains how she looked back then... a sensation of overflowing love... '' Ryshassa finds herself both amazed and almost frightened by the prospect of magic that could create love. She knows from Alexsei that the Starchosen can wield such power, and that he himself could have learned to bind her to him that way, had he been inclined to do so.
But the way Kanti explains it is not quite so lacking in choice. Ryshassa completed the cycle herself, exposing her care and compassion for Kanti through the essence she gave back to her.
"Thank you for explaining, Kanti, I know it must be... awkward. But I think I understand a little better." Ryshassa takes a deep breath, trying to choose her words carefully. "I care about you a great deal, Kanti, and I do not simply say it to be kind. I feel a certain kinship to you, as a healer and as a sufferer, and I think... you are beautiful. You are a lovely, graceful woman, and beyond that, there is beauty in your kindness and generosity, in your purity that shines through despite all you believe that has tainted you."
"This is the love I feel for you. I wish to know you better, I wish to earn your trust, I wish to be able to help you in every little way I can, and that is the feeling that flooded through me when we touched." And again as if to illustrate this, Ryshassa lifts a hand to Kanti, so gently, so softly, resting it on her cheek.
"But I do not know it is the sort of love you might desire from me. Perhaps for you, it lacks a certain... intimacy." She remembers the kiss, and her cheeks pink slightly. "I would not say you shouldn't love me, because it is not my right to forbid what your heart feels. It only saddens me that it may cause you pain, and you have hurt so much already, more than a woman of such beauty should ever have suffered in a lifetime."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti turns slightly, into the hand, feeling it on her cheek, her eyes softening a little.
"I... it is enough to know that you care, Ryshassa." She says softly, looking at the woman now, studying her face for ... something, though what it might be Ryshassa can only guess. "I was wrong to kiss you, and for that I apologise. I cannot ask any more of you than the kindness you have already shown."
''For you are shinning, and for your love or Alexsei and for his love of you... ''
''All those things mean I cannot ask more. ''
''It is only the smallest pain though, and you must never know. ''
"Do not worry for my heart, Ryshassa." She smiles then and pulls back from the hand with a deliberate gesture. "Knowing you care, with all your wonderful kindness is" ''almost'' "Enough."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles gently, visibly relieved by Kanti's words... "It's important to me that I don't hurt you," she reiterates, "so I am glad you can accept my kindness for what it is."
Something in her still aches, though; it always does, whenever she realizes she cannot quite give what another truly needs or desires. It has taken Alexsei many years to help her realize that she should not give so much it compromises her dignity or her beliefs. But still... it makes her tremble inside, the knowledge that she could love Kanti... could hold her, comfort her, take her... and fill what part of her yearns for such devotion. Fill her with the knowledge that she is needed and irreplacable, that none will resent her for loving as she does.
What stops Ryshassa from it is one simple realization: it would take a lie for her to throw away what she feels and has with Alexsei, in order to love Kanti in that way. Both of them realize that. Ryshassa can see it in Kanti's eyes... and so she lets her hand fall away, back onto her own lap.
"I cannot promise I will not worry, though... but that is part of how I care. I hope that you will be comfortable to tell me your concerns, related to this or anything else."
'''Kanti: '''Kanti smiles a little at Ryshassa, and looks demure. "I will." She nods alittle "You're so easy to talk to ... sometimes I think you are even easier than my Prince to talk to..."
She looks alittle guilty at that, but soon recovers herself "...Would you like to stroke Xue again?" She offers the kitten.
'''Ryshassa: '''"Well, I do not think it is a terrible thing to enjoy a person's company," Ryshassa says gently, silently quelling the desire to heal, to help, to be her salvation... "I am sure you feel much the same about Alexander compared to me, at times. Sometimes what one craves is a woman's words, rather than a man's."
Then Ryshassa finds herself presented with a kitten, and she breaks into a delighted smile, taking Xue onto her own lap and petting her soft fur. Giggling indulgently, she muses, "Almost makes me wish I had a kitten of my own..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti giggles too as Xue wakes up once more in Ryshassa's hands, a little confused but soon just indulging in the stroking as she lies there.
"She's just adorable ... I've never had a pet before." She smiles indulgently at the kitten, obviously smitten with it as well.
"But yes...I know what you mean .... I miss Shaliya...I dont think she likes me as much now I'm ...scared. We used to be such good friends." Kanti murmurs softly, watching Ryshassa;s hands stroke Xue
'''Ryshassa: ''' Shaliya... Ryshassa almost has to pause to remember her, there's been so many people that have come and gone. But it does not take her long to remember... "Ah, you mean Gennadi's familiar, the winter rose? Why do you think she would like you any less? You are afraid you are losing more and more people you can be close to, perhaps... and that is a shame..."
As she talks her hand does not stop stroking Xue, slowly and rhythmically. It makes Ryshassa feel content, feeling... a certain protectiveness for the kitten as well, feeling her comparatively small but still thriving vitality thrumming under her skin.
'''Kraken: ''' "Yes, Shaliya." She smiles a little as she says the name. "We were such good friends in the Cerulean Lute ... we used to explore all over heaven ... between her divinity and my .... because ...." Xue twists under Ryshassa's hands to look up at Kanti, mewing questioningly and encouragingly. "Because of Sunsets." She says quietly.
"But she ... in the Boil ... she looked at me so differently, when she saw the scars ..." Kanti looks down again. "She wasn't like that the next time...but..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Do you really think your appearance alone would have changed her opinion of you? I know you fear that... you looked so apprehensive when we met again after all this time. You fear people will judge you for it."
Ryshassa smiles down at Xue as she shifts to look at Kanti. "I suppose I would not know for sure, since I have not seen Shaliya's mind. But I think that most people who have seen you... before... would be shocked by the scars, because they are a drastic change. Most of all, though, it's because they are saddened that you have had to suffer so. It is a jarring sight to anyone who has seen you so bright and carefree..."
"But I am sure it does not mean that she, or anyone, likes you any less." The healer looks up to meet Kanti's eyes again, her almond-shaped eyes both soothing and encouraging. "I know I do not. I still care about you and I do not blame you for anything."
'''Kanti: ''' "It is not just my appearance .... these scars ... you have felt them. They are not just on my skin. They show in my anima, in the garda bird ... they are in my mind and I can't sleep."
"I know you care ... I know my prince does ... I ...wonder...and yet I still miss Them." She looks away from Ryshassa and back down at her lap, leaving Xue to mew in a distressed tone.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Appearance or otherwise, I still don't think it means people who cared about you before would look upon you unfavorably now..."
"Not for something that was not your fault..." And yes, Ryshassa remembers all to well what she saw in Kanti's mind, the scars' effect on her. She feels no need to bring it up now, though. Instead she gently lifts the mewing Xue and puts her back into Kanti's lap where she can comfort her owner directly.
"I don't think it is surprising that you still feel an attachment to those who have hurt you. It only makes us worry -- because your attachment to them, however strong, does not mean you deserved to have been punished so." It feels a touch... hypocritical, for Ryshassa to say such things, knowing as well as she does the desire for punishment wrongly deserved. But because she knows it so well, she also believes herself most qualified to speak of it honestly.
"I think that when the time comes... you should be the one to be able to decide their fate for having scarred you so, indirectly or otherwise. But you should not have to forgive them, or blame yourself."
'''Kanti: ''' Xue takes her cue, leaping out of Kanti's lap and climbing up her dress to perch on her shoulder and leaning to...
''I did deserve it''
''She did it because she loves me. ''
"...Xue!" She exclaims, as the kitten licks her cheek.
"...I don't think I could. I don't think I could do anything other than forgive them...I love them. But...I wouldn't want to see them free either ... I hate them... Does that make any sense?" She asks, plucking Xue from her shoulder to stroke the kitten once more.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa giggles at Xue, but the smile on her lips sobers as Kanti finds the words to speak again. "If I felt as you just said you do, Kanti..."
She takes a deep breath, almost hesitant, for a moment, to continue.
"I could never accept my husband's love. I could never truly accept the love of anyone who would not punish me for being a terrible person -- and in the eyes of those who... kept me, in the past, I was never any good."
"Even if I do say I understand you..." The mirth has left her eyes; amidst the sympathy, there is a deep, almost resigned sadness reflected there. And deeper still, something almost... yearning. "I cannot say it is a good thing to forgive those who hurt you, unless that hurt is truly what you asked, and even then -- to accept a punishment so severe, it can only mean a part of you despises yourself."
"It is only my opinion --" ''and my experience'' "-- but I do not believe anything good can come of that."
'''Kanti: ''' As Ryshassa speaks, Kanti listens, stroking Xue as she does looking away as the healer looks saddened, Xue mewing softly and quietly.
''But She did it to make me beautiful... ''
''So She could love me more... ''
"I .... I...I don't see how I could just hate them, Ryhassa ... But ...I..."
''I cannot love them and not forgive them''
''can I? ''
"... I..."
Xue licks her hand again, breaking her train of thought and sending it along happier pathways.
She looks up at Ryshassa and smiles again . "I think Xue is trying to tell me something ... perhaps we shouldn't speak of such things with her around...."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''I'm sorry... '' Ryshassa seems almost hurt for a moment, but she shakes it off quickly, not wanting to alarm Kanti any more. "You're right... it's better we don't speak of those things now. Anyway, we won't be seeing each other for a while, so I'd like us to be in good spirits."
''You shouldn't have said all of that. '' Her thoughts chastize her underneath the smile she puts on, wanting Kanti to be calm, wanting their time together to be enjoyable.
''You already know you couldn't help her before... ''
"So... what do you say I show you a little secret of mine. I know you dislike the rations... but I have a small personal store left of good food and wine. Or tea, if you prefer! We can share the rest of it, before we part ways..."
"If you like?" ''Please let it cheer her up more. ''
'''Kanti: ''' ''I hurt her... ''
''Why do I always hurt people who try to help me? ''
''I should be happier ...that would hurt her less... ''
Kanti hides those dark thoughts inside herself not wanting to hurt Ryshassa, not wanting to say the wrong thing, especially with Xue nuzzling her hand, demanding more attention. Ryshassa's offer though, is not one she can hide her reaction too.
"I...I would really like that. If you really want to share it ...I would love some!" She says to Ryshassa, the offer and the thought of such things apparenly having lifted her spirits immensely, Xue purring in her hands again.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I'm glad to hear that. I think it will help us both relax." And with a relieved smile, Ryshassa rises to her feet, offering a hand to Kanti as she does. "Of course you're invited too, Xue," she adds to the kitten on Kanti's lap, "but it'll be just the three of us!"
Gently, she guides Kanti away from the Gallery of Arcadian Rapture, from the sorrowful blond-haired woman in the portrait they sat conversing beneath, her painted eyes following their departure. As they progress towards the exit, the drape-framed paintings lining the walls are progressively more carefree, rapturous with laughter, resplendent with beauty beyond compare, breathtaking, inspiring -- and just a touch strange.
"Now let's see..." Ryshassa rambles amiably all the while about her secret stash, stepping past the doors that shut themselves behind the pair, keeping the rarities inside safely hidden. "I'm pretty sure I saved a bit of chocolate-cherry cake for dessert, too. Let's see about having us a wonderful meal!"
''Sometimes the simple pleasures are the best ones of all. ''
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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