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== Gifts to Fire ==
'''Alexander: ''' Rain and Snow fall over Spire.
Cold, but it gave the Prince thoughts... and he knew there was something he had to do.
She was his responsability now, after all. His servant. His bodyguard. His concubine. He was responsible for her... and she would not do those things by herself. At least, she had the initiative to get Xue... but unconscious as he was, the Prince would never be sure Xue had no chosen her instead.
And so, he came upon the person he knew could help...
The healer of the most sublime melodies...
And knocked on the door to Ryshassa's room.
'''Ryshassa: ''' It's evening, or it ought to be, if Ryshassa is in her room already. Between caring for the haunt survivors, the aftermath of the Virdynn attacks, Calobis, Ise's possession... she's taken every opportunity she can to rest and keep time for herself.
Except even by herself there is little peace. She misses her husband, misses him always, though she rarely speaks of it. Very rarely. After all what is it but a short sacrifice? He would come back, after all; in war, there are so many people who lost loved ones that would never return. What little pangs of loss she might feel in his absence are insignificant in comparison.
Fortunately she does have some things to preoccupy her. Sorting through her extensive wardrobe, trying on this or that outfit, always brings a smile to her face. And of course there's the books Cael left her to study for her sorcery training; she's been diligent about keeping up with those.
Sometimes, though, nothing really works. Nothing replaces Alexsei's warmth or his gentle yet guiding touch, the fondness in the depths of his eyes. It's in this state the Prince interrupts her thoughts, as she lies on her stomach in bed in a lightweight lavender kimono printed with white lilies... a cup of chocolate mousse in one hand, a box of tissues near the other, as she leafs through some old periodical....
"Come in," she says aloud, her voice sounding somewhat... muffled, from where Alexander stands behind the door.
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander steps in, a little uncertain... a halo of light around his head, shining and rotating as he comes in, as a short gust of wind touches it. It seems to fall down, but it steadies itself... and the Prince walks in, blinking as he looks at the healer... and coming as close to her as propriety allows. "Ryshassa... are you alright?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh... oh, I'm fine, don't worry..." Ryshassa sits up when Alexander comes close, realizing that her appearance might make him feel... uncomfortable. She doesn't let go of her dessert (why let a good mousse melt, especially as rare as such luxuries are lately), but she pushes the tissue box behind her. The magazine she was looking through seems to be a ladies' fashion one... filled with concepts of lavish evening gowns, ranging from the inventive to the outright daring.
She manages to compose herself for Alexander, though her nose and cheeks are somewhat reddened... she wipes the sleeve of her kimono across her face, and smiles. Her hair is loose, flowing down around her shoulders and pooling all around her, all dark scented waves. Ready for an early night of sleep, perhaps, if she'd been left to her own devices. But the Prince is here now, so she'd make do with whatever request he might have.
Helping people would improve her mood after all...
"Is there anything I can help you with? I'm really sorry, I must seem out of sorts... but I would be glad to help you out, whatever it might be."
'''Alexander: ''' He looks at the mousse... "My mother used to tell me how ladies eat when they are feeling blue... is there anything I can help you with?" He asks, sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling his most saintly smile as he watched her through the halo...
''She must be missing her... ''
''... she had a husband, did she not? ''
''I distinctly remember a husband... ''
"I have come to ask your help, yes, but it is only fair I give any help I can first..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blushes quite distinctly now, as the spotlight is put upon her feelings... She looks down at her cup, half eaten already, one of her few remaining stores of delectable desserts. "It's nothing terrible, really, Alexander. I'm just not used to spending this much time away from my husband. I know he's alive and well... the ring reassures me of that, but..."
She shakes her head. "I must seem so silly to you. I try very hard to present myself as confident and sure... and it's easier when I am healing, because healing is something I know so very well. But it gets hard sometimes. My life in the Realm did not teach me very much about being independent. And I spent a lot of time cooped up in Gethamane when I got away..."
"I guess it's just more of a strain when I realize I need to learn to stand on my own. Because I don't want people to think I ''need'' Alexsei to survive. But still... I miss him." She shrugs, how else could that be explained?
'''Alexander: ''' "Your life in the Realm... you know, this must be why you feel like one of my aunts. All my royal upbringing, and I must seem like a country bumpkin to your eyes." He shakes his head, humbled and amused by the situation. "And I... I can understand. If... if people like the Pale Angel or Kanti were not around me, I think I would... crumble..."
'I was brought up to love only one... sometimes, I think it is just this uncertainty that makes me love many."
"Aside from Kanti, they all move away... and I do not want to be alone..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "One of your... aunts?" That actually elicits a bit of a nervous giggle from Ryshy; she stifles it quickly, with a bite of her mousse. Mmm, so good. She sighs softly, looking blissful for a brief moment as it melts down in her mouth.
"I'm quite amazed at how people in the Threshold view the Realm. Like it was some sort of paradise realm. There are aspects I enjoy and still miss, and a wealth of beauty in the arts, architecture and natural surroundings -- particularly where I lived, in Pangu... so beautiful, the vineyards and the gardens there..." Her almond-shaped eyes grow distant with recollection. "But there are areas of poverty even on the Blessed Isle, just as there is injustice, slavery, wrongdoing. There is ugliness, both in appearance and in spirit. Perhaps we Dynasts just care to hide it better..."
"I was deemed unambitious, living there. I wonder if I truly am. I aspire to help others with all my being, but very little for myself, besides my little indulgences." Which are not really little, if one thinks about it; her wardrobe alone is worth quite a hefty fortune. "Maybe I should want more..."
She nods sympathetically, though, shrugging away her own concerns. "But it is difficult being alone. Particularly when such expectation is heaped upon you. I would fear being abandoned... but I do not believe Alexsei would be so cruel. It would not just hurt me, but... destroy my belief in love. Perhaps what you yearn for, Prince, is the certainty that you will always be loved..."
'''Alexander: ''' He smiled as he heard her... it was... quite an image. It is not that he did not know that there were bad things in the Realm. He knew that very well. After all... Whiteshield did not look kindly upon the Scarlet Empire. Those of false faith, that would kill the golden lords. He saw them as utter bastards... but he knew, at the very least, that they were civilized and cultured, even more than the people of Whiteshield... they would not delude themselves about it. At least, the royalty would not.
And he tried his best at imagining the things she spoke about... and he did.... certainly so differently than they really looked like, but... he did imagine them, and did feel something when she spoke of feelings... "... I... it may be that, as well. I... it seems like they will all leave me. Kanti loves all those Abyssals more than me, Milady loves the Dark Angel more than me... it seems like I am about to be alone again, at all times.. oh..." He shakes his head, "I am sorry, though, I should not be burdening you with my worries like that. But that reminds me why I came here... I came to talk to you about Kanti."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It seems like much the same thing just worded differently, really... if they love you truly, they will not abandon you. They may need to spend time away, for whatever responsibility, but their hearts will be ever focused on you. That is how I always thought it should be..."
''...and why I miss my beloved so, even though I know that if he had not business in Heaven, he would hasten to my side... ''
The mention of Kanti brings an expression half-guarded, half curious to Ryshassa's delicate features. Not because she disliked Kanti or talking about her -- not by far! But there was the matter of that... kiss, for example, and some of the misconceptions Alexander might believe she has. Maybe.
"Oh? What about her? Is Kanti doing all right?" She smiles faintly again, shifting her position on the bed, her legs tucked under her as she rests her cup on her lap.
'''Alexander: ''' "She is... doing well, yes. She has Xue now, and Xue is making her so very happy..." He nods, ''and I have learned ways to make her happy, as well.... I wonder if Liz intended this. She certainly did not... '' he says, smiling back to her, as if to show it he did not mean to talk about any serious matter... "It is just that... she has no clothes. She has a maid outfit that she got from you, and her dancer outfit, and that cheongsam from the Boil... maybe one or two more... but she is a lady, and she deserves more than that."
"And I need to gift her some..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's face takes on an entirely different expression, her eyes shining with enthusiasm -- "Oh. Ooooh. So then this is fashion related!" ''Entirely different from what I was expecting, but I won't complain! '' It's enough, even, for her to set aside her heavenly dessert for a while, taking one more indulgent bite before placing it on a nearby table.
"And it's a surprise, hmm..." She scoots towards the edge of the bed, letting her legs dangle down as she leafs through the journal of ladies' fashion she was peering through before. Quite casual behavior, at least as far as the healer's concerned, but she's chocolate-filled and trying too hard to remain cheerful to bother with propriety. "Well, that means she can't be measured directly, but fortunately I've had her try some things before, I have a good eye for such things..."
"So you want some advice on what she'd like? Or do you already have something in mind?" Her hands are smoothing down a page on the journal with a shimmering dress like liquid gold poured upon the model's skin, sinuous silks with a high neckline and a plunging back.
'''Alexander: ''' "I have nothing in mind yet!" He admits with a helpless shrug.
"I... am not good at this. I never had a girlfriend before... so I... do not know what to get. What would be proper. What she would like. What would look good in her... come to think of it..." The word ''girlfriend'' reminded him... "We could look into something for the Pale Angel later, as well... she might appreciate a gift. She never lets people know how vain she actually is..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "The Pale Angel, too? I suppose with her, it would depend on whether you want me to make something SHE would choose, or something I believe would look good on her. I think if you let her, she'd be content to stick with black and white..."
Ryshassa's smile is bemused now as she flips a few more pages forward on her magazine. There's an unusual couture piece, there, with a wide, fan-like white fur collar that circles the neck asymmetrically and a dramatic v-neckline plunging near to the bellybutton, with one off-the-shoulder-strap and one fully gloved sleeve. The bodice is split into two panels, one white and one deep violet, the white extending up to the collar, the violet darkening as it plunges downward, coloring the slanted skirt until the hem is deepest black.
"Well then, let's see. I'm pretty sure I can think up some outfits, but I wouldn't be able to simply ''show'' them to you now. They'd have to be made to order. And I'd need some time to ponder it, first. You must already have someone in mind to craft them? Unless you meant me to do it myself... surely not..." How would he know of her ambitions as a fashion designer, anyhow?
'''Alexander: ''' "If you wished! There are a couple designers left in this city, after all.... and there is not much of a market left. I believe that if I ask, they will do so... and we do have enough materials found in all the lost parts of the city. Some warehouses were pretty intact. But if you wished to do it, Ryshassa, I would be so happy... since, after all, anything done by a Solar would be grand." He nods. "But for now, I wish you to think them up with me. Get some idea of colors, cuts..."
The prince lets himself fall on the bed, propping himself up on one elbow while talking about it, relaxing just a little bit... "Knowing Kanti, it probably needs to be.... well. It needs to be elegant and ladylike. Yet, an outfit for her needs some sort of submissive undercurrent, right? She loves that..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Indeed, I can help you with that." As she considers the Prince's beginning suggestions though, a small blush creeps into Ryshy's cheeks. Not that she really has to be embarrassed any more; she'd told Kanti it's fine that Alex knows where the maid outfit came from. Still, she preferred fewer people to know than greater...
"A few things to consider: first of all, how many outfits would you like to have made? My thought is that you could start with three. Something ladylike and elegant, as you said, to complement her femininity... a more detailed evening gown, something for parties, that will present her as the beautiful treasure she is... and, since you, ah, suggested it... Something more racy, and brief, for private moments with her."
"It is true that one could combine all those types into a single garment, but fashion is itself an art, it should be molded to the intention, I think. That said..." She rises from the bed now, layers of lavender gauze falling petal-like around her body, swishing as she moves from one end of the room to the other. Perhaps the pacing helps her think.
"One of the difficult aspects to consider is color, as Kanti's skintone leaves little in terms of choices. There is always black; black goes with everything, though I think too much black would be morbid and even tacky on Kanti. It might work just as well to go with tones close to black... deep purple or perhaps a dark reddish brown, those come to mind. Besides that, one of the colors I would like to see Kanti in the most, actually, is gold... multiple shades of gold darkening to a red-orange..."
"I envision a splendid evening gown in such vibrant colors, with a multilayered skirt to resemble the wings of a garda bird molded to her legs, folding outward into a train in the back. Smaller panels, also wing-like, folding up her chest, cupping her torso in the shape of a bodice. The back would be left dramatically bare, the top of the bodice looping around the neck, leaving a flame-shaped cutout beneath the throat to the bustline, perhaps dangling a choice piece of jewelry where her skin is bare. Yes... something like that, perhaps, would be eye-catching."
"For the more sober, elegant gown, I'd select a shade of dark violet. Dark enough that it may even look black in dim light. This one would be fluid silk, subtly patterned. Perhaps irises, yes? A flower symbolic of the girl. A pattern of blue-violet irises nested in dark green leaves. The top would be sleeveless, perhaps even strapless... a series of laces down the back to cinch the bodice snug. The skirt should be slit up the legs, on one or both sides, so that she might dance unhindered."
"And finally... the last outfit... perhaps a variant on the maid's outfit. Something brief, very brief. A short, ruffled skirt, white as a swan's feathers, hardly even gracing the upper thighs. A white off the shoulder top to match it, with a deep red velvet corset with black laces around the waist, hugging the... the bust from underneath." Her cheeks are increasingly hot as she continues. "Black thigh highs on the legs, with red bows running up the back seams, stopping scant inches below the skirt, to give a clear view of her garters..."
Ryshassa stops, suddenly, almost as if completely unaware of just how long she's been rambling on. "Does any of this sound appealing to you, at all?"
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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