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== The Last Word ==
The Angels had returned.<br>
The Royal Princess returned.<br>
The silence had awoken.
All was set, and Spire was safe. and it was time for decisions. For farewells.<br>
For the offensive.<br>
The Palace of Timeless Winters...
Its end consistently hidden above the clouds at the wake of winter, its many aerie-style ends at the end of its branches, the many balconies that may as well be a front door, its great halls and corridors making sure no one feels enclosed within. All shows how it was made with the winged in mind. And now, the Winged soldiers that helped liberate this city, and those, winged or not that had fought with them, that lead them as Chosen, meet there.
The feeling within it is solemn. It is old, grand, and everything within seems to have some sort of purpose. All engraved symbols part of some greater circuit, of some broken seal. A feeling of winter fills the place, a feeling of a rainy day, of memories, longing, of warmth before a fireplace. And in its war room, a feeling of tradition, a feeling of the... power and authority that the Whiteshieldian army once held. Beating back Barbarians, the Dead, the Chaos... at one time even fighting with Windia.
The round table is at the center of the room, shining ominously, the heart of this feeling of tradition and power. Discs in the shape of nine magical materials with an adamant center - now sporting a number of essence-fueled functions. Each disc is intricately ornated, with waves in the black disk, snow in the blue disk, flames in the red disc, a myriad flowers in the green disc... all with nuances in colors, and with the shapes of Dragons always appearing in them. The Silver and Golden discs seem to entwine, almost turning into one. They seemed to shine, to cast their lights outward, illuminating the craftwork on all other circles... and on their own, thanks to the Silver, it was ever-changing figures, men and beasts fighting, dancing, hunting. All glorious with Sun and Moon...
Around it, there were the colors and banners of Whiteshield and Winlandia, the arms of great generals of days long past, and paintings showing great triumphs of both countries' militaries...
Alexander Holysword was one of the first in the room. Kanti knelt at his side, more overtly than before. Ainerach over his shoulder and in front of him, with less compunction than he had before. He seemed at... peace.
Leonas du Mistlav read a book in the corner. He wondered what would happen this time...
Eva Purewing just tried not to sleep, in her Red Jade and Obsidian armor that half-covered her wings, her crimson spear slung in front of her and leaning on her shoulder in the same fashion as the prince's.
Dorian Tierney came in his clothing of storms, clouds and lighting playing over it, as if this was the party on the Zephyr. His arm entwined on Acelia's, he smiled to his fellow Windian officers. People would speak, of course, a Tierney heir and a bastard from the Boil. But Darian could just shrug, smiled, and enjoyed doing whatever the hell he felt like.
And Bronze Butterfly came in, yawning and stretching... knowing she received odd glances, but the army boys and girls better hope they had a good enough intel to know of her... since she is the disciple of the Dark Angel, worth ten of them, and ''damn'' if she could not go anywhere she liked! And she was supposed to be around here ''anyway! ''
'''Aeryn: ''' Izabella creeps in behind Dorian and Acelia. She'd gotten mostly used to the spikey demon armor and the robes, even the long hair, and she'd almost gotten comfortable with how she looked now. But not quite, and so she was still trying to be unobtrusive and trying to hide in plain sight.
Too much attention ''baaad. ''
One might notice she keeps a careful eye on Dorian who's carting around Acelia, now her student more than a bastard of the Boil. That is, if anyone asked her.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Perhaps Monkey had been there all along... quiet, small, invisible in spirit and presence if not in appearance. Perhaps, amidst such a glorious, breathtaking sight such at this, she was trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible. Perhaps, instead, she was hoping that the granduer would rub off on her, coax her not-soul back to its former glory. Perhaps... she was merely too scared to '''not''' be around all those empowered beings who seemed so, so much more capable and shining in her present state.
Whatever her reasons, the Snow Monkey, She Who Wages War Atop Dragons, the Glory of the Fight was there. Deep down, she wanted so badly to be able to stand tall, to smile, to shine in the way Wyld things do, but that wasn't happening. What if she drew too much attention to herself? What if they saw her as a threat? What if they already do... and the meeting was merely a way to plot her demise? So many unfounded fears and worries plagued her, illusions and devils conjured by her own fear-stricken mind, that it was sometimes hard for her to even speak, to be seen, for fear of something terrible occuring to her, because of her.
'''Broken''' is a fitting term for the Child of Wyld Days right now, considering her state of mind. Whether or not she can be fixed soon is another matter entirely.
'''Acelia: ''' Acelia is dressed surprisingly well, all things considered. But still she showed more than a trace of the punk, the street child, the spooky's friend. Wasn't much chance she'd change for anyone, not even the man she's hugging the arm of.
So she saunters along with him, trying to look the part, at least. Black fitted pants, the ubiquitous boots. Halter-neck, red-outlined white top and a snazzy red short jacket buckled up the side. Her white hair is braided behind her and a purple hat half askance on her head. No smokes this time though. Well, sacrifices had to be made!
''Wonder what's got Ise so nervous though? She looks GREAT! If I could be half as awesome as her... ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon walked in close behind Iselsis, looking more tired and preemptively bored than his usual sour and annoyed approach to these meetings. He didn't even give Iselsis's new look more than a fleeting glance of approval, not really daring for more than that. He was ''still'' waiting for the hammer to fall from what happened at the Angel's return.
Stalking over to his usual seat, he slumped down into it and flooded his hands over his stomach, tugging the bandanna around his brow lower to shade his eyes and shifting around to get comfortable. He hated these things, yeah, but hopefully this one was just a formality. The prince would give another speech, people would yammer for a bit to see who could still talk the loudest, then they'd all go running off. Same as usual. Was almost getting kind of routine. It was no wonder people like Iria wanted to break into politics.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel has returned to her usual attire by now, in the dark uniform and the broad velvet cloak that sweep the floor behind her where-ever she walks. Seeming to have recovered from the wound given to her by Elizabeth Holysword, she arrives with little fanfare... that seems to state that if the others fail to recognize her presence, it is their problem.
On the sight of Alex Holysword, Vorpal takes a step forward and draws breath to say something, but then her eyes fall on Kanti at his feet. Whatever trace of a smile that was rising to her face immediately melts away, and she merely contends herself to giving the Prince a warning glance at that. Then, she turns around and moves over to the wall, to idly examine the paintings of long-gone battles before the meeting begins.
'''Aghar: ''' The Son of Giants walked slowly, leisurely behind the Pale Angel, long blonde braids falling from his shoulders into his Iron Plating, his great Hammer hanging on his back, tall as a common man. Aghar was, however, much greater than a common man. If he noticed the Pale Angel's glances, he said nothing about them... but eyed the boy warily. That little stick of a man did not impress him, to say the least. But if the General was with him...
He sat down as she looked at the paintings, half-wondering where he could get some ale on Spire...
'''???: ''' There are more footsteps out on the corridor. A strange man walks by, a fleeting glimpse of tanned skin, glimmering white hems of a long coat and a luscious mane of night-black hair.
But then he moves out of sight, and the corridor is empty again.
'''Fiona: ''' The Enchantress of Veils and Chains, the Eldritch Feline walked in soon after... golden chains jingling, pearlescent white gosssamer dress wavering as she walked to her seat, watching Days... like a mother hen, and yet not. Keeping the Wyld-Child in her sight... but not under her wings. She couldn't shelter Days always... especially if she was serious about going...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth... had a headache.
It was easy to be outraged and protective of a younger sibling from afar. Actually being there for them on the other hand, tends to make you want to smack them. Elizabeth glances over at Alex and Kanti and shakes her head. He was anything BUT the victim here.
Would it be the same with Carina?
Elizabeth was glad she'd asked to go along with Moon. It would be good to get away from the situation.
'''Alexander: ''' A warning glance...
''Damnit. ''
Not after Elizabeth. She had shown him the way. She had made him take a stand... and if he had to not have shame to admit his love for an Abyssal, if he had taken Ainerach back, he would not cower in the shame now! He wondered if that was her purpose all along. He smiled to his sister as she came in, happy to see her there, and wondered why she shook her head, as well...
''Damnit... are all of you...? ''
He got up, then, walking up to the Pale Angel, hand touching hers', watching the paintings as well...
"Good afternoon, milady..."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' And a few moments later, a second Elizabeth appears...
She does not have the silver on her skin. She does not have swirling, almost hypnotic tatoos.
And yet, she is every bit Elizabeth Holysword, a mirror image that comes closer to her original in an almost eerie sight...
Like looking at two images in a mirror, yet different.
"So, he is still with the Abyssal? And in front of everyone like that?"
'''Iselsis: ''' ''Oh great, the bitch queen of Whiteshield is multiplying, Izabella thinks to herself. ''
She glances at the first Liz, the one she's more familiar with and raises an eyebrow "You know one of you was quite enough, if you want my opinion."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa is one of the last, if not the last to enter, slipping into the room clad regally in black, white and gold, her hair bound with care in braids woven into an impressive lattice laid against her head. Was someone else doing her hair recently?
As the light illuminating the meeting room shines upon her dark-shaded kimono, it reflects the light in shades of bronze and rust, with almost a liquid sheen. Embroidered upon the fabric is the silhouette of a tree in burnished gold, rising from the back of the kimono so that its branches hug all around her sides and along the sleeves. Its boughs are heavy with embroidery of butterflies with ivory wings, clinging to the branches as if to simulate flowers.
She bows quietly to all those she recognizes, making no comment or reaction to the tension building in the room. As she inclines her head to each in turn, her golden teardrop earrings flick forward and back again, inlaid with a single black pearl each.
Sitting down with equal quietude, the healer's eyebrows raise... wondering whether this would turn out to be a meeting, or a fight...
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon's ears twitch at the exchange between Not-Elizabth and Aeryn, a smile plucking at the corners of his mouth. His eyes remain closed and half-covered though and his breathing otherwise steady and undisturbed.
''Sing it, sister. ''
Good to know someone else had the bases covered.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel turns a little towards the Prince as he approaches. Shel does not withdraw her hand from his touch, but then again, she does not particularly answer to the gesture, either.
"Dummy", she mutters to him with surprising gentleness. "Get back to your place. Don't put your personal matters ahead of this. The army depends on it."
'''Alexander: ''' His hand tightens around her fingers, however, warm... as the prince takes a few steps to stand in front of her, amethyst eyes gazing into crimson with gentleness, and a plea... "Come, then. Come sit at my side, please... give me strength. I need it. I need you close to me." ''I need you all. '' "We can talk later, but... come on?"
'''???: '''A face appears into the corridor and peeks into the room. It is a breathtakingly beautiful man with tanned skin and a mane of gleaming-black hair. His eyes are dark and glimmering, a sort that could wink in a manner that would send the weaker ladies stumbling unconscious to the floor. His head is proudly framed by a pair or long and pointed ears.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs in response to her mirror, giving an icy reponse. "Don't. He doesn't deserve your concern." A sharp retort makes her turn. Eyebrows raise as she sees Iselsis' gettup, but remains... polite. "Iselsis, this is Elizabeth Holysword, previously priestess of Eos. Liz, this is Selina's demonic little sister. Litterally."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''She does have a point, '' is what Ryshassa thinks about the Pale Angel's sentiments. ''Though it does not seem very much has changed, from last time... ''
''...and we really should give that other Liz a name. ''
From her seat, she lets her gaze drift to Iselsis, who looks, to her eyes, quite grumpy. The robe did hide most of the armor, which was probably a good thing considering that Ise disliked the attention. ''At least Izabella seems okay... relatively. ''
'''Iselsis: ''' "I guess I'm not allowed to shoot the other one?", she says from her vantage place of a pillar which she's leaning against, arms crossed, only bothering to gesture vaguely with one finger.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal looks at him for a moment, then shakes a mental head at his pleading eyes.
''How on earth can I say no to that? ''
"In a moment", she replies, then turns back to the paintings. "I'll be there when this begins."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "Oh, so Abyssals and Demons, is it? I guess the third sister must be a soul-sucking fae. But at any rate... pleased to meet you, Iselsis. And I would ask you ''not'' to shoot me. I am many things, I hold powers of my own but I am not immortal."
She turns to Liz, surprised... "He is our brother! How can he not deserve our concern?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "He's with that one, but was cheating on her with the ''other'' one, and I have my concerns about that Kanti too..." she shakes her head. "--and those are the ones I know about. No, he's not exactly the picture of innocence any more."
'''Cael: ''' Cael walked in a few moments after Ryshassa, having forgone his usual long coat and instead wearing a simple white shirt and trousers, trimmed with just the slightest hints of gold, white hair loose and brushed to one side.
He treats everyone in the room to a genuinely pleasant and relaxing smile. "Apologies for my late arrival, there were certain matters best dealt with sooner rather than later." He says to Alex, and by extension the room, before moving over to the table and taking seat, nodding in greeting to each one present.
"It is good to see that you are up and about once more, Miss Iselsis." He says to the dragonblood standing over by the pillar before turning back to the door as the man looks in, taking a good look at the fine features. Small changes in his expression convey that the form, at least, is pleasant.
"Greetings, vistor." He says, in a friendly although questioning manner.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Right, no shooting the other Liz, gotcha. And in my defense, I was at least born normal and have an artifact related accident to blame for my state of being. I'm less pleased with it than you are, really.", she shrugs her shoulders a little, "Also please don't joke about my other sister, if you go too far I might just have to choke you to death and it would be quite a scene.", she smiles sweetly.
And, when Cael enters, nods at him. "Pattona."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey thankfully doesn't see the new face, else she's probably go into a complete and total panic. Instead, she's busy... hiding. Well, not so much hiding as not being seen, somewhere away from the crowd in general.
'''???: ''' The handsome man quickly takes a stock of the situation - like a conneuseur of the finer drinks when he first enters the wine cellar of a very rich prince. The men he seems to skim over completely - it is the ladies he assesses, one at the time, the clothing, the hair, the face, the eyes, the legs, the hips, the swell of bosom...
Judging by the one raised eyebrow, he apparently deems the prince's wine cellar to hold some vintages of prime quality.
But, there is a shadow darkening his heart. One bottle, the most priceless, tasteful, well-flavored wine of them all is missing.
"Oh, greetings", he quickly flashes a charming smile to Cael, but then returns to his scrutinity.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Of course he is." Comes the voice. Familiar in its tone and the subtle uses, familiar in many ways besides the most obvious: It is male. Something no one but the Pale Angel has yet heard coming from her. "The Prince has learned his lessons well."
She (he?) steps into view, as beautiful as a male as she is as a female. And as regal, as powerful. With the same barely-hidden mercurial nature visible to those who know what to look for beneath the surface. Attired as a prince of state, finely tailored shirt and pants and the rest, coat with coattails. Not too long. But Selina does have her definite sense of style. All of it silvery and white with a bit of gold trim in the right places, including the shorter-than-her-usual boots. '''Her''' family sword at her side, she moves into the room as if she was born to the form, long pale golden hair held near the bottom of its length by a simple black tie. The contrast of the outfit with her skin and hair and night-black wings -- her nature as well -- is striking in this form.
She comes and sits at at the table with all the grace, assurance, and arrogance of one born into power -- which she was -- and gives them all a faint smile, favoring no one. '''See, even I can do something unexpected once in awhile.'''
'''Iselsis: ''' And as Selina wanders in her eyebrows first raise, then go down noticeably, and she just shakes her head, thumbing at her as she goes past.
"That one though, say about her what you like, I don't care, she's weird."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "..."
Monkey, however, does see Selina enter. It takes a very long moment before the raksha can look away, grumbling inwardly.
''Damn you, Abyssal... that's my trick! ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's eyes leap with a spark of... something... when Cael enters the room. But her eyes go briefly rounder when she notices the dark stranger's presence, and then...
"...Lady Aine?" She blushes moments afterward. Because that was anything but a man. And by... gods. She made a handsome, handsome man.
Ryshy just sits there limply, somewhat dazed by this trio of manly attraction entering the room one after the other.
''I really do need my husband... ''
'''Alexander: ''' Now, that is, as they say, '''shocking'''
''Just what the '''hell?!? ''' ''
Selina had told him about that in their frank, heart-to-heart conversation...
But still... that was a bedroom trick. Strutting around like '''that'''...
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's eyes leap with a spark of... something... when Cael enters the room. But her eyes go briefly rounder when she notices the dark stranger's presence, and then...
"...Lady Aine?" She blushes moments afterward. Because that was anything but a woman. And by... gods. She made a handsome, handsome man.
Ryshy just sits there limply, somewhat dazed by this trio of manly attraction entering the room one after the other.
''I really do need my husband... ''
'''???: ''' The stranger in the doorway brightens visibly as Selina sweeps past him, but then his handsome visage turns into grimace of an unpleasant surprise. Then it twists into a vision of pain and he staggers against the doorway, holding his chest with one hand, as if he had taken a terrible blow there.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "... I can see how..." The other Elizabeth says in response to Iselsis...
A woman that becomes a man... surely, those void-tainted are... twisted.
"He's still our brother, Liz..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Another twitch of the ears. One eye cracks open, only barely. A glittering sliver out of the shadows, dilating pupils twisting towards the familiarly unfamiliar voice. A seconds long stare in silence. A flare of his nostrils, quickly drawing in the scents of the room, all of them strange, but none quite that strange.
"What the fuck darlin'?" he asked in a groggy rumble, the eye drawing closed again. "''Seriously. ''"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' ''Even though, he might be twisted too... is it the Abyssals...? ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' As soon as the stranger staggers, Ryshassa is up on her feet, her healer instincts pushing all attraction to the background. "Are you all right? Do you need medical attention?" she asks the man as he clutches his chest.
'''Cael: ''' After the briefest surprise, which he doesn't let show, Cael spends his time studying the new form of the Dark Angel, perhaps as long as the dark stranger had spent considering the women in the room. From the slight smile that curls the corners of his lips, evidently he approves, at least of something there, before he nods to her in greeting.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey, however, does find her mind wandering in the middle of it all, tail twitching a little as past memories return and present revelations make for interesting possibilities.
''... but would I give, or receive? Hmmmm.... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth blinks, and blinks again, then shrugs. Several months with the fae... some more with an Abyssal master of the Lunar arts... Elizabeth was not exactly unsurprised, but certainly less confused than the rest of the room, barring perhaps the merely indignant monkey.
"Oh sure, he's our brother, but I'm not exactly eager to call 'seduction' again... unless it's perhaps the other way around."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal turns around at the sound of Selina's voice, her cloak sweeping the floor with the motion.
''You didn't. ''
The Pale Angel, of course, as seen this before. Her mien of surprise quickly melts away, replaced by a sour grin of sarcastic disappointment.
''You did. Figures you would want to flaunt that in every way you can. ''
''You fool. ''
It hurts her. It definitely hurts her, just the way seeing Kanti so blatantly on Alex's feet had hurt her only a few minutes ago.
''Even after all that, you are still treating me like a prize. ''
She glances first at Selina, then at Alex.
''You should realize I will not stand this for very long. ''
Not saying a word aloud, she steps forward, not waiting to let Alex follow her to the table. A swing of her hand sends the cloak billowing behind her, clearing enough room for her to sit down into the own place at the table.
'''???: ''' The handsome stranger is breathing quickly and shallowly, his muscular bare chest rising and falling rapidly under the palm of his hand. Still, he looks up at the healer and manages to flash him a wonderfully brave grin nonetheless. "Can you mend broken hearts, my beloved with the healing hands?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She sits, away from everyone else. Deliberately. She is giving herself to no one at this meeting, and keeping everyone under her gaze.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well, might as well enjoy being the one with the bigger chest for once.", she muses to herself and giggles amusedly.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince returns to the table slowly, his eyes wary at the Dark Angel...
But now, Vorpal was gone. He didn't... he didn't understand why...
''But you got her angry... ''<Br>
''And now she will not sit with me. ''<br>
''Well, with none of us... ''
He sits back down, close to Kanti, wondering when Valencia would come...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "M.. my wha..." ''Composure! '' Clearly another man calling her as her husband did right after the spectacle she has just -- and is still -- witnessing was enough to addle her a bit.
"I cannot heal your heart of its own ailments... only those inflicted upon it by outside powers..." Ryshassa's eyes still look a touch worried, though. "But it should not be so ... physically apparent, your feelings. I... I can still examine you, if it persists." It is hard for her to resist, the call to ease another's pain.
Slowly, though, she lowers herself back into her seat. Trying to keep her eyes on the Prince, now that most everyone has arrived, and soon... business would begin. Business to banish whatever tension or embarrassment was flushing her cheeks.
'''Kanti: ''' From her knees besides Alex, Kanti is rapt. She had been shying away slightly, as the strange and beautiful man entered, a little afraid, having only just risked another glance towards the Pale Angel, who now seemed to have forgotten her.
''I'm sorry my lady pale angel, I did not mean to hurt you. ''
''I know you love my prince. ''
''I know he loves you. ''
''It's just that I love him too. ''
Then selina had walked in, and Kanti had just been forced to stare. It wasn't that she hadn't seen stranger things, for merely being a man and not a woman was not that odd. But this was the dark angel.
"Hello, my ... lord dark angel." She says, eventually, forcing herself to manners.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince returns to the table slowly, his eyes wary at the Dark Angel...
But now, Vorpal was gone. He didn't... he didn't understand why...
''But you got her angry... ''
''I wonder why...? ''
He sits back down, close to Kanti, wondering when Valencia would come...
His hand does not come over the Pale Angel's, not wanting to call on the Dark Angel's anger, to seem possessive in front of her... but he looks at her, and his gaze has questions, his gaze is worried... however, he touches Kanti then, caressing her hair... and this is almost possessive.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina slants an acknowledging glance at Kanti -- not wanting to say anything to further inflame what seems to be...difficulty. This meeting is for deciding things, not feuding like the last one and the one before that. The attention runs off of her like water off of a bird -- born to rule and born to be admired. That is Selina's place.
''And to be Judgement. ''
''Poor faerie, though. ''
''Didn't think he'd be here. ''
Well, nothing she can do about that. She gives her sister a little shake of her head, as if asking '''Why in heaven must they take this so seriously?'''
'''???: ''' "And so the sainteous healer leaves me to my fate as well", the strange man intones with a perhaps bit too dramatic sigh. "Not even a little help, no soothing hands to lend me support on the long journey to slump into one of these chairs? Oh, Creation, you are too cruel to me." He touches his forehead with his fingers, the palm of his hand shading his eyes for a moment.
Then, he promptly pushes himself back to his feet.
"Honestly, my beloved Dark Angel, how could you do this to me", he breathes, shaking his head so that his mane whisks lefts and right. "I took your to sword to my heart, just for your sake, and this is how you reward me? By fleeing to the vestiges of manhood?" He saunters over to where Selina is sitting and spreads his hands in a pleding gesture as he comes. "You wound me, milady, you wound me deeply."
His coat glimmers with every step - it is a beautiful vestment, knit from unmelting snowflakes, obviously a souvenir from one of the local freeholds.
'''Gennadi: ''' Light. Shining and golden, gleaming and sapphire, a spear cast from heaven. The sun casts down his glory and the stars lend their favor to this moment, one place in the heavens on the balcony.
Sounds, ethereal, just below the threshold at first, but swelling slowly into stirring music, beats that reverberate through the chamber, drums and brass that, for those who know, for those who remember, once lef the godkings of a fallen age to war.
A faint scent, of frankincense and myrrh, the smoke of burnt offerings and the smell of devoted prayer, ambrosia scattered on the winds and the lightning-acrid undercurrent of battle.
And one figure, descending slowly upon that razor-thin slice in the sky. An angel's wings beat slowly, ivory white, ruby red, and crimson black. Robes of orichalcum bound with starmetal chains wrap this being, a messenger sent from heaven. As it lands, the wind howls from final beats of blade-edged wings, dust stirred and burnt into nothingness on a surge of essence.
Meanwhile, in an entirely different place, Gennadi claps slowly. "Gods-DAMN do I make a dramatic entrance." He grins and sizes up the staring crowd, the new form of Selina, the old form of iselsis in new wrapping, old faces and new bodies. the grandeur and attire the assembled beings bring to this meeting. "Sorry, couldn't resist"
A tap on the shoulder, and suddenly black glasses, like obsidian worn down by thousands of years of rain, slip themselves over Iselsis eyes. "Like the rest of the crew, you were just missing a certain something. So much for the better now." He moves to find a seat, flops down, and is about to prop his feet up on the table before he makes a face and leaves them on the floor.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' In the middle of her musing... the Monkey smells it. She smells dreams, she smells gossamer, she smells----"... faerie."
The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and she looks quite on edge as she homes in on that most familiar sensation, fingers digging at the floor. Gennadi's amazing distraction is totally forgotten as Monkey ponders how much of a scene pouncing the faerie and biting his throat out would cause... and if she could even muster the courage to attempt it in the first place.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "A temporary sojourn, nothing more. A few hours." Selina replies to the faerie with a wave that is calculated to dismiss the faerie's fears as unfounded. "It is not a change of nature. Do not worry."
''Unfortunately the Pale Angel is now angry...but she does not control me. ''
'''She does not control me. '''
Then she looks to Gennadi, somewhat irritated for surpassing her entrance. "Ah, you're back. The amber rains of heaven washed you back down to the real world already?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, my dear, the gods and goddesses of heaven never grow tired of my golden showers. But it'd be terribly rude to be late for the party, so here I am! Did I miss anything?"
'''Iselsis: ''' As Gennadi enters, arrogant as usual, she opens her mouth to object to whatever it is he's going to do, but when it's just a pair of glasses, she sighs and just shakes her head, before glancing back at her older sister and just shrugging her shoulders helplessly, as if to say '''don't ask me, I'm with you on this'. ''
Then, back to Gennadi, "If you think so, oh divine stylist of yu-shan, I'll defer to your better judgement. Besides, I'm getting used to people dressing me up by now.", she wrinkles her nose a little, then wanders over and sits down next to Selina.
'''Alexander: ''' "Finally, Gennadi. I wondered how long my Azure Advisor would remain away..."
He looks at Cael as he says that. Eclipse and Serenity, Azure and Gold...<br>
Saint and Sinner over his shoulder...<br>
Which was which?
"Nice hair, by the way."
* Gennadi runs a hand through hair of glittering gold, grin revealing perfect ivory teeth to match. "Thought you'd like it. The rest matches, if you were curious."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I was, actually.", she says bemusedly.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa gazes at the dark man, consideringly... "I think you can walk on your own without aid. There would be stronger shoulders than mine if you needed it," she adds apologetically... just before the light show descends into the room and coalesces into another familiar figure.
"Gennadi. I see you've made it to the meeting..." ''of clones, slaves, handsome strangers, distraught lovers and spectators? '' She pauses, her lips quirking as he adds the sunglasses to Ise's ensemble, pondering whether to ask the question that quivers at the tip of her tongue...
...and failing to resist the urge.
"How is my husband? You've seen him now and then in Yu Shan, have you not?"
'''???: ''' "An hour or two without your beauty is too long for this Creation", the raksha replies, eyes downcast. He sighs once more, but then seems to be satisfied with the answer. Allowing his hands to drop to his sides, he throws one glance over his shoulder at Gennadi - his eyes show both admiration of the epic display and grumpyness for someone attempting to outdo a raksha in drama.
But then he shrugs, and, wheeling gracefully around on his heels, flops down into a chair right next to the Dark Angel.
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods his greeting to the sidereal, a note of congratulation at the light show, which had been briefly impressive, at least.
'''Gennadi: ''' "The last I saw, he had a headache. Still attached to his shoulders, of course. And not related to the drubbing I gave him." He grins, looking her over. "I suppose if he'd bothered to peek in on your dressing session he'd already be here."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina gives a resigned sigh. People are going to cluster around her anyways. She does however, give Vorpal just the faintest glare of disapproval.
''If you are petty enough that everything that came before and will come after this hour or two means nothing because I '''appear''' like this... ''
''Then you are petty enough to deserve to feel this way for the duration. ''
'''Aria: ''' "Waaaah!", '''FWUD'''!
Another pink hair comes tripping out from behind a pillar and crumples to the floor, though this one has cute black ribbons in her hair, and a sort of woodsy outfit, complete with powerbow and quiver.
Having landed on the floor next to Gennadi she takes a moment to gather herself by going "Itaiiii." and then grins up at her mentor. "Ohayo, ojii-san!", she says with a sheepish look on her face.
'''Ryshassa: '''"Drubbing...?" Ryshassa eyes Gennadi suspiciously, wondering whether he is simply trying to provoke a reaction out of her. As he often did with people. And succeeded.
Self-consciously she tugs at the cloth of her dark kimono, straightening out the sleeves. "I do not know if I will see him again until he has completed his training. Alexsei is quite singleminded when it comes to such things."
So it's with a bit of a disappointed frown that Ryshassa settles back... waiting for the excitement of all the arrivals to settle down.
* Gennadi just pats her on the head, almost a fatherly gesture. "You'll get it right next time."
'''Aria: ''' Aria gets a silly :3 expression on her face and gets up to sit next to Gennadi, apparantly not bothering to introduce herself. After all, why would she? None of them would remember her a few hours from now!
'''Cael: ''' "And who is your companion, Gennadi?" Cael asks, as he watches Aria tumbled out from the shadows next to Gennadi, just the faintest smile on his face in amusement.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ladies and gentleme, Aria. My apprentice. You'd be surprised what you find waiting for you after a long vacation from the office."
'''Vorpal: ''' "''If'' you are all finished", the Pale Angel's voice rises over the general glamor. She is sitting in her chair like a bored monarch on a throne, her head propped against the knuckles of one hand. Her voice, however, is as clear and powerful as always, and holds an undernote that assumes that she will be obeyed. "Take your seats. We have a meeting to take care of first, and then we can pass time chatting with each other all we like."
Even as she speaks, she glances briefly at the new girl with a look of barely-concealed sourness.
''They just keep on coming. ''
"General Valencia is busy and could not be present for this meeting. I will report to her later of the decisions made her today."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Aria's belated arrival triggers from the healer another curious glance, and... a powerful desire to dress her up! But she only smiles, and gives Aria a nod. "Pleased to meet you. I wonder, just how many unexpected arrivals can we fit in one room?"
''That stranger has not even bothered to introduce himself yet... ''
'''Aria: ''' Since the imposing pale lady starts speaking she just wiggles her fingers at everyone in greeting, and keeps quiet.
'''Ryshassa: ''' To Vorpal, Ryshy simply hushes, and nods... it's about time things got started.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Poor Valencia." Selina says. "But then, she barely gets to make any decisions with this august body of young people running conversational rings around her."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey cotinues to look at the faerie half-sort-of-menacingly, really honestly pondering how much she'd be hurt for punching him senseless. She eventually casts that aside, though... and settles into just listening and letting the grown-ups talk. All that planning nonsense wasn't her thing.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''"Zzz... snort!" ''
Soft snoring answers Vorpal's call to order from Moon's section of the table. The Lunar shifts again, rolling to the side in his seat, one leg flopping over one at as his head dangles off the other end.
Oh hells yeah, he's ready for this meeting!
'''Vorpal: ''' "Perhaps you would like to give it a try in her absence?" She's still leaning her head against her hand, but her eyes flick over at Selina with the innocent remark.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes, about time!" The prince finally says, placing a little ring on the table and charging it with essence.
"Anyway, before we start... I have been hearing some of you have some plans and wish to leave?"<br>
He says, not waiting for the ring to have its effect.<br>
"We will be leaving Spire now. Time to bring the fight to them, the army is all set, the organization is set... thank the Windwraith for that, by the way."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' Whoever the handsome stranger is, he clearly seems to be having a sixth sense for when someone is thinking about him. He looks up, flashes a charming smile and winks to Ryshassa across the table.
His glimmering eyes wander idly across the faces arranged around the table, pausing briefly on particularly beautiful women... lovely... nice... very pretty...
...until he meets the hostile glare of another raksha.
He stares at Days for a long time, the mortals and mortals playing at godhood ignored all around them, the sounds they make only muffled murmur in the background.
''I am Danier Subaro Souzousama. The Sunray Traipser, if you will. ''
''Who are you, beloved sojourner? ''
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes, about time!" The prince finally says, placing a little ring on the table and charging it with essence. "Anyway, before we start... I have been hearing some of you have some plans and wish to leave?" He says, not waiting for the ring to have its effect. "We will be leaving Spire now. Time to bring the fight to them, the army is all set, the organization is set... thank the Windwraith for that, by the way."
'''Iselsis: ''' "If I may interject...", she says, glancing at Alexander for approval.
'''Alexander: ''' "Go ahead, Iselsis." He says with a hearty nod.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' The ring was small, wrought of white jade with an inner, intricate ring of blue. This inner ring begins to glow softly, and smin in opposition to the outer ring, and in moments a faint, hazy blur forms above the artifact. The mist, an icy haze, quickly forms into the face and shoulders of Exceedingly Sublime Opal. Hovering there in the blue mist, her image was transparent, but it dulled in no way her unearthly loveliness.
She payed everyone a brief nod, not wishing to interupt the conversation in progress.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''Child of Wyld Days. Snow Monkey. The Glory of the Fight. ''
The glare doesn't go away, but she does tense up---another faerie in the presence of(and well-acquainted with!) the Dark One! Were they planning on replacing her? She couldn't let him know she was in Bedlam and at a disadvange! All the various worries about Marches courtlife came rushing to her, and it was all she could do to not just leave the room outright, for fear that this one had some miracle where they could engage in the battle of souls and stories even in Creation.
So she tried, very very hard, to swallow her fear, to not let on that she's not quite herself, still glaring, still looking defensive.
It's not quite working.
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods and gets up before speaking.
"While being proactive and taking the fight to the Bishop and his cronies is fine, Winlandia has given only a fraction of the aid in this venture that it could have-"
She stops briefly as Opal enters and just nods curtly, then continues "It is my belief that any strike against the Bishop's forces must be so decisive there is no doubt about our chances of success. If we don't play it safe and we were wrong our forces will be greatly weakened and the Bishop's strengthened as a result."
"If they are not stopped Winlandia will be next, and won't be able to stem the tide."
She takes a deep breath before continuing "This is why I am going back to Windia and make them give us more support, because we cannot take chances.", she motions at Ryshy, "Misses Krauser has said she wants to accompany me, as I am taking the two Dorian Tierney and I rescued as first hand evidence of the horrors that will befall my home country, should we not be victorious."
After her little speech she glances over the rims of her shades at those gathered, gauging their reaction.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' There is a pause, though... and Monkey remembers something. Something very important, and potentially very troublesome.
"... Gaul."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' The other Raksha frowns at that and cranes his neck a little, to better see the pretty monkey.
"I'm sorry?" he asks, across the room, clearly assuming that everyone of course knows who he is talking to.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Good for you, darling. I assume you're planning on taking someone with the actual ability to force more support, as well as someone who'll keep th bishop from striking down your little hiking trip?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That should not be a problem for me." The Windian replies in a casual tone. "The Prophet will keep away from me after the last time."
'''Ryshassa: ''' There isn't much Ryshassa can add to what Iselsis has already said, though she tilts her head once more when mentioned. "I am accompanying the boy and girl Iselsis and Dorian rescued, to ensure their mental and physical health though the whole... ordeal."
She glances towards Gennadi. "I do have... ''some'' means to me, in terms of persuasion." ''Even though few would expect it from me. That perhaps would be my strength. ''
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Hah. ''
Vorpal is well aware that this isn't the time and place for open derision, however, and so she keeps her mien carefully neutral, remaining an oberser for now.
'''Iselsis: ''' She smiles sweetly at Gennadi and crosses her arms, pushing the shades up to conceil the mirth in her eyes.
"I know the capital's spymaster, and I know I can sway her, and my sister will be joining me as well, though I felt it better for her to speak for herself. Unfortunately there's a pesky sidereal, maybe more, who might want to cause trouble and I need you to counter them. So congratulations, Gennadi Ilkov, you've just volunteered."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Did I? I didn't notice..." He checks himself over for a betraying hand or note.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She's being addressed... and grits her teeth before she rises and steps forward just a little. "... I had requested the services of my Freehold's resident warmonger. While I told him that... he would find what he sought, I did not specify who. I must locate him and... clarify things."
''Unless he's already on the move, and I'm in deep shit. ''
'''Aria: ''' "I think she was being facetious, ojii-san.", Aria helpfully offers.
'''Ryshassa: '''"Your curiosity betrays you. And your worry for Iselsis's well being," Ryshassa adds casually.
* Gennadi nods at Days. "We'll discuss it later. For now, other business raises it's head."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' "Aaah, understood, Days beloved", Traipser responds and raises a soothing hand. "Warmongers are always so terribly troublesome, even down in the south. Make love, not war, I always say. You have my full sympathies."
'''Gennadi: ''' "While we're paying attention..." He jerks his thumb at the speaking fae. "Who's this guy?"
'''Iselsis: ''' Meanwhile Izabella sits back down, having said her piece.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "He's a admirer of mine." Selina quickly responds, to cut the fae off before he can proclaim his undying love.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days actually noticed Gennadi's there at last... but not without an upset look on her face at having been blown off so quickly. ''You don't know him very well, Sidereal... '' Nonetheless, she quietly goes back to being basically invisible after she returns Danier's sympathies with a half-nod.
'''Cael: ''' Cael clears his throat softly, something in him extending out, cutting through the chitchat in the wake of the announcement from Iselsis.
"We, and by that I mean Seventh Moon, Princess Elizabeth and the Child of Wyld Days will be leaving soon to meet with several of the children of the Moon, currently employed by the Bishop in some capacity. We hope to persaude them to work for us, or at least not work for the Bishop further."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' Danier is about to draw breath, but Selina's quick reply cuts him short. He turns to look at the Dark Angel, pure astonishment washing over his handsome face.
"Admirer? ''Admirer? ''" he breathes with shaking voice. "I follow you across the vast house of Creation, my heart in agony and bleeding, my eyes incapable of seeing beauty in anywhere else but in your perfect face. I search through a hundred Freeholds up here in the forbiding North, best a thousand enemies and climb to the highest mountains just to hear a trace of your whisper in the wind. I ''die'' for you in the arena of Amber Post, by your own sword, no less, and you call me ''admirer? ''"
The raksha shakes his head in dramatic disappointment. "Your cold heart just makes my own burn all the hotter", he sighs.
'''Iselsis: ''' "I motion for the uninvited guest to quiet down or be vacated from the premises.", Izabella says at the drivel that spews forth from the raksha, rolling her eyes half-hidden behind her shiny new bespectacled obsidian glasses.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And if not, I presume you will annihilate them?" Selina asks with a raised eyebrow.
Then she grins at Danier. "I tend to have that effect on people." As much an incubus now as she is a succubus normally.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Danier's lengthy speech makes Ryshassa want to smack her forehead with her hand. She refrains, but fortunately, Iselsis gets her sentiment down in a way she could never say herself.
''Sometimes I envy her that. ''
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' "Love is a challenge", Danier announces to the public in general, but - it has to be said, a legendary lover must have legendary manners as well, and so, the Raksha falls into silence, his need to proclaim his love sated... for now.
'''Cael: ''' "If that is possible, yes. Though I suspect that they will be at the advantage in that regard and so we may well withdraw instead." He says in response to the Dark Angels question.
'''Vorpal: ''' "I second the motion", the Pale Angel adds, throwing a warning glance at Danier's direction. "Iselsis has the floor, Cael", she continues as the Raksha falls silent. "Let's concentrate on her request first. We can talk about the Lunars later."
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods at Vorpal, "Well, I don't have anything else to really say. I'm basically going to ad-lib it, as I can't really plan for this type of thing. On the bright side, if it doesn't work there is a potential plan B, but it involves breaking into a guarded relic, restoring it, and using the weapon against the Bishop. A bit of a long shot, but I don't intend to leave empty handed."
"Are there any questions?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "What guarded relic?" Selina asks, suddenly interested in that. Or rather, to what relic is being referred.
'''Iselsis: ''' "The big dissused cannon. With some luck we might be able to make it operational long enough to cut a swath through infested territories with it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...oh, that." The Windian sighs. "Yes, that would be a longshot."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Do you know how to repair that sort of thing?" Vorpal asks, leaning a little forward to express interest.
'''Gennadi: ''' "If not, a specialist who can can be arranged."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal seems to be considering the cannon option. Her spectral head tilts to the side a little bit, and considers the possibilities of such.
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods and shrugs her shoulders a little, in a sort of that's what I said manner. Then to Vorpal, "No but my sister and Ryshassa mig-", she blinks as Gennadi interrupts her.
"Who would that be, then?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Moranine knows how. Since she did build it, after all." She taps her forehead with one white-gloved finger. "But perhaps delving into those memories would not be the best idea."
'''Gennadi: ''' "While it is not the perfect solution... The hallways of Heaven hold many fallen gods, and I'd wager that given time and some cash incentive, I could collect not only the god of that particular cannon but a whole baker's dozen of beings devoted to the art of raining death over long distances with essence technology."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' The spectral head looks to Gennadi and gives him a sour look. She merely gave an unheard sigh.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, right. There's also our general purpose genius..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "The more the merrier, I suppose.", she shrugs, "Is that all on this subject then?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I cannot say I would have the expertise at the moment," Ryshassa contributes belatedly, "though it could be easily learned if need be."
"Seems we have much better candidates, though."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Seems to be it."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal suppresses a wince as she follows the conversation. She is at home with ghosts and similar spirits of the Underworld, but the thought of a god of --
''What were those things called again? ''
''Guns. ''
-- a god of a gun tinkering over an Essence-shooting apparatus is a bit mind-boggling to her, and so she spends her time appearing to be interested in the conversation.
''What does a god of a gun look like anyway? A grumpy Iselsis in a big hat and a long dark coat, a smouldering cigarette in the corner of her mouth? ''
"Very well. Contact us frequently and keep us informed of how things go in your end."
* Iselsis nods.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I'll see what I can do with it. How much of a time frame will I have to work with?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It's only an alternate plan, Opal, so we cannot be quite sure... I suppose if it must be done the time frame will be tight, though." She eyes both Iselsis and Selina, for some affirmation.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She opens her mouth to speak... then closes it, shaking her head. Things look to have already been decided, anyway. She'd know when she was needed to know, and she was still not very comfortable with the idea of being noticed. A random speck of dust and that damned man-faerie keep her attention, in the meantime.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "If you are going to restore my cannon, do tell me before you make any actual modifications." There is a bit of the long-vanished Moranine in that. Not wanting a lesser crafter to spoil one of her creations.
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Moranine. ''
The name fills her with conflicting feelings, as always. Her gaze loses its focus for a moment, and her eyes begin to stray in Selina's direction.
''Artificier. Inventor. Creator. ''
''You were always creating new things. Destruction was the only thing I knew. ''
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' In the other end of the room, Danier flashes another sweet smile at Child.
''Your form is so very cute, Days beloved. How did you do it? ''
'''Iselsis: ''' "As long as I get to aim and shoot the thing any tinkering you lot want to do is fine by me.", she grins playfully. Apparantly the thought of firing a BIG GUN appealed to the demon girl. Big shock there.
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' "Well, about the Moon-Chosen..." Leonas clears his throat to speak, now that the Winlandia topic was gone. Not that he wished it gone - his hope would go with them. He wished with all his heart they would not be so alone in this war. Most of his House had stayed, his Grandmother deciding to reinforce the Kingdom's defenses as well... but he, he was part of Valencia's unit. He'd go to hell with his Marshall, alone if need be. "But you may recall the prision we heard about, in the borders of chaos. We have not been able to breach it yet. We have no idea how they go in and out... they have Raksha allies, we believe."
"We have pooled our resources, and we have little in the way of those protected by the hazards in the domains of chaos - the Lunars, the Raksha and the Windwraith seem to be the only ones." He nods.
"So, I would like to ask you to go there before your leave... we have prevented them from going out, least in any way we know..."
"But we need to get in. If we are lucky, it will not take more than a day for you."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''It could be a mere pass, a test to see what she's thinking, or some trick to lure her into his web. Monkey didn't know which, but was in too giving of a (sour) mood to at least not answer...
''It took glorious forbidden pleasure, a broken vessel, and penitence to make. ''
... although perhaps far more truthfully than she should have.
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: '''Danier looks over to Du Mistlav, slowly. "...me?" he inquires, politely.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''The prison. ''
Monkey had met a couple of the Lunars there... the bird and the toad, and she could tell that danger dripped from them, and not merely by being the Mad Eye of Night's chosen. It was, perhaps, good that she was going to be sent with others. Monkey wasn't nearly in fighting shape as she was.
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''The Lunars, the Raksha... and Cael? Hopefully he has quite a bit of Wyld protection at his disposal. '' Ryshassa gives Cael what she hopes looks like a sympathetic glance.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina takes this moment to look at Elizabeth. The silent Elizabeth.
"You are quiet today. Odd. Do you require a bonnet?"
'''Cael: '''Cael returns the glance with a small shrug to say '''They wyld does not bother me overmuch' ''though the smile on his face says that he is touched by the concern.
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' Leonas shrugs, "Well, if you wish to volunteer..."
He looks over to the Pale Angel, then, expression not much different from the day they first met.
"Will you allow your Fae to come? They may need all the Lords of Chaos they can get..."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal coughs. "He doesn't look like ''my'' faery, Lieutenant. I'm fine with it, but ask the Dark Angel."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' "''Me? ''" the Raksha in question repeats, more insistently, and bares his teeth in a dazzling smile.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth glares at Selina. "''Some'' of us don't need to be the center of attention all the time, you know.".
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella glances at Danier, "Well it would be really rude for you to show up and then not put out."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "If he would like to, that is fine with me. The Windia team seems to be filled out as far as it should go..." She then looks to Alex's sister and grins. "Yes, you do need one."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''Ah me, to march bravely towards death like this. I'd at least like to face those who serve the dead things with some dignity, but I suppose I can't have everything. ''
Monkey just stares balefully at Danier, not liking his smile, not liking his demeanor, not liking having to share the spotlight with another raksha. But all she can do is stew and try to shoo away all those other nagging worries that're bothering her as well.
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' "You are perfectly right about that, beloved", Danier replies to Iselsis with a nod. "I merely do not remember volunteering to any kind of mission, yet here this good gentleman -- " he gestures at Leonas with a wave of his hand, "begins to talk about me as if we'd known each other for days... But let it not be said that the Sunray Traipser would not always fight for a good cause, and whatever cause my beloved Dark Angel fights for, it is ''always'' a good enough cause for me. I will save the day for you a few times." He smiles winningly to Leonid, Cael and the others. "You may leave it to me."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Keep your mouth shut, Selina, if you don't have anything important to say", Vorpal states. "You can pick fights later to your heart's content. Now we focus on business."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa tilts her head thoughtfully, trying to bring things back on track. "So one group will go to Windia, and another to this prison. But what will you be doing in the meantime, Prince?" she asks to Alexander. "And you, Lady Lilith. And Kanti..."
She frowns to herself, not sure she'd forgotten anyone or not. Alexsei, of course, remained in Heaven with Laisdach, as much as her heart wished he would soon return.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Shut up." Selina replies to Vorpal, calling her bluff with minimal concern. She cannot help that Alex's sister looks that way! And that she's so angry and it's odd when she says nothing.
'''Cael: '''"Five then." ''An auspicious number. And even if the Fae didn't count, there was still three, and that was good too. ''
"We shall be leaving tomorrow morning, in any case."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince had been listening, pondering, taking all that, keeping Kanti close to him... and upon hearing Ryshassa's question, just shrugged with a smile. "The same thing I said we would do before. We still possess the two great generals, and a Bird able to hold the Dead Hand on her lonesome... so I think we will be fine, for the time being. To free as much of Whiteshield as we can, to push our enemies against the wall everywhere devoid of, you see... the Wyld."
"I believe we can do it... if not to storm their heart, at least to get to its gates without support."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... the Wyld."
Monkey intones that... and sighs, heavily.
'''Gennadi: ''' "A grand goal, grand guignol, all the same. I like the way you're thinking, young prince of the earth."
'''Danier Subaro Souzousama: ''' "...the ''Wyld''", Danier echoes, but instead of a sigh, he responds with a smile.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Decided and done", Vorpal states. She raps her knuckles against the armrest. The sound is hard, decisive, and final.
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