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== Gifts and Presents ==
''The Palace of Timeless Winters... ''<br>
Standing at the center of city it has named, Spire. Now unfurled, filled with branches, gardens, gala halls and observatories grown as it ‘activated’, all held several dozen stores up. A team of Exalted has walked in, the Lorekeepers Leonas du Mistlav, Alexsei Krauser, Fiona and Exceedingly Sublime Opal. They discovered its new comforts, and ascertained whatever was the problem as the seals were breaking ceased to be so as the Winlandia team sent into it welded the underground seals beneath the Palace shut.
And so, to stay in its great halls, with the newly-activated first age luxuries within, the Exalted came.
Starting things with a ''feast!''
'''Alexander: ''' "... and, as I was saying..." The prince continued to the people on the dinner table.... "It will be important. Really. I cannot tell you how much beforehand, but it will be really important if you show up. I will let Cael tell you when I find a time that is free for everyone, but I suppose later tomorrow works for all of you?" Leaving the question hanging, he cut a bit of his steak, and munched on it. It was quite a feast assembled in front of them, in a room warmed like it was summer, and lit like it was day. Very, very nice things Opal and Fiona had managed to turn on....
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona's plate was... huge. It was a feast indeed, with so many meats, salads, types of rice and fruits... and she delighted on it! Especially the Duck with Oranges and Strawberries... it was very yum. She nodded to Alex, but that was all she could do, as she would not keep her mouth without food for a moment! All those harsh days, and now.. she was in paradise!
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise picks at her food listlessly. Ever since the battle at the Spire, and waking up in a hospital tent, she had too much on her mind to really have much of an appetite. She still forced herself to eat a little, though.
She simply nods in response at the prince, figuring it'll be some strategical get together planning thing that probably wouldn't leave any room for her opinions whatsoever.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... it is too warm here."
This much the Snow Monkey states while eating, and eating most heartily. Of course, this might be the first time many of the massive Circle may have seen the Child as a man, and he's definitely not doing a thing to hide his new appearance. Devilishly handsome and powerfully-built, he is nonetheless shorter and smaller than he was as a woman, perhaps to seem less menacing. His vest hasn't changed in the slightest, purest white and framed with the gilt fur of some animal that probably never existed save in Days' head... speaking of said head, a large brass circlet's there above his forehead, keeping his much longer white hair out of his face. With a longish glove, boots and loincloth matching the vest in style and color, he looks more fit for stalking the savannahs of the Southeast than trekking through the North. Then again, he feels no cold... which explains why the room bothers him.
"I'm going to melt when I go South, I just know it. How can people stand this kind of heat? Madness, I tell you... pass the gravy, please!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "You know how people stand it, you just chose to not be able to stand it so you can sit here at this table complaining about it because that amuses your rakshan sensibilities.", she points out dryly, picking a bit of steak from her plate and popping in her mouth, chewing while leaning on her elbow disinterestedly.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes, of course", the Pale Angel responds idly to Alex from across the table, where she is absent-minded twirling a goblet of suspiciously red liquid in her hand. Not really looking up, she reaches out with her other hand, picks the gravy bowl from the table and thrusts it somewhere in the Fair One's direction.
''Is she... he... even the same Folk I met back in Boil? '' she wonders briefly, then tosses the thought out from her mind.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Clever girl! That reminds me..." Without looking, his tail snags the handle of the gravy bowl and proceeds to basically drown the trio of grilled steaks in front of him. "I do so need to hand things out to all my adoring allies, but that shall have to wait until after I've filled my belly." Setting the bowl down, he turns to dig right into his meal.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Digging in with both hands, nearly ready to just toss the utensils over his shoulder, Moon had cleared his plate three times already and busily worked on a fourth. Part of him supposed he shouldn't be enjoying eating so much, when there were people back home starving... but fuck that, he earned this. It had been entirely too long since he'd eaten a decent meal anyway and the feast the prince had laid out for them went ''far'' beyond what he had thought of as decent.
"Ya looked better with breasts." he observed off-handedly to the Snow Monkey, speaking around a mouthful of soft, garlic-baked bread.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Fair Folk don't 'fill their bellies' with normal food", Vorpal points out, distractedly.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It's all dead." Selina sighs, looking at the food. "Oh well." She picks at her food, eating some of the steak before her. Well, the Dragon was closer to the surface tonight!
"Course she would, to you, Moonie dear." She says slyly.
'''Iselsis: ''' She wags a fork at her sister "Please don't be gross like that at the table, I'm having enough trouble working up an appetite as it is."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She watches with eyes lowered to her plate, trying to be unobtrusive in her eating. She has to cover her mouth once or twice at the banter, and an arched eyebrow at Days' appearance did cross her features. She had a modest plate of vegitables and a few small strips of meat, and sparingly sipped from a glass of wine. These, she respectively nibbled and sipped from.
'''Alexander: ''' He almost winces as Vorpal alludes to what Fair Ones do eat... trying hard not to imagine if they munch on dreams the same way he is munching on his steak! Trying to drown it in juice and gulp it down, he ''had'' to think wether dreams were not liquid, instead...
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "You ain't tryin' hard enough then." Moon shook his head at Iselsis ruefully. Even the refreshed memory of Selina's dietary habits didn't disuade him from eating hartily.
... though he ''did'' have second thoughts about taking fourths on the steak.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Not correct!" He wags a finger at Vorpal. "You see. there are rules that we must follow when stepping into Creation... well, if we choose to. And I figured it would be fun to take on what passes for normal in this dry land. So! I do need to eat... only a little, but the experience is quite interesting. Of course, silly things like elimination I can ignore. Being Wyld has its benefits... and Moon, dear, perhaps, but I had to try something different."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You're so mean." Selina tells her sister, wishing she could affect mock tears at the drop of a hat.
''Oooh I'd abuse that ability if I had it. ''
"At least the other Abyssal doesn't do it, think of it that way."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Eh." Moon answered Days, gesturing dismissively with his fork. "Different ain't better. Ought'a change back now that ya tried."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Yes, life has a way of balancing out. You can consume the souls of those that love and war and struggle, and need to in your inhuman drive to consume those little chunks of creativity present in humanity... but at least you don't need to shit." She said, bringing a piece of asparigous to her mouth, and taking a small bite.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Give me time, give me time. Shifting forms doesn't come freely..." The bit from Opal catches Days' ears, and they twitch. For a moment, he stops mid-feasting and just looks at Opal. Finally...
"Basically. I am an enemy of Creation, after all... right?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Please, not at the table!" Selina exclaims to Opal in her best 'offended upper class lady' tone...which is pretty good, considering she used to dwell in that society and still does on occasion.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yeah, some things are better not mentioned... I am having enough trouble as is..." Raw meat, pehaps human, Dreams and now ''that''? Was that a conspiracy to prevent him from eating decently?
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon paused in his ceaseless gorging to look up at Selina, then over at Alex. He snorted, smirking in bemusement. "Fuckin' light weights..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles sweetly at Selina's rebuff, before going back to quietly eating her dinner. She shook her head a little bit at it all, but kept her opinion to herself.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days seems to have gone back to stuffing his face like nothing had gone wrong. "In... any event... I picked up a few things for the lot of you while I was in the Marchlands. Little trinkets, mostly to maybe convince you all to not run me off at the first given opportunity." Days grins, but it quickly fades. "I pray you will accept them, at least. What you do with them afterwards is your decision."
'''Alexander: ''' "Ooh, like with me?" He smiles, pointing at his halo.
He was very very proud of his halo!
'''Iselsis: ''' She cuts a glance at the raksha, balancing her fork on the tip of her finger boredly. "How do we know they're not some insidious mind control device or something, huh?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "You don't."
Days '''smiles. '''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Can you eat them?" Selina asks hopefully.
'''Alexander: ''' "Nobody is eating my halo!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Yours you can eat ''with'' something, but unfortunately it's hard to keep flesh even when travelling through the Marches so I couldn't bring anything of that nature with me." He smiles apologetically. "All things in time, however!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Remind me never to get you a puppy for your birthday."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal doesn't say a thing. She glances again at the crown atop her Prince's head. She likes it - she really does! It suits him, reflects the purity of his personality, his childish naivety, his elevated status...
...and yet, she finds the fact that it was given to him by one of the Fair Folk somehow... disturbing.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Don't worry darlin'." Moon soothed Selina at that unfortunate news, setting aside his knife and giving her leg a pat. "You 'n me'll go hunt ya down a bear or a deer or a stray dog or some shit after this."
Because it was the north and so there was bound to be bears or deer or stray dogs around somewhere.
"So what's the shit ya got us man?" Moon turned his attention back to Days, cocking his head to the side curiously. Gifts again. Seemed like he was getting a lot of something for nothing lately, though he still couldn't help feel edgy at the prospect.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Well! Since you asked so nicely, you first!" Wolfing down the last of his steaks, Days stands, quietly clears off his section of the table and...claps. A large red bag that wasn't there a moment ago simply... is there, and Snow Monkey starts rooting through it eagerly. "It was rather hard coming up with things to get you all..."
'''Alexander: ''' "I cannot believe you want something live, Dark Angel... what is the point? Cold and all... liquid and smelly? Why not eat it roasted and spiced and... you know... like normal, educated people?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal chortles by herself at Alex's words, then takes a sip from her goblet.
'''Seventh Moon: '''Moon raised his brows at the bag's sudden appearance, then took a glance at Selina from the corner of his eye. Well, this was bound to be interesting. Not certain what else to do beyond play along, Moon set his silverware down and pushed plate away to clear the space in front of him as well. Rising on his seat, he stood on the chair a moment, then sat down on it's back and leaned forward, fingers threaded, face hesitantly curious.
"A'ite man, hit me."
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise just sits back in her chair, linking her fingers together and watching.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "So. Seventh Moon. I thought and I tried... and figured an interesting little thing to amuse yourself with would do the trick! First, though, alcohol." Thus Snow Monkey slides a corked bottle Moon's way, then adds a cloth-wrapped object about the size of a small melon next to it." I got a bottle for everyone. Delightfully chilly apple brandy... good for nights when the world is cold and lonely and you need alcohol. As for the other thing... open it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina shrugs, pops the rest of the steak in her mouth (not much, she's been working on it and will probably have some more later), and waits to see what Days brought her.
"I don't drink...much. But I can appreciate good drink." She says with a nod.
'''Seventh Moon: '''Moon had picked up the bottle the moment it appeared in front of him, peering through the glass at it's contents and sloshing it around experimentally. He brought it to his mouth, teeth sinking into the cork, then ripped it open and spat the stopper out to the ground beside his chair.
He hadn't had time to take a sip yet when the fae's second gift joined the first. Moon hesitated as he stared at the cloth wrapped bundle suspiciously, then glanced up at the raksha.
"... if it's a fuckin' severed head, I'm gonna be pretty damn disappointed," he warned Days, setting the bottle down and hoisting up the cloth-wrapped object. Not one to stand on ceremony, Moon raised a hand above his head, thick black claws peeling out from his finger tips with. With a few quick swipes, the cloth disintegrated into a shower of tiny pieces, laying bare the object within...
* It's not a severed head, per se. But... it is a head. A wolf's head, but one... one that maybe Moon has seen in his dreams, and that Days most certainly saw when Moon touched his Cyst so long ago. Made of purest crystal, the head takes a moment to seemingly get its bearings... then eye Moon, almost as if asking for some sort of instruction... or a pat on its shiny crystal head and a scritch behind the ear.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Sadly, its vision is terrible... no more than a yard or two, else it'd make for a wonderful sentry. But I imagine you can teach it tricks!"
Days nods once, twice, then goes back to rummaging around in his gift sack.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ... and Moon responded by nearly dropping it on the ground.
"''Fuck! ''" he yelped as it's eyes moved, hands scrambling as the desire to toss the thing in one direction and run in the other clashed with desire to not look ''quiet'' so easily spooked. Juggling and fumbling it for a moment, he finally managed to set the wolf's head ''somewhat'' gently back down on the table and slid back down into his chair.
"... fuck." He repeated a little more calmly, staring eye to eye with the strange object. He held up a finger and moved it slowly back and forth in front of the crystal head, watching the eyes follow the back and forth motion. Far more cautiously, he reached over to touch it, stroking a finger slowly across it's smooth head until he was certain it wasn't about to try to eat his hand.
"Well... it's... ''somethin'''." he concluded, petting it with the same level of certainty he held in his voice as he looked back up at Days. "Uh... thanks man."
* Alexander giggles. Almost laughing. Almost. But he giggles, watching Moon...<br><br>"Yeah, I can see they will be great friends in ''no'' time...!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Dark Angel. As I mentioned... I did not bring you food, but I did bring you something to liven it up with. Therefore." Bottle... and three curious, labeled glass cylinders, filled with some sort of powder and corked closed. Each is roughly a foot tall, and their labels are written in Old Realm. Those close enough to read will make out: 'sheer terror', 'mindless esctacy' and 'dumbstruck awe'. The Child takes a moment to position them Just So... then waits for... something.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina blinks. "Hmm. How do you use them? You sprinkle them on your food?"
She thinks for a moment, then speaks up again. "If I give a little to someone, will they then experience it too?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Yes and yes! Hakkai is very precise in how he chooses and gleans memories from people when crafting these. Only the finest and most pure of sensations will do... and it won't take much more than a slight dusting to achieve the desired effect." He trails off, smirking.
'''Selina de Windia''': Selina looks at the rest of them. '''All''' of them. And giggles. The giggles turn to laughter.
'''Vorpal: ''' "...remind me to never eat or drink in your presence again", Vorpal groans, then abandons her goblet in favor of a forkful of steak dipped in some.... red substance.
'''Alexander: ''' His fork falls on the plate with a loud clang. He watches her with... fear.
How come the Dark Angel's laugh was so... terrifying?
'''Fiona: ''' "You're '''not''' sprinkling me with terror!" She calls out, pointing accusingly with a spoon, mouth still full. "Or no teleports for you!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She doesn't stop laughing, wings perking up behind her as she regards them all, turquoise eyes wide with glee. "A-a-as if I'd remind you!" She says in between bursts of it.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Looking over from his continued experimental prodding and poking of his own gift, Moon scanned the labels for a moment, then waved them off. "Like ya actually need that shit ta get the job done."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I see that I've already made two more people happy!" Days doesn't look at all bothered as he turns to Vorpal... and his grin widens. "Now... I didn't know much about you aside from your prowess as a warrior and your calm demeanor. But I did watch you and Selina absolutely beat the shit out of each other, and it was quite a show! If you're ever interested in more in-depth unarmed combat lessons, my doors are always open.... but! My point is this... I saw you in nightclothes. And it dawned on me... 'Not good enough! Such a figure deserves something more! Something that states beauty, elegance and majesty all in the same breath. So!" Out comes another bottle... and a bundle of shadow-colored fabric, more sheer than even the finest Southern silk.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise meanwhile eyes the exit. >_>
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Laying it down, neatly-folded, in front of Vorpal, Snow Monkey simply smiles that broad, raksha smile that at the very least means he's up to mischief. "It is properly cut to accentuate your figure, and just sheer enough to hint at it, but nonetheless is something fit for a general and a queen. I assure you that you will not be disappointed in its make." He doesn't wait for a reply, moving back to the bag.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ... now ''that'' called for a little more attention. Moon raised his head towards Vorpal, eyeing the bundle of cloth on the table in front of her. Then, with a low smirk, just leaned back in his chair and watched. Watched very intently. Making certain that the Pale Angel knew, in no uncertain terms, she was being undressed, redressed, and packed away for later.
"Ought'a have her try it on. Make sure it fits, y'know?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina stops laughing. Instantly. And whips almost into another emotion straight away. Watchfulness.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal raises an eyebrow at the bundle. "Night clothes", she repeats, her face unreadable. "You're giving me night clothes."
Even as she finishes saying it, one corner of her mouth begins to curl upwards. "I don't wear clothes in bed, by the way", she adds with a slanted smile. Although she seems very nonchalant about it, she does keep a secret eye on everyone, just to see what kind of reaction they will give to her words. Selina and Moon in particular.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal wasn't focusing on the night clothing at the moment. Well, not for the reasons everyone else was. What in the name of the Maker could the Child of Wyld Days have gotten her? She bit her lower lip as her imagination began to sweat over the possibilities.
Seventh Moon: Moon tipped his head to the side, considering Vorpal a moment longer... then yawned loudly in obvioud boredom at the thought.
"No wonder ya so fuckin' cold all the time then." He muttered, turning his attention back down to the wolf's head.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''Ah, well. That answered one question! ''
"Try it sometime, it's quite liberating." With a wink, Snow Monkey buries both arms into the bag, digging about. "Opal, she who understands me and finds me horrid at the same time... and Fiona! Ah, Fiona... what could have been, what instead was." He shares a secret smile with her for just a second, then walks past those two, delivering gifts. Aside from the applejack, Fiona finds herself with a downright stunning white gossamer cape and a small wooden box, hinged and presently closed. Opal... gets what appears to be a decidedly large tome, bound in some indescribably pearlescent material, with a matching quill pen. "Fiona, darling... a cloak! Just your size, and just as lovely as its new owner. And there are perfumes in the box, all sorts. Opal! You like to write, so why not give you something to write within? The quill itself... shouldn't run out of ink, and I've been told it can change colors, but I was getting the information out of the man while I had my heel in his scrotum, so he might've just been talking it up to make me happy."
''... ah, getting the pen was fun! ''
'''Alexander: ''' The prince stiffles a giggle. He was trying hard not to protest against Moon... but he did not want to start a fight. And he had been told jealously was bad... but he could not let an insult to his lady pass by!
And so, he got up, walking to her, his arms entwining around her neck... "Quite the opposite, she is very ''very'' warm!" He says, trying his best to cover for her, but not start a conflict, nuzzling her a bit. "You woudl know if you did not try to get her to punch you all the time!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina growls. And not just a little growl. Or even a medium growl. It's full-throated, making the room vibrate just a bit. Focused on Alex. You can almost feel Selina's hackles rising.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''Poor boy. He can't win for losing around the Dark Woman. ''
Snow Monkey shrugs to himself, returning to the bag.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' ''Oooh... book... ''
Her eyes get a little wider as she takes the book from Days, and her face goes slack with desire from it. She start, instantly, beginning to look it over, obsessed with it enough that she merely mutters an inelloquent thank you to Days.
'''Fiona: ''' And finally something makes the young beauty to stop her relentless strike at the dining table! Cleaning the sides of her lips with a napkin, she looked at the cape... taking it and shooting Days with a delighted smile! "Ooh... it looks like a pearl.... so... ''pretty''!" She says, holding it to her, then going to the monkey and giving him a hug. "Thank you, Days! I will be sure to wear it!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' He graciously accepts the hug, and indeed hugs back most merrily, sweeping Fiona off of her feet and giving her an effortless spinaround. "You are most welcome, friend Fiona. Don't think of it as too much of a bribe, but one has to cover their proverbial ass sometimes." Setting her down, the Child's attention turns... to Iselsis.
"Now, then... you."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' As she starts to growl, Selina's vision was suddenly filled by a crystalline lupine face. A cold tongue of pure crystal slipped out and licked the growling Winlandian across the nose, it's glassy eyes cheerfully adoring.
Moon set the hounds head back on the table and nuzzled Selina's ear, whispering to her softly. "Let the kid gloat darlin'. Just make sure ya the first ta see the bitch in the thing."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's smirk does not change. The Lunar is ''soooo'' bluffing, after all.
Her mirth does fade away at the ominous growl coming up from Selina's direction, aimed at Alex. "Down. Stay", she suggests, perhaps not quite as jokingly as one might hope, and reaches out for the bundle. She cannot help but to pause as she touches the night gown, however. The fabric is smooth and soft and pleasurable under the fingers - she can only imagine what it must feel like against her entire body...
Fighting down a blush, she quickly pulls the bundle out of sight.
'''Iselsis: ''' She looks at Days with an amused 'this ought to be good' expression, waiting for what the fae could've possibly gotten her, considering it didn't know her at all.
'''Alexander: ''' And he whispers, "Pehaps Moon was right, however... we should try those on." He whispers very very softly, still holding her like he is, very much like a watchdog and protector, a shield. "Let us go see about it, milady?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Later", she mutters under her breath, the blush threatening to break through. "La-ter."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I know that you are a merchant of death and closure... and that you do so love those firewands of yours. Thankfully I got to see one, so I got the dimensions down just right! Here, take this and have a sip. It might make the gift-getting easier." Handing Iselsis her bottle of unnaturally-chilled applejack, Snow Monkey starts pulling... something out of the bag. Something large and black, with silver etchings and such attached to it all over. Once fully removed, it turns out to be a disgustingly-ornate, coffin-shaped case of some sort, complete with handle and shoulder strap. Silver tracings of suitable Sijan-flavored things cover the entirety of it... and with a flick... it's laid open in front of Ise. Within, the padding is crimson, with two grooves perfectly shaped for her weapons... and a third depression holds a smaller coffin-shaped box of some sort.
"The little box. Open it. You were... a tad sour, and I figured out just the thing to help you fight that off." Days '''grins'''.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina stops growling, abruptly, then grins toothsomely at both of them. And then she vanishes, as she did during the battle. And reappears behind Alex, putting ''her'' arms around ''his'' neck. Still with razored teeth in that smile.
"''Oh come on, ''" Her voice is a whisper of velvetine, throaty sex. "''I should be the one to do it...after all, it was me who was told to last. ''"
'''Iselsis: ''' She blinks a few moments at the coffin, and then gets a really ''irritated'' look on her face. She inspects the coffin, before taking a sip of the applejack, and then decides to open the little box.
Of course, she hadn't voiced her displeasure with the Raksha's gift yet. Mainly because the gift might still turn out inappropriate or insulting, instead of something that made her want to squeel like an excited schoolgirl.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "She's right anyway kid," Moon looked over at the prince, now held prisoner by Selina. He grinned fangs at Alex, his eyes dancing knowingly. Amazing how often people forget how easy the little things can be overheard. "Too early in the evenin' for it."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Dark Angel has barely finished her sentence when she feels another hand suddenly caressing ''her'' throat. White fingers rest gently around her windpipe, their touch light for now, yet strong enough to remind the other Abyssal that they could clamp down with iron force any moment.
"You left your meal unfinished", the Pale Angel states, gravely.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "So! It's a bit hard to look at, but I promise you that it's quite good!"
It's a lollie. A classic, round sugary confection on a stick, brightly-colored and basically hovering inside the little coffin. The thing is that the colors are constantly moving and shifting like they can't make up their minds where to be.
"The case was my serious gift. Anyway, it's safe and delicious, and it should last for a very long time. Also!" Days looks at Alex, Sel and Vorpal, all smiles.
"Really, now! You can all save your scrapping over warm body parts for until after we've all gone our separate ways... but mayhaps I'm asking too much." He shrugs and steps away from ise before she can reply.
'''Alexander: ''' Well, that made his legs tremble.
There they were, like performers of a strange act, each with arms around the other's neck, and he between both dark women. It takes a moment of surprise and fear for him to find his voice once again after a few gulpings... "You are not taking her away from me..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "... y'know I should come over there 'n grab her throat too." Moon said, staring bemusedly across the table at the three of them. "Then we can form a dancin' line 'n fuckin' shimmy outta here."
'''Iselsis: ''' She quickly closes the little coffin, having little use for something like that, but she might later decide to put her ammo inside it!
"Hmpf. I have to give it to you, raksha, your serious gift is actually quite nice. I'll have to start using this in place of my briefcase.", she grudgingly admits. "But that still doesn't mean I trust you!", she quickly adds as she trails her fingers across the various intricate Sijan decorations on the case.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I keep tell you all! Don't trust me! It's not fun if you wholly trust me... goodness knows I'm keeping an eye on you all." Whether he's kidding or serious is impossible to tell, as he sits and looks into the bag. "... huh. There's something else in here, for I forgot who it was for... ah well." One clap later, the bag is gone again. "I am done with the giving of the gifts. Now I crave more steak."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'm not scrapping!" Selina protests from her odd position. Then she looks back to Vorpal, and then to Alex, and then to Moon. Then back to Alex.
And says in the same low sinful tone as before. "''If he does, we could do a bit of swapping later''."
'''Alexander: ''' Now, that did it. From defiant and ready to fight for his lady's honor and hand against all odds...
... the prince became a blushing little boy trying to imagine things.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Oi, oi, if you don't stop scaring him now", Vorpal snarls, placing her free hand down onto Alex's lap, to ascerain her presence to him...
...and, accidentally, ends up ascertaining that he's definitely acknowledging their presence so close to him.
"I'll..." she hesitates, attempting very hard to forget the rising swell under her hand, "...tickle you!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... I like how your mortals try to hard to maintain that thin covering of modesty when you all so badly just want to rut until your rutting organs are steaming."
Days smiles, knowingly. "It's cute."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at Days. "You know you wanna." She says with a smug look.
And then looks to Moon. "And I know you heard what I said!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Ahem, no desire for rutting over here, thanks very much.", she points out.
'''Alexander: ''' Blushing furiously, his voice is so small, a plea for the Pale Angel... "Can we just leave, now? Please?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Of course I wanna, but you all seem quite occupied at the moment." His smile widens. "Besides, I could fuck any of you under the table. Hell, '''all''' of you... but I don't. Because it's not fair and right and proper. One has to respect their guests' rights to first bedding."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "I heard," Moon agreed, shrugging. "Just don't expect the cold bitch ta agree ta it, even if the kid's 'bout ready to bust a seam on his pants just thinkin' 'bout it. White ladies easily spooked by that shit, y'know?"
'''Alexander: ''' "I am ''not''! It is because of... other things!"
''I so want to die right now. ''
'''Vorpal: '''"Oh, he's been between us before", Vorpal responds, sounding very much more careless than she really feels like. "He's used to it!"
''Soon, Prince, we'll go soon... ''
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''They're all so adorable sometimes. I could just hug them! ''
Days sits, content to just watch them fumble over each other and their hormones.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I sense your fear." Selina purrs to both of them, the one in front of her and the one behind her. "You think I'm bluffing?" Her tone is gleeful naughty.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Bluffing? You?" Vorpal forces a bit of a laugh. "Not for an eyeblink. Come, my Prince", she continues with very deliberate graciousness, rising to her feet and pushing the other two Exalts up with her, whether they like it or not. "Let us go see what the gown looks like, shall we? Alone, just the two of us."
She offers Alex her arm, but not before abruptly leaning over to whisper loudly into Selina's ear: "I'll save you for some another night, all right? Never eat your belly full at once..."
Not even waiting for the reply, she quickly leads Alexander out of the room, not even glancing back in anticipation of some random quips, cheering and taunts that are bound to follow.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Spoilsports." Selina grouses, letting them go without attempting to bug them any further.
Although it ''does'' go into her mind to hang on to one of their legs, each, and protest loudly as they drag her on the floor trying to leave the room.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Ah, mortals. Ever amusing, ever unpredictable... steak."
Thus, there is more steak and gravy for the Monkey, who seems more interested in food than sex at the moment.
"Ah, this is the life!"
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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