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== The Once and Future Dead ==
Marked for deletion.
[[/OnceDead|Once Dead]] - Organizational Information.
[[/SettingInfo|Setting]] - Misc. Setting Information.
== Session Logs ==
[[/SessionOne |<b>Session One</b> ]] - The Once Dead find themselves dealing with the criminals of Icehome, Anathema, and... cleanup.
[[/SessionTwo |<b>Session Two</b> ]] - The Mystery of Tanstaad, Part One - The Once Dead begin their journey to the Tanstaad Emerald.
[[/SessionThree |<b>Session Three</b> ]] - The Mystery of Tanstaad, Part Two - The Once Dead lose a companion and gain fresh problems. The Tanstaad Emerald does not give up its secrets easily, but an elder, a drunk, and a woman of the Guild might offer the first clues...
[[/SessionFour |<b>Session Four</b> ]] - The Mystery of Tanstaad, Part Three - The Once Dead's investigation casts suspicion on certain parties, decisions are made, and a scream splits the night...
[[/SessionFive |<b>Session Five</b> ]] - The Mystery of Tanstaad, Part Four - The Once Dead tangle with the evil menacing Tanstaad Emerald, and uncover the horrible secret chained beneath the town.
[[/SessionSix |<b>Session Six</b> ]] - Murder in Icehome, Part One - while Avir and Miruna wrap up matters in Tanstaad, the Once Dead soldiers Winter Fish, Faithful Hare, and Laughing Jek investigate a most mysterious set of murders in Icehome proper...
[[/SessionSeven |<b>Session Seven</b> ]] - Murder in Icehome, Part Two - Fish and Hare's investigations lead them to an Immaculate Temple, a bloody alley, and the Seven Sighs of the Dragons, the largest brothel in Icehome. Can the Dragons and their allies be trusted, or are they only another part of the trap?
[[/SessionEight |<b>Session Eight</b> ]] - Murder in Icehome, Part Three - Investigations continue, and one is about to strike a painful nerve. A showdown follows as the mystery continues to unravel...
[[/SessionNine |<b>Session Nine</b> ]] - Murder in Icehome, Part Four - The pieces of the puzzle at last begin to come together. The investigation leads Hare, Fish, and their companions into the realms of thaumaturgy and the criminal underworld, and the plan of the tigers begins at last to reveal itself.
[[/SessionTen |<b>Session Ten</b> ]] - Murder in Icehome, Part Five - The Once Dead and their allies track the villains and their stolen goods to the haunting environs of Dock Four. A climactic battle results - and not everyone will walk away.
[[/SessionEleven | <b>Session Eleven</b> ]] - C A L I B R A T I O N, Part One - The Once Dead try to bury their fears in revelry as Calibraton seizes Creation, but no one ever said Calibration had to behave itself...
[[/SessionTwelve | <b>Session Twelve</b> ]] - C A L I B R A T I O N, Part Two - Answering a call for help, the Once Dead soldiers Miruna, Annar, and Spritely Otter find themselves dealing with a sinister Underworld invasion...
[[/SessionThirteen | <b>Session Thirteen</b> ]] - C A L I B R A T I O N, Part Three - The battle against the forces of the Underworld comes to an end, with Anathema added to the mix. Also, Elk and Otter hash out some problems...
[[/SessionFourteen | <b>Session Fourteen</b> ]] - Raven Hunting, Part One - Another day, another mission for the League, but this one's a little different. Kekkonen, Spritely Otter, Springing Elk, and Jonah the Lad go raven hunting...
[[/SessionFifteen | <b>Session Fifteen</b> ]] - Raven Hunting, Part Two - Kekkonen and Otter's investigation turns up some of Jondar's tracks. The Once Dead brush elbows with an unsavory street gang. Romantic advice is dispensed.
[[/SessionSixteen | <b>Session Sixteen</b> ]] - Raven Hunting, Part Three - With Jonah and Kekkonen incapacitated, Winter Fish, Elk, and Otter continue onward on Jondar and Sparrow's trail. Encounters with the Fellai. The city-state of Fort Bear. A duel of honor. Sacrilege.
[[/SessionSeventeen | <b>Session Seventeen</b> ]] - Interlude - Back in Icehome, Avir treats with demons and receives a disturbing prophecy...
[[/SessionEighteen | <b>Session Eighteen</b> ]] - Raven Hunting, Part Four - Out of the Greenfield and into the Wyld...
[[/SessionNineteen | <b>Session Nineteen</b> ]] - Raven Hunting, Part Five - The hunt ends.
[[/SessionTwenty | <b>Session Twenty</b> ]] - Screams in the Dark, Part One - The Third Scale has disappeared. It's up to Iscal the Coward, Summer Sky, and the rest of the Fourth Scale to find out why.
== Comments ==
Please leave any comments or questions here! -DK

Latest revision as of 18:47, 27 June 2012

Marked for deletion.