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== Evangeline, The Whiplash Queen, Demon of the Second Circle ==
== Evangeline, The Whiplash Queen, Demon of the Second Circle ==

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

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Evangeline, The Whiplash Queen, Demon of the Second Circle

Messenger Soul of the Ravine of Whispers
(By Shemjaza)

There are many who speak out against their masters, and many who seek wisdom forbidden to them. But for these indiscretions against the ultimate hierarchy there is a price to be paid, that price is pain. Demons know that this pain is called Evangeline.

Any one who looks deeply into the 307th flame of She Who Lives in Her Name will see brief flickers of bladed whips and flashes of a naked female form. Depending on their preferences the viewer may be moved by lust, horror or jealousy but all who see her in this form are overwhelmed by curiosity, they know there is more to see but they can not quite make out the details.

Evangeline may also manifest as a beautiful woman too tall and thin to be human with hair the colour of brass and six long graceful arms. She wears a gown of glittering brass rings that will sometimes part to expose soft milky white skin and sometimes catch to reveal barbed hooks that attach it to her flesh.

If Stanewald can be said to be one of the greatest dancers of Malfeas, then surely Evangeline is the greatest tease. Legends and rumours dating to before the Primordial War tell of her beauty and her skills as a lover, but no first hand accounts are ever written for it is her nature to tempt and hint but never to succumb. The madness and captivity of her Mother have changed Evangeline from a giggling virgin, to an icy mistress, but at heart she remains that which cannot be had.

In her right hands she holds:

  • The Snake Whose Venom is called Justice: a writhing whip made of black lead with brass thorns growing along its length (including some that poke through one of her hands).

    The whip may inflict agony and ecstasy so strong that its victims are unable to enjoy or dislike any other sensation they are numb to all pleasure and pain and soon beg The Whiplash Queen for more punishment.
  • The Tome for Which Suffering is Paid: a great book with pages moving as if caught in a breeze, in rustle of the paper the whispers of Munaxes may faintly be heard.

    Within the pages of the Tome any secret that masters would keep from their eavesdropping servants. Evangeline is willing to part with this knowledge, but always at the price gazing into her mirror or tasting her whip.

While in her left hands she holds:

  • The Mirror of Forgotten Futures: is a polished brass hand mirror, in which brief glimpses of Evangeline´s naked body.

    Those who stare into the Mirror agree to allow small pieces of agony to find their way into their destiny. The viewer accepts a small portion of their future to be as that of the Yozi, to feel pain where peace should be, to know hate where companionship should be felt and finally to struggle as your body itself turn against you.
  • The Lyre of Sated Slumber: A beautiful instrument made of red flame and strung with Evangeline´s own brass hair.

    Evangeline can play her Lyre and sing songs of love and joy. Even the most hateful, morose or enraged creature will find peace and contentment in the simple words of her song. It is said that the metallic tears from her eyes as she sings can be used to brew a powerful love potion.

Lyrics to Evangeline by Mission UK, (The song that inspired the Demon)