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Session 2 took place on October 6-7th, 2007.  In attendance was Orani Mina, Ta'lor, Threefold Shadow, Arimus, and Crys Gattz.  They recieved 2 XP each.
Session 2 took place on October 6-7th, 2007.  In attendance was Orani Mina, Ta'lor, Threefold Shadow, Arimus, and Crys Gattz.  They recieved 2 XP each.
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== Out of the Fishbowl Part 2 ==
== Out of the Fishbowl Part 2 ==
Last time...  
Last time...  

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

Session 2 took place on October 6-7th, 2007. In attendance was Orani Mina, Ta'lor, Threefold Shadow, Arimus, and Crys Gattz. They recieved 2 XP each.

Return to Darzoni/WarManse13

Out of the Fishbowl Part 2

Last time...

Today being the last day of Calibration, it is traditional among the inhabitants to hold a feast to usher in the welcoming of a new year and to thank Five Days Darkness for not bringing Creation to ruin. The shadow of the Unconquered Sun, after all, stole five days from the calendar called Calibration and claimed them as his own.

So it is tradition for all to gather in the great hall (actually converted dry-dock deep inside the Manse's bedrock), and commune with one another as fellows, to remember the old year, confess hopes for the new, mourn the losses, celebrate the joys, and to have a good time.

Shadow circulates in the great hall, one or another of his followers never far away, awaiting some signal that their leader may require something which they may fulfill. Pausing now and then to speak with various persons, the Zenith makes his way slowly around the gathering, a beverage in hand and slowly sipped at.

Crys is offf duty and in the hall with some of the other mortal guards though she's not looking too happy as one of the Dragon Blooded i aruging with her both are fuming at this point untill one of Crys's companions pulls the angry woman away from her nemesis. Some things never change.

The food here is a bit of a contest between the clans to see who can make the best food with the limited resources available. So there's stuff here that wouldn't normally be available... like sweet pies and loaves of exotic bread.

Usually opting for attire that is comfortable, the five days of Calibration gives Orani Mina an excuse to indulge in her adoration for fine clothing and it is only after two hours of every attention spent on detail that she emerges from her home in the Manse, wearing a beautiful pearl-toned dress. The fabric consists of hundreds of thousands of tiny fabric ringlets interlock together, giving the dress the slightest hint of translucency but still enough to not be shameful. She picks out from her collection a metallic headband inlaid with assorted precious stones, a yellowish stone in the center that rests above the tattoo of the Twilight Sun on her forehead.

Righteous Holy Fire hmphs at Crys as he too is carted off by more level heads, most of which are dragon-bloods who think this sort of rivalry between mortals and Exalted is really dangerous and dumb... And as the Exalted, Holy Fire is held to a higher standard of behavior... so it is likely he will have a black eye tomorrow...

Approaching behind Crys, Shadow smiles faintly and quips, "Yet another duel of the wits, hmmm?" From his tone, it is not immediately apparent whether he approves or not, or even whether he finds the match fair. In fact, he has made a significant effort to -not- project his own opinion of the matter for others to see. His opinion really should not matter, anyway. "The blessings of the Unconquered be upon you, my child," he intones as he moves further along.

And as the day goes by, people break off to get on with life, leaving the hardy few to gather together in the light of a fire-orb to tell stories. Umari Thousand-Hands, the Solars, and their guests. The stormy-looking man looks at Shadow. "So, have you any new stories this year, Threefold Shadow?" Crys urks as she hears Shadow comming up from behin her. The Rivalry predates Fire's powers awakening and crys is too stubborn to let go. She payses tur turn t shadow for a moment. "Thank you....I need all the help I can get." She can be troublesome but her faith in the unconquered sun hasn't faded at all. he now pauses heading or the orb hoping to hear the stories as well and calm down from the scuffle.

Orani Mina makes her way through the people crowded into the Main Hall, stopping at each table to look over the foods offered and trying to sample at least one thing from every table. After all, this time only happens once every year, and a time like Calibration makes Mina even more conscious of her role as a Solar. So she makes the effort to meet with each of the clans and make small talk with them as she makes her way to where the children are gathered, playing their games. They are the ones most important to her, personally, and once she makes her way through the crowds, she kneels down next to one of her favorites, a young girl who loved to listen to the stories that she herself had found fascinating as a child. She is welcomed within their fold and loses herself easily as the laughter and merriment take hold.

The Solars and a few of their guests (including Crys and her dragon-blooded mentor, as well as Arimus) have settled down after the New Year's Eve feast, with some food still around the great hall (in fact a converted dry-dock deep in the Manse), the tables pushed around a few light spheres so that the tales could be enjoyed. Currently, Umari Thousand Hands calls upon Threefold Shadow, one of the Solars, to tell a tale.

Shadow's eyebrow rises slightly, somewhat surprised to have been called upon so soon. He stands, however, and after a slight bow to Umari, says, "I may have something that not -too- many of you have heard before, yes." He gestures slightly; one of his followers approaches with a small harp, which he strums slightly before nodding and beginning to tell a tale of battle, and bravery, and glorious defiance against overwhelming odds. Alas, it is in the end a tragedy.

Arimus was obviously present at this grand New Year's Feast.. Of course, the human wasn't paying all that much attention. Every minute, every hour, that passed by left him feeling more and more antsy. Certainly, he was intrigued by this fascinating place, the sheer volume of First Age wonders was enough to make his head spin- granted, most of the head spinning came from being drunk as hell the other night and the hangover that followed- but he felt like he was slowly developing claustrophobia. This place was so.. Isolated. So closed. Large though the War Manse may be, there's only so many places to go.. And so, there's Arimus, quietly making notes and writing up little stories, with his lead pencil and a small mostly empty book.

Crys is near the fire at the moment with her mentor she' calmed down since that littlee sfuff and she now listens to the stories as they are shared but she's a bit distracted thoughts of thee stranger are on her mind and hemight lead them to freedom at least to rejoin the rest of creation.

Ta'lor is here as well, with an eagle or similar creature. He is listening to the tail that is being span by Treefold Shadow and he just listens, keeping ready for anything, although he is only armed with a simple sword, since he is more the investigator than fighter. However he has excellent listening skills and so he stays quiet as he listens, drinking some mead aroudn the light spheres.

After Threefold Shadow finishes his tale, Umari Thousand-Hands (leader of the manse if you are new) stands up and smiles... and begins telling a story.

Arimus is still only paying the barest of attentions, he's still writing. He would of course, take notes on the story- but ultimately, once Umari was done, he would excuse himself from the table. He had things to study and work to get done.

The tale is one known even outside of the Manse... the story of Calan's loss as told in the first person, with many disturbing details that only somebody who had lived through it would know.

And the villian is a corrupted Solar known as Thrice-Damned Gorol, the Infernal. It is well known in the southwest, where the Weeping Fen forms a large piece of the landscape... But the story is over as Midnight breaks and the new year begins.

Crys listens to the sotry with intestes she's not commonly heard this one before. however the story is over but it's a very epic tale. She certainly enjoys it and inds it's a very good warning too. however as Midight hits her mind wanders a little...

Ta'lor is paying attention as he pulls out a pad and begins to write down what he has heard so far. He makes notes on specific places and locations, names that are mentioned and everything else that is being said here. All of this information will be helpful in one form or another.

Arimus would descend below, far away from everyone else. Ignoring any stares, or murmurs, or whatever. He was sure that the novelty of being the new guy would wear off for them after a while. At least, he hoped it would. Once he had sequestered himself in the sub-docks, he'd adjust his glasses and begin taking more notes. ".. Multiple hard points for maximum durability.. No apparent weak spots.. Obviously meant to be sealed off, but there -must- have been a failsafe of some sort to open the place up in case of an emergency.." Talking to himself as he scribbled. "Or.. Maybe they sealed it off during the Usurpation, due to the overwhelming force of their enemies?.. Hm.. No, there must have been at least one way out. No point otherwise.."

Ta'lor looks as he studies the room, and standing walks over towards Crys, "Hello," he says to her as he looks, "I hate to say it, but it seems that your mind is wondering," he says to her. "A credit for your thoughts?" he asks her.

Crys is finished for the night she bids her friends, comrads and mentor good night. Before she return to the armor to recover he gear. the lower levels near the doc were mostly ignored and she whished to find out what was down there, there also could be something in the old defence systems. She's debating turning on the stealth systems for the moment as she contiunes quitely into the under levels of the manse for the docks.

Ta'lor looks as he sees people leave and ponders for a moment rising himself as he looks and his familiar, and he exits as well, saying goodnight to those here and complimenting those who told their tales to those gathered. He thinks as he walks the city, looking and heads for the docs as well, to see more of this place and to also find a way to leave.

As he walks, he looks around and does not activate his Keen Sense Technique just yet. So he keeps walking, as he writes and thinks on how to leave this place, and rather or not others are int he same situation as he. He has not seen Crys nor Arimus here yet.

In this dock is an old and moldering submarine made of yellow and black jade, resembling nothing so much as a giant fish. The submarine's bay doors don't work because the Manse has no dragon-line powering it. The submarine has been long written off as unusable, so nobody has thought to examine it in nearly a thousand years. There's no algae on it, no barnacles, nothing on it's hull. The sub's name is written in Old Realm, and is called "Nautilus".

Arimus sighs, frowning. He pulls out his hip flask for a moment, looking at it. ".. No, can't afford to be drunk again.. C'mon Tethen, back to work old man." Putting it away and picking up his notes. "Let's see.. The structure's rate of degradation is nil, old magic's to keep it clean and neat no doubt.." Moving on to the submarine, he'd take off his armored jacket and begin studying it. "Let's see... Hm. Similar magic's in place to keep it free of detritus and rust.. Now where would I get a rather large drill?"

Ta'lor looks as he walks and thinks as he activates one of his charms, his Keen (Sense) Technique to hear for anything that might happen here or wha the migth hear that may help him leave here.

Crys sneaks up well like a black cat on a moonless night an comments wiithout breaking her cover. "Other side of the bay, there are several old lockers of tools there." She comments dryly.

Arimus continues to talk to himself. "Big enough drill.. Plenty'a power.. Right about.. There, between those hard points.. But how thick is -GYAH!?" Jumping when Crys suddenly appeared from nowhere. This did two things- it made him nearly drop all his notes, but he managed to keep them. On the other hand, his glasses fell into the water. "NO!" Falling to the ground and reaching after them. "Nngh, where'd they go?!"

Ta'lor hears the 'NO!' and blinks a she walks over towards the sound and blinks as he sees Crys and Arius near the vehicle. "Why hello," he states tot he two. "It seems that we have been pulled here, and I must say, that it is nice to see others here," and he looks. "By the way, were you at the hall where the tales were being told?" he asks Crys as he loosk at the object, "Well now," he starts as he put son a pair of glasses. "That this is interesting, looks like sometype of vechile that travels under the water," and he blinks, "Is this yours?" he asks Arimus as he loosk at him, "Did you lose something?" he asks him as he looks into the water. "Hmm, that is deep, if you did lose something, than you might not be getting them back, unless you can swim like a fish and see in the dark water," he adds.

He looks, "Oh sorry," he says. "I did not introduce myself. I am Ta'lor, a scholar investigator." he states to them.

Crys nods to Ta'lor "I was."She loos at the craft "...It's a sub but so far as we know it's useless been so for over a 1000 years." She now says "Err sorry about that I couldn't help my self, I'll go get them for you." She now tries to see where the glasses fell in

Arimus fumbles around uselessly. "I can't bloody well see without my glasses.." Relegating himself to just sitting there, looking blind and stupid. Like Velma. Velma with a GUN. And no breasts. <.<

Crys says "Ah there they are give me a moment." with her hudd locked on to the lost pace of glasses she now leaps into the water with a splash armor and all and is now swimming for it.

Ta'lor looks as Crys dives in, "Well she should be alright I think," he says to Arimus. "Now lets see if maybe I can help you figure out how to open this submarine," he says as he starts to look at this and will use his knowledge and skill of investigation, plus he also looks at the vehicle as he studies it closely as he will activate another charm, if he has the essence for it, and that charm is the first ability excellencey charm and he will apply it to his investigation.

Arimus can't really do much more'n sit there. He distracts himself by talking to Ta'lor. "No point in cracking it open yet, friend. If I can't affix some manner of huge drill or perhaps a heavy cannon to it, I doubt it'll be able to break through the wall.. Not enough room to get up a good rammin' speed. Then again.. No time like the present I suppose. Maybe I could improvise some sort of explosive.."

Crys is still underwater in armor! Swimming not to badly all things considered and finally she gets ahold of the glasses a moment later she breaks the surface and crawls on to the dock. Once on her feet she hans Arimus his glasses back. "Here. Now lets take a look over the sub shall we?"

Ta'lor looks at Crys, "Good job," he states as he looks at the sub more. "Well, it is not like any other submersible known or that I have seen," he states. "There is a steel striping or ring around it and I am guessing that it can hold at least 50 people. And it is called the Nautilus," he adds as he keeps on investigating the sub even more. "Which is an interesting choice for a name," and he looks. "The name is based off of a type of octupus that is common in the sea."

Arimus fumbles around until he can take his glasses back from Crys, drying them off with the utmost care before putting them back on. "Ah.. Phew.." Breathing a sigh of relief as he gets up and joins Ta'lor with the inspection of the Nautilus. "..Interesting."

There is a hatch that's along the side, an airlock with the pier going up to it.

Arimus peers down at this hatch... Adjusting his glasses again, for good measure, and clambering inside. "...My, this is spacious! We could get everyone out of here in a few trips with a mechanism such as this! Come, see!" Calling for Ta'lor and Crys to join him. "I don't think we'd even need to do all that many repairs.."

Ta'lor looks at Arimus, "What do we have here," he says as he feels around something. "I think you have found the door," he states. "And it is 50 people that can survive on this. Now we need to figure a way to get it out and maybe we can use it to leave this place," he states as he looks at the sub in more detail. "Although if it has been here for 1000 years, than it will need some work possibly and aired out." He than looks at Arimus, "Have you found anything of interest?" he asks as his player oocly wishes he actually had a version of the sonic screwdrive, only whatever it would be in exalted. But since this is not Dr. Who, he will go with whatever the GM feels he would have. "Maybe there is some explosives around or something. Where are the tools for the people who work ont his craft at?" he asks.

Ta'lor enters the hatch as well and he loosk around, "Will you look at this," he states as he begins to check everything, to find out what else maybe here. ANd yes he is spending the tiem to investigate the sub now that it is open.

Crys is well back on dec at this point as she's looking ovr the machine for a momnt "... Wait what it's still working?! You mean we can get out?!" She's percking up at this point heck she could kiss Arimus hell she will kiss thi trange man from beyond the mans and that's what she moves to do as she takes off her helmet!

The interior is very complicated looking, and the accomodations tight and cramped. The sub has a very interesting set up for a command center. A voice ahems, and a spirit's face appears on the crystal sphere that one might assume was the navigation computer. "Godsdamn, it's been a thousand years since somebody's stepped foot in here. What took you guys so long?"

Arimus looks around, suddenly rather enthused as opposed to silent and dull. "Yes, yes, we could get the whole bloody Manse out with this. We might need to do all manner of modifications. A drill, explosives, cannon, I'm not sure yet. I'll need to talk it over with the folks in charge. However, this submersible seems perfect for our needs.. I wonder if they have any more of them? If so, given the tools and maybe a few textbooks.." He'd look up at the spirit, peering. "You'd not believe me if I explained. Have you a schematical manual or perhaps operational guide anywhere around here?"

Ta'lor looks at the face, "We ran into a small problem of locating the door to your sub, the Nautilus," he states. "I take it that you are what controls this craft correct?" he asks as he looks at some of the items here and than at everythign else, "This is amazing," he says. "Its like this equipment is still in excellent condition, even after 1000 years. I wonder if the crew left any records?" he says out in the open.

The spirit looks at Crys and the other two. "Well, nobody's bothered me for 1000 years because they couldn't fix the engine. And I've kept myself in good shape." The spirit grins. "Guess my age, go on..."

Crys is happy the chance to get out and explore the world is something she'd never though she'd see it. She's almost like a little kidd ignore the ears too either way she pauses at the spirit and says "I thought Well Wait what? The engine needs repair but thee rest of you works?" She grins more "I think we can take a crack at it but first!"She goes over to Arimus and kisses him right on the lips!

The spirit smiles smugly. "If the systems didn't work, then you'd all be dead from bad air."

Ta'lor looks as he thinks, "Oh with the hatch open, there is enouh air," he states. "Although you say your engines do not work?" he asks. "I am not one who can work on engines," and he looks. "Are eithe rof you able to work on anything liek an engine?" he asks them as he looks at the two and he smiles, "Well, I am not a tech person, more scholarly than anything. But I am a quick learner." he states to the hologram. Arimus yerk! The scavenger savant barely manages to keep from losing his glasses again as he's.. Well, -crushed- against the Gunzosha armor. "Mmph!" Looking rather surprised for a moment. But, in the fashion of a true Englishman- even if they don't exist yet- he composes himself swiftly and adjusts his collar. "Madam! Please, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are vast amounts of work to be done." Looking at the spirit, Ta'lor, and Crys. "I'm pretty sure I can fix the engines.. Doesn't seem like it'll be much harder than fixing up the great cannons in Lookshy.. Then again, this craft is at -least- two millennia old, probably more. The cannons are much younger.. Still, all the parts I need should be right here in the Manse. And the tools, too. Miss Crys, I want you to go tell the Lawgivers that I believe I've found us all a way out. I'll need unrestricted access to tools and parts for repairs." He scratches his chin as he thinks, eyes darting about. "Let's see.. Hm. Well, mister Ta'lor, even if you can't actually help me do the work, you can be of the utmost value by keeping detailed notes of everything I tell you."

The spirit looks smug. "I'm five-thousand. Look pretty good for my age, huh?"

Arimus says, "You look -beautiful- for your age. This will be an honor."

Crys urks lets got as she says, "I'm sorry I was just so over come, you have no idea what the thought of getting out to see the world is like finally not being a flght of fancy." he's calme down now she looks at the spirit for a moment. "Thank you for being willng to consider letting us use you to leave here." She grins.

Arimus takes off his 'gloves', throwing them to the ground and proceeding to crack his knuckles. "I'll be telling you lot about the world outside once I assess the damage to this wondrous craft... And my stipulations for my services. They won't be too great, but.. Well you'll understand when I explain it all. Hurry off, we should be started as soon as possible." Stretching his back out and walking up to the spirit's control console. "Right then. My dear spirit? We need to have a good, long chat about your inner workings.."

Ta'lor nods, "Oh that is not a problem," he states as he looks. "And I am sure that with hard work, we can have the Nautilus up and running." he states simply as he looks. "Do you happen to have any logs tha tI might be able to read. Maybe I cna see whatelse is here while we work.

Crys nods in agremnt to Arimus "I'll go contact them right away and tell them what you need I'm certain they'd agree to it given we all whish to get out of here... eeven if it is our home."