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Name: The Black Barron of Vulgaria

Type & Caste/Aspect

Abyssal: Dusk


Crush the rebellious spirit of the people of Vulgaria.


A great armored golem carved of blackened Iron in the image of the Barron.


The ruler of Vulgaria and agent of the Walker in Darkness.








Strength •, Dexterity •, Stamina


Charisma •, Manipulation •, Appearance


Perception •, Intelligence •, Wits



Abyssal Command: Nemmisaries and Zombie Levies •••

Artifact: Soulsteel Daiklave ••

Artifact: Enhanced Soulsteel Articulated Plate ••••

The Barron's soulsteel plate armor has a number of improvements over standard armor of it's type including two hearthstone sockets and a system which causes it to make no noise.

Backing: Vulgarian Government •••••

The Barron is the Absolute monarch of Vulgaria.

Connections: Scavenger Lands Death Cults •••

The Barron has connections to a number of death cults within his sphere of influence.

Connections: Freyswald Elemental Court •••••

The Barron represents the Walker in Darkness to the wood elemental court of Freyswald, a large forest on the western edge of Vulgaria. As the Wood King of the court is oath-bound to work with the Walker's death knights he wields incredible influence here.

Connections: Walker's Realm •••

The Barron has made arrangements with a number of the Walker's courtiers and servants who provide him with a measure of influence and contacts within his master's court.

Manse: Schloss Bomburz (Abyssal ••)

Underworld Manse: ••

Resources: Silver Standard ••••

As the ruler of a country, even one that is small and poor like Vulgaria, the Barron has access to vast amounts of capitol.

Spys: Vulgaria and Surrounding Countryside •••

This background actually does not represent the Walker's spy network but the Barron's own, which while small is highly trained and exceedingly experienced.

Followers: Vulgarian Army ••••

Though a small nation Vulgaria's army is abnormally large and well trained, and equipped to the best of the Barron's abilities including a significant amount of thaumaturgeical enhancement provided through his connections at the Walker in Darkness's court.

Influence: Ruler of Vulgaria ••••

As the ruler of a recognized state in the Confederation of Rivers the Barron wields significant influence even internationally.


With Loyalist Abyssals there is one background that deserves special mention and note: Liege. This background is supposed to not be purchased with character points but assigned by the GM and constantly boosted or nerfed based on the performance of the PCs. Furthermore it is possible for the PCs to have multiple ratings in this background depending on the events of the series, such as being sent from the court of the Silver Prince to work for the First and Forsaken Lion for a time and having a Liege rating with both death lords temporarily. For this reason the Abyssal Sheet has this special subsection under backgrounds for this very important but fickle background so that it can be consulted quickly and edited easily. If you are playing a renegade abyssal ignore this sub-section, or even delete it.

Liege: The Walker in Darkness •

The Walker has little regard for the Barron, he see's him as a somewhat useful tool but not anything particularly special. He is content to let him satisfy his urges and rule Vulgaria, badly.


Compassion •, Conviction •••••, Temperance •, Valor ••••


Willpower: ••••••••••


Rating •••••




Health Levels





Join Battle , Soak , Dodge DV , Mobility Penalty , Fatigue

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage 3B, Parry DV , Rate 3, Tags N

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage 6B, Parry DV , Rate 2, Tags N

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P

Social Combat

Join Debate , Mental Dodge DV

Presence: Speed 4, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 2

Performance: Speed 6, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 1

Investigation: Speed 5, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 2



The Barron looks like a tall but rotund man in his mid 60s with a bushy beard and wide mustachios both well trimmed and waxed. He is of the Caucasian phenotype but has sickly pale skin and with ghost white hair. His eyes are ice blue, and seem to peer straight into one's soul. He traditionally is dressed in a black perfect buff jacket which conceals his soul steel plate beneath. The Barron's Daiklave is normally banished Elsewhere until he must fight.


The History of the Black Barron of Vulgaria has many beginnings, but the one that concerns us is 22 years ago with his father Barron Albrecht Bomburz arranging his marriage to a woman nearly half his age. Albrecht had had Wilhelm when he was only 18, and Wilhelm had been an only child due to complications from the birth rendering his mother Brunhilde infertile. Barron Albrecht therefore had not arranged a mirage for his son before he turned 18, and after that Wilhelm steadfastly refused to marry until his father outright ordered him to chose one of three women at the age of 41. Wilhelm reviewed the three candidates and corresponded with each of them, choosing Countess Mara Shovainki based on her relative age and seeming disinterest in having children, which the soon to be Barron did not wish to have either. Not long after the wedding the old Barron died peacefully in his sleep, having no idea what the delay in his son's marriage would wreak on his poor country.

The Young Baroness had no desire for children: she in fact loathed the 'Foul ill mannered little beasts' but she was very much interested in amorous relations with her new husband, which Barron Bomburz distinctly was NOT. The Barron himself was and is violently asexual, and found the repeated attempts by his new bride to initiate intercourse to be repulsive and irritating. The two of them grew to privately loath each other while keeping up the appearance of being madly in love.

As the years passed and the Baroness's biological clock started to tick ever more loudly with no relief possible she grew bitter, vain, and vindictive, eventually persuading her husband to pass a law banning children. This sparked an uprising by the peasants of Vulgaria. Barron Bomburz was shot in the gut by one of the rebels as he went out riding, and fell from his horse. In that moment the Walker in Darkness approached him with the power of the black exaltation and the Barron Accepted.


The Black Barron of Vulgaria was an Abyssal exalt that Golden and Ami fought on 9-8-14, and killed with a combination of tactics and surprise. He is likely to reappear in other games as I put a lot of effort into designing and writing him.

Chronicles in which this character appears

Tales of The New Road

Plot Hooks