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  • Kith Origins
    • Commoners
      • Trolls: Warrior Mountain Folk, Warrior Caste Raksha
      • Boggans and Nockers: Worker Mountain Folk, Worker Caste Raksha
      • Other Kiths: Commoner Raksha
    • Nobles
      • Eshu: Eshu Caste Nobles
      • Dougal: Artisan Mountain Folk
      • Balor: Yozi-Corrupted nobles
      • Other Houses: Noble Raksha
  • The Wyld
    • After the First Shattering, some shards dug themselves into the ground and gathered together over the Ages, forming pockets of gossamer that the fae could tap into
    • When the gates reopened, these pockets were super-charged, creating full-fledged Wyld zones
    • Most Wyld Zones average around 5-8 waypoints in width, although some of the largest ones can stretch for 50-75 waypoints
    • Severity of Wyld depends on area of pocket; most are Bordermarches
      • Strength fluctuates as per normal
    • Some smaller Wyld zones have existed since the Second Shattering, housing the fae who become known as Lost Ones
    • A scant few even house fae from before the First Shattering; some are high-Essence shaped Nobles, while others have become Unshaped once more.
  • Shards and Hosts
    • Fae half becomes dominant, driving human side out almost completely in most cases (similar to Fallen in Demon: the Fallen)
    • The change from Art-based magic to Charm-based is nigh-instantaneous; Fifth Age Raksha are able to continue to use Art-based artifacts, however.
  • Magic and Artifacts
    • Arts and Realms are replaced by Charms from GWM
    • Free Assumption charm is subsumed into Aishvarya form
    • Artifacts
      • Art-based: Function as per C:tD; spend 5m to activate
      • Wyld Artifacts: As per GWM
      • Magical Material: As per GWM
  • Cold-wrought Iron
    • Dispels works of glamour as in GWM
    • Aishvarya form is not dispelled by cold iron, although the Raksha does take aggravated damage from it while in this form
    • While in mortal seeming, the Raksha does not take aggravated damage from iron. However, they feel incredibly uncomfortable around it; the difficulty of actions while near cold-wrought iron increased by one due to distraction.
  • Forms
    • First tier Assumption charm describes basic features of the Aishvarya or fae form (ala a Fallen’s visage)
      • Example: Assumption of Elemental Shape (Fire) will cause the Aishvarya form to be fiery in some aspect
        • If a Raksha has more that one first-tier Assumption charm (ex. Assumption of Elemental Shape (Fire) and Assumption of Dreams and Passions), the player may invoke either or combine them as he sees fit.
    • The Raksha can invoke Aishvarya form by spending 5 motes and 1 Gossamer; lasts 1 scene or until dispelled
      • Assumption keyword charms can be activated when Aishvarya form is taken as per normal in GWM
        • Dominant unless stated otherwise in Wyld zones
    • Players can build Aishvarya form as they see fit (with ST approval, of course)
      • 16 points total (able to buy more with background)
      • Players can choose from Wyld mutations, the mutation charms from GWM, or the form traits listed below (all from Demon: the Fallen)
      • Traits that can be purchased more than once are limited to a number of times equal to the Raksha's Essence.
    • Common Form Traits (available to any build)
      • Alter Size (3 points) – The Raksha can alter her physical size in order to slip through narrow gaps or crawl into impossibly small spaces. She can reduce her size to as little as 1/3 of her original volume; a second purchase allows the raksha to reduce to 1/9, and so on. The DDV of the miniaturized Raksha increases by two.
      • Casts No Reflection (2 points) – The Raksha does not appear in mirrors while in Wyld form, nor can it be captured in photographs or by a video camera.
      • Enhanced Ability (3 points) – The difficulty on rolls involving any one Ability drop by two (min of one). The player must specify which Ability this power affects at the time of purchase, and he cannot change it to a different Ability later. This power may be purchased multiple times, but each purchase must be allocated to a different ability. Only one Favored or Caste ability may be chosen.
      • Enhanced Mental Acuity (4 points) – The character adds four dots to Mental attributes in any combination at the player’s discretion. This allocation must be determined when the trait is purchased, and it may not be changed after.
      • Enhanced Physical Traits (4 points) – The character adds four dots to Physical attributes in any combination at the player’s discretion. This allocation must be determined when the trait is purchased, and it may not be changed after.
      • Enhanced Social Traits (4 points) – The character’s physical appearance, poise and grace leave humans in stupefied awe. The character adds four dots to Social attributes in any combination at the player’s discretion. This allocation must be determined when the trait is purchased, and it may not be changed after.
      • Improved Attribute (3 points) – One of the Raksha’s Attributes increases by two; this must be chosen when the power is purchased. This may be purchased more than once, but may only apply to a certain Attribute once.
      • Improved Initiative (1 point) – Add two to initiative.
      • Irresistible Force (2 points) – Difficulty of any feat of strength performed by the character reduced by two (min of one).
      • Lyrical Voice (1 point) – Difficulty of all Presence and Performance (Singing) rolls decrease by two (min of one). In Social Combat, the DV of the defenders is reduced by 1.
      • Master Artisan (1 point) – Difficulty of all Craft rolls decrease by two (min of one). This does include shaping combat.
      • Nimble Hunter (3 points) – Difficulty of all Athletics rolls decrease by two (min of one); also, leaping damage doubles.
      • Pass without Trace (2 points) – The difficulty of the character’s Stealth rolls decreases by two (min of one); the Raksha’s passage does not disturb the surrounding environment.
      • Perfect Balance (1 point) – The difficulty of all Athletics rolls involving leaping and tumbling decrease by two (min of one).
      • Sense the Hidden (1 point) – The character is supernaturally adepts at sensing mortals or Raksha who attempt to hide from her. The difficulty of all Perception rolls to detect hidden individuals within the character’s line of sight decrease by two (min of one).
    • Specific (Fitting for certain Assumption charms; may be taken by others for one additional form point if allowed by ST)
      • Elemental Shape
        • Aura of Vitality (4 points for Wood) – Living beings (plant or animal) within a number of yards equal to the Raksha’s Essence are infused with restorative energy, healing any bashing damage at the rate of one health lever per turn.
        • Distortion (3 points for Water and Air) – The Raksha’s form shifts and shimmers as if the view were looking at the fae through water. The DDV of the Raska increases by two for all ranged attacks and by one for all close-combat attacks.
        • Fiery Blood (4 points for Fire) – The character’s blood burns like magma. Inflammable objects that touch more than a few drops burst into flames, and opponents in close combat suffer one level of lethal damage each time they successfully deal damage to the Raksha.
        • Immune to Falling Damage (2 points for Air) – The Raksha can fall any distance and land safely on her feet.
        • Immune to Fire (3 points for Fire) – The Raksha suffers no damage from fire or heat of any kind
        • Iron Skin (3 points for Earth) – The character’s iron-like skin acts as armor, increasing bashing and lethal soak by four and aggravated soak by two. This effect is compatible with normal armor.
        • Mist (4 points for Water and Air) – With a successful Essence roll (difficulty 4), the Raksha can summon up a concealing cloud of mist, which fills up a 100 square-foot area per Essence spent (limited to permanent Essence x2). The mist lasts for one scene unless blown away by outside forces.
        • Shocking Touch (2 points for Air) – The character’s touch deals (Essence) levels of bashing damage. May only be used once per scene per target.
        • Sun’s Bounty (2 points for Wood) – By standing in direct sunlight for one full hour, the character heals all bashing damage or one level of lethal or aggravated damage. May only be used once per day.
        • Thorns (1 point for Wood) – The Raksha’s shoulders, chest and arms are covered with needle-sharp black thorns that inflict one level of lethal damage to any attacker who successfully strikes or grapples the Raksha in unarmed combat.
      • Cerements and Bone
        • Aura of Entropy (2 points) – Plants wilt in the Raksha’s presence, and living beings are suffused with an icy chill that saps their strength. Mortals within a number of yards equal to the Raksha’s Essence lose one die from their dice pool until a successful Stamina roll (diff 3) is made. The effects of this capability persist for the duration of the scene.
        • Death-Grip (4 points) – The Raksha’s spirit can cling to life past the point of human endurance. If the host body suffers enough levels of lethal or aggravated damage to drop it below Incapacitated, she can still hold onto life if she succeeds on a difficulty 4 Willpower roll. If successful, the character falls into a coma, rising the next dawn with one health level and 5 personal Essence. If the Raksha has no personal Essence remaining when she enters the coma, she loses a permanent Willpower point instead.
        • Ghost Sight (2 points) – The fae can see the spirits of the dead that linger in the mortal realm, whether the ghosts wish to reveal themselves or not, with a successful Perception roll (difficulty 3).
        • Touch of Death (3 points) – The Raksha must be able to touch her intended target to use this ability. Thereafter, as long as the fae maintains physical contact, the target cannot move, speak or feel at all. The target cannot feel pain, but is trapped in his own body while the Raksha inflicts whatever damage on him she wishes. The target can escape by spending a Willpower point, but must best the Raksha in a resisted Dexterity+Martial Arts (difficulty of Raksha’s essence) to get away. Otherwise, the power takes effect again. This power has no effect on other Raksha or supernatural beings that are already dead.
      • Dreams and Passion
        • Beckon (2 points) – The Raksha is so beautiful that those who lays eyes upon him cannot help but follow him, entranced by his preternatural charisma. Any mortal who fails a Willpower roll (difficulty of half the Raksha’s Appearance, rounded up) must follow the Raksha as best as he can, keeping the fae in sight at all times. The mortal snaps out of his reverie if he is attacked or simply shaken. The Raksha may choose to turn this off at will.
        • Unearthly Glamour (1 point) – Difficulty of all Manipulation rolls on mortals decrease by two (min of one). This includes shaping and social combat.
  • Shaping Combat
    • Same as GWM; Wyld zones only
  • Bedlam
    • Same as GWM
  • Languages
    • Uses oWoD Linguistics scale(1/2/4/8/16)
    • Players can choose both modern and Creation-based languages
    • Native Languages - Old Realm and one human language

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