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Writing up some 2nd edition Charms for my game. Hopefully these have not been done before. My first goal is to have more interaction of social combat and physical combat, or at least the ability to make social attacks in combat.

(This is the first of a chain of charms I want to have around for a stripper abyssal character that the PCs will encounter.)

Dance of the Carmine Contessa
Cost: 8m Min: Performance 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple (Spd 5)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Scene long
Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency

The user invokes her beauty and raw sexual energies through her essence to confound her opposition. Any opponent who can see and is attacking her suffers a (Appearance score -1) external penalty (extra successes) while attacking her. The charm does not work against blinded or non-sentient opponent, but will work against non-humanoid or non-interested opponents under the assumption that the user is making herself a more distracting target. This charm is not compatible with armor unless the armor is somehow bizzarely revealing.

A good variant on this charm would be something like "Stance of the Golden General" which would do the same thing except with (Charisma -2) and work perfectly with any armor, so long as the user is trying to be imposing in battle.