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Latest revision as of 14:05, 16 August 2003

The other character's VSDs can be found at our STs livejournal page: http://www.livejournal.com/users/plib

The Very Secret Diary of Na'Thal


Day One

Found the Fortress. Hoping they have mirrors within as my last travelling mirror got dropped down a crevasse by Fayz. He claimed it was an accident but I think he's just jealous that I'm far prettier than him.

Silas thought I should be first in, maybe he's coming to accept that I'm the prettiest and wants to impress everyone inside.

Inside, first thing I see is a big mirror. Joyousness, turned to horror I saw a rather smartly dressed and unpretty old man in place of my prettiness. I know that the cold can be bad for your skin, but this is ridiculous. Was muchly relieved to hear he is the guardian of the place, but do not like his hiding in mirrors. Silas names him Jeeves, I call him mirror-hogger.

Checked self in mirror. Still prettiest.

Dragged away from mirror to go downstairs, found some tombs. Fayz fell over, obviously trying to become prettier by headbutting floor. Silas wanted to write things on him, not sure of prettiness of writing on head, but willing to experiment on others if only they don't wake up too fast. Turns out this is Fayz' tomb. Funny, I didn't know he was dead.

Dinner time, meat cooked, obvious waste. Maids fairly pretty, but not as pretty as me. Think maybe Silas is trying to flick things at Tuin behind my back. I'll kill him if he tries anything.

Exploring downstairs, see a big bowl of water and stop to admire my reflection. Tuin pulls me away, saying if I'm thirsty we can drink wine. Why would I want wine? Can't see my reflection clearly in wine.

Met the Cook, he's very unpretty.

Bedtime, and Fayz insisted we sleep away from mirrors in his tomb. Must still be jealous of my prettiness.

Silas decided to sleep in big room with maid. Maybe hopes some of her prettiness will rub off on him.


Day 2

Continue to look around cellars.

Mirror-hogger told us bad people had come in. Found Dragon Blood tart in the foyer, with most of her minions lying dead on the floor, and two others duelling loudly. Decided to quieten them down so hit their heads together.

Think Fayz was scared of "bad people" as I didn't see him in the room. Silas talked to DB tart for a while until she started mumbling about shadows and looked upset. She looked very interested when I walked over, naturally. Thought she was at a party, apparently and we were fellow DBs. Doesn't explain why she kept pinching my bum when noone was looking. Decided to stand on far side of room with Tuin. Tied up loud people and stuck them on a bed in a nearby bedroom.

Fayz realised there was no danger and showed himself. Said he had a dream about a garden and wanted to see it. I like plants and am getting hungry, so I agreed.

Strange kind of garden, has walls and ceiling. Plants taste horrible, but realise on closer inspection plants are fake but very well done, although the pictures on the walls are silly, make it obvious is fake, wish I'd seen them before eating. Tuin went funny on seeing painting and ran away. Tummy starting to hurt from eating bad plant, and realise Tuin was standing close to plant, she may have done the same thing, and may know where the nearest toilet is. Decide to follow.

Follow Tuin into strange maze room, strange place to put a toilet but fortunately tummy is getting better now, decide to follow anyway as am curious. Find bedroom with unconscious Tuin in. Pause a moment to admire self in mirror, then realise there are no mirrors in this room!

Had strange dream where I am looking for Tuin to take her somewhere safe and she attacked me. Very weird.

Tuin woke up, looked unhappy. Just to show there were no hard feelings about her attacking me in my dream I hugged her. She got a ring from the corner of the room and gave it to me, probably to say thank you for not being angry for the attack, wondered if she had another one for my other hand, so as not to look unbalanced. She just looked confused when I asked.

Went back to the rest of the group, Tuin holding on to me all the time, maybe she just lent me the ring and wants to make sure I don't run off with it.

Think maybe Fayz banged head in garden, he says we should open Tuin's tomb. Am fairly convinced she is alive, from the way she's holding on to me, but think maybe we'd better humour him, can't fight well if he goes mad with Tuin on my arm like this.

Helped open tomb they said was Tuin's. Contained clothes, a rose, an armlet and another ring. Tuin says as it is her tomb she should have it all, but I manage to grab ring quickly first. Decide it wouldn't really suit me, so I make a big show of giving it to Tuin. She goes into other room to put on clothes and comes back with higher breasts, must have had a wonderbra hidden in there.

Went to open Fayz' tomb but it was empty (thought he looked rather alive...)

Open one more tomb while we're here, which has a vial in it. Am told by Fayz that it probably smells really nice so I take off the top and sniff. Apparently everyone thinks it smells nice and Silas and Leong decide to check if Tuin really has a wonderbra on while we are distracted. Quickly close vial while Fays grabs Leong, meanwhile Silas is grabbing at Mahina and trying to take off her clothes. She seems to be enjoying it, so we decide to leave them to it, but they realise we're leaving and quickly put clothes back on. Bloody exhibitionists.

Silas even more anal than usual at lunchtime, and Tuin trying to keep close eye on the ring by sitting near me. Put up with this as I have a chance to check myself in the mirrors again. Still prettiest.

Searching continues, we find a big bath room. Looking forward to a big bath later, but not with this lot around. Silas seems to think we should all bathe together. Knew he was finally accepting my prettiness, but that is a little too much accepting.

Found a prison cell, with golden handcuffs. Think Silas must have seen my reflection in them as he passed out. Beginning to get very worried about him.

When Silas woke up again we moved on, did notice Fayz taking handcuffs though, decide better safe than sorry, and will steer clear of him too.

More exploring, then sleep time. Silas reads a poem to Mahina, obviously trying to get a repeat of the performance, but without an audience. She goes with him, so I guess it works. The rest of us sleep in the maze rooms, Fayz with Leong and Tuin with me. Think she is relaxing slightly about the ring, but is still not sure.

Heard strange sounds from Fayz and Leong's room, am slightly worried about those two.

Tuin was worried about her jumper and I was curious about the wonderbra so I taught her an old Lunar game (like I'd know an old Lunar game, I've only been one a few months, but it worked <grin>) where she had to dance around a pile of her clothes. She said she had no spare clothes and I told her that she must then take off those she is wearing. She believed me, so I got to see that she has no need of a wonderbra. Had trouble sleeping after that...


Day 3

Breakfast. Did notice Mahina walking funny this morning. Must have been an interesting night for Silas.

More exploring. Trying to find secret "final retreat" where the Solars planned to hide if DBs attacked. Not sure why they plan to hide instead of killing but if they did, then there may be phat lewt there, which is good.

Fayz found a cool map in the ceiling. Wondered why it showed a lot of approaching demons, then realised demons were trying to attack us.

Used big guns on the Fortress to blow most of them up. Much fun, must get one of these for my tribe. Wonder if it'll fit in my backpack.

Mirror-hogger said maids were being naughty and I should spank them. Still tired from last night but think I should demonstrate my manly stamina and head downstairs to find maids.

Maids were being naughty but seeing me brought them to their senses, am engulfed in hair and softness. Begin to worry though when the cook and the valet showed up as well.

Tuin showed up so I tried to look like I was fighting the maids off. Not sure if it worked. Cook and valet approach and so I punch cook really hard to show him I am not impressed. Cook so fat my arm is engulfed! Fight hard to free it and them punch him on the nose, accidentally breaking his mask and banishing him. Ooops. Try to make it look as if that was deliberate.

Fayz shows up and helps Tuin and I to control naughty people. Maids and Tuin fighting for real from the looks of it. Try to say there is plenty of me to go around, but seem to have lost voice.

Silas arrives and naughty people are so shocked by his appearance they turn good again. I'd be worried if I was him.

Check appearance in mirror. Still prettiest.

Starting to get tired now, think I'll go sleep.