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Known since the earliest days of the Time of Glory and into the High First Age the Unshaped known as the Dancing Eternal Dragons is very active for an Unshaped. Having traversed Creations parameter since its inception, bound with an insatiable desire to know how it works. Though she has never crossed beyond Sundraprisha and looked at Creation from the inside, she has watched others do it. For her, Creation is a puzzle that she wants to completely understand.

Of all the Unshaped the Creation-born have dealt with she is one of the easiest to approach. So long as they come bearing knowledge of Creation she had yet to learn of she is willing to let the Shaped Raksha challenge her. Those whom bring her something truly unique are more rewarded than others. To what end she will use this knowledge for none can guess. Some assume it so that she can destroy it in one fell swoop. Others are not so sure because they note changes where taking place within the realm the Unshaped inhabits.

Besides the ruling emanations there are thousands of lesser fae that make inhabit the domains of the Emanations. Beautiful creatures based off human form. Some mixed with animal. Some mixed with elemental themes. And others birthed only from the madness that could define the Unshaped. A few have keys hidden inside their essence patterns that open the prisons of other horrors that could damage even the Wyld. A custodian and care taker of knowledge.

Others where once shaped fae who gave themselves to the Unshaped so that they could gain such knowledge for themselves and become part of its plans and machinations. These once fae inhabit the castle of Dancing Soil and enact her bidding. Passing out commands to the other Emanations and fulfilling other seemingly random orders that benefits the Unshaped on some level.

In the Time of Glory it was she the Primordials came to when they had to deal with their Unshaped cousins. She knew secrets others could not know. Hid them in essence patterns within her own domains. Or sent them into the deepest regions of pure chaos where they would not be disturbed. When the Solar Exalted came to power again she was approached and offered trinkets and other things of Creation if she would reveal to them deeper secrets of the Wyld. Or where those once horrible things could be used and tamed. She agreed occasionally when a particular danger was moved to Creation. Part of her always wanted to see such horrors prevail and unmake the shaped form. But it never came to pass and she contented herself with gaining more knowledge that would help her complete her goal. But not even she knew entirely what that was to be. Nor does she still this far into the Second Age.


Dancing Soil, Earth Dragon – Heart Grace
Imperative: To guide the other emanations into understanding of how Creation works.

Dancing Soil is the ruling emanation of the Unshaped. It is by her will that all the other emanations seek out the esoteric knowledge of Creation. She does not hate Creation as the other Unshaped. Nor does she want to bring them all into the Wyld so they can receive its blessing. Her understanding and that of the greater Unshaped she represents comes from a deeper purpose. She feels as if something is changing. The stability of what she has come to represent to the Unshaped and to the other Emanations has created a change in the very structure of the Unshaped.

A great adamant egg has come into existence at the center of the Unshaped as recently formed and she has felt an overwhelming compunction to guard it against all others who might wish to harm the egg. She does not know what is inside it only that she needs to guard it until it hatches. Of all the Emanations she is the first to realize the further changes that are taking place within the boundaries of the Unshaped.

She appears to others as sliding and shifting rocks in the center of the way points that make up the Unshaped. In the center of this mass of stone is a castle which holds the adamant egg. When others come to face her in a quest she takes the form of a massive dragon made of soil with eyes of gemstones and antlers of stone. Her voice is musical and others can't help but stop and take notice of who she is. She is the one most willing to listen to the stories of Creation. Any who bring her a Gaian elemental can expect to be rewarded with a treasure from the deep wyld.

Dancing Leaves, Wood Dragon – Cup Grace
Imperative: To watch how those in Creation grow and change

Dancing Leaves is the emanation of compassion. The source of all the Unshaped's love, compassion and understanding. It is to whom others can approach and bargain for aid and assistance. Dancing Leaves knows the desires of others and they approach her they see a beautiful forest with soft moss beneath their feet. Brightly colored flowers sprouting every where. Immense trees all around them standing tall and proud. A gentle whisper and the rustling of leaves. In the center of these woods is a small pond in which fantastic things swim. For while it may look small it holds far more water than many lakes within Creations borders.

She comes to others in the form of a great dragon coiling through the branches of the many trees. Brilliant emerald scales covered with moss, flowers and vines. Antlers made of the softest felt. With eyes the color of the richest life giving soil. Her scent causes others to do anything for her most gentle of caresses. When she takes a human form is that of a woman with light green skin. Long brown hair woven with vines and flowers. She goes without clothes so others always underestimate her.

For the Unshaped she exists to help others grow and adapt by exposing them to new things. Teaching them of the Wyld and of the earliest things to leave. Of how Creation came into being. Of things that where lost and how they can be found again. Questing with her is not as arduous as it is with the other emanations. Though she is one of the last emanations any questor faces when challenging the Unshaped. She makes them face all they consider to be true. Showing compassion to them by removing the veil that conceals all the lies of their existence.

Dancing Breeze, Air Dragon – Staff Grace
Imperative: To watch over the other Emanations that they hold true to the singular vision

One of the most beautiful structures that can be formed in the Wyld is held within the Unshaped and it is the dominion of Dancing Breeze, the Air Guardian. Emanation of conviction. It is a breath taking palace made of clouds, gossamer and crystal. Bridges and elegant spirals look as if they would break if one put to much pressure against it. Out of reach of most that come into the body of the Unshaped. Few ever meet Dancing Breeze for he ensures that the other Emanations stay true to what they seek. Whenever something new is learned Dancing Breeze records it within his palace. Constantly comparing it to other facts. He is the Unshaped's primary artificer. Capable of performing great feats of Wyld shaping that the other Emanations use to defend themselves against Questing fae.

Most of the time he is invisible. Barely perceptible movements in the air hint at his passing. When there are outsiders within the Unshaped this is how he walks amongst them. Unseen and undetected. Learning what they do not plan to share. Judging their actions by inscrutable old laws he and the other emanations agreed on long ago. He never takes part in quests for his nature does not involve dealing with outsiders but he grows by being amongst them.

Dancing Waves, Water Dragon – Ring Grace
Imperative: To judge the virtues of Creation-born

Dancing Waves is the emanations of temperance. Her domain is a large serene lake. All the virtues of those who gaze into the water are revealed to those who look. Many are not prepared for what they see in the water and just blame it on the trickeries of the Wyld. But there is no lies. Only the truth of the actions. At the bottom of the lake some claim to see a palace of coral and sea shell. It is to those virtuous souls that she comes to the surface. Her form is made entirely of water. The draconic shape clearly visible. Her antlers are made out of the purest blue sapphire. Her voice washes over those who come to the edge of her domain.

It is the nature of Dancing Waves to use her water and her magic to probe the questor of their virtues. Judging and accepting the reality based on how strong of heart they are. Those who look into the mirror and do not have a strong heart supported by great virtues will find themselves changed forever and unable to return to Creation. Those who are strong enough to resist the waters of Dancing Waves find themselves in a position of discovery and enlightenment. If they are strong of heart they will have earned their reward.

Dancing Flames, Fire Dragon – Sword Grace
Imperative: To ensure that Creation-born have the strength to cement their reality

Dancing Flames is the emanation of valor. He is the most militant of the Unshaped's emanations. His domain is an inferno of cracked earth, burning trees, boiling water and smoke choked air. The most hostile domain the encircle the entire Unshaped in a ring of fire that others must pass through in order to be judged worthy of meeting with the other emanations. He walks through the fires of his dominion as a tall humanoid with obsidian skin. His hair and beard are made of flames. His eyes are like molten stone. He carries with him a blade that could rend whole swaths of Creation if he directed his fires to. Forged by all of the Emanations in all that they learned about Creation. It is the greatest weapon in their arsenal and one they guard jealousy.

When one approaches the Unshaped all they see is a ring of fire. And no matter how high they go the fire will always bar their path. To enter the body of the Unshaped one must speak aloud their intentions to why they have come. They sacrifice an object of Creation to the fires with a promise of another gift. Only then will the fires part and the first trial has begun. He tests those who seek the knowledge the Unshaped contains. Only through enforcing their own reality and overcoming the fires of doubt will they find the proper path through the burning maze. The maze can be as short as a few hundred feet for those of sufficient reality to dozens or hundreds of miles to those who struggle with their own doubts and reality. Those who give up are lost to the fires becoming fuel for it to burn.

Dancing Laughter, Way Dragon – Way Grace
Imperative: To define the boundaries of the Unshaped

A relatively new emanation for the Unshaped. He represents her continuing evolution and change into something potentially much more. Developed as her obsession with Creation increased. His creation effects the others by defining where they are within the Unshaped. It is through him that the others aline themselves properly. Because of his existence the others have noticed that essence flows more harmoniously between them in paths and geomantic patterns. Along with that they have not quite developed poles yet. This is a new process that each of them is learning about as time progresses and the internal space is reorganized.

He never takes part in questing or interacting with others. None have seen him but the other emanations to know what he looks and acts like. But they all know his presence is needed for them to continue to grow and develop.

Passing through the gateway of Sundraprisha

There comes a time when the Unshaped realizes that in order to take those last steps towards achieving something new. She needs to take the step herself and pass through the gateway of Sundraprisha and assume a shaped form. Preserving all her knowledge in great behemoths shaped solely for that purpose and locked within great adamant egg no force could open but shrunk it down to smaller than a chickens egg.

She takes the form of an Ornamental Raksha. Attaching herself to those who show her their secrets. Promising to love them and do anything for them so long as they can teach her. And when they have nothing left to teach her she moves on. They know this when they first meet and yet even the wisest men would trade all of their knowledge for a single night with her. Each of those she takes knows she does not truly love them only the knowledge they possess. But speaking to those who have encountered her say that her rose scent, soft skin and gentle moans made it all worth it.

She knows that by taking this form and all that she has already accomplished the end of her goal is in sight. This is an important time for her and she will work and help anyone that is willing to share their knowledge with her.

Cracking the Adamant Eggs

It has all come down to this moment. Thousands of years of searching. Collecting knowledge. Sorting truth from lie. She has once more returned to the Wyld and gave up her shaped form. The first of the eggs hatch and the behemoths return to her all the knowledge she once add. But her internal arrangement of her emanations is different. More precise. More compact. All the Emanations have gathered in the center. All the fae so bound to her. Essence is drawn in from the Wyld for dozens of miles in each direction. So much so that the Wyld recedes from the borders of Creation revealing things long sought lost. Thousands of barbarians die in those moments. And dozens if not hundreds of Fae are trapped all over Creation.

But that central egg hatches and all is revealed. The core of the Unshaped as become the core of a new Primordial. The Dragons are elevated to a new status as the Wyld rages in terrible primal storms at the birth of a new entity. The waypoints and structures within her domain collapse and compress inwards forming the structure of the new Primordial. A great and beautiful Dragon emerges. A being based completely on the experiences of a living natural world.

Returning to Creation she will bless those that aided her in her journey. Returning to them all that was lost and more. And now she stands at a cross roads. Remain within Creation and see to the very thing that birthed her. Or leave like the others have to create her own. Like her entire existence her decision will be shaped by the events that she experiences while in Creation.