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Legendary Figures of the First Age

This is a page for First Age figures and their stories. These include the First Age incarnations of players from my games, as well as their foes and friends, lovers and rivals. Lastly, some figures of myth will be included just for fun's sake.

Notable Exalted of the First Age

The Player Characters</b>


<b>Krannon Golden-Armed
One of the greatest Smiths of the First Age, Krannon Golden-Armed was famed in his own era as one of the greatest Twilight Caste Craftsmen ever to emerge from the Primordial War. A number of monuments he crafted survive, in various states of repair, to this day -- including a ruined bridge over the Yanaze, a few buildings in Nexus' undercity, and many of the oldest portions of Lookshy. He is most well-known, however, for his crafting of a number of Artifacts of Virtue and Power. Justice, Honor, Glory, Zeal, Courage, Conscience, Righteousness, and other such potent weapons flowed from his forges into the hands of his brother Solars -- the Zenith Caste especially took a pride in bearing the Virtue-tempered Weapons of the great Smith Krannon. Less well-known was the Artifact he created for himself, the Golden Arm of Krannon, which replaced his own missing limb -- severed toward the end of the Primordial Age, by the dying blow one of the Titans.