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Latest revision as of 19:43, 16 April 2010



Water is arguably the single most important and versatile substance in the World. Only a rare few Gods claim dominion over this Purview, and they keep its secrets from all but their most trusted Champions.


Innate Ability: The Champion need never fear drowning for she can now breath water as easily as she can breath air.  When the Champion moves from air to water or vice versa, she must spend one action Inactive in order to purge one substance from her lungs and breathe in the other. She can forestall this necessity via the normal rules for holding her breath . If the Champion is breathing water, any toxins in that water affect her just as breathing in airborne toxins would on land.




Cost:  2m

Mins: Essence 1

Type: Simple

Keywords: None

Duration:  Scene

Prerequisite Blessing : None

The Champion gains the ability to sense the location of any body of water at a range of 1 mile per point of essence. With a successful perception + lore roll she can detect the details about a certain body of water that she senses. Each success represents a level of detail that she can sense about the water.

In addition she automatically can sense all things about a body of water if she is actually submerged in up to her sensory range. This includes , all details of the water, all beings in the water, all objects in the water, what the being in the water are doing, etc. She cannot sense any emotions or thoughts only actions.



Cost:  4m

Mins: Essence 2

Type: Simple

Keywords: None

Duration:  Scene

Prerequisite Blessing : Water Sense

While this Blessing is active she is no longer affected by extremes of water temperature. She can breathe water as easily as air, and she is neither scalded by boiling water nor subject to debilitating frostbite from ice. Having boiling water poured on one’s flesh,being bound in ice or cast adrift in frigid water do not cause the Champion actual physical damage but the Champion suffers the same amount of pain as if he was hurt.



Cost:  6m

Mins: Essence 3

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Shaping

Duration:  Instant

Prerequisite Blessing : Water Immunity

The Champion extends her hands and water pours forth from her open palms. For every two Essence points

spent, she can create a quantity of gallons equal to the successes on the activation roll. This water can be either salt or fresh water, though one activation roll can create only one or the other. The water comes from the Champion’s hands at room temperature, about as fast as it comes out of a normal fully primed water pump—at a rate of roughly 5 gallons per point of essence minute. The maximum that can be created is 50 gallons per point of essence per scene. This Blessing can only be used once per scene.



Cost:  8m, 1wp

Mins: Essence 4

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Shaping

Duration:  Special

Prerequisite Blessing : Create Water

For a number of actions equal to the successes on the activation roll, the Champion can exert limited physical control of any water that is touching her. She can remotely manipulate a hand-held object she can see in the water with her full dice pool, although she can take no other physical actions at the same time. She can stiffen the water beneath her feet in order to walk on its surface. She can even have the water push her along from all sides, allowing her to take a full Move action while swimming, rather than half. Alternatively, moving through the water thus could increase her Dodge DV by an amount equal to her Essence as long as she does nothing but dodge incoming attacks. The Blessing also allows such random tricks as having the Champion instantly dry off by flinging all water off her body or creating a water bridge so an aquatic creature can swim from one container to another.

This Blessing works only on liquid water, and a Champion can affect five cubic yards of water at a time per dot of Essence he has. (If she’s walking on water, she can affect one 30’ x 15’ rectangle on the surface per dot of Essence she has. The affected area supports only her and anything she can carry unaided.) Her command is not such, however, that she can use water to restrain or inflict direct physical damage against an opponent with a liquid shape of her creation.



Cost:  10m, 1wp

Mins: Essence 5

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Shaping

Duration:  Scene

Prerequisite Blessing : Water Control

The Champion can instantly change the state of a body of water just by touching it. With this Blessing , she can take liquid water, steam, ice or fog and change any one into any of the other three. The amount of water she can affect is the same as per Water Control, and the water remains in its new state for a number of actions equal to the successes rolled to activate the Blessing . Water under this effect is also subject to the Champion’s Water Control as long as the Champion maintains contact with some portion of it. The Champion can now inflict damage against a single opponent with blasts of steam or with ice projectiles, using her regular traits. (The damage for a steam blast is always lethal environmental damage [Damage: 2L/action, Trauma: 3], but damage can be bashing or lethal for an ice projectile.) The character may also create a club, axe, knife or sword out of ice and use it as a normal weapon of that type.

Water in an altered state doesn’t melt, freeze, boil or condense as it normally would in its current environment for the duration of the effect. As altered steam, it maintains a constant temperature of 220 degrees; as altered liquid water or altered fog, it stays at 70 degrees; as altered ice, it stays at 14 degrees. (That’s all Fahrenheit, by the way.) When the effect ends, the water instantly resumes its original state and temperature.




If two opposed Champions try to control the same water, the Champion with more dots in Essence wins out and determines the effect. If the Champions are equally matched, the players make opposed (Dexterity + Craft) rolls. Whoever gains more successes has his effect win out, but the duration of that effect diminishes based on the number of successes his opponent’s roll took away.