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Latest revision as of 19:40, 16 April 2010



The Purview of Justice covers all forms of redress of slights, from the meanest of petty vengeance to the most grandiloquent of karmic poetry.


Innate Ability: When the Champion wants to see if someone is lying he can roll a Awareness + Presence roll and add his essence to the total against the subjects own Charisma + Presence/Performance roll.


Cost:  2m

Mins: Essence 1

Type:  Simple

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration:  Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

This Blessing aids a Champion immensely in determining guilt, one of the foundations of meting out justice.

When she confronts someone she suspects committed an injustice and accuses that person of having done so, her player rolls (Perception + Awareness against the guilty one's MDV. On a success, the Champion can intuitively tell whether the suspect is guilty as charged. A failure yields an indeterminate reading and means that the Champion can’t try to determine the same subject’s guilt for 24 hours. A botch yields a false reading.



Cost:  4m

Mins: Essence 2

Type: Simple

Keywords: Compulsion, Illusion, Touch

Duration: Special

Prerequisite Charms : Judgment

When a Champion knows that someone is guilty of an injustice but she lacks either the evidence to prove it or the leverage to make him admit it, she can rely on this Blessing instead. To use it, she accuses the guilty party of the injustice (be it in person, in a letter, over the phone, via skywriting…), and her player rolls (Manipulation + Integrity) versus the subject's MDV. If the roll succeeds, the accusation causes the victim to periodically hallucinate like Macbeth or his wife. These hallucinations occur randomly, torturing the guilty party with the knowledge that justice hasn’t been served. They also render him unable to regain Willpower.

The effect lasts for a number of days equal to the activation roll’s successes, or until the offender makes fair amends, or until the offender confesses his crime to someone who can force him to make fair amends—whichever occurs first.


Shield Of Righteousness

Cost:  6m, 1wp

Mins: Essence 3

Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious

Duration:  Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Guilt Apparitions

This Blessing can protect an innocent victim from suffering someone else’s due punishment. The Champion cries out against the injustice—a simple “He didn’t do it!” will suffice—and spends the Essence and Willpower required. Doing so, she renders the next action that would inflict harm on the innocent victim completely impotent, obviating any damage that action should inflict, by canceling out all successes of the affected action. Whether the victim is being stabbed by a jealous wife, shot by a firing squad, lynched by a mob, hurled off a cliff by a duped Champion vigilante or whatever, he suffers no damage from that action.

For the Blessing to work, the Champion must be present at the site of the unjust punishment, and the victim must actually be innocent.



Dream Wrack

Cost:  8m, 1wp

Mins: Essence 4

Type: Simple

Keywords: Emotion, Compulsion

Duration:  Special

Prerequisite Charms: Shield Of Righteousness

The Champion gains the ability to plague a victim with torturous dreams of a recent crime and its aftermath. She stares into her target’s eyes for a single action then names the victim, names the crime and says something to the effect of, “Now see how you like it”—except more dramatically eloquent than that. When the perpetrator next sleeps, he dreams of the wrongdoing the Champion named and suffers through exactly what the victim of that crime suffered through, experiencing everything from the victim’s perspective. The Champion who uses this Blessing must know the gist of the events of the crime as well as the crime’s aftermath, but she doesn’t have to know all the details. The victim of the Blessing will fill in any details he knows, even if the Champion doesn’t know them, and his subconscious will color in the blank spots neither of them knows with information from his ugliest imaginings.

When he wakes, the target can’t regain any Willpower points for a number of days equal to the Champion’s Essence. Each night, he dreams of the crime again, unable to wake and unable to escape. The Champion can use this power on anyone she wants, regardless of whether they actually have any connection to the crime. The only restriction is that the Champion must know who the victim is, she must know the basic circumstances of the crime, and she must have some understanding of the crime’s aftermath. Beyond that, she can afflict anyone she chooses with the awful dreams. On the upside, the Champion cannot affect the same character with this Blessing again until the duration of the first effect wears off. What’s more, essence users whose essence is equal to or lesser than the champion can contest this Blessing’s activation roll with an (Willpower + Integrity + Essence in success) roll to ignore the effect altogether. Beings with higher essence than the champion are immune.


Scarlet Mark of the Offender

Cost:  10m, 1wp

Mins: Essence 5

Type: Simple

Keywords: Shaping, Touch, Compulsion


Prerequisite Charms: Dream Wrack

When a Champion knows that a perpetrator is guilty of some wrongdoing—be it through the magical means or because she just has incontrovertible proof—she can make sure everyone else knows it too. She need only touch the exposed skin of the guilty party as her player spends the appropriate points. When she does, an arcane mark appears on the guilty person’s flesh and will not wash off or fade away. No matter what the perpetrator does to his flesh—scar it irrevocably, tattoo over it, get a skin graft—the mark always rises to the top and remains clearly visible. Thereafter, whenever the Champion who put it there spends Essence and commands him to do so, the criminal must draw attention to the mark and tell anyone who can see him why it was placed there. The mark remains for a as long as the Champion’s keeps the willpower and essence dedicated. The only thing that will get rid of it before then is if the champion who placed the mark or another Champion with the same charm chooses to make it disappear and activates their charm to remove the mark.

If the crime is especially heinous, though—or if she’s a harsh bitch—the Champion can sacrifice a dot of Willpower instead of spending just a point along with her Essence point. Doing so makes the mark permanent, such that even she can’t remove it. This effect only works on being whose essence lower than hers.