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Five_Pillars takes the opportunity for his Camel to rest, as Camel's urgings, at this tiny, dry, and abandoned waterhole. There's only a little bit of water in it, and certainly not enough for a proper caravan.

Five_Pillars heads over to Soran, as the others settle down for the night. "A word with you." Funny how it doesn't sound like a question.

Soran is leaning against one of the packs, having awakened just a few hours ago. He shifts slightly to look at Five, nodding as he coughs. "Go ahead."

Five_Pillars offers an arm to the man, as he leads him a bit off from the others, and gives him a drink. "I believe you owe Ciel and Diamond an explanation. Unfortunately, as a direct result of your actions, neither one of them is around to hear it. Would you care to try me?"

He accepts the drink gratefully before nodding as he sits on the ground, looking quite exhausted still. "I'm not surprised, but very well. Would you like me to begin with what brought the deathknights here or the origin of Ciel's 'sister'?"

Five_Pillars says "You knew her, before she fell." He considers a moment. "And the Deathknights, if that's what those were, stole her exaltation. Just like they stole Ciel's."

Five_Pillars thinks quickly, his mind whirling. "That's what they did, isn't it?"

Soran considers for a few moments. "It is possible... the fact they took the body lends credence to that. Ciel departed from Thorns before the Mask of Winters to turn her into one of them. Laria was sent after her."

Five_Pillars says "I didn't think ti was possible for any magic short of the incana to affect an Exalted shard?"

Soran shakes his head. "So did I, until Laria was killed. The Mask of Winters doesn't seem to play by the same rules that we're used to, though."

Five_Pillars says "And what, exacvtly, were the seals levied upon your Soul, Soran? How many remain, and what evil is afoot?"

Soran closes his eyes. "To make it so the Wyld Hunt could actually bring me and Laria down, another type of our kind used their magic to place seals on our power. They attacked then, and Laria and I were split up. I managed to evade them... Laria didn't. I'm not sure if she did and the deathknights struck then, or if it was something else. As for how many are there..." He closes his eyes. "There were six... four remain."

Five_Pillars says "And what happens when one is broken, when one of those gems is brought to you?"

Soran opens his eyes. "As they break, I'm able to use more of my abilities, as you might have guessed from the fight. I haven't used them in centuries, however, so I'm still recovering from the strain... The gems I think were used in the original spell itself. They are no longer in possession of those who levied the spells of course."

Five_Pillars says "I see." He considers for a moment. "And why would another Solar bind you, Soran?"

He shakes his head. "Not a Solar, Five Pillars."

Five_Pillars says "Then who? Surely this is not terrestrial magic."

He nods slightly. "It wasn't the Dragon Blooded either. If they had that sort of power we'd all be dead instead of being able to get a truce to escape out of Dendra. The seals were the work of a few Sidereals, I'm sure."

Five_Pillars says "Worrisome." He considers. "There must be a Solar at the heart of this though. They lack the prowess to act directly."

Soran nods slightly. "Perhaps. I haven't been able to discover all of those involved in that particular event, however." He coughs a bit more, shaking his head.

Five_Pillars says "And is she similarly bound?"

Soran nods. "Laria's seals are still in place, yes. Hopefully that is how they will remain, considering her current state. I do not want to see a deathknight with that sort of power running around at a Deathlord's beck and call. Or at all, really."

Five_Pillars says "And do they look the same as yours?"

Soran nods. "Unless her corruption changed the shape of them, they should, yes."

Five_Pillars considers. "And why in the name of Malfeas should we trust you, after the cost we've already paid, in blood, for your transgressions and omissions?"

Soran closes his eyes. "I suppose there isn't a reason good enough for that, after what happened to Ciel and Diamond being wounded like that. I utterly failed in my promise of protection to you all for helping me, that night. I suppose even before, for not informing you all of this just because I thought Ciel would prefer it kept private."

Five_Pillars says "Is there anything /else/ you'd like to share about the others?"

Soran keeps his eyes closed. "Laria probably will be after you all now, after the battle. So will that freaky kid, since he seems quite devoted. Diamond was somewhat known to the Wyld Hunt even before he came to The Lap. Scarab is wanted in Paragon, though due to circumstances that's probably not even looked at any more. Camel's parents are prisoners of the Fair Folk in the Wyld beyond Creation's South border."

Five_Pillars nods. "I see."

Five_Pillars says "Anything else?"

Soran considers. "I believe that is it concerning the others. I would advise you to divulge your own things to them as well, since you know more about them than they have seen fit to divulge."

Five_Pillars says "Of Camels conundrum, I am aware. Of the others, only Diamond's concerns me. I care only for anything else which may threaten those of us who remain."

Five_Pillars says "So what are your plans?"

Soran considers for a few moments. "I intend to head for Gem and stay there until I've gotten a handle on myself once again. What you all decide to do is up to you. I failed you all at The Lap, and I can never atone for that. I intend to help you all with whatever I can manage if you wish to have me assist. If you'd rather never see me again, I suppose eventually once I'm back on my feet I'll head back to The Lap and resume my work."

Five_Pillars considers. "And Syla?"

He closes his eyes. "She'll do as she sees fit, whatever that may be."

Five_Pillars says "Why has she remained with you this long?"

He opens his eyes and glances at you. "I am unsure. She started helping me out a bit after I evaded the Wyld Hunt, and has been with me ever since, at much cost to herself in the scheme of things as far as spirit courts and such go."

Five_Pillars nods. "I will speak with the others, and we will see you safely to Gem. But after that, we must decide."

He smiles slightly. "I deserve to be left here in the sands and let them decide. Thank you."

Five_Pillars says "I am not the man you fear me to be, Soran." He smiles, as he stands. "But for now, you should get some rest."

Soran nods, managing a faint grin. "I don't have much choice in the matter in my current state." He manages to get himself to his feet, though he wavers a great deal.

Five_Pillars nods, and heads off to find and speak with Camel or Scarab. Diamond will have to wait until the boy wakes up.

Soran meanwhile heads back to where he was resting, getting comfortable again as he closes his eyes.