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Five_Pillars is in the outer courtyard, practicing melding the two disparate techniques he studies, the graceful undulations of the Water Dragon, and the tearing, vicious Hungry Ghost style.

MoonlitAmethyst walks into the outer courtyard, Fang of Southern Fury across her shoulders, it's heat subdued until needed once more. She's dressed in loose silk shirt and pants of deep purple, edged with crimson.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Five.

Five_Pillars stops, his brow furrowed in concentration, as sweat beads on it. He lets his hands drift back dwon to a neutral position, as he turns. "Yes, my friend?"

Silence comes out of the manse behind Amethyst, pulling her hood up as she steps out into the sunlight. She squints in the light a little, her shadow lengthening behind her as she steps into the sun, though it's shaped oddly. In her shadow, a large pair of spikey-looking bat wings stretches out from her shoulders, and her head is crowned not only by her coiled hair, but a halo of wicked-looking, long horns. She doesn't seem to notice this, however.

<MoonlitAmethyst> We should meet in the main chamber, and arrange attunement, and such.

Five_Pillars nods, as he removes his claws. "Have you decided then, who you will attune?"

MoonlitAmethyst shrugs. "Those who want it can have it. I can't claim to conquer my past, then selfishly horde it's riches."

<MoonlitAmethyst> The stone is mine, though.

Silence stops just a little away from the two of them, noting, "Except you've earned it."

<MoonlitAmethyst> It costs me nothing. Or at least little, for you all to be linked here. If we are going to be travelling together, anyway.

Five_Pillars says "Also, Soran and Scarab will be leaving soon. And /all/ who are attuned must consent for you to attune any others."

Five_Pillars nods

Five_Pillars says "I will be glad to join you, then."

Bull pulls his hat off andrubs his bare head

<MoonlitAmethyst> Bull? Silence?

<Bull> "I would not want to impose."

Silence shrugs a little. "I doubt there would be all-around consent."

<MoonlitAmethyst> Do you desire it though?

<Silence> "I would not refuse."

Silence smiles.

<Bull> "Desire? no. Accept, of course. but only so long as I do not cause trouble."

MoonlitAmethyst grunts. "If you don't want it, it's easier for me in the long run. But as companions, I offer you the chance. If you reach out for it. I'll not bite." She grins toothily and stalks back to the Hearthstone chamber

Silence watches Amethyst go, tilting her head. "..."

<Bull> "Right then."

Five_Pillars says "Come." He lays a hand on Silence's shoulder, gently. "LEts go."

Bull follows.

Five_Pillars moves to follow Amythest.

Silence glances at Bull, eyeing him, still a little wary of the Eclipse that she really doesn't know that well. She trails after Five a moment later, back into the manse and out of the sunlight, though her monstrous shadow follows silently.

<MoonlitAmethyst> So. Will you all be attuning?

<Bull> "I Shall."

Five_Pillars nods. "And I"

Silence folds her arms and nods.

MoonlitAmethyst sits down, cross-legged before the altar. "Then let us begin. If Five would lead us through the ritual?"

Five_Pillars nods, as he carefully positions each of the particupants, his eyes once more going the soul-less black of the void as he arranges the four of them around the Altar in each of the four directions, save the South, and then begins the attunement process.

MoonlitAmethyst opens her eyes at the end, breathing in a great Essence-laden breath.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Success..

MoonlitAmethyst stands, taking the gem from the altar, inserting it into the socket on her flame-spear with a grin of exultation. "And you guys?"

Five_Pillars nods. "Indeed."

<Bull> "I feel good. yes. very good"

Silence scoots over and leans her back against the wall, hugging one knee to her chest.

MoonlitAmethyst laughs freely. "Are you okay, Silence?"

Silence nods.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Anyway. Whilst we have a moment.. perhaps it would be best, if we shared as much of our pasts as can with each other?

<MoonlitAmethyst> Let us not be strangers, even if we will not be forever companions.

Silence smirks ever so slightly.

Five_Pillars says "I'll go first, then." He stands.

Five_Pillars says "I was born in Lord's Crossing, a long time ago, on the Blessed Isle."

Five_Pillars says "A little more than three score years ago."

Five_Pillars says "I became an immaculate. And accompanied the dragon-blooded, and aided the Prince of the Earth where my humble aid could be of us. One of my friends at the Cloister of Wisdom was a very wise, very kind man, by the name of Rgara Miln."

Five_Pillars says "We became fast friends, as I grew old, and he did not. For he was Exalted."

Five_Pillars says "For many years, we wandered the threshold. And then, one day, he died saving my life."

Five_Pillars says "I was too old. I shouldn't have allowed it to happen. But it did."

Five_Pillars says "The rest is rather simple. I was Exalted by the Unconquered Sun. I slew his murderer, and took his place, seeking solace in meditation. And did what good I could, until the day I came to The Lap, and began this journey."

Five_Pillars sits back down. "IS anythign unclear?"

Silence watches Five closely during his tale, propping her chin on her raised knee. She smiles again as he sits and asks his question, amused.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Simple enough, I guess. Bull?

<Bull> "I worked for Dragon Blooded. I Kept their men healthy, and was dragged around on their little raids and parties. I was always interested in how the body works, and I had schooling to spare."

Bull stands now.

<Bull> "of course that wasn't the first thing the Dragon Blooded thought when I was first recruited. "Hey, look at the big dumb brute, I'll bet he could swing a bigger sword than the rest!"... but that wasn't me. of course, I couldn't object, at first. but eventually, they recognised that I was more suited to the surgery table than I was to the battlefield.

<Bull> "I'd come across a solar. a Dawn caste. I thought him for dead, but it wasn't so. I hadn't ever worked on such a divine body before, and it was more resilient than any I'd ever seen. He eventually did die, I couldn't repair the internal trauma."

Bull pulls an amulet out of his belt, and holds it up. Pale Gold glitters.

Silence eyes the amulet, canting her head questioningly.

<Bull> "HE gave me this, with directions to give it back to Many Trees. I know not who this Many Trees is, but That is who I'm looking for, here in the south. The amulet, it causes a pain in my head which has eased as I've grown more.. into my divinity. I think I've become strong to it's song."

MoonlitAmethyst nods slowly. "I see. Perhaps Soran's contacts in Gem can help find Many Trees, also."

Bull wraps the cord around the medallion and stows it once more into the folds of his thick belt.

<Bull> "And that is what I am. I like to heal. I live to heal."

<MoonlitAmethyst> I am glad to meet you, Bull.

<Bull> "And you, Ca-Moonlight Amethyst"

Silence looks over at Amethyst, raising her eyebrows.

<Silence> "Where did Number Ten Camel come from?"

MoonlitAmethyst chuckles. "I am Number Ten Camel, too. Either name is fine, out here. In towns, please only use Camel."

MoonlitAmethyst turns to Silence, leaning on the altar.. "The Borderlands are a poor place for a woman carrying a baby. Let alone an active one like Undersand Glass."

<MoonlitAmethyst> Nine siblings I might have had, had they not been stillborn. Even my birth only occured because they consulted an Astrologer.

Bull sits down, making the room seem that much bigger.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Or do you ask why I hide myself at all?

Silence shrugs. "That, too."

Five_Pillars says "Please. Continue."

<MoonlitAmethyst> Hmm.

<MoonlitAmethyst> First you must understand my parents are cunning and brave, and wise in the ways of the sand. This is a boast, perhaps, but nonetheless true.

<MoonlitAmethyst> They were seeking out new areas to hunt gems of startling beauty, or twisted form, in the Borderlands, when they saw an impossibly beautiful man fighting a dread beast. Choosing their time wisely, they let the beast deal great wounds to the person they recognized as a Fair Folk, before causing the beast a fatal distraction.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Having arranged a position where the thing was in their debt, but not strong enough to easily strike them down, they began to negotiate a suitable reward for saving him.

<MoonlitAmethyst> They were permitted to hunt his lands for gems, at a small tribute, in return for their first born daughter. Needless to say, after such trials to bring me alive into the world, they were loath to forsake me. So I was taught to pretend to be a man, when needed.

<MoonlitAmethyst> That's about it.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Any other questions?

Five_Pillars considers. "None about your past.

MoonlitAmethyst turns to Silence. "Anything to share about yourself?"

Silence glances around at the other three and looks down at the floor by her foot. "What do you want to know?"

<MoonlitAmethyst> Who you are? What you want? Why you are here? Even if the answer is that you don't know.

<MoonlitAmethyst> The rest of us have a bond of similar circumstances, and patron. This makes it harder to trust you.

<Bull> "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go meditate on what I've seeen. I will return."

Silence gnaws on the inside of her lip, looking up. "Who I am? The Unnamed Daughter of Beautific Silence is my full title." She nods to Five. "He knows this." She looks at Amethyst again. "What I want is, in all honesty, to be able to return to my Lady. I can't do that, and I was a bit on the bored side.... so that's why I'm here."

<MoonlitAmethyst> Fair enough. Any reason you are on our side?

Silence shrugs. "it's safer that way, really."

MoonlitAmethyst points Fang at Silence, letting it flare to it's normal torch-like intensity. "If you need more incentive, think on this. Betray me, and the pieces will be so small, the vultures won't have to chew."

Five_Pillars says "I doubt there will be a need for such eventualities, Amethyst."

Five_Pillars stands. "We are all friends here."

Silence levels her gaze at Amethyst and opens her mouth to say something, then closes it as Five speaks.

MoonlitAmethyst lower the spear, it's wavering blade subsiding once more. "I'll not have people turn on me from apathy, Five. If she cares about nothing but her Lady, what friendshp can we expect from her?"

<MoonlitAmethyst> I will treat my allies well, and repay friendship in kind. But trust is expensive, and I find myself will little to spare.

Five_Pillars says "Not all cause is spoken. Nor all currents on the surface of the waves."

Five_Pillars says "And she has done you no harm. Trust her or no, she is your guest. Is this hospitality?"

Five_Pillars looks at Amethyst mildly. "Beware what oaths you swear. For good or for ill."

Silence glances from Amethyst to Five, then back, then raises a hand to Five, addressing Amethyst. "Moonlit Amethyst, if you wish me leave, then simply bid it. I've no wish to trust my life to someone who would gladly end it." She stands.

Five_Pillars says "There is no need for you to go." He says "Come now. Trust is not easily earned. But we are not enemies here."

Five_Pillars says "And I for one, would not weaken us against those who /are/ our enemies, for so little cause."

MoonlitAmethyst looks down at her feet, a little ashamed. "I spoke rashly. I have said my peace, and will not repeat it. You are a welcome ally."

Silence nods and sits back down. She looks at the two across from her, then sighs. "... I'm ... relieved to be away from the ShadowLand. It holds no comfort for me, right now. Of that much, you may be certain."

MoonlitAmethyst looks up at the shifting sands of the walls. "I will be happy to move on. For now this place inspires.. arrogance, in me. Ill-placed pride."

Five_Pillars says "Not all pride is misplaced. You are a mighty hero. But arrogance. That should be left behind, when we leave this place."

Silence nods

MoonlitAmethyst spins her spear one-handed, her purple eyes glinting darkly in it's flickering light. "Being Camel always calms me. I have to think about how I act."

Five_Pillars blinks, as a trail of flame follows the arc of the arm around, then fades into the air. "Indeed."

Five_Pillars says "It was good to hear the stories. Some of these things I knew, and others were yet new to me. But I have work yet to do, before I will be satisfied with my progress."

<Silence> "Of what sort?"

Five_Pillars says "I'm trying to come to terms with the Hungry Ghost Style. It's not a natural way to channel my essence, at the moment. My facility with the Essence patterns is growing, however."

Silence nods.

<MoonlitAmethyst> Hrmpf. I need to get some weapons practise in. Want to spar, Silence? I hold you no ill-will, really.

Silence nods. "As you wish."

Silence gets to her feet, looking around. "Here?"

MoonlitAmethyst replies in a quiet tone "As you wish" smirks.

Five_Pillars stands back. And brings up his defensive charms.

Silence tilts her head and reaches up to unclas her cloak, removing it and tossing it to Five. "I would hate to set a blaze," she says simply, nodding toward Amethyst's weapon. She draws her blades with a whisper, then waits.

MoonlitAmethyst slips into a low stance, spear held overhead. "This chamber won't mind a bit of fire... let us pull our blows though. Especially as I've not got my armour on."

Silence tilts her head, then nods.

MoonlitAmethyst leaps forward quickly, slicing the spear down. When she lands she rolls to the side, testing Silence's defence with a couple of quick thrusts.

Silence slides to the side, dodging the blow and batting away the quick thrusts with a sword. She brings the other around in a short swipe, aiming more for just in front of Amethyst's chest than actually aiming to hit flesh.

MoonlitAmethyst stabs her spear down in a glittering golden arc to parry the blade, and then vault over Silence, ducking and spinning with a sweeping kick to the knee.

Silence whirls around and jumps over Amethyst's leg, backing out of kicking range and bringing her blades up to guard.

>> And because Huw is tired and losing brainpower, we fade out hereish.