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== Solar Charms ==
#REDIRECT [[TheHoverpope/Charms]]
=== Multi ===
=== Dawn ===
/SolarArchery, /SolarMartialArts, /SolarMelee, /SolarThrown, /SolarWar
=== Zenith ===
/SolarIntegrity, /SolarPresence, /SolarPerformance, /SolarResistance,/SolarSurvival
=== Twilight ===
/SolarCrafts, /SolarInvestigation, /SolarLore, /SolarMedicine, /SolarOccult
=== Night ===
/SolarAthletics, /SolarAwareness, /SolarDodge, /SolarLarceny, /SolarStealth
=== Eclipse ===
/SolarBureaucracy, /SolarLinguistics, /SolarRide, /SolarSail, /SolarSocialize
=== Spirit Charms ===
These are hard to make. /SpiritCharms
== Martial Arts ==
=== Terrestrial Martial Arts ===
Ambisinister's /BehemothTopplingStyle2e - second edition version.<BR>
Ambisinister's /BehemothTopplingStyle2eMark2 - Completely reworked.
=== Celestial Martial Arts ===
Everyone makes martial arts, don't they? Well, I made what I think is an unbalanced and poorly constructed set of charms. They should be fun. /SageStyle<BR>
The Sidereals are teaching the cult of the illuminated. It just makes sense that they would have devised their own martial arts tree to suit their purposes. /SunAndStarsIllumination<BR>
An acupuncture themed martial art - /HeavensExhalation<BR>
/GeneralAndHisArmyStyle - Hey, not everyone can be a fighter. <BR>
FrivYeti's Stag Style /SageStyle2E Calling it sage style was a bit of a typo.<BR>
Someone's azure ribbon style - them to FrivYeti to me. /AzureRibbon2E <BR>
/CelestialMonkey - Except with one more edition than it previously had. Bare bones only.<BR>
/SifuHandStyle - sword based MA - for martial arts masters<BR>
/SpiritDanceStyle - create and fight alongside a spirit ally<BR>
/VioletBierofSorrows2e - Second edition for the win!<BR>
/BelovedStoneStyle - purely defensive style, CMA for not getting stabbed a lot.
=== A special one ===
I was building a deathlord, and I was wondering what custom charms he might have. Then it struck me, what the ultimate charm would be. /UltimateCharm
=== Lunar Charms ===
/AscentDrivenBeast style - In the distant past, there was a lunar, one of the first lunars, a lunar of the primordial war who refined shapeshifting to a degree that had never before or since been seen. Like lightning he flowed and shifted, being a dozen things not at once, but in such succession that it was impossible to see the change. After his real lunar charms were modelled the charms of the Terrible Ascent Driven Beast style, but these are a pale reflection of his shapeshifting mastery.

Latest revision as of 01:18, 6 April 2010