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Some Ideas on Abyssal Demenses

I had a thought and realized that I think Abyssal Demenses do occur in a natural fashion (meaning that no one tries to set up geomancy causing it.) I think it's a situation that probably can occur outside of shadowlands, but they usually aren't realized for what they are. The reason (as I see it) is this. Sometimes the living essence of Creation is rerouted in such a way as to create a hollow or "dry" spot, a place where there is no, or practically no living essence. The nature of the world is to have essence and so it is open to recieving any, essence, and so the dead essence of the Underworld wells up in these areas. As it fills up the area, it also slowly starts pushing out more and more living essence, causing the area to grow.

While this might seem to be like a shadowland, there's a large difference. Those Demenses are stable, while these tend to find the physical nature of the world falling apart. The spiritual nature of the shadowland is in harmony with the essence of Abyssal Demenses, and provides support for the physical side. Outside in Creation, there isn't that to support it, creating areas like the Barren Fields. There are those that may be more stable, but this is often to to purposeful or accidental geomantic effects. With proper geomancy, these areas can be stable enough to cap it with a manse. An Demenses is a geyser to the tidal pool that is a shadowland. If forces essence from the Underworld into Creation, making it easy to pass in that direction, but as a counter, it allows no flow in the other direction making it harder to use Charms or Necromancy to go into the Underworld.

This also means that there shouldn't be the mutation normally associated with uncapped Demenses. If anything, the animals and people who are near them would tend to not change much. They will likely be far more tired than normal, but they will be amazingly "resistant" to disease of the body and may actually live long lives. This is because of two reasons. The nature of disease and lesser beings is weakened so much that they can not live, and therefore infect beings with greater reserves of essence. This includes the gods having less power to cause these things in such a Demense. Second, the static energies keep beings from changing... which means wounds will heal slowly, though when they do, they tend to not leave a scar. The problem with such a thing is the lack of edible food (and therefore animals.) Those plants that can live, must usually be predatory to survive in such a lacking environment.
