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== Skipari ==
== Skipari ==
By SpicyMcHaggis
By [[SpicyMcHaggis]]
Skipari is a city located on the southern shore of the island of the Varajtul cannibals. It was founded by two Lunars who united their tribes for defense but has time has worn on they have become more civilized and the Skipari(As the tribes collectivly call themselves) are becoming well known merchants, mercenaries, raiders, and otherwise participating in the affairs of the world on a more civilized level.
Skipari is a city located on the southern shore of the island of the Varajtul cannibals. It was founded by two Lunars who united their tribes for defense but has time has worn on they have become more civilized and the Skipari(As the tribes collectivly call themselves) are becoming well known merchants, mercenaries, raiders, and otherwise participating in the affairs of the world on a more civilized level.

Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010


By SpicyMcHaggis

Skipari is a city located on the southern shore of the island of the Varajtul cannibals. It was founded by two Lunars who united their tribes for defense but has time has worn on they have become more civilized and the Skipari(As the tribes collectivly call themselves) are becoming well known merchants, mercenaries, raiders, and otherwise participating in the affairs of the world on a more civilized level.


The history of Skipari is the history of its founders. The two founders Bloody Antler and Crystal Frost both were the heads of tribes on the isle of the Varajtul and life was hard. The cannibal were fierce and the two tribes had only barbarian weapons, tactics, and fortifications to repel them with so many were eaten. But such was the way of the world for Bloody Antler and Crystal Frost they chalked it up to the weaker dying and they tried to stay as nomads following the herds of reindeer for food. Then the Fair Folk began to attack. At first the powerul cataphracts would appear and in grand barbarian style challenge the head of the tribe to a duel for a few slaves, a great tale to told about the winner, or whatever prizes the heart of the Fae desired. The Lunars usually bested the Fair Folk but sometimes they were bested and watched as their kinfolk were led away in chains of gossamer ice, this was acceptable as well.

But then the Fair Folk began wholesale raids on traveling bands and the Lunars could stand it no longer. They began to build up villages with walls and try to farm the land so they would not have to leave the protective walls Elders of the Silver Pact chastised them. They began to talk to neighbouring tribes and create alliances of sorts to protect against the various threats that faced them. Elders of the Silver Pact chastised them. They completely gave up hunting in exchange for fishing and farming and built up might walls and the Elders completely abandoned them. Without the help of the more powerful Lunars elders, Bloody Antler and Crystal Frost found their small cities completely defenseless as the neighboring tribes began to shun them. So the two discussed things with each other and decided to move together, form one tribe and see what they could find.

Crystal Frost led the way for she had talked with many spirits who spoke of an abandoned city far to the south. So the tribes traveled and fought and Crystal Frost and Bloody Antler became lovers and mates. Eventually they reached an abandoned city of sorts, the harbor and it's powerful manse remained but many of the buildings had fallen into decay over the years. Crystal Frost negotiated a deal of worship and respect for the current spirit inhabitants of the manse in exchange for the tribes' presence there. And they settled in.

For many years the city built up, the harbor was ice free all year due to the magic of the manse and fishing was plentiful. Farming was hard but doable and the Lunars and their spirit allies kept away all enemies as the walls were built.

Current Global Situation

The Skipari are currently at a key point in their history. For the first time they are really a player in world politics and they are poised to even create an empire of sorts if they play there cards right. The city of Skipari is the main city which holds the 2 Lunars and around 250,000 inhabitants. A number of smaller fishing villages and frontier type villages have began to sprung up around Skipari and in it's influence as the well populated city begins to overflow. The Skipari number around 400,000 altogether, though many are mercenaries or traveling merchants.

Skipari merchants have established a good trading relationship with the Haslanti League and Whitewall. They usually trade salted fish, whale, or finished arms and armor for ores and luxury goods. The merchant class is the highest echeleon of society for the Skipari descendant from the Ukar tribe with less prestigous members becoming fisherman, farmers, craftsman, or local tradesman.

Skipari mercenaries have a distinguished service record in the armies of almost every Northern army. They fight in the traditional Skipari style and there talents has increased the wealth of Skipari many-fold. Many petty kings of the north keep a personal bodyguard of Skipari mercenaries as they trust them more then they do their own local populace. Skipari of the Gnut clan find that mercenary work is the most profitable and thus most honorable profession while less prestigious members become garrison troops, sailors, hunters, or whalers.

Raiding is a phenenomon that encompasses both Ukar and Gnuts, it is a natural expression of that vibrant barbarian past the Skipari have. Raiding is an activity that is well looked upon in Skipari society so many very low-class Skipari take part so that they might buy there way into a better profession. A very rich Skipari noble, perhaps a retired mercenary, has to purchase the boat and outfit and train a group of willing Skipari. Then they take that boat and simply plunder coastal communities and sail back home with the loot. Near constant raiding has led to Skipari outposts being established on the near by Northwestern Island and Skipari control is slowing being exerted.

The Realm has not taken any action yet and neither has any large local political force.

Skipari Society

Skipari society is quite defined by their two leaders. Bloody Antler and his tribe of the Gnuts have always been a tribe of warriors and such while Crystal Frost and her tribe have always been more peaceful tribe. The two united present a very powerful force but the tribal divide is still felt in society. A powerful Ukar finds it hard to be employed in millitary pursuits while an Elkir with an eye for fine goods is often scoffed at when trying to open a buisness of sorts. Discrimination is prevalent on both sides with Elkir or Ukar-only establishments of all sorts whether they be bars, clubs, or raiding gangs are a regular site.

Your average Skipari looks like a Northern barbarian with slightly tanned skin from the snow reflecting sunlight onto their paler skin, braided hair of a variety of colors and a fashion sense that still includes lots of fur. Tribal tattoes are becoming more prevalent as the Ukar and Elkir begin to merge into a single ethnic group and each side strives to remain a bit separate. The Ukar favor knotwork while the Gnut favor imagery of animals, battle, and gods. Dress is furs and simple woolen type cloths for the peasants while the rich try to differentiate themselves by wearing things such as silk or dyed cloths but sometimes they must bow to neccesity and wear fur, though they sometimes dye that as well.

Even though the Skipari are "civilized" they have kept their very barbarian ethos. To them, might is right and those who are strong deserve to take and have what they can. The rich are rich because they were more skilled at war or trade and the poor are poor because they can do nothing more than fish or sit in a watchtower. This has led to some of the most brutal and cunning merchants coming from Skipari and the Guild has seen a slight drop in Northwest profits due to the Skipari willingness to go just as far as the Guild for profits. The Guild makes extensive use of Skipari mercenaries so they find it a fair trade-off for the moment.

Skipari Millitary

The Skipari fight in tight formation armed most with shields and a number of spears. Most mercenary and raiding companies are rich enough that most soldiers wear chain hauberks while garrison troops at the city usually wear simple buff jackets or other armour made from hardened hides. Soldiers that can afford it also carry a sword of some sort as back up. Ranged combatants are rare, most bows and bowmen are kept in Skipari to protect the city from Varajtul cannibals and hobgoblin or Fair Folk attacks.

The Bloody Ones are a group of warriors involved in the cult of Bloody Antler. To be initiated into the cult one must hunt down and wrestle a reindeer down and kill it with one's bare hands. Then one takes the antlers of the reindeer and gets himself a helmet fashioned with them attached. They worship Bloody Antler as a God of Combat and coat their antler helmets with red paint while working themselves up into a frenzy. They carry a greataxe into combat and fight with that and their sharpened antlers.

Religious Life

The Skipari venerate there two Lunars as a dualistic single-deity of sorts. Together they are called The Silver Judge though no one has seen The Silver Judge. Most worship of The Silver Judge actually goes to Luna while the worship of the separate cults of the Judge in its aspects as warrior, hunter, and fierce enforcer and the other one as its aspects of governor, giver of abundance, and wise overseer goes to Bloody Antler and Crystal Frost respectively. Skipari life is full of religion as their Lunar lords have used their followers as a bargaining chip to gain the assistance of many gods. Once a week there is at least one festival of some sort of some god and most Skipari have a small shrine to their personal favorite gods in their house. Spirits have been known to materialize and visit Skipari often as well and the city is beginning to become a minor religious hub as well.

The religious practices of the Skipari tend to be on the more uncivilized side and sacrifices of beasts are very common and human sacrifice has been used in dire straits many times. The great oral tradition of the Skipari has also been turned towards religion as many great odes and poems originate from these people and the resounding voice of a strapping young fili poet with words of praise of Her Lordship of Frost and Sea or some other divinity can be heard in every establishment serving drink and food. Even on secular days are such religious poems read out loud.


Here is the Skipari zone of control stated into the Mandate of Heaven.

Magnitude - 3 Military - 3 Culture - 2 Government - 1

The Skipari are a highly militant nation with a number of professional warriors, former mercenaries, or raiders around for its defense. Culturally the settling of the Skipari has allowed them time to form their own culture and it has started to spread. The government is only rudimentary as both Bloody Antler and Crystal Frost have elected to keep a much more tribal system of government in place and government is nearly non-existant except in times of danger.

Awareness 3 Craft 1[Religious Works] Integrity 2[Tight-Knight Heritage] Occult 3 Performance 2[Religious Festivals] Presence 2 War 3[Pillaging, ]

The Skipari are a tribal nation with a wide network of merchants and scouts to see what is coming next. They are a religious people who produce a wide variety of religious works and performances. as well as regularly truck with spirits and elementals. And their united warlike barbarian past has stayed with them to this day.

Virtues Compassion 1 Conviction 4 Temperance 2 Valor 4[Flawed]

The Skipari are a society of hardened warriors who have done what they need to to survive and are perfectly content with letting the weak die.

Limit 2

Willpower 8

BP Expenditure - 15 -7 +1 Conviction -4 +1 Craft -4 +4 Specialties