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Submitting this character for a PbP game on rpg.net. Starting rules are +10bp and 5 free martial arts charms

Name: Doctor of Inevitably Perfect Decay (Doctor Inevitable, "Doc")
Caste: Daybreak
Concept: Mad scientist
Loyalty: Exiled (renegade)
Motivation: Free Creation from the cycle of Lethe


Tall and thin, he has very pale skin and dark hair that stands on end (as if he were just struck by lightning) as well as a small charred spot on his scalp. He very faintly smells of burnt flesh. He has soulsteel tiger claws resembling scalpels.

They called him mad – mostly because he was. Roderick was a medical student at the pretigious Sextes Jytlis School of Beneficient Healing. He was quite the prodigy, although always disappointed with “modern” medicine. A god or Exalt could heal wounds instantly, yet a mortal physician had limited options. So he sought an alternative path. But the results had to be BIG to show those moldy old instructors!

Researching forbidden texts, he (foolishly) thought that he discovered an effective method of restoring life to dead flesh. Limb replacements were not unheard of – but why stop there? Infusing an entire body with life, now that was something. Secretly over several seasons, he managed to aquire enough fresh specimens to patch together the corpse of a fallen warrior. Lacking essence, he decided to use lightning as his power source. During the final stormy night of his experiment, lightning struck the equipment and reanimated the body (so he thought). Actually, the bolt just awakened the hungry ghost of the unfortunate warrior. Trying to flee from his bloodthirsty creation, Roderick instinctively climbed away from danger. Unfortunately, it was the lightning capacitor and it was soon struck by another bolt.

In the blinding flash as he felt his flesh seared, Roderick heard a voice. “You have done well for a mortal, yet if you die now you will only be remembered as a fool eaten by the hungry dead. I offer you the possibility of unfettered research, where you may build to your heart’s content. Accept my offer and you shall be saved.” Either of those options would have been enough, but both was an awesome deal! Thus he accepted and felt the Black Exaltation. The lightning had destroyed his equipment, experiment, and his appearance. So he traveled to the land of his new master, Walker in Darkness.

At first Doctor Inevitable (as he was now known) was a favorite. He made great progress with many new creations. He even learned the martial arts to…dispose of results gone amok. However, pride goes before the fall. The land of the dead was too limited. Verdegris read of the mighty god-kings of the First Age, and how they crafted entire races. What would be better than joining the two? The living and the dead would be improved thus building upon the destiny of both the lands of the living and the dead! However, Walker did not like this new theory. Words were said, pain was inflicted, and Doc was told to leave the Walker’s lands until he could return until he dropped his crazed plan or provided some sort of new utility. Verdegris was allowed to keep his personal gear, worktools, a few minions, and told of a manse where he could “set up shop” (it doesn’t hurt to hedge bets, Walker in Darkness wanted in the loop if things worked out). Other than this, he was cut off from further resources.

Thus Doc set up shop in the Hundred Kingdoms. With the constant wars, there were plenty of mortals desperate for any sort of medical miracles. And those of Doc were actually quite beneficial (as the gifts of Abyssals go)! This is good, as surviving customers are paying customers. He even managed to convince one of his old colleagues to join him a the Workshop of Amber and Ivory. Of course, what is (mostly) good for The Hundred Kingdoms is good for Dr. Inevitable! A land depopulated is no more interesting than the Underworld. A certain amount of war, with a large population is ideal. Someday, Doc hopes to gain enough resources to start some serious research into the fields of Magitech and Genesis. Maybe create a race that always provides ghosts. Or an army outfitted with essence weapons powered by useless hungry ghosts. There are so many possibilities!

Strength 3
Dex 4
Stamina 2

Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 1

Perception 3
Wits 3
Int 5

Caste / Favored (6bp)

  • Martial Arts: 4
  • Resistance: 2
  • Investigation: 0
  • Occult: 3
  • Dodge: 4
  • Integrity: 2
  • Craft (Elemental): 5
  • Craft (Magitech): 3
  • Lore: 3
  • Medicine: 5
  • Awareness: 3


  • Linguistics: 1 (native Riverspeak, Old Realm)


  • Martial Arts
    • 1st Martial Arts Excellency
    • Ravaging Blow
    • Foe-Blinding Jab
    • Dead Man's Grasp
    • Inescapable Iron Grip
  • Dodge
    • Flitting Shadow Form
    • Flickering Wisp Evasion
  • Craft
    • 2nd Craft Excellency
    • Fault-Finding Scrutiny
    • Frenzied Forge Within
  • Occult
    • Shadowland Circle Necromancy
    • Walking War Machine
  • Medicine
    • 2nd Medicine Excellency
    • Charnel Cheurgeon Deftness
    • Bone Graft Technique

Combos 3bp

  • Hit Them Where It Hurts: Ravaging Blow + 1st MA Excellency + Flickering Wisp Evasion

Virtues (3bp)
compassion 3
temperance 1
conviction 4
valor 2

Willpower 7

Essence 3 8bp
16 personal/ 38 peripheral
10 peripheral committed

Backgrounds 7bp

  • artifact: 2 (soulsteel tiger claws acc+6. speed 5, damage+5L, defense+2, rate 3, attune 6, essence drain)
  • artifact: 2 (soulsteel hearthstone bracers (add 3 dice to dodge calculation and reduce opponent soak by 2, attune 4)
  • allies: 2 (see below)
  • Contacts: 1 (see below)
  • Followers: 1 (see below)
  • Resources: 3


  • Social Attribute deficiency +3bp

Ally: Bredic Sarr, Wood Aspect. Another student of the school of healing, he chose to join Dr. Inevitable after the good Doctor’s banishment. Bredic handles the business end of things. (Terrestrial charms divided among medicine and social)

Ally: Edel Almai, heroic ghost. A skilled necrotech that followed Dr. Inevitable into exile. Edel was only too happy to experience Creation again and sign on where he could be truly creative. He often assists in projects at the Workshop.

Contact: Yang Chien, mercenary warlord. Has a small mercenary private army. Will fight most anyone, anywhere for a price. He finds the enhancements provided by Dr. Inevitable for his troops most useful. And most healers aren’t willing to take things like fresh bodies and curiousos of the First Age as part of payment.

Contact: Jade Jackal, heroic ghost. A powerful merchant of the Underworld. Usually able to find almost any goods.

Followers 1: A mixture of those that were crazed enough to work for a Deathlord and joined the Dr. in exile, and those crazed enough to sign on after the establishment of the Workshop.

Manse 3: Workshop of Amber and Ivory. This spacious manse is located in an ash forest near the small shadowland of Bloody Hill. It is actually quite comfortable and patients of Dr. Inevitable often recooperate there. The basement, however, holds the workshop and projects best left to the imagination. The archive contains brilliant insights into artifice. If Dr. Inevitable only had time to read it…
Powers: Workshop Manse (3), Zone of Comfort (1) Archive (Craft :Magitech 1) (2)
Hearthstone: Gem of Resilient Bamboo: Heal 1 lethal wound an hour