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[10:12] <onine> children this night...
[10:12] <onine> children this night...
[10:12] <onine> ...instead of languishing in the strange and abstract land of a God's belly.
[10:12] <onine> ...instead of languishing in the strange and abstract land of a God's belly.
[10:13] *** LeumasWhite has joined #oninegame
[10:13] *** [[LeumasWhite]] has joined #oninegame
[10:14] <onine> The Archons seem to have done well - better than usual, all of their number are able to walk, though even Magpie is quiet.  The girl still looks sadly at the lizard tail that has found its home in her pouch.
[10:14] <onine> The Archons seem to have done well - better than usual, all of their number are able to walk, though even Magpie is quiet.  The girl still looks sadly at the lizard tail that has found its home in her pouch.
[10:16] <onine> There is... no welcome, no parade, no fanfare when you reach Nishimo, the opressive feeling of woe grips the city as both it and its men die. The future of the city begins to fade once more like a cherry blossom. The false return to life that Lady Farion's arrival seemed to have worked for now crashes like so much driving drizzle. The natural opressive aura of the city has returned in force
[10:16] <onine> There is... no welcome, no parade, no fanfare when you reach Nishimo, the opressive feeling of woe grips the city as both it and its men die. The future of the city begins to fade once more like a cherry blossom. The false return to life that Lady Farion's arrival seemed to have worked for now crashes like so much driving drizzle. The natural opressive aura of the city has returned in force
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[11:12] <onine> No one else acts against you, but the sidelong glares are still present as you make your way along the road north to Tuchara...
[11:12] <onine> No one else acts against you, but the sidelong glares are still present as you make your way along the road north to Tuchara...
[11:12] <onine> --Six days later...
[11:12] <onine> --Six days later...
[11:16] *** LeumasWhite has left #oninegame
[11:16] *** [[LeumasWhite]] has left #oninegame
[11:18] <onine> Tuchara looms in the distance, and is a stark contrast to Nishimo or even Noble.  The entire city is a lovely stone artwork laid out before you, its ornate and decorative buildings embracing a wide river.  Large stone bridges connect the two sides of the city and water-craft of dynasts float lazily in the blue.
[11:18] <onine> Tuchara looms in the distance, and is a stark contrast to Nishimo or even Noble.  The entire city is a lovely stone artwork laid out before you, its ornate and decorative buildings embracing a wide river.  Large stone bridges connect the two sides of the city and water-craft of dynasts float lazily in the blue.
[11:19] <Anona> "Wow, finally a place that's not a dump!"
[11:19] <Anona> "Wow, finally a place that's not a dump!"

Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010

[03:54] *** Now talking in #oninegame [05:01] *** Guest67409 has joined #oninegame [05:01] *** Guest67409 has left #oninegame [08:31] *** kawaiisnoozingchibionine is now known as onine [08:48] *** Aliasi has joined #oninegame [08:49] *** Kraken has joined #oninegame [08:58] *** Beri has joined #oninegame [09:02] *** DK has joined #oninegame [09:02] <onine> ~uguu [09:02] <onine> hello Beri [09:03] <onine> and the rest of you scoundrels say hello too. [09:03] <DK> What the hell kind of sound is "~uguu?" [09:03] <DK> And hello. [09:03] <Kraken> Hi [09:03] <Beri> Hi onine! I thought I'd come by early, and mess around with all the IRC settings. [09:03] <Beri> Now the window has a background. Marvelously useless! [09:03] <Aliasi> it's an "~uguu" kind of sound! [09:04] <onine> then do carry on. ~uguu is the sound of onine who has been through a hell, walked out drunk and slept for only 4 hours [09:04] <Beri> And hello to DK, Kraken, Alasai, glad to meet you - I hear onine's been whispering about me behind my back ^_^ [09:04] <Kraken> Weeeeeell, he did say a feeeew things... [09:05] <DK> Yeah, he told me to find a place to dump the b-uh... [09:05] <onine> Dont listen to DK, his character is going to die horribly soon anyway. [09:06] <Beri> Lucky! Now you get to explore the underworld! [09:06] <Aliasi> So your normal day then, onine? [09:07] <DK> Oh please, I'll have you know my character is unstoppable.... unless you know... the infection. [09:07] <DK> Or poison. [09:07] <onine> Oh yes, Sara said she may miss a portion of this session because of a teaching thing in china for the foreing exchange chaps and chapettes. [09:07] <DK> But you know, aside from that. [09:07] <Beri> The germs! [09:07] <Aliasi> He's arguably been more useful in combat than Anona! [09:07] <onine> Aliasi: No, this was worse than my usual [09:08] <DK> But his charms only work on the undead. [09:08] <onine> zombies are people too [09:08] <Beri> Stumbling, ravenous people. [09:08] <Kraken> Besides werent they fae-zombies? [09:08] <onine> well, I think I'm gonna take a walk to the pharmacy for some heavy duty pain killers [09:09] <onine> Kraken: Something like that yes [09:10] <onine> Right-o, play nice with Beri (I'm talking to YOU Aliasi) and be warned. onine Is Watching You. [09:10] <onine> Oh actually, you kids can give Beri a run through on how an irc scene works, commands, general style and whatnot. [09:11] <DK> What, do you two have some sort of dramatic past? Like a fight to the (apparent) death in a church graveyard or something? [09:11] <Beri> I'm sure they'll run me through quite nicely. [09:11] <onine> And I dont want to see him duped into doing Strange Things [09:11] <DK> No, no, don't correct me. [09:11] <Aliasi> Me? Whatever would *I* do? *innocent* [09:11] <DK> I want to believe. [09:11] <onine> And I'm just assuming Beri is male here... [09:11] <Beri> Last I checked, yes. [09:11] <onine> Yeah they'll run you through alright, with spears [09:12] <onine> Aliasi is evil, I trust him as much as Kirk trusts klingons [09:12] <onine> ...after the he killed my boy! [09:12] <Aliasi> You're just saying that because I killed your character. (It was at onine's request!) [09:14] <DK> Well, the commands are really pretty basic... at least the ones we use. "/me" to describe actions, IC dialogue bracketed by quotes. [09:15] <DK> You can use stuff like �ctrl+b� to make bold text or �ctrl+u� to underline, but those don't come through in the logs so well, so mainly they only show up when I forget that. [09:15] <Beri> Sounds familiar. I like the quote thing; it helps keep things straight. [09:15] <Aliasi> yes, like [09:15] * Aliasi slaps Beri around a bit with a large trout [09:15] <Beri> So avoid bold/italic/underline tags, you're saying? [09:15] <DK> Oh, that trout. [09:15] <Aliasi> (That's actually a canned IRC command on my client.) [09:15] <DK> Nah, I wouldn't worry about it. [09:16] <Beri> Ah, yes, I've been trout-slapping for...gosh, a good decade now. [09:16] <DK> If it works for the scene, I say use them, we can always sort it out later. [09:17] <Aliasi> yep, yep. oh, and there's the dice-roller [09:17] <Aliasi> we have a channel, #oninedice, just for that, but sometimes we do it in main channel. [09:17] <Aliasi> you just go [09:17] <Aliasi> Aliasi : !ex 4, 10, 1, 4, 4, Successes : 2 [09:17] <Aliasi> !ex 4 [09:17] <onine> Aliasi (4), 7, 7, 1, 9, Successes : 3 [09:17] <Aliasi> heh, onine has his on today. [09:18] <Beri> !ex 5 [09:18] <onine> Beri (5), 6, 5, 10, 10, 4, Successes : 4 [09:18] <Aliasi> Beri : !ex 5, 5, 2, 6, 10, 8, Successes : 3 [09:18] <Aliasi> I'll shut mine down then [09:18] <DK> We usually do the dice rolls and OOC chatter in another channel, but if some slips in, no one really gets mad or anything, we're all pretty casual. [09:18] <Beri> Whee. [09:18] <DK> Oh, and for mortals/damage/whatever [09:18] <DK> !exm 10 [09:18] <onine> DK (10), 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6, 10, 6, 4, 4, Successes : 2 [09:18] <Aliasi> DK : !exm 10, 3, 6, 5, 8, 1, 8, 1, 5, 1, 4, Successes : 2 [09:18] <DK> (10's don't count as two successes) [09:18] <Aliasi> okay, mine's off [09:18] <Beri> Looks great. [09:18] <Beri> But can it handle Blade of the Battle Maiden? [09:18] <Beri> !ex 25 [09:18] <onine> Beri (25), 2, 2, 2, 8, 10, 1, 8, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 9, 2, 5, 4, 2, 3, 10, 7, 9, 2, 3, 8, 4, Successes : 11 [09:19] <Beri> Ah, Exalted, I love you. [09:20] <Aliasi> there's also options for sidereal target number weirdness, but you won't need those in this game [09:24] <Beri> ...or WILL I? (No, no you won't.) [09:32] <DK> !ex 40 [09:32] <onine> DK (40), 3, 6, 5, 8, 6, 7, 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 3, 9, 4, 4, 8, 1, 7, 2, 1, 10, 9, 7, 2, 4, 8, 1, 9, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 1, 6, 4, 10, Successes : 14 [09:32] <DK> Mortal dice pools! Yay! [09:33] <Beri> In one game of mine, a Solar with a Grand Daiklaive did 54 dice of damage to a demon. [09:33] <Beri> !ex 54 [09:33] <onine> 50 dice or less. example: !ex 5 [09:33] <Beri> Damn you, monkey! [09:33] <Beri> Well, why not. [09:33] <Beri> !ex 50 [09:33] <onine> Beri (50), 8, 1, 1, 3, 8, 5, 10, 6, 6, 3, 1, 8, 9, 8, 7, 7, 2, 5, 9, 4, 8, 6, 9, 1, 1, 8, 8, 10, 7, 2, 7, 4, 6, 8, 7, 4, 6, 2, 4, 5, 8, 1, 6, 7, 7, 6, 8, 3, 2, 10, Successes : 26 [09:34] <Kraken> My version of the dice does up to 500. though for all numbers after 15, doesnt show the actual results of the individual dice. [09:35] <Beri> Makes sense, 15 is a pretty good limit. After all, there's that Solar Circle Spell in Savant and Sorcerer that does 150L... [09:36] <Kraken> Well, you can turn the display off, so it wont show individual results even for 1 dice, but for over 15? 20? it's always turned off. [09:39] <onine> ~uguu [09:39] <onine> coffeeeeee [09:39] <onine> Ah Beri isn't broken yet, awesome [09:40] <Beri> Blergahrgg? [09:40] <onine> I thought these two would play with you the way a cat does a cornered mouse, but hey, I just plain dont like these guys [09:41] <onine> Just to give you a fairly simple example of the appearance of a scene's text... [09:43] * onine draws the small dagger, the glint on its moonsilver blade was mirrored by his perfect fangs. There was a certain deadliness to a short-blade that outstripped even a mighty daiklave - given the right circumstance. "Now DK..." he chuckled, running a thumb along the blade. "About the matter of the missing jade from the imperial coffers..." [09:44] <Aliasi> ... and we love you too, onine! [09:44] <onine> all in all, apart from it being on a chat client, it runs pretty much identical to a tabletop game, though you can be a bit more narrative here. [09:45] <Beri> Looks great. Poor DK. [09:45] <onine> Yeah, he really cops it here :) [09:48] * DK smiles a smile that would break the hearts of a thousand merciless fae. His gold tooth flares like a beacon in the sun. "I daresay," he replies, "You'll find it with the bodies of the Immaculates." A ringing laugh; a stabbing sword in his hand! [09:48] <DK> But yeah, it's basically tabletop skewed toward the descriptive. [09:48] <DK> Slower in a lot of ways, but tighter, from my experience. Also it's pretty easy to suspend disbelief. [09:48] <DK> Combat I think actually moves faster with the dice roller. [09:49] <onine> agreed, and it also gives you more time to think up flowery responses. [09:50] <Aliasi> (yeah, join #oninedice for that... oh, wait, you did. how about the rest of you?) [09:51] <Beri> Excellent. I'll have to practice my stunting. [09:52] <Beri> And then steal all the good ideas from this game and use them in my Monday game of the Sidereals... [09:52] * onine darts back on the soles of the luxurious slippers as DK draws the blade faster than a lightningbolt in a Resplendant Wood storm. Charging the solt slippers with essence of his air aspect he takes first one step and then another, walking up the flowing silk drapes, his laugh mirroring DKs as the outlaw takes what was soon to be his last foolish action. [09:55] * DK continues to laugh in great peals as he braces himself against the floor and does a tight backflip, rebounding off a Doric column towards the perfidious onine. He throws his dagger up at the lapdog of the Empress, a clumsy move that misses deliberately... but then seizes the dagger in midair and launches into a tight flip, the knife raking across onine's face in an Artful Maiming Onslaught. [09:55] <DK> Yeah, I'm an Abyssal. [09:55] <DK> Wanna MAKE SOMETHIN' of it? [09:56] <DK> It's kind of hard to think up good mortal stunts. [09:56] <DK> I mean I know technically they can do superflips around the room as good as anyone, but I don't see my character pulling it off. [09:57] <DK> Although I guess the Melee 5 does make him an Atomic Sword Saint. [09:57] <Beri> I can think of lots of good mortal stunts! "As the glimmering axe severs my left arm, I collapse to the embrace of the earth, my cries a final eulogy for the lost love that I knew now, looking into the dark swordsman's eyes, I would never avenge." [09:57] <Aliasi> I vote DK most likely to exalt as a Solar, and be killed by the rest of us as evil Anathema. [09:58] <DK> Hey, now, I had a couple of moments. [09:58] <DK> I vaulted over a Hound of the Five Winds once. [09:58] <DK> And I mean... wizard... spear tackle... [10:01] <Aliasi> so... guess we're waiting to see if Sara shows up? or are you briefing Beri behind the scenes? [10:04] * onine drops to the marble floor, pressing a hand to his bloodied cheek, a look of pure horror on his face. He is silent in shock for a few moments then screams shrilly. "M...my face! My beautiful face is ruined!" He focusses intense blue eyes on DK, the light of rage and narccisitic insanty dancing like whisps over water. "You....I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER!!!!" [10:05] <onine> Beri, best stunt ever [10:06] <onine> Okay, well, shall we get started? [10:06] *** DK is now known as Yengo [10:06] *** Kraken is now known as Epheri [10:10] *** Aliasi is now known as Anona [10:10] <onine> Game Start-o! [10:12] <onine> The ride back to Nishimo is quiet, a sort of post-trauma silence has fallen over almost everyone - even the soldiers up ahead are quiet. There is in the air an understanding that many men and god-bloods just lost their lives in a matter of minutes, the river their graves and the plateu their funeral pyre. Every man silently gives thanks to the Dragons that he lives to see his wife and [10:12] <onine> children this night... [10:12] <onine> ...instead of languishing in the strange and abstract land of a God's belly. [10:13] *** LeumasWhite has joined #oninegame [10:14] <onine> The Archons seem to have done well - better than usual, all of their number are able to walk, though even Magpie is quiet. The girl still looks sadly at the lizard tail that has found its home in her pouch. [10:16] <onine> There is... no welcome, no parade, no fanfare when you reach Nishimo, the opressive feeling of woe grips the city as both it and its men die. The future of the city begins to fade once more like a cherry blossom. The false return to life that Lady Farion's arrival seemed to have worked for now crashes like so much driving drizzle. The natural opressive aura of the city has returned in force [10:16] <onine> and everyone feels it. [10:18] <Yengo> "Can't wait to get out of here," Yengo says under his breath. He feels guilty, but can't think of any other outcome. [10:19] <onine> "Indeed." the Magistrate agrees darkly. "This city's dark history of death seems to haunt it at every turn. Nothing comes without a price, and raising a wreck from the ashes demands a heavy one." [10:21] <Anona> "It's a bitter choice, to languish in poverty or profit through evil means..." [10:23] <onine> "Once again, it is all a matter of perspective however." Diamandus murmers as the small group splits off from the main procession and returns to Xizle's old inn. [10:23] <Yengo> "Raising a wreck from the ashes..." He doesn't add that the comment sounds like their job description... or his own personal goal. "Anyway, I guess there's nothing to be done." [10:24] <onine> "There is always something that can be done." He says cryptically. [10:25] <Anona> "... while there is... I don't think any of us are experts in revitalizing the shattered hulk of an industry." [10:26] <Epheri> "There will be someone I'm sure, who will try again." [10:26] <onine> "This city's revitalization would have worked however, but at a heavy cost. We must remain resolute in our duty lest we lay awake wondering if we have made the correct choice." [10:27] <Yengo> "I guess so..." It sure wouldn't be the first time. [10:27] <onine> The bar-room is quiet, few men grace its many tables. The defeat of Nishim itself is reflected in the lack of standard reverie. Those that do drink, drink for the reason they did before Farion arrived - to forget Nishimo's lot. [10:30] <onine> "Rest well tonight Archons, we depart at first light. I want this city behind us as soon as possible." Diamandus sits at one of the corner tables, drawing out his long parchment and ink-pen, applying delicate strokes that are difficult to believe given his size. [10:32] * Yengo scratches the back of his head. "I wonder what that wizard's going to say once he wakes up. I felt bad about that, but it seemed like the only way..." [10:33] <onine> "Necessity." Tara says patting you on the shoulder. "Best not dwell on it, Yengo. Lets pack to keep your mind off it hmm?" [10:34] <Yengo> "Yeah... sure." As long as the guy didn't CURSE him or something... "Shouldn't take long, we didn't really get unpacked THIS time..." [10:36] <onine> The night is filled with barking hounds, an opressive light drizzle that sheathes the city in grey, and the occasional wail or sob from the surrounding streets. Sleep is fitfull and the occasional sounds of unknown feet running through the street on mysterious purposes run rampant. The order of the twon is gone, even this soon after the defeat Nishimo's streets are stained with blood and tears. [10:37] <onine> Late in the night, the Magistrate leaves quietly, returning an our later without much explanation. He closes the door quietly behind him and returns to his bunk. [10:39] <onine> The next morning is overcast, and reports of all manner of crime are filtering around the grapevines of the city, gossip flies about the arrest of Lady Farion, and wagons with the victims of the previous evening's 'nightlife' creak over the stones of the roads. The Magistrate has organized another group of horses for the ride to Tuchara. He tightens the saddles and soaks up as much of the [10:39] <onine> early morning sun as he can in the crisp autumn morning. [10:42] * Epheri helps with the horses quietly, having not slept the night before, smiling softly as she works. [10:43] * Yengo rises early, having slept poorly. He's quieter and considerably more surly than usual as he saddles up, double checking the things he and Tara packed. [10:45] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sat Apr 22 10:47:14 2000

Session Start: Sat Apr 22 10:47:50 2000 Session Ident: #oninegame [10:47] *** Now talking in #oninegame [10:48] <onine> (wireless network just shat iteelf) [10:50] * Anona gets up a bit later, but earlier than usual. She's beginning to get used to the rough life on the road, really! [10:55] <onine> "Everyone saddle up!" The magistrate orders, slinging the Goremaul over his shoulder and looking north. [10:56] * Anona saddles up. [10:57] * Epheri gets onto her horse, readying herself to ride out [10:58] * Yengo swings into the saddle rather more clumsily than the Exalts. [10:58] <onine> You ride north through the ciry's streets in silence, pairs of eyes watch you from windows, shop stalls and alley-ways. All seem to unblinkingly accuse you of something. [10:58] <onine> A rock sails through the air and thwacks on the back of Yengo's head. [11:00] * Yengo bites down on his tongue, head pitching forward for a moment. He grunts and says nothing. [11:00] * Anona glares around, and the air around her shimmers a bit, but she does nothing. [11:01] <onine> An old woman looks bitterly at you and pulls the child that thre the rock away from the road. [11:04] <onine> The magistrate stops walking, eyeing the murmering onlookers as they mrumer amongs themselves bitterly. "Enough!" He roars, slamming the gormaul into the ground causing faultline cracks to radiate a meter outward in all directions, the deafening rumble of the weapon is only beaten by the power of his voice. [11:06] <onine> "You mortals will show the proper respect for the dragonblooded and the immaculate order! Be at peace mortals, you too are tainted by Farion's crimes - crimes for which she has been justly punished! Consider yourselves fortunate that you too are not punished for supporting her with your silence or drifting in the east river as a result of her foolish pride!" [11:07] <onine> "I will see no more disrespect for myself, my Archons and the right and just Magistracy we represent. The empress may be in seclusion, but that does not give you the right to act outside your station in her absence!" [11:08] * Yengo rubs the back of his head. Not bleeding, good. But he doesn't share the magistrate's opinion. All most of these people wanted was a better life... [11:08] <onine> The crystals on his temples glint ant his hard grey eye scans the faces of the men and women on the street. Each mortal bows his or her head in turn as his gaze is cast over them. [11:08] <Yengo> "Let's just go." [11:09] <onine> He glares at the crowd and gestures simply for the Archons to continue moving. [11:10] * Anona hmphs. Burning's too good for 'em. [11:12] <onine> No one else acts against you, but the sidelong glares are still present as you make your way along the road north to Tuchara... [11:12] <onine> --Six days later... [11:16] *** LeumasWhite has left #oninegame [11:18] <onine> Tuchara looms in the distance, and is a stark contrast to Nishimo or even Noble. The entire city is a lovely stone artwork laid out before you, its ornate and decorative buildings embracing a wide river. Large stone bridges connect the two sides of the city and water-craft of dynasts float lazily in the blue. [11:19] <Anona> "Wow, finally a place that's not a dump!" [11:19] <onine> Whisps of white and steel-grey smoke rise up from the many artifact forge-factories of the smiths the city is famed for, casting lines in the rich clear sky. Even from the distance the prosperity and awe of Tuchara is almost overwhelming and is even more powerful when you enter the city - Truly only the Imperial City itself boasts more magesty. [11:21] <Yengo> "It hasn't been THAT long since Arjuf... just felt that way." [11:21] <onine> Indeed its not! As you travel down well kept streets, the rich and well off flock to and fro on the walkways, garbed in the latest fashions from the finest designers in the realm. Respect is payed elegantly as you pass, a respect that is both humble, and not demeaning to the patricians that pay it. [11:21] <onine> Arjuf pales in comparison, where it is a bustling port with all the frills thereof (whores, taverns, sailors) Tuchara is an artists town. [11:22] <onine> Columns of beatiful coloured marble line the streets and lush hanging gardens drape all-year flowering vines down on the streets, expertly tended by the finest florists and prize winning gardeners in the realm - no, creation! [11:24] <onine> Petals from beatiful flowers bred to wilt and drop year round make even the lowliest slave feel a sense of beauty in their lives. People walk and laugh freely, gossipping about the important things, balls, marriages, fashion, food and politics. Slaves lead strange animals around on leashes for their masters and fetch goods from the bountiful open-ari markets. [11:25] * Epheri brightens as they enter the city, looking around at the architecture of the buildings and their decoration, marvelling at the designs. [11:26] * Yengo goggles, though he tries his best to look dignified. [11:26] <Anona> "Yes, this is quite a nice change. a PROPER city!" [11:26] <onine> Magpie chatters exciteldly, her eyes the size of Legion skirmishers' target sheilds. Her words begin to run together as she races from one side of the street to the other taking in the sites in pure eleven year old overdrive. Patricians wrinkle their noses at her and try their best to avoid her as she sullies the city with her down to earth common-ness [11:28] * Yengo , his eyes honestly only a little less wide than hers, coughs. "We sure took the look way 'round to this place." [11:30] <Anona> "Is there anything in particular we're doing here? or is it just part of the 'route'?" [11:31] <onine> The Magistrate beams as some of the Realm he remembers is at last gracing his eyes. "Inns are expensive here, but I expect I can find an establishment that will do a favour for the Magistracy. Now then, let's have a look at these weapons..." The Magistrate stops you in a large square with an enourmous carved fountain that sends spray high into the air on nothing more than ingenius designs [11:31] <onine> of stone. [11:32] <onine> (you're looking into the weapons Vana collected from the bandits waaaaaay back in the Foothills, chapter one would you beleive!) [11:33] <onine> He arrays the two breastplates, smashfists and daiklave against the fountain's edge - which Magpie is leaning over, liberally swallowing gaping mouthfulls of the crystal clean water. [11:33] <onine> "Wow, this is so nice! Try it Anona, I bet you dont even have to boil it before drinking it here!" She beams. [11:34] <Anona> "Um... you aren't supposed to drink THAT water, Magpie." [11:34] * Yengo seizes her by the back of the shirt to keep her from falling or possibly diving in, absently looking over the collection the Magistrate has laid out. [11:34] <onine> "Why?" She asks. "Its GOOD!" [11:35] * Epheri studies the weapons the magistrate has put out. [11:35] <onine> MAgpie is getting some dirty looks from patricians likely afraid she would do JUST that. [11:35] <Yengo> "Look about the same as I remember them. Namely, way too fancy for a band of mountain bandits." [11:35] <Anona> "You do know pidgeons like to roost on that fountain, right?" [11:37] <onine> "Hmmph! I *like* pigeons, they look funny when they walk, like this." MAgpie imitates a pidgeon poorly, and crow seems less than pleased with the insult to bird-dom and the two are lost to their unintelligable sqabbling. [11:39] <onine> The white breastplate's centerpiece has been ruined by a massive hole that was apparently from when the dragonblood wearing it was impaled. The Black Jade breastplate and smashfists are of the Thundercloud design, the breastplate and handguards ofstrange wyld-touched animals. [11:40] <onine> "I dont expect it to be TOO difficult to locate the smith who made this, Thundercloud designs aren't as popular as White-Rose. The smith is probably quite young and skilled, Thundercloud is something of a younger trend." Diamandus says, running his finger along the breastplate's 'fangs'. [11:42] <Yengo> "Lot of smiths in this place to choose from, though..." [11:42] <Anona> "So... do you expect to find out where this armor was supposed to go from this smith?" [11:43] <onine> "I hope so." He says. "Fortunately armour is similar to an artist's painting, it is as individual as such things, so someone is bound to know where to look." [11:45] <Yengo> "We might not want to reveal exactly how we came by these sets... so we'd better have a story beforehand." He casts a look over at Anona, then at Magpie, as if to acknowledge their deviousness. [11:46] <onine> "That is a very wise thought Yengo, excellent..." [11:46] <Anona> "Maybe we... hm... just happened to find them? [11:48] <onine> "Ordinarilly, I would expect that the plain and simple truth that we are locating criminals' asociates would be enough, but this is a different realm now, the Magistracy isn't as well respected now..." The Magistrate pulls off the large diamond shaped Magistrate's clasp from the burgundy cloak around his shoulders. [11:49] <Yengo> "That'd be a nice coincidence on our part." [11:49] -> [onine] PING [11:50] <onine> "Artisans can be as loyal as house members or mercenary freelancers. We must assume the former for the safety of our investigation. [11:50] <onine> " [11:53] <Anona> "So where do we start? [11:55] <onine> "At the first smithy we find..." The Magistrate says, picking a direction. This way I think, the north side of town is where most of the smithy-workshops are..." He loads the weapons back onto the horse and leads you to the northern side of Tuchara across the massive central bridge. It's as wide as some bridges are long. [11:55] <Anona> "... so you want us to go... door-to-door." Anona sounds less than impressed. [11:57] <Yengo> "Maybe... maybe if we made the smiths come to us... passed around word that Anona and Epheri were looking for armor in the style we found... of course, we'd have to weed through the impostors." [11:57] <onine> "Not door to door... just the first door for the first step, we are strangers here, we'll need help to start in narrowing things down." He corrects her. [11:57] <Yengo> "But we'll have to do that anyway." [11:58] <onine> "The story will do, after all, Anona doesn't wear armour of artifact calibur yet, so we can use her as the buyer. We can be assistants and guards." [12:00] <Anona> "Hm... I suppose. Who knows, I might even follow through on it someday!" [12:01] <onine> "Let's start." [12:01] <onine> You spend the day investigating and questioning many smiths, and towards the end of the day, you are directed to a Sesus smith whos workshop is located just at the waterfront in the north-east." [12:01] <Yengo> "Just don't buy from the guy if we find him... his seem to be... ah... bad luck." [12:01] <onine> (hawhaw) [12:02] <onine> The smithy is a bizzare contraption of a building, lined with white collumns and such, with many extensions and heat reduction systems - nevertheless, it is 'artistic' in its utility. [12:05] <Epheri> "What a marvelous building." Epheri remarks to herself as they approach, trying to divine in her mind the purpose of all the extentions. [12:06] <onine> "Well Anona... you're leading here." The Magistrate urges. [12:08] * Anona boldly enters! And boldly finds the smith or designated representative! [12:08] <onine> It turns out the sitting room for clients inside is somewhat more spartan, but well desighned. There are a few bench seats and a nice potted plant. There is a local news publication on a small table to one side. There is no one at the counter, but there is a 'pull for service' string hanging from the ceiling. [12:09] * Anona yanks it. Hard. [12:11] <onine> A bell sounds in the forge behind the staff door and in short order a grimy young mortal assitant comes out, wiping his hands and sweaty forhead with a dirty rag. His hair is held back by a pair of goggles. He sees your exalted status and bows his head respectfully. "Good evening prince of the earth, welcome to the Rudeku Engineering Concern's primary site, how can I help you today?" [12:12] <onine> He stuffs the rag in a heavy leather smithy apron and takes out a parchment and charcoal pencil. [12:12] <Anona> "Ah, yes. I was wishing to inquire about commissioning a suit of artifact armor..." [12:14] <onine> "Of course, you must be after one of our famed Thundercloud designs." He says beaming. "If you'd like we can begin immediately taking measurements and specifications? Did you have a design blueprint or other source material you would like us to use?" [12:15] <Anona> "I did have a style in mind..." Anona describes a suit of armor not dissimilar to the ones they found. [12:17] <onine> "Ah a chimera, quite a popular image for the younger princes of the earth in this day and age." He ducks under the counter and produces a large book and unties the clasp. "We have a range of designs for armour and images of varied chimaera studies that we procured from House Ledaals libraries - no one else in Tuchara has such a range! What size/type of armour were you looking at comissioning [12:17] <onine> by the way?" [12:19] <onine> A young girl probably around ten walks in the front door. She circles the Archons and goes to the counter. Without missing a beat the young forgeman lifts the counter's hinged entrance to allow the girl to walk through. She quickly enters the forge and closes the door behind her, cutting of the sound of work once more. [12:21] <onine> "We sometimes have orders for dragon-designed pieces, but those come with increased cost given the intricacy and divine nature of their depictions. [12:21] <onine> " [12:21] * Anona motions for Yengo to get out one of the suits of armor. "Get out the white one." [12:22] <onine> Magpie snickers and tries to see where the other little girl went. [12:23] * Yengo tries to appear less mildly annoyed Archon, more obedient servant. He mostly manages, levering out the white jade with an audible grunt and laying it down on the counter. [12:24] <Anona> "I'd like something a little like this. Actually, if you could repair THIS one, that might do as well." [12:25] <onine> The young man inspects it. "Hmmm, that's a right nasty hole that's been bashed out of the front..." He puts it on its side and looks through it. "And the back. Well, this one wouldn't be difficult to repair, either replace the plates or attempt to reforge, less costly in materials but trickier." [12:26] <onine> He lays it down again. "But pardon my question, would you not prefer...red jade, to better suit the power of Hesiesh? I mean of course, the differing jade would put considerably more strain on your divine reserves." [12:28] <onine> He pauses if considering whether to say the next part, but the training to 'push the big sale' takes over. [12:28] <onine> "Pardon me also, but this armour is fitted for a man, and a larger man at that, it would not be flattering on one such as your self fair prince." [12:29] <onine> Epheri may be slightly taller than Anona, but she also wouldnt fit the armour well. [12:29] <Anona> "You are absolutely correct. It's something of a... er... 'hand-me-down'." Anona contrives to sound properly embarrassed at the thought of an Exalt needing to take such things. [12:30] <onine> He laughs nervously in sympathy that Anona's family is not well off enough to purchase her proper armour. [12:34] <Anona> "Eh. Something that heavy'd be restricting, anyway. There was one other... the black breastplate, now." This last again to Yengo, the ever-ready gofer! [12:34] * Yengo raises an eyebrow, suggesting sub-par quality in servants, too, but in a moment the black breastplate clatters onto the counter alongside the white. [12:36] <onine> "Oh!" He says. "That's a fine one...and..." He looks it over. "My, this is one of ours, this is our seal right here." He points to a small disk mark inside the breastplate's back. [12:36] <Anona> "I prefer mobility, and this, as you can see, is not as damaged.... oh? Really? It serves as proof of your quality work, then." [12:37] <onine> "Yes, yes. I dont think it would be difficult to work this one to better fit your form, far less costly than repair or construction." [12:39] <Anona> "Really? Do you happen to have any way to tell which particular smith might have worked on it?" [12:40] <onine> "Why that's easy madam. Sesus Rudeku of course. He forges every suit of armour that we produce." [12:42] <Anona> "Ah. I just wanted to make sure there weren't several smiths... if it's going to be altered, it makes me feel better to know the original crafter will be doing it." [12:43] <onine> "Of course." He agrees. "Now then about cost..." He names a pretty high price. [12:43] * Yengo reacts a bit more than a properly trained Dynastic servant should to the figure. [12:44] <Anona> "For a simple alteration?" [12:45] <onine> (two and a half resources, its pretty high, not as much as a new one, but pretty high) [12:47] <onine> "Well, yes, I dont know if you have much experience in working with jade - especially an item with the ammount of enchantments this one has, but it can be a dangerous activity - a mistake could be destroy the artifact or injure the smith making the alterations." [12:49] <Anona> *sigh* "Very well." Dynasts don't haggle, after all. "I suppose that's fine. Do you think we might be able to talk with Sesus Rudeku, when he is not occupied?" [12:50] <onine> "I'm afraid that is unlikely, Master Rudeku is *very* busy." [12:52] <Anona> "Oh, come on. He's got to eat dinner and sleep sometime!" [12:53] <onine> He laughs good heartedly. "Only once a week at most, the Master is very enduring, unlike us." [12:56] <Anona> "Hmph. Even so... I would appreciate if you mentioned that Tepet Anona would like to discuss his work sometime. Now, as for your payment... do you require a down payment, or shall we hold off until completion?" [12:58] <onine> "Entirely up to you, however a down-payment would certainly prioritise the work on our schedule." He says. [13:01] * Anona pulls out a coinpouch, and scatters a few pieces of jade onto the table - a 10-percent down payment or so. [13:02] <onine> He counts the stack and places it in a small box with a few notes and such. "Would you like to have your measurements taken now? The swifter it is done, the faster we can accurately begin modifications." [13:05] <Anona> "It would save time." [13:06] <onine> "Splendid." He takes a long tape and comes out from behind the counter. "Could you hold your arms out please..." [13:07] * Anona does so, and waits patently as the clerk finishes the various measurements. [13:07] <onine> Travel has made you thinner, damn trail rations... [13:08] <onine> He notes them down and writes out an order invoice. "I will have a copy of this sealed and sent to you within the next two days Tepet Anona. Where may we contact you during your stay in Tuchara? [13:08] <onine> " [13:10] * Anona thinks. "It would probably be simpler, all things considered, if I just pick it up myself. I can return in two days." [13:11] <onine> "Very well, it will be waiting for you. We can give you a better estimate on the time taken to modify the armour then, when the Master has taken a look at it closely. Was there anything else?" [13:12] <Anona> "I don't believe so, no." [13:14] <onine> "Many thanks prince of the earth, we look forward to speaking with you later in the week." He hefts the armour onto a wheeled frame and takes it into the workshop. [13:16] <Anona> "Then I guess we're done until... two days from now." [13:17] <onine> When he is gone the Magistrate comments. "Your investigative methods are certainly... circular in their path." [13:18] <Anona> "I'm not the one who gave dire warnings of using extreme caution, now am I?" [13:18] <Anona> "Besides, we know who to lean on, now!" [13:19] <Yengo> "As long as he doesn't lean first." [13:20] <onine> "Untill two days time I would suppose." Diamandus says. " [13:21] <onine> "I wonder what Rudeku's daughter was upset about." He says more to himself. [13:23] <Anona> "Who knows? Kids get upset about all kinds of things." [13:23] <onine> "Probably something suitably youth related." he agrees. [13:24] <onine> "Maybe she lost her jacket?" Magpie says, thinking back... maybe the anathema had struck a second time - such evil! [13:25] <onine> You file out and find ways to pass the time for the next two days. Two days later you return to the smithy-workshop and ring the bell. The same young mortal man comes out, yawning, grimy from stoking the forge fires. [13:25] <onine> "Good *yawn* morning-" He grunts. "Ah, Tepet Anona, hello, how are you this day?" [13:25] <onine> He bows his head respectfully. [13:27] <Anona> "Sufficent." [13:29] <onine> "Splendid." He searches through a drawer and swiftly produces a perfectly folded paper sealed with the same seal that was on the inside of the armour. "Here is the sheet containing all the details of the modification including cost, materials and time. It should take no more than a few days." [13:34] * Yengo wonders idly how long they're going to have to keep coming back to this place and putting on the act. [13:34] <Anona> "Hmph" Anona examines the sheet. Anything amiss, in the way a mechanic might charge you a hundred bucks for an "oil change"? [13:34] <onine> No, but you can make it up... :) [13:35] <onine> (What the hell is this?... 'speed holes'?) [13:37] * Anona picks out a somewhat oddly - to the layExalt anyway - phrased item that is almost certainly perfectly legitimate. "What's with this?" [13:39] * Yengo opens his mouth. "An-" He grits his teeth. "Lady Anona, don't make a scene-" Wonderful, sudden realization strikes him. "Please, not like that the dressmaker's in Noble, we're still paying his pension..." [13:40] * Epheri looks down. Not like that /again/. [13:40] <onine> "Ah..." he gapes a little nervous. "Well those pins need to be replaced, otherwise the suit wont resonate efficiently with your anima." [13:42] <Anona> "Oh? While I am of course no /smith/" - there's just a slight air of contempt for a Dragon-Blood in such a "lowly" job - "I do know a thing or two about essence, and that sounds ridiculous to me!" [13:42] <Epheri> "He's right Anona..." she says softly and hesitantly, "...Please don't make a fuss about it." Epheri looks quiet concerned at this possibility. [13:43] <Yengo> "Lady Anona, think of the DAMAGES..." [13:43] <onine> "I-I can assure you it is absolutely necessary. Without them replaced essence can pool in sections of the armour and weaken the structure." [13:46] <Anona> "Hmph. Then what about this bit here about "replacing the straps"? What are they made of, silver-plated gold?" [13:46] <onine> "Jade inlaid leather." [13:47] <onine> Which ultimately in this day and age is close. [13:48] <Anona> "Oh, really? Then what about..." Anona proceeds to question just about every item on the list, up to and including "sales tax". [13:49] <Yengo> "We really had to spring to pay off the authorities after your last rampa- uh, disagreement." [13:50] <onine> The forge assitant is getting pretty nervous and flustered. He didnt need this so early in the morning - she had seemed so reasonable two days ago. [13:50] <Anona> "Nonsense, Yengo... I'm simply wanting to be an informed consumer!" [13:51] <Yengo> "But the last attendant-" He looks at the man behind the counter. "Maybe I shouldn't-" [13:53] <Anona> "Yes, maybe you SHOULDN'T..." [13:54] <Anona> there's just a teensy bit of dangerous edge in her voice. [13:54] *** Beri is now known as Rudeku [13:54] <Rudeku> The door to the forge flies open, followed by a string of curses interspersed with the forge-assistant's name. A great bear of a man strides out into the sunlight, a superheated still-glowing blade held tensely in his hand. "Do ya mind? I can't even hear the anvil ring in there!" Catching sight of the Exalted of the group, his countenance softens...but not dramatically. Muscles like granite, hair as grey as slate, he clearly sta [13:55] <Epheri> [you got cut off. - grey as slate, he clearly sta - is the last thing I can see.] [13:55] <Rudeku> stands among the Chosen. "Ah, right, you guys. What's the problem out here?" [13:57] <Epheri> "I'm terribly sorry, Sesus Rudeku, my cou-..." and thats about where Anona cuts her off, no doubt. [13:58] <onine> "Ohthankthedragons" The assitant mumbles. "Master Rudeku, Tepet Anona." [13:58] <Anona> "- Merely discussing the finer points of the job!" [13:58] <onine> He murmers to the forgemaster behind his hand. "The one the torched half of Noble..." [14:00] <Anona> "An unfortunate circumstance, due to an act of self-defense on my part!" [14:02] * Rudeku dunks the red-hot sword in a nearby trough of water, throwing up a great hissing cloud of steam. He motions for his assistant to take the blade inside, then wipes the grease from his hands onto his apron. [14:02] <Yengo> "Well, um..." He's unsure whether he should bother to keep up the act. [14:02] <Rudeku> "Right. As useful as a little dragon-fire might be in the forge, I kind of like the place in one piece. Is there a problem about one of my pieces?" [14:03] * Rudeku grunts out the last part, as if it's simply /impossible/ that they could be complaining about his work. [14:04] <onine> The assitant welcomes the chance to escape the 'heat' of the room by fleeing into the forge proper... [14:04] * Anona glances at the Magistrate, in a "should we keep it up?" querying look. [14:06] <Yengo> "Mainly, I guess we're wondering what your armor was doing on a couple of Outcaste bandits near Noble." He doesn't sound much like a servant now. [14:07] <onine> The Magistrate clears his throat. "Indeed, there is no need for further subterfuge on our part." [14:08] <Rudeku> "Outcaste? Bull. I get customers from all over the Dynasty, from the legions to the deliberative. I don't sell to just any threshold riff-raff." [14:09] <Anona> "... although I WILL want that breastplate altered." [14:10] <onine> "To put it lightly, somehow the armour you forged made its way into the hands of criminals, or the owners you sold the peices to have taken a moral turn for the worst." [14:11] <Yengo> "You don't see many Dynasts preying on mountain towns with a rabble of bandits..." Okay, most of the time they were slightly more subtle in their extortion. [14:14] * Rudeku folds his burly arms over his chest. "That breastplate's my best work; if you're plannin' on using it, you'd better start by telling me who the hell you are and why I should care. I told you that I don't associate with criminals." [14:15] <onine> The Magistrate reaveals the hidden clasp of his office. [14:15] <Rudeku> "Oh." [14:16] <onine> "We need to find out who these men were, and who they were connected to." [14:17] * Rudeku inspects it from a distance, looking for tell-tale signs of forgery. "Y'know, if you wanted dirt on my customers, you could have just asked. So these are..." he eyes the group, including Magpie, with a chuckle. "Your 'assistants'?" [14:17] <onine> "Archons." He corrects. [14:22] <Rudeku> "Archons." A fancy word meaning basically the same thing. "Well, first of all, that's no simple breastplate. That's Gift of Celerity. Me and a buddy of mine, a sorcerer, put that thing together for one of the Tepets." [14:23] <Rudeku> "So you can pretty much cross that off your list, Anona - all of your brethren in the legions were good people, may the Dragons rest their souls." [14:25] * Yengo starts suddenly. His voice is tight. "I've... heard rumors to the contrary." [14:26] <Anona> "... and more than rumors." [14:26] * Rudeku shrugs, the movement sending a sprinkle of sweat off his body. "Not my problem either way." [14:28] <Yengo> "No, I don't guess it is." He sighs heavily. "One way or the other, though, we need to get to the bottom of this, and that means names." [14:29] <Rudeku> "Although actually, I didn't send that one directly to the legions. The kid's mom actually commissioned two pieces - Gift of Celerity and a smashfist for her son. Hell of a birthday present." [14:31] <Epheri> "But who was he?" [14:31] <Rudeku> "Tepet...O...Oooooooooooooo...Oooooreios....Orya...Orien...uh, something like that." [14:32] <Rudeku> "His mother, though, I've got her in my file." [14:34] <Anona> "Oh? Who?" [14:36] * Rudeku turns on his heel and walks back into the forge, and returns carrying a heavy iron box, obviously hand-made, much as nearly everything else at the forge is. He slips a key into the lock and opens it up, hiding it from the view of the Archons. [14:37] <Rudeku> "T...Tepet...Tepet Llesten. There ya go." [14:38] * Yengo looks over at the Dragonblooded cousins. "You two know this one?" [14:38] <Rudeku> "Ah, I remember her. She's a politician, on the Deliberative, I think. So there ya go. Imperial City." [14:39] * Rudeku also brought a fine tobacco-pipe with him from the forge, and idly puffs on it as he leafs through the names of all the customers he's had over the years. [14:40] <Epheri> She considers "Not I." [14:40] <onine> Tepet Llesten you know as something of a rather avid debator, relatively well spoken and respected in the deliberative. Shes in something of a rough coalition that are trying to bring some sort of ordered introspective research period for the realm. House Ledaal tends to be a lot like that in regards to uniting and studying external threats. [14:41] <Anona> "I don't recall the name, but I can't say I've been overly close with the family. Or popular." [14:41] <Yengo> "How long ago was this?" Yengo asks the smith. "We might do better if we knew how long the armor had to... change hands." [14:43] <Rudeku> "It's not old. I finished it about a month before the Tepet legions marched North; ol' Llesten wanted her kid to have it before the army moved." [14:44] * Rudeku chomps on his pipe. "Huh...wonder where the smashfist got off to, then." [14:44] * Yengo nods. It feels like a long time ago to him. He was a different person then, and so was- "Time enough for it to get stolen, I guess." [14:45] <Rudeku> "Time enough." [14:46] <Yengo> "Then again, there's definitely a connection. Those men had-" He wonders if he should tell the smith this, then assumes the damage has been done. "-Legion gear." [14:47] <Rudeku> "Not my stuff, then, I've never been one for that mass-produced crap." [14:48] <Rudeku> "What did they have? Maybe I can point you in the right direction." [14:49] * Yengo rather self-consciously eyes his own well-traveled and heavily battered lamellar. "Tepet markings." [14:50] <Rudeku> "Sounds like you've got a good theory there, boy, scavengers from the battle of the Bull. Noble's a long way for them to come just to get beat down, though." [14:52] <Yengo> "I don't think so... that was a bloodbath. The Bull pinned them in and cut them down. No one got out." He almost sounds satisfied. "No one got out. And the Bull surely would've grabbed the goods afterwards..." [14:52] <Rudeku> "Y'know, after the survivors came back, there were a lot of Exalts who had lost everything they had. And lots of Dynasts shelling out jade to hire these boys. Some of 'em were pretty desperate." [14:53] <Yengo> "I didn't... you mean..." All he'd heard were rumors of total annihilation. [14:54] <Rudeku> "Oh, yeah, it was a bloodbath, but jeez, even Anathema can't kill /everyone/." [14:55] * Yengo seems, for some reason, more than a little upset at this revelation. "No... I guess you can't believe everything... you hear." [14:57] <Epheri> "Well, there was another thing..." she tails off, then bends to extract the daikliave from the case it was in "Do you recognise the style of this?" [14:58] <Rudeku> "Yeah. 's crap." He takes a drag off his pipe. "Just shiny stuff that they use to make new officers feel special." [14:59] <Epheri> "I was more refering to if you might know who made it." she says patiently [15:01] * Rudeku turns the blade over in his hands, deftly passing a master's gaze over it. "Not really, there are hundreds of craftsmen who could put out something like this. But..." he points to the hilt, carved in a jade filigree. "Tepet Marial. Talon Commander." Between the folds of the ornamentation are carved tiny High Realm letters. [15:02] <Rudeku> "That's probably who used it, not who made it. But it's a start." [15:03] *** Anona has quit IRC (Quit: �) [15:04] <Rudeku> Another puff. "If you want to track down a specific officer, the Thousand Scales are the people to ask. They've got a headquarters in the Imperial City - well, you knew that, of course." [15:04] <Rudeku> "From the rumors I've been hearing, there's more than enough fun to be had in the City right now." [15:05] <Yengo> "The City..." It seemed to have taken them forever just to get here, and now, to turn around. [15:07] <Epheri> "Thank you." she holds out her hand for the blade once more. They did seem to be travelling in circles somewhat.. [15:07] <onine> "What do you mean by 'fun'?" The Magistrate asks curious. [15:09] <Rudeku> "Here." He hands the blade back. "Although Gift of Celerity will still take a few days. The invoice is honest, you know. It's a pity, though; I'd like to hold on to that one. Like I said, it's my best work." [15:10] <Rudeku> "Rumors about the deliberative - hey, what else is new? The current news is more fun with the Tepets - Tepet Juno, Tepet Krennell, and Tepet Llesten have been pooling their resources, and the word is that they're trying to turn some land over to the Ledaals." [15:10] <onine> "Then I'll expect it to perform better than ever when it is finished." Anona says. [15:11] <Epheri> "Thank you." She takes the blade, returning it carefully. [15:11] <Rudeku> "Seems backwards to me, but that's politics. Hey, Llesten...same woman, I didn't even notice until now." [15:12] <onine> "Land?" The Magistrate frowns. "Juno was seizing land earlier. But what's stranger is Juno and Krennell working together. Krennell would have no reason to unless.... unless... smokescreens." Diamandus rubs his jawline. [15:13] * Rudeku makes a mental note to find some 'critical flaw' in Gift of Celerity that he can charge this uppity Fire-aspect a bit more for. [15:13] <onine> (folks, since we're running on Low Players, we'll wrap up this scene and chat about Stuff.) [15:14] <Yengo> ('kay) [15:14] <onine> "Curious circles we run in, once again Juno." Anona grumbles darkly. "We seem to be hearing that name more and more as days pass." [15:14] * Epheri looks slightly concerned. Her father ... again. What was he up to? [15:15] <Yengo> "And I bet his favorite lapdog is somewhere in town right now." [15:15] <Rudeku> "Well, if you're serious about the breastplate, you've just doubled my workload for this week, so I ought to get back to smacking some innocent jade around. As long as I'm violating my customers' confidentiality, anything else?" [15:15] <onine> Anona looks to Diamandus. [15:15] <onine> "That will be all thank you Rudeku, we appreciate your assistance in this matter." He nods [15:16] <Rudeku> "Aight." He locks his iron box, picks it up, and returns to his work. [15:17] <onine> Leaving the Archons to ponder as they always do about the crazed circles that the Realm runs in... [15:17] <onine> ...untill next episode! [15:17] <onine> -------------------- [15:17] <Yengo> (sure, sure, "The Realm") [15:18] *** Rudeku is now known as Beri [15:18] *** Epheri is now known as Kraken [15:34] *** Beri has left #oninegame [15:40] *** Kraken has left #oninegame [15:56] *** Yengo has quit IRC (Quit: First out!�) [15:57] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sat Apr 22 15:57:04 2000