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Example Lunar Gifts

  • 2 - Claws and Teeth - The character acquires all of the major natural weapons of her totem animal which are used to blatantly attack through violent trauma. For example, claws, teeth, horns, hooves, stingers, etc. But not poison, constricting scales, electricity, great weight, etc. Weapon potential is as though the weapon were created by the lunar charm Savage Predator Weaponry.
    • 3 - Moonsilver Weapons - Upgrades Claws and teeth, making them huge and moonsilver. Stats can be found elsewhere. Really really really really nasty.
  • 2 - Thick Hide - Adds the character's Stamina to her Lethal and Bashing soaks, and provides a Hardness versus those attacks equal to her Stamina.
    • 3 - Heavy Armor - Upgrades thick hide, adding 1.5 times the character's Stamina to her Lethal and Bashing soaks, and granting a Hardness of 1.5 times her Stamina.
  • 2 - Enhanced Sense - Grants sense enhancement equivalent to Heightened Sense.
    • 3 - Hyperacute Sense - Upgrades Enhanced Sense, granting sense enhancement equivalent to Unsurpassed Sense.
  • 2 - Enhanced Reflexes - Doubles the character's wits for determining Initiative.
    • 3 - Instinctive Awareness - Character is no longer surprised by a physical ambush unless the ambusher scores more than 2 x the character's Perception successes on the ambush roll. Otherwise, character is automatically granted an initiative roll.
  • 2 - Speed / Leaping - Character moves at 2 x the normal bipedal speed, and can leap 2 x as high and far as normal, 4 x as far with a running start.
    • 3 - Cheetah-like Speed - Improving on Speed / Leaping, the character can run at a sustained speed 4 x her normal speed, and can sprint for a speed 6 x her normal speed for a number of Turns = to her Stamina.
    • 3 - Frog leap - Improving on Speed / Leaping, the character can leap 2 x Strength Yds vertically from a standstill. Running vertical leaps of Strength x 3 + 2 x Athletics Yds are possible. Horizontal distances are doubled.
  • 2 - Extra Limbs - The character gains 4 fully functional extra limbs. Legs can be used to increase running speed. Arms can be used to hold additional weapons and perform additional maneuvers. In addition, all of the character's limbs become as flexible and powerful as her primary hand.
    • 3 - Tons of Limbs - The character gains as many legs or arms as she needs. The sheer number of limbs adds to the character's effective soak and parrying attempts. The character's movement increases,
  • Slow Metabolism -
    • Die
  • Sense Disease -
    • Evaluate potential
  • Animal Attraction -
    • Irresistable
  • Fierce Roar -
    • Terrifying
  • Collapse Bones -
    • Jelly Insides
  • Rapid Healing -
    • Regenerate
  • Poisonous Weapon -
    • Really Deadly Stuff
  • Gliding Wings -
    • Full Flight
  • Sonar -
    • Full Awareness
  • Spin Silk -
    • Spidy Silk
  • Gils and Fins -
    • Aquatic Jesus
  • Chameleon -
    • Predator Camo
  • Really Big -
    • Really Really Big
  • Spines / Quills -
    • Shooting Spines
  • Tail Body -
    • Massively Powerful / Fast
  • Tentacles -
    • Extendo
    • Multi
  • Electricity -
    • Huge Jolt
  • Small -
    • Real Small

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