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#REDIRECT Eniko/Tri-[[KahnFamily]]
* [[Morrigu]]
* [[Morrigu/AerynKatriona]]
== The Tri-Kahn's family ==
=== Arslan Katriona, Tri-Kahn of Chiaroscuro ===
Although his hairline is showing a bit of grey and his face some wrinkles the Tri-Kahn is still full of youthful vigor. Though many are aware of his extreme martial prowess and proficiency with many weapons, especially those splended Chiaroscuran glass weapons, none have either seen the full depth of his skill, or if they have aren't mentioning it to anyone. Although his manner may sometimes seem a little coarse - not uncommon among the Delzahn and other desert nomads at all - the Tri-Kahn is a very intelligent man, a shrewd tactician, and a clever bureaucrat. For years he has kept his city largely unhindered by Realm meddlings, lately by pitching the various Dragonblooded factions in the city against eachother. Despite his coarse demeanor and sometimes appearance he carries himself like a man of his station should: full of confidence, with a hard yet charismatic edge.
He treats his family well as he - like all Delzahn - values kin over nearly anything. Unfortunately this has lead to having to condone a lot of behaviour on Aeryn's side that he would rather not have, and he's often at the end of his tether when it concerns her and her tomboyish behaviour. The Tri-Kahn has many, many children, some of whom were given birth by girls in his harem. Aside from these he has many wives, the first of whom was Aeryn's mother. She bore him three children, Aeryn and two brothers.
=== Altani Katriona, The Desert Song, first wife of the Tri-Kahn ===
Aeryn's mother is an unblemished beauty. Dark tanned skin and pale gold hair contrast starkly and seem to only enhance her beauty. She is usually soft spoken and demure, but fiercely devoted to her children. Rumor has it that she knows some form of sorcery, though rumors are just that: rumors.
Altani carries a yellow jade and Chiaroscuran glass dagger with her at all times.
=== Enqidai Katriona, Bringer of Peace, first son and firstborn of the Tri-Kahn ===
Enqidai, Aeryn's older brother, had always been interested in all things martial. From a young age he threw himself into the fray of training, duelling and hunting. He showed great promise, some might say he might surpass the Tri-Kahn himself one day. Certainly his veil is lavishly decorated to detail his myriad accomplishments, and he has yet to lose a duel. Enqidai is one of the Tri-Kahn's most trusted relatives, and he is often seen as the Tri-Kahn's right hand in keeping a semblance of order in the huge city sprawl.
Enqidai takes after the most traditional of the Delzahn though, and has a hard time accepting his sisters behaviour. In fact, he's been known to step in and fight battles for her - as tradition dictates - because he sees her as his little sister who is not supposed to stand up for herself, much to Aeryn's chagrin. Despite the fact the two don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things Enqidai still loves his sister, and is as devoted to her as all Delzahn are to their kin.
As far as appearance goes Enqidai has not been as ultimately gifted by the gods as his younger brother, though very many women admire his ruggedly handsome look, with coarse and usually almost unkempt looking hair which makes him look suave and nonchalant, and somewhat older than his years. Above his veil two dark wells of eyes peer out, so dark brown one would think they were black as the night.
Enqidai's favored weapon is the Chiaroscuran glass scimitar, of which he usually carries a pair.
=== Vachir Katriona, Sandstorm's Eye, second son and thirdborn of the Tri-Kahn ===
Vachir Katriona is only a few years younger than his older sister, but shares a similar inclination for pranks. His veil is oddly devoid of embroidered accomplishments, despite his obvious skill in martial combat. Not in any way like his older brother, he favors less the brute force approach and the direct opposition, to the arts of moving quickly and sometimes unseen. He seems to have trained himself almost exclusively in the use of katars, of which he wields a pair made of black jade and Chiaroscuran glass. Less known is the fact that he's also quite proficient in the use of throwing daggers, chakrams and warfans.
When not focussed on his martial studies or out causing general mayhem with his pranks, Vachir likes a good laugh and drink and so has far less problems relating to his sister even though he too sometimes frowns on her behaviour and feels the need to protect her. He is however far more inclined to let his sister do her thing. His personal motto is that life isn't worth living unless you're having fun: a motto he follows religiously himself and so he leaves his sister mostly free to do what she wants.
Vachir is a stunningly handsome young man, with long flowing hair down to the small of his back, tied into a neatly kept ponytail. Fringe tends to fall over his eyes the color of the desert sand. Because of his charming personality and charisma, as well as his good looks, Vachir is one of the most popular Delzahn, partially augmented by his closeness to the Tri-Kahn. He has many male friends whom he goes drinking with regularly, and he has many, /many/ girl friends.
=== Unegen Shria ===
A bit of an enigma around the Delzahn, Unegen was born to the Tri-Kahn's fifth wife, she is a demure and soft spoken young woman who seems to adhere completely to the expectations laid upon her as a Delzahn female. However most of her time is spent studying all things arcane and supernatural. Her sorcerous talents are known by a very select few, but because she excells at them so the Tri-Kahn keeps her closer than a lot of her older siblings. She seems to silently disprove of Aeryn's behaviour.
Unegen tends to wear sheer fabrics like most unwed Delzahn girls, to show off her beauty. She has long flowing blond hair and is somewhat pale from spending so much time indoors. Her eyes are steel grey. Unegen is never seen bearing arms.

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

  1. REDIRECT Eniko/Tri-KahnFamily