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= Malfeas, the Demon City =
#REDIRECT [[Malfeas]]
Progeny Count: 4:8:7<br>
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*<b>Ligier</b>, Fetich Soul, the Green Metal Sun
**<b>Berengiere</b>, Indulgent, the Weaver of Voices
***<b>Neomah</b>, the Maker of Flesh
***<b>The Passion Moray</b>
**<b>Gervesin</b>, Messenger, the Grieving Lord
***<b>The Decanthrope</b>
***<b>Metody</b>, the Malfean Elemental
**<i><b>Azimer</b>, Warden, the Hollow Knight</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
Ligier is great among the demons of Malfeas.  He guards many treasures that he holds dear; he has many goals that he would see fulfilled.  The Hollow Knight serves as his right hand in such things.  Azimer appears as a knight clad wholly in shining green steel.  No flesh shows through his visor, nor through any chink in his armor.  His keen senses and skill in battle are without peer, and there are few in Malfeas or Creation who would dare stand against him when he wields his brother Gervesin in battle.  Should his visor be pried up, the armor falls away in a heap, lifeless and empty.
***<i><b>Massassi</b>, The Formless Forms</i> ([[DS]])<br>
When the Primordial War first began, Ligier sought some means of fighting against the Exalted.  He is not Autocthon, and could never create Exalted Shards; but he did unleash the Massassi, crafted of the Hollow Knight's own flesh, blood and bone.  The Massassi themselves have no more substance than a shadow; however, they are adept at taking control of a human host.  Some cultists summon them and willingly allow themselves to be driven by the Massassi, vicariously triumphing through its strength; some Exalts use them as spies without compare.
*<i><b>[[Ekrasios]]</b>, the Sculptor in the Maze</i> (FourWillowsWeeping)<br>
In the bowels of the Demon City, there walks a man draped in banners of  white silk, which fly behind him as far as the eye can see.  At his feet rises a bronze cloud, into which the banners vanish.  Whatever creature touches the draperies of Ekrasios turns to glittering dust and joins the cloud that follows him.  He is lost forever in contemplation; he knows all the memories of the creatures he transfigures.  A fragment of his pale robe, wielded by one with knowledge and power, turns flesh to precious metals dependent on the wielder's nature.  It can be a potent weapon.
**<i><b>Jolenta</b>, Wisdom, the Creeping Oracle</i> (FourWillowsWeeping)<br>
Three serpents writhe inside Jolenta's clockwork bowel; she is an orrery, a nest of silver and brass hoops and gears, supporting revolving orbs of precious unearthly stone.  She imprisons her three favorite children: the underworld serpents Furious Leaf, Coiling Brilliance, and Silent Fangs.  In her motions, she blocks their every attempt to escape; studying her spinning orbs reveals the motions of the Malfean heavens.
***<i><b>Jasperid</b>, the Precious Serpent</i> (FourWillowsWeeping)<br>
These serpents of Malfeas are made of agate and onyx, and have triple-forked golden tongues.  There are three kinds: day serpents, twilight serpents, and night serpents.  The day serpent's venom makes its victim turn to fire in sunlight; the twilight serpent's victim fades away when he steps out of shadow, and the night serpent's victim turns to black ice in the darkness.
**<i><b>Tatjana</b>, Expressive, the Sobbing Dancer</i> (FourWillowsWeeping)<br>
Tatjana feels all joy and sorrow, so she dances through the world, celebrating and grieving.  When she is torn from her exultant dirge, she can grant a moment of this perception to one who knows how to demand it, or free him forever from the pangs of pleasure and pain.
*<i><b>Amalion</b>, the Manse of Echoes Ascending</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
Each layer of Malfeas contains a single building, whether it be a palace, a feast hall, or a cathedral to the Yozis, whose elegance and perfection of line pierces the heart.  This is Amalion, who is among the greatest architects of the demon realm.  Her walls hold an infinity of magnificent halls and chambers, filled with shifting light and music, and none may escape the labyrinth of her body against her will.  In mortal form, she appears as a lovely woman of middle years; when she smiles, all who see her love her forever.  She knows all there is to know of the design of Manses, and she may also design mundane buildings with unusual properties, such as transfiguring the emotions of those who glimpse or dwell within them.
**<i><b>Auguinare</b>, Expressive, the Blood of the Forge</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
This demon appears as an alabaster-skinned maiden with glossy black hair and eyes of liquid violet light.  She has six fingers on each hand.  Her blood is violet metal that swiftly hardens into whatever form she may desire, and which ever after bears the mark of her desire upon it, conveying such emotion as she instilled within it to those who touch its warm, shining surfaces.  Likewise she may admix her blood with that of another, imbuing it with such feeling as fills that other’s heart.
**<i><b>Huoc</b>, Indulgent, the Thorn in the Song</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
A flutter of the heart, a breath on the air; these are the signs of Huoc.  He lives between the beats of music, and those who catch the fleeting edge of the tune find themselves ensnared.  He haunts the dreams of those who hear his music, taking the form of an androgynous youth with a wide, smiling mouth and long hair of many colors.
***<i><b>Galere</b>, the Blood-Singer</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
These impossibly lovely creatures live to sing, but their song is both lure and weapon, for their presence turns tears to blood.  Those who listen to the music weep for its beauty until they perish from blood loss.  They may sing in many voices at once, and steal the voices of those they kiss.
*<i><b>Clariandra</b>, the Empress Resplendent in the Panoply of Brass</i> ([[Quendalon]])<br>
This illustrious magnate, one of many who rule in the demon realm, sits enthroned in palaces and mansions throughout the endless layers of Malfeas, surrounded by wealth and grandeur beyond mortal imaginings.  Her skin is black as jet; her eyes, brass orbs, blaze with golden light.  Garments woven from her brazen hair gleam upon her perfect body.  Clariandra holds dominion over all lesser beings; with the power of her voice alone, she may command mortals and First or Second Circle demons to fulfill even the most vile and self-destructive acts.  Though she has the power to bring order to the demon city, such a project would hold but little interest for her; instead, she occupies herself with her own obscure pursuits, leaving the reins of power in the hands of the lesser demons.
**<i><b>Ur-Namuur</b>, Wisdom, The Mask Who Stalks the Dance of Time</i> ([[Nero's Boot]])<br>
All things once obeyed Clariandra, for she was regent and queen of all things that crawled or swam or flew.  Even time itself was hers to beckon or dismiss, and Ur-Namuur, the Mask Who Stalks the Dance of Time, was her herald in these things.  Once, Ur-Namuur could travel the weft and warp of time, stepping between the moments like a spider in his web, but after the dawn of the First Age, such gifts were lost to him.  Entrapped in Malfeas, Ur-Namuur cannot walk Creation, nor may he be summoned, for should he walk the world once more, time would be his to conquer.  In visage, Ur-Namuur is a titanic clockwork man, with a timepiece in his chest; like all the clocks of the Hell-realm, Ur-Namuur cannot tell proper time, and thus is lost in the eternity of imprisonment.
== Comments ==
I like the Massassi.  Note that technically, the Hollow Knight has neither flesh nor blood nor bone; fortunately, with demons, none of that stuff is necessary, either for life or for making shadowy servants to kick Exalted ass. :) - [[Quendalon]]
Well, the Massassi don't really have flesh, blood or bone either.  So it works out. :) [[DS]]
I'm thinking that Malfeas is not so much Growth as Making. - [[Quendalon]]
Shit. I agree. - [[willows]]

Latest revision as of 03:43, 29 January 2005

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