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== Deft Fingers and Gentle Lips ==
#REDIRECT [[IceAndWave]]
<i>In which farewells are made, hidden trade uncovered, and possibilities expounded upon...</i>
==== The 15th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763 ====
The rowing of the soldiers propels the stolen boat away from the gigantic warbarge, and the pale behemoth soon vanishes into the murk of the Underworld, leaving only the sounds of oars slicing into dark water, the grunts of the soldiers and the faint sizzling sound of Cassia's anima scouring the deck of the boat.
Volleys of arrows slice through the darkness to impact against the white wood of the vessel, but the majority of the projectiles fall short, disappearing into the ebon depths below the keel, and soon even they tail off, the muscle of the Realm's soldiers powering the ship across the lake, so very far below the surface.
Venia shakes her head. "Stranger and stranger."
Cassia is quiet for a time before she speaks up "They were waiting for someone to return... perhaps they can't give chase..."
"That would be pleasant news."
Otori strides back towards his sister from his position at the prow of the vessel, "What would?"
"Apparently, they aren't likely to do anything without their commander around."
"Ah. Well, given the numbers of Dead I saw and the soldiers we have, I think that waiting for this commander, whoever he or she is, to return would be the height of folly."
"They did get killed once, so I imagine folly is not that hard to imagine."
"I don't want to see him again..." Cassia says softly. <i>Not until I can stab him properly.</i>
"True," Otori leaves and speaks quietly with Thealyra, who disappears below. A moment later the pace of rowing picks up, and the boat carves its way through the shallow waves of this Underworld lake.
Venia nods. "That does concern me that a concerted effort was made here. They seemed to be waiting for us."
The rocky beach emerges from the darkness faster than anticipated and the boat, already travelling at high speed, strikes it hard. Wood tears and splinters beneath the impact, the whole ship shaking as the bottom is torn out. "Everybody off!" Otori calls, and his soldiers begin to emerge from under the deck and clamber over the gunwale.
Venia is quick to follow.
Cassia rises and follows after the others
The return to the surface, through tunnels and along ledges and up slopes, while not fast enough to be called a run is definitely faster than a walk, soldiers in armour maintaining a punishing pace as they follow their Dragon-Blooded commanders up and out of the shadowland and once more into the light of the sun.
Cassia takes several breaths when they do get out, the fast pace combined with the wounds below her clothes having tired her somewhat.
Venia pats Cassia on the shoulder. "Better than having gotten left, right?"
Cassia nods "Yes. Thank you for coming to get me. I need to thank your brother... too..."
"That would be nice of you, yes.
Cassia straightens herself up, suppressing a little gasp, and walks over to the general. "Thank you for coming back to get me, General Otori." she pauses "I'm sorry I caused the death of three of your men."
The red-tinged light of the slowly setting sun paints the scene with a sense of urgency, and several teams of soldiers can be seen hauling the last of the equipment and artefacts from the cave below the hill, Sian talking quietly and rapidly to the soldiers in charge of this operation.
Otori turns and studies Cassia for a few minutes, "Don't worry about it too much. They will be reborn into better lives, since they gave theirs for one of the Exalted." He pats her shoulder gently.
Cassia lets out a small gasp as he brushes her shoulder, but lets her eyes thank him, waiting there for a few moments before returning to Venia's side.
Venia nods at her. "Now, hopefully we won't be waiting here tonight... I have plans."
"Oh?" she tilts her head curiously.
Venia nods. "It's a surprise. So shh."
The palanquin is readied once more, while Otori watches over the final preparations. "We will be leaving this gods-forsaken patch of land by noon tomorrow, or so Thea assures me. Do you have a means of getting to wherever it is you're going, dear sister?"
"I believe we will find one."
"Good," he nods and joins the head of the column, and in short order the soldiers return to Broken Back. Crimson sunlight fades to black night as they arrive at the small town, and many large objects are immediately carried to boats waiting at the pier for transport to the wargalleys.
Venia is quiet, considering how to handle the next part of the "mission".
Cassia is quiet toom though as she looks curiously out of the palanquin, she is careful to note where people are...
The soldiers carry the pair of ladies to the inn, Sian disappearing inside without a word (presumably to say goodbye to Oriel), leaving Cassia & Venia outside.
Venia files her nails, considering. "Think we should send anything ahead, or just wait?"
"Just wait, I think. I don't know any way to send something ahead..."
Back inside the inn, within the warmness of the cozy room, Cassia and Venia sit on a bed, the red jade case that was the fruit of Sian's earlier sojourn within the shadowland sitting inertly on the thick sheets.
Venia eyes it considering. "What do you know of trapped seals?"
Cassia studies it curiously "I know about traps, and about seals. I've never tried to deal with the two together..."
"See if you can open it. Be very, very careful."
Cassia nods, and stretches, exracting the roll of lockpicks she keeps about her person from their hiding place, and rolling them out on the floor. "Asura recieved these sometimes." she says as she sets it down on the floor, looking it over again. She carefully pulls several probes out, then slips the tools in, listening for the tiny clicks, and stratches that tell her the lock is opening as she twists and turns the fine slivers of metal.
A faint, almost inaudible *click!* is the only sign that the complex mechanisms of the jade case have been fooled by Cassia's mastery of the thiefly arts. She gently opens the case. "What would have happened if I hadn't opened it properly?" she asks, as she lifts the contents out.
"Depends. You might have died." Venia looks over Cassia's shoulder at the contents.
Cassia smiles in a half smug, half "I was right" way.
The contents are fairly sparse, being two simple scrolls, both of which held shut with unmarked rollers of silver. Once taken out of these, however, the documents become rather more interesting. In utterly exquisite brushwork one begins, "From her Majesty, the Scarlet Empress of the Blessed Isle, Mistress of the Surrounding Lands, Mother of a Dynasty...." The scroll continues in that vein for a good while.
Venia nibbles absentmindedly on Cassia's ear, a nervous habit.
Cassia sighs softly, skipping to the interesting part of the letter.
The meat of the scroll begins in the twelfth paragraph, "We have been forced to note with some dismay that despite the sending of several shipments of slaves to your agent in our tributary kingdom of Tideholme we have yet to recieve more than fragments of what were promised to us. In light of this lack we are forced to reconsider the secondary phase of our agreement.
"We sincerely hope that this does not come to pass and that the delay is due to the vagaries of travel in that icy land you call home."
Venia reads, "It seems someone wasn't paying their dues..."
Cassia nods, as she reads on
The remainder of the scroll is a very long series of diplomatic salutation that clearly and wordily signal that the originator of the scroll was done with her message, but not with her importance.
"Check the other," Venia directs.
Cassia nods. She slips the loops off the other scroll, and rolls it out.
The second scroll is much shorter, lacking all of the flowery phraseology and other diplomatic flummery. It is also brushed far less gracefully than the first one and simply reads, "The Chosen were delivered as requested upon reciept of the book. Our arrangement is at an end." It is signed with a roughly-scrawled version of the Scarlet Empress' seal.
Venia ponders this for a while, nervous habit returning. "It seems we need more information... yet I am loathe to interfere in the affairs of the Empress."
Cassia sighs softly again, "I thought that was her seal..."
"It is. Can you make a key for this? Or replace the lock?"
Cassia considers. "If I had a lot of time, maybe." She shrugs "It would be a complicated key. Interesting to work on."
"Make a key. We'll conceal the scrolls in something else."
Cassia nods, and considers all the motions she made to unlock the thing, and how those translate into key shapes. "They'll be fine in there for the moment. We can just lock it again."
"The box is obvious."
"I suppose it is." She clicks it shut.
"So, what's hollow that no one will think to inspect? Or can be made hollow?"
"You have all the cases..."
"True. I'll see what I can come up with." Venia goes to do such.
Cassia studies the case, sliding her fingers over the pattern in the jade. Some metal, and some tools, and hmm. that should be about it... She absently rolls the lockpicks up with one hand.
Some time later Cassia emerges from the small bath then stretches, wincing slightly as she does. She wraps the towl around herself then walks down to the room they share. Knocking, she enters, seeing Venia on the bed. "Venia, I... could you have a look at something?"
"Yes. That would possible." Venia stretches, sitting up and setting her small book aside.
Cassia walks over to the bed and sits on it, peeling back the towel to reveal a fairly jagged, if shallow, slice across her stomach. "And on my back too," turning to show the 4 clawed swipe.
Venia nods. "I imagine you used some very hot water on those already?"
Cassia nods. "Yes."
Venia digs around for her small medical pack, pulling it open. "Prefer bandages or stitches?"
"Which is better for it?" she asks, eying the bag
"Bandage for the back. Stitches will close up the slash better. What gave you these, anyway?"
"Do that then, please. The undead things on that boat ... I wasn't fast enough.."
"Why'd you wind upon the boat, anyway?" Venia starts work on the stomach slash, holding Cassia as still as possible and apparently not making the stitches any more painful than they normally should be.
"I don't know quite... <i>ahh</i>... how I got there..." she holds herself as still as she can "I was looking round the small room... near to the two... eee two statues. A... ghost I think, emerged from the tunnel, along with a pack of other ghosts..."
"What'd they look like?"
"I couldn't really see-eee, he had on armour and robes, and his face was a mask... some creature I've never seen before." She shivers a little "He spoke into my mind..."
"And said?"
"That he was my host, in this bleak and terrible land, and that as his guest I should come with him." she then looks away from Venia "...then he had his ghosts cut down the soldiers you sent with me..." She speaks quietly
Venia nods. "Not an especially warm welcome. I suspect that he used some form of Charm on you." She finishes stitching, running a finger along it to check the tension before starting on the swipe.
"I tried to stab him then... his sleeves came Ahh..alive and batted me away before I even got close 'Oh dear, how implusive' he said then..I tried to get away. I almost made the passageway... then he caught me with tentacles of black shadow that wouldn't burn," she shivers again. "Then he stroked my cheek and I knew only blackness." 
"Certainly impressive. Then why are you here now?"
"...You." she says softly. "I woke up on the boat, locked in a small cabin, but unhurt. I managed to pick the lock and then get my dagger and things back, then get up onto the deck... there were too many of them to hide from... I got spotted... and that was when I started to fight them..."
"Mhm. Learn anything from the experience?"
"People shouldn't have to die just... just because I got bored..." she sighs softly, "And that there's someone... who wants Dragon-Blooded... in that shadowland..."
"Good girl. Take some time to let this set, then clean the excess blood off, alright?"
Cassia nods "Thank you."
"Shouldn't leave any scars, though I'm not certain just what tricks the undead have in this particular shadowland."
Cassia nods again, obviously not that happy at thoughts of scars, "Okay."
"Scarring a problem? Some of the more adventurous care for them. Stories of valor and all. I'd say you should ask Otori, but he's always been careful about his looks."
"I don't need scars to remind me of adventures." She looks up at Venia "How old is he?"
"Older than me. He's old enough to be your father, not that that means much."
"He has been careful to avoid them then... he's good looking."
"Runs in the family. Exaltion, beauty, and the ability to make people into corpses. What more can you ask for?"
Cassia smiles up at venia, then smile flickering slightly at the last, "I don't know ... Love?"
"A good question. The trouble with love is that you've got hundreds of years for it to go sour. And as great as it is, it comes with all sorts of problems... like losing the object of your affections." She shrugs. "Love is hard. Drugs and hookers are easy. So Sayeth The Cynis."
"Still, I've found the best love you don't ask for. It tends to find you.
Cassia nods, thinking on that a little.
"If we have the time, you should talk to Otori a bit. He might regale you with a couple of his better stories."
"I might try that" she smiles "I like hearing stories."
"Thought you might.
Sian knocks lightly on the door to Oriel's room, not saying anything.
The door opens slightly and Oriel peers through the crack. "Oh," she sniffs, "It's you."
"Yeah... hi. Can I come in?"
"It's not like I can refuse one of the Exalted," she opens the door wider to let Sian in.
"Don't say that... please." He does step in, though.
"Why not?" she looks up at Sian, "It's true, isn't it?"
"No, it's not. If you want me to leave, I will."
"I want..." she sniffs, and starts crying again, "I want to stop feeling like this! That's all."
Sian looks at her for a moment, not sure if he should touch her, but he decides to anyway... he can't just leave her like that. He puts his arms around her gently.
Oriel sniffs, crying against his shirt. "I wanted it to be special," she whispers, "And it was, but then you left me." She lifts her head up to Sian, her eyes red, "Was I just another girl for you, someone to keep you warm at night?"
"No... no, of course not." He sits on the bed, with her in his lap. "I'd never do that to anyone. Ever."
"Then why did you leave me?" she practically wails, and collapses against Sian's shirt crying again.
Sian continues to hold her gently, letting her cry herself out.
Eventually Oriel stops crying, and wipes her eyes on Sian's shirt, "I'm sorry. You probably think I'm a stupid little girl."
"No, I don't. I think you're beautiful, warm, and a fantastic lover." He smiles a little.
Oriel blushes, "I know that's not true. I'm not as practiced as some other women."
"Doesn't matter. Like I said, it's mostly instinct, and you've got a good one. You know when to kiss, when to touch... when to just let yourself be held." He squeezes her gently to punctuate this.
She smiles, "I was mostly scared."
"So was I, my first time. Had no idea what I was doing... I was scared that I was going to hurt her, somehow."
"Hurt her?"
"You know..." He reddens slightly. "Jab something into the wrong place."
"The wrong...? Ooooh..." Oriel blushes deeper.
"Yeah." He likewise goes redder, looking rather embarassed.
"At least you didn't do that to me," she winces.
"Yeah... I'm a bit more experienced now." He strokes her cheek tenderly. "I was okay, wasn't I?"
"Oh my, yes," she smiles, her skin flushing at the memory.
Sian looks relieved. "You don't ache too badly, do you?"
"Not too much," she looks up at Sian suddenly, "Why am I not mad at you anymore?"
"I don't know. I guess you should be." He looks down and away from her, ashamed.
She sighs, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I just..." she shrugs and kisses Sian's cheek. "It <i>was</i> wonderful," she whispers.
"What you said was right." He smiles slightly at the kiss, but continues. "I shouldn't have left you, and I apologize."
Oriel smiles and hugs him tightly, "I envy the woman you're looking for."
Sian hugs in return. "Thanks. She's worth it... I just hope she's okay."
"So do I," she kisses Sian again, "Really."
"Mhmm." He brushes hair back from her face. "Oriel... do you enjoy your life here?"
"It's OK. The inn is nice and warm, and it's better working here than being out with the fishers."
Sian nods a little, looking at her thoughtfully. "Have you ever considered travelling?"
"No. This is my home. Why would I leave?"
"It's a big world. Lots of things to see... it's a lot of the reason why I travel so much."
"I've heard stories about other places. They scare me sometimes."
"It is scary, yes. But also wonderful, at times." He kisses her lightly. "I just don't like the idea of you spending your whole life in this village."
"It's my home," Oriel sighs, "It's not amazing like the places you've visited, but it's nice for me."
"As long as you're happy." He smiles a little. "I promise I'll return here someday, and see how you're doing, okay?"
"I'll be married, have five children and be running this inn," she smiles.
"Heh. Hopefully you find someone who can keep up with you in bed." He grins.
Oriel blushes and pokes Sian in the ribs.
Sian oofs, but moves in to kiss her soundly, holding it for a long while.
"Mmmm..." she sighs, melting against Sian.
Sian draws back when she's out of breath, smiling gently. "I did need someone to warm me, Oriel... but I wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't special. You're beautiful, you're fun to be around, and you deserve better than me. Okay?"
Oriel wipes her eyes and looks up as Sian, "Thank you."
"Good girl. Make sure you find someone who's worthy of you, and make sure he spoils you silly." He grins, giving her a last kiss before letting her go and standing.
She sniffs a little, "You should probably go. I think that other lady is still angry with you."
Sian's expression darkens a bit. "Venia... yeah. I had better go." He leans down to give her a kiss. "If you ever need anything, just send a message to Whitewall, to the Jupiter's Shadow Inn, okay? I'll get it eventually, and help any way I can."
"I will, and... thank you again... for everything."
"You're quite welcome." He kisses her again, and waves on his way out. "Bye."
"Goodbye," she blows Sian as a kiss as he leaves.
Sian smiles at that, and wanders down to his room.

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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