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== Theatric Deals ==
The Theater of Falling Dusk...
The day after the mess with Elizabeth Holysword was cleared. Cael had been asked to come, asked to meet with Lowyn Innocent-Eyes, also known as Sweet Melody, the great and beautiful Goddess of Music. Here on the Theater of Falling Dusk, where so many great sages dwell...
'''Cael: ''' Cael thanked Sabina, the dryad who had lead him up to the Stage of Serene Arias with a kiss and a short wave, and then he checked the line of his coat and walked into the stage proper, smiling radiantly at the young man he saw within, obviously a student and protege of Sweet Melody.
"Hello, could you please take me to Sweet Melody?"
'''Narrator: ''' "Oh! The Windwraith!" The young man said in exilarated surprise at such sight, leading the Windwraith through the many balconies around the Stage of Serene Arias, the many areas where all could witness the performance being played - an opera about a creature of chaos who tried to break the greatest of couples, and Venus' anger upon him, apparently - and still have the maximum ammount of space and comfort...
Through winding stairs they come... and meet Sweet Melody, beautifully sprawled on a very cushioned chair, watching the performance... hair falling about her like the most alluring crimson velvet, so grand, curling up almost impossibly down her neck and held by long ivory pins shaped like musical symbols... her pearlescent eyes, whose glints suggests arias and sonatas of such beauty that the heart breaks... her body, covered in the revealing dressas usual that of a net open to reveal the more detailed garments beneath, and cradling a lyre on her arms... but there is another, there. Her hair is spun gold that has been twisted into tight curls. Her pale skin flushed radiantly under the light of the forge's fires, she wears only light make-up and only the most obstinate of critics would say she needed to adorn herself any more. Dressed in an elegant gown of white that clings to her every curve, artfully reveling a enticing amount of cleavage and fashioned to flash her perfect, pale legs through cleverly hidden slits in the skirt...
Melody smiles as soon as Cael steps inside, "Cael. It has been quite a while."
'''Cael: ''' Cael makes small talk with the man, finding out his name, what he plays or sings ... a hundred and one small details in a pleasant conversation before he sweeps into Sweet Melody's room, castig his eyes about to take in the details.
"Sweet Melody," He bows as a gentleman should when he is in the presence of a lady. "It has been some time, but you are radiant as ever."
"Smiling Lover." He bows to the golden haired goddess. "I have heard tails of your beauty, though truely they do not compare." As he rises from the bow, he offers her the flowers he holds in his hand. Of course, it's impossible that he knew she would be here. Wasn't it?
After being relieved of the flowers he turns back to Sweet Melody, extending towards her a thin, though elegantly patterned folder. "A small selection of songs from Great Forks, I do so hope they have not reached your ears already."
'''Sweet Melody: '''"How thoughtful of you!" She smiles, endeared by his compliments, picking the folder and opening it on the table besides her, but not giving it her full attention yet. "I have heard that you have gone to the Great Forks... and learned all about the princess, likely..." She says a little guitily.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "You are too kind, Windwraith. I, too, had heard much about you..." She picks her flowers, brushing her fingers to his' just slightly, bringing them to her suggestively to feel their scent... "... and you are anything I had heard about, and more."
'''Cael: ''' Cael shifts his fingers just slightly as her's brush his, making just they linger just a moment longer than the Lover intended.
"I learned little about the Princess in Great Forks, though I did have to have quite a long conversation with the Dayshield concerning her. And then there was the small matter of Eos." He allows himself a small sigh.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Eos? Oh, do tell..." She begins to look over the folder, checking the sounds and making little delighted noises.... as the Smiling Lover herself places down the flowers, not at all surprised with the mention of Eos, apparently, although she does try to feign it.
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, it appears he was also raising Elizabeth Holysword." He says mildly.
"There was some confusion as to who she was. Lady Silverstar had to step in before we finally got to the bottom of it with sorcery from Fiona and herself. Still, the ending is not entirely bad. Elizabeth seems to have taken something of a liking to herself."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Ooh!" She says... not to his words, but to one of the songs. It really caught her eye! Clearly, she had never seen ''that'' one before, and begun to hum it... while finally thinking on what Cael had said. "So now, Whiteshield has three princesses? That is a very interesting development! And it is... good to see that such wonders can happen even during those troubled times... you should bring them to me, sometime. And I will comission a piece for the Twin Princesses Created By Fate."
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "More sisters, more marriages, especially if they are two like Elizabeth. It is a great deal for them."
She smiles, leaving the flowers on the table, looking over the song...
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles as he hears her humming the tune.
"I shall be sure to do so." He says with an easy nod. "I am happy for the pair of them that they can get along."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "So am I. But well then, Cael, sit down! Do you wish Johann to get anything for you to drink?" She asks of the boy Cael had talked to, who was still standing there, a violinist, Cael had known. "I am sure you are curious about why we called you here today..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael slips off his coat, hanging it over the slide of the couch and then gracefully reclining on it with an air of detached relaxation. He turns his head to smile at the boy.
"Some red wine, if you would be so kind, Johann." He says before turning back to the two delectable goddesses.
"I could be persauded to admit a certain amount of curiousity, yes."
'''Smiling Lover: '''"I will take that as the admission." She smiles as Johann leaves, looking Cael over... "Well, see, I have a problem with... prestige. A problem I think you can help me with..." She leans back on the chair, the very face of allure... "... and by doing so, help all of your friends as well. Whiteshield, whom you pledged to."
"I need your help making Iron Tears... grand."
'''Cael: ''' "A problem with prestiege?" He says as he lets his eyes wander over her body, allowing himself to enjoy the sight as she leaned back, certain it was for his benefit.
"Making him grand?" He tilts his head, curious as to just what she means.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "We divinities, dear, thrive in stories. Thrive in glory. In worship. In prayers." She nods, picking her own wine, so red, and bringing it to her lips. "We lost much of our worship with the Boil's losses... and we are too regional. At the same time, however..." crimson lips curl, so ''deviously''... "That was a grand story, which can make us known... if it gets thrown to the wind."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, stories." He nods, and watches the production she makes from sipping her wine, the most subtle of smiles on his face suggesting he enjoys it.
"I begin to see where I might be of use to this scheme you propose." He makes a gesture for her to continue to elucidate.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "Well, you are an Eclipse, beautiful Cael... you know of... rumors. And stories..."
"And what a story it was. You know about how the Boil was liberated?"
She brings a finger to her lips. "My, we need to change the name at some point... but maybe, when this is over, I will not be chackled to that city. After all, even our new prince seems to understand the loveliness of those that follow the craft, after a fashion..."
'''Cael: '''"My dear, I am indeed an Eclipse, and capable of working miracles, but even I would not be so bold as to change the name of the Boil. To pretend it is somehow not the Boil would be denying the story both a large portion of its power and an essential foundation."
"The fact that the Boil is the Boil is one of the things that would make this story work." He leans back to accept the cup of wine from Johann, sipping it.
"Thank you, Johann. The wine is delicious." He also nods to Sweet Melody.
"I am not sure that you can escape the city so easily, but then, it will be rebuilt cleaner. I will be seeing to that."
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "... that is what my brother would say, indeed." She shakes her head with a smile. "You think not? You are close to the prince those days, right? If you were to declare festivals on my honor when this is over all over the country... for Red-Lantern districts to be in each city... would he say no?"
'''Sweet Melody: ''' Melody, on the other hand, simply weaves a cup out of the music sang in the opera, drinking the crescendo. She enjoys humming another tune, and simply smiles at the Lover's suggestions. Was she wondering how they would work together, or how they would clash?
'''Cael: ''' Cael shrugs.
"He might. I cannot speak for the Prince." He says with complete honesty. He hardly held any official position to do so right now.
"I could certainly ask him to consider such a thing."
He takes another sip of the wine.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' A couple of girls... not melody, but hers'... come into the room, dressed in fineries of heaven, their dresses cut just so... showing a little bit of a garter here, a little bit of an enticing tatoo there... and coming to the table to leave their dessert, warm bread and cheese and spices and some sweets... "I believe this is where we talk prices?"
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "You did not talk about what you know of the liberation of the Boil, Cael." She smiles, sipping some allegro as the opera in the background comes to happy times in the spring... "I love stories, especially in music. It is part of why I want you to get... a certain person to help you in this. To do most of the work..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles to the girls, an expression that conveys gratitude for both what they had brought and how they presented it.
He selects a small spicy parcel and bites down on it.
"Who did you have in mind?" He turns to ask Melody. "Though, if the pair of you would like to hear, of course I could present to you the .. highlights, as it were."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Domiel Winterwing, the Ashen Dove." She sings his name. "He saved the princess and sheltered Cedric, I am sure you have heard of or even met the man... he is a beautiful, beautiful performer. And he could visit courts, sing this story, help your influence spread at ten times their pace..."
''And do so with music. '' She certainly thinks. <br>
If Iron Tears and the Smiling Lover will become grander, they will owe it to music.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "Please. I would love to know what you think the highlights were."
'''Cael: ''' "Indeed." He nods his head. "It was I who was with Prince Alexander when he went to find his brother once more. I can see why you would want him spreading such a tale."
''It's so interesting to watch the agendas fly around the room. ''
"But since there has been a request..." He takes a sip of his wine and then sets it down on the table.
And then he starts to speak the words of a poem, ''Of Fire And Iron''. The two goddesses are in fact the first to hear it. Well, appart from Calisara, who had listened through several refinements of the piece. Not that she had heard the version he would tell now.
The poem starts off dark, of course, and filled with references to the dead, reaching the blackest point as the Dark Angel arrived within the city. The shelter she took with the whores there.
From there, the tale brightens. A grand verse for their audience with Iron Tears, polite intimations to the role Selina took on and the mention of a dragonblood so scarred.
Grandure, as the glorious prince and his love arrive, before the whole poem becomes confused with the battle, barely keeping to it's structure as the city errupts in chaos and violence, fae fights attop behemoth and darkness duels at the heart of the city.
The final verse, glory tinged with sadness, the ceremony presided over by Prince and God.
"A tale of Fire and Iron." He says, with a bow and a flourish.
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "Beautiful." She smiles, a smile enraptured by his tale, by his poems, by its possibilities... but soon finds a point to pick on. "You should shift it slightly to underscore the importance of the offer given by the Dark Angel and the Garda Bird, however. That was of fundamental importance." She wondered if he knew of Moon voiding that agreement later, but if it was up to her, she would bury that very deep in the mountain of history.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "That is simply... captivating, Cael." A recital of poetry. So beautiful, so... pleasing.
And she smiles, her cheeks tinted by the slightest blush.
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles to the pair of them, a smile to make even a whore blush.
"Thank you both, for your accolades."
"I am sure it needs some work ... I should talk more to those involved before, of course." He says, wondering if either goddess will contradict him on that. "It was just a small piece I put together, after all."
'''Smiling Lover: ''' "Oh no, you know enough, Cael... I think you just need to focus as I told you. After all... we want to send an specific message, do we not? The role of princes and angels and faes in the defense of the Industrial might need some abstraction as well... that Kodak invaded with a dragon is important, but it needs focus on how it was Iron Tears who beat that back!" She makes grand gestures... "Each and every person may try to place their own input in, dear wind... and too many cooks spoil the broth."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "It needs a little work, but it is wonderful, Cael. I can only imagine it sung and played by the Ashen Dove..."
"It is a beautiful composition. But it seems to me that you already know what you wish of the tale..."
'''Cael: ''' "You misunderstand." He says, and finishes off the spice-packet he had taken earlier. "I was not suggesting that they would be writing it, but I feel it is important to know the truth, whatever story one goes on to tell."
"And of course, there is the matter of contradiction. If I write one tale, and someone else another, both are weaker."
'''Smiling Lover: '''"That is indeed right. I never intended for something to come different than it was, however, just... a slight shift of emphasis. And the omission of certain... undersirable truths. We need power, Cael. The power I can get, and the power I can get for my brother... if I manage to allow Iron Tears to take over Kodak's mantle of mining-god... or even to expand his spheres to all of Whiteshield... your army will have a god with greater power helping them before the end."
'''Cael: ''' "Of course."
He nods.
"Just a slight shift of emphasis."
He takes a sip of his wine.
"I shall have to think on this matter further, and speak with Domiel. After all, I would not like to make two such lovely ladies promises I could not keep due to the choices of another."
=== Some time later... ===
On Cael's luxurious rooms in the theater...
Cael hears music, outside of his door. Footsteps that break whispers. And then a knock on his door in a rhitm one can't help but to hum... "Cael? May I come in? I... have to speak with you."
'''Cael: ''' The reception room of his suite was lit with a low, red glow. Naked on the couch, Sabina arched her back, lifting her chest up to meet his lips as he sucked softly on a nipple. Her legs were spread, his hand between them, two fingers carefully probing her sex. Occassionally, soft, warm noises escaped her lips and the room was filled with the subtle cinammon scent of the dryad's arousal.
Then Sweet Melody knocked on the door, and Cael released her nipple with a sigh.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to answer that." He says, fingers still slowly moving inside her.
'''Sabina: ''' The Dryad let out a frustrated moan, squirming on on his fingers, hips pushing to him...
And blushing. Blushing so much...
"B... but..."
'''Cael: ''' "But...?" He asked with a gentle smile.
'''Sabina: ''' "But... we were going to be together... you promised... bond together..."
Her hips move to him, her hands coil around his arms like vines...
'''Cael: ''' "I suppose I did." He murmurs.
"Well, either you can go now, and I will make it up to you some other day, or ..." He smiles mischeviously.
He smiled wider as it seemed she wanted to try the 'Or...', pulling his fingers from her then lifting them to her lips before standing and beckoning for her to follow. He lead her through to the bedroom, called from the door.
"Please come in Sweet Melody and make yourself comfortable. I will just change into something more appropriate."
He shuts the bedroom door behind himself then speaks in a low voice.
"Stand over by the bed, arms behind your back, legs spread." And then he picks up the ropes, and soon Sabina finds herself lying face up on his bed, arms bound behind her back, her thighs bound to her calves, a dildo held in her sex by a pair of ropes. The arc her body was held in by the bondage made her feel vulnerable, a feeling only enhanced by the gag she wore and the blindfold over her eyes and as she would soon discover, every little wriggle would move the dildo inside her.
"Now you just wait here." He murmured, and kissed her cheek.
He pulled on a black robe, and stepped back into the reception room, shutting the door behind him once more.
"My apologies for the delay." He says with a nod to Melody.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' On his bed, Sabina writhed. She writhed and moaned, every movement pushing it deeper in her sex, making her writhe more, arch herself more, present herself more.. but soon Cael walks out of the room, and ceases to see this... only to open the door and see Melody's concerned face instead. "It is no problem, Cael. If it is a bad time, I could come in later..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael shakes his head.
"Nothing more important than you, my lovely goddess." He smiles and seats himself on the couch, allowing the goddess to seat where she would, though there is plenty of space next to him.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Gallant as always." She says with a short, sweet smile, soon vanishing in the concernation.
"But it is natural for you, especially when you feel a damsel in distress, isn't it?" There is not much mirth in her question.
'''Cael: ''' "They do not have to be a damsel..." He says, with a small smile, something on his face making it hard for the goddess to remain entirely unlifted by it.
"Though please, speak of what troubles you."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "You ''did'' go save the boy, yes." She smiles, remembering Alexander... and sitting down on a comfortable chair in his greeting room, running her hands over a lyre's strings in the wind, playing this wind to a forlorn tune. "I feel myself growing darker every day, Cael. Like a cancer within me. Feeling shadow prayers fill my soul."
'''Cael: ''' "Shadow prayers?" He asks, concerned.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' She nods. "Dissonant chorus. Melodies whispered in the darkness."
She looks away from him slightly. Cael can feel that music permeating the room... a barrier of melodies against anyone trying to hear what goes in the room "They have my subordinates... they have the Lyre, the Fiddle, the Flute, the Horn and the Organ. Their music permeates Whiteshield... but it is growing darker. They are a part of me. Used to be, I defined their existence and their tune. That is working the opposite way, now..."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah." He says, thuogh his face is sympathetic.
"That this most grave news. Do you know where they are being held?"
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "I know of the Lyre and the Fiddle... I feel them. I feel them within Iron, bound, their beautiful melodies breaking to the point they will be only shadows. Being broken by such horrible torture... the Organ still plays mostly pure, somewhere else, but I cannot understand the melody. There is something dissonant there, something... simply ''wrong''." She sighs, shaking her head.
"And I cannot feel the Flute and the Horn, but I know from their music that she has fallen deep into the darkness..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael gives her a concerned look.
"I can offer you good news, at least, for the Lyre and the Fiddle ... we will soon be leaving, travelling to the citadel of iron they use for a jail, and I will make sure they are freed from their pains."
"On the others ... I can only offer you the thought that the army will be marching soon, and that none amongst our troops would harm your representatives."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Thank you..." she says with a nod...
"But I also need the thought that what I said will not leave this room. If they know about my weakness..."
'''Cael: ''' "Of course." He nods, the very personification of professionalism. "Nothing to bring you pain, scandal, or trouble." His smile once more conveys reassurance.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "Thank you, Cael. Thank you." She gets up, placing a little musical box on his hand, a contraption of gears not unlike the many clocks in the south, in Varang... "If you suceed... I will repay that debt, Wraith of the Singing Winds."
'''Cael: ''' "I will not fail you, my lady goddess."
Cael rises as she approaches, accepting the box with a short bow.
"What is this?" He asks, curious.
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "This is a music box, made with knowledge from Savants of the Capital and the Boil. Iron and Poetry. Gears and Melody. I inscribed my music within it... a music to soothe the spirit, to heighten the aspirations, to keep away sorrow, shadows and pain." She smiles. "A music for you."
'''Cael: '''Cael sets the music box down, and then sweeps the most formal of the whiteshield bows, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Thank you, my lady goddess, for the gift of your music. I will treasure this for a long time."
'''Sweet Melody: ''' "You are welcome, Wraith of Singing Winds." And thus she walks out of his room, with a last farewell...
'''Cael: ''' "Good night, Sweet Melody." He says as she leaves and then he turns back towards his bedroom.
He pushes the door open, and spends a few moments just looking at the sight on his bed, the dryad writhing a little, the room filled with the scent of cinnamon and roses. When he's waited long enough she must have thought the sound of the door openning was her imagination, he pads over quietly.
As he leans down to whisper in her ear, he traces a pair of fingers up either side of her sex, knowing how sensative it will be.
"Good girl, you waited for me," he whispers as she shivers.
"Now, I believe the promise was for a night."
And so the night begins, one of praises and admonishions, pleading and passion, Sabina eventually drifting off with Cael's arms wrapped protectively around her, spooning against him.
=== After pleasures and melodies, after deals and poems... ===
It was time for Cael to leave the Theather of Falling Dusk.
Down the stairs, towards the front halls and then out of the sanctum in the shape of a great tree whose branches held the wings for each and every one of the great sages, and illustrious guests such as Cael, out of the Sanctum and out the Mount of black diamond... and on the way out, the sight of the white-clad spirit of the mount, the god of black rock where burning stars shimmer.
Falling Dusk.
"Going already, Cael?"
'''Cael: ''' "Falling Dusk, greetings." He makes a moderately formal bow.
"I fear I must. Much though I would like to tarry here a while longer and relax, there are places I need to be. Did you have something you wished to discuss with me?"
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "Indeed I do." He says, the clasp holding his toga shifting, a medal in the shape of a seven-pointed chandelier. "Come with me, Cael, there are... things I wished to discuss with you." He says as he walks through one of the side-doors in the halls, through trails to halls filled with stars on their black diamond ceiling, whose windows show different constellations and places of Creation despite the fact that, where they are, one should not even have a window to their direct outside.
"You know, Cael, the Theather would not be chosen as the center for the Seven Sages - much to my satisfaction, as this gives a lonely mount-God some company and... well, a little bit of status." He smiles and shrugs, "If it was not a point of convergence. I can see many things from here, Cael."
"Many things amassed against you."
'''Cael: ''' Cael follows him, looking around him with an air that is both respectful and curious, as he steps into the sanctum at the heart of the mountain, looking around himself once more.
"There are indeed. The Haslanti, the Realm, Heaven, the Underworld, no fewer than two abyssals, the Bull of the North, and at least three jealous partners."
"Sometimes, it seems that hell are the only people who do not want to kill me."
He adds, with a touch of whimsy.
"I assume though, that there is someone I am missing, or some insight you can offer..." He says, the whimsey fading as soon as it appeared.
'''Falling Dusk: ''' He opens his palm, as if to catch raindrops, and stars fall from the ceiling, now clearly snowflakes, not stars, that clung to it... and flew around them, creating constellations, words... "I see Heaven the most. She Who Cuts the Binds, Western Goddess of Emancipation. She will come for you, with others... Prepared by heaven to destroy you. And you are vulnerable to them..."
"... you are exactly what they were created to destroy. You are just like Bastian."
"Arrangements are being made now, Cael, and as much as Gideon tries to delay their expedition..."
'''Cael: ''' "Anyone who thinks that is a fool," he says softly. "I really hope that they have a plan to pick up the pieces of the North should they succeed," he shakes his head. While he could take the thought of not living to see the North as he desired, the thought of that being torn apart through people being ''scared'' of him was much more bothersome.
''They plan to march into the middle of a '''war''' to kill me? ''
"Though who exactly is 'they'? Who prepares? My knowledge of the inner workings of Heaven is not what it might be."
'''Falling Dusk: ''' The snowflakes explode, and many lights appear about them... the colors of five maidens, and a thousand more colors still. The five coalesce in a lotus between them, the other colors becoming four buildings around the Lotus.. each one more magnificent than the next.
"The Lords of Abstract Matters and Celestial Concerns."<br>
"The Celestial Monitors of Seasons and Weather."<br>
"The Divine Witnesses of Human Works and Deeds."<br>
"The Court of Nature Grand and Humble."<br>
"The Most Perfect Lotus of Heavenly Designs."
Cael just... knew, that each and every one of those buildings were, actually, greater than cities. Grand as mountains. In the windows, flashes of them appeared, grand and majestic, great pagodas, lions, serpents of storms, lotus of all life... wonders beyond compare.
"They are Heaven."
"The First and the Last, Cael. Heaven and Destiny conspire against you."
"But tell me... what would they be a fool to think of?"
'''Cael: ''' "Ah." He says, and he nods, visualising the Heavenly forces arranged against him. "That will definately cause some problems." Privately, in the part of him that he would never let show, the thought of it was a little overwhealming.
In his mind, he starts to visualise the Seal, but not here, not at this instant.<br>
"But fools ... this is what makes them foolish..."<br>
"That I am Bastian."<br>
"That I am just like him."<br>
"That what they feared of him, they must fear from me."<br>
"That I will simply let them do this when I have more important things to do."<br>
As he speaks, the binds ripple below his clothing, motled patches of light shining through.
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "You ''are'' like Bastian, Cael. That is not their opinion, it is mine. You fight in a similar way as he did. That is a vulnerability, as you are exactly what they are prepared to fight." He nods sardonically, watching the seal begins to form, the lines of connections on heaven, or their representations brought by Falling Dusk, trembling. "Oh, I see..."
"I am not sure what I should fear from you yet, Cael Pattonna, if I may say so myself."
"Well. I know one thing now."
'''Cael: ''' "Relax, I will not use it here. I would not go forthright into creating trouble for you and yours. It would be both unintelligent and impolite." He lets the seal pull away from him. He knew where he must go to stick this spanner in the works.
"I am not denying I am like him, merely that I am the same as him, that I should be judged by his crimes, percieved or no."
"But please, tell me what you fear of me..."
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "They are not judging you for him. The judgement is for the crime of existence. But I thank you for being so considerate, Cael. This really is the moment for the Sages to get prestige in Heaven, not suspicion... even though we have our share of suspicion." He says, and the lines of Heaven around Cael, lines and names, explaining the Heavenly Order... "The Seal, for one thing. We are as much of an organization as any other."
'''Cael: '''"It appears that so much of the divine is." He says with a nod, and a smile that is reassuring.
"Ah, existance. That is a much harder crime to protest one's innocence of. It would appear that legal complications are most definately the way to go."
"As for prestiege, I hope that the actions I work towards in Whiteshield can only help you with this."
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "Indeed. It is a monolithical organization. It goes back to the origin of all, Cael..."
Greater names appear. Parentages and facts of Gods... "Creation was created by Organization. That is what separates us from Chaos, what makes Creation... what it is. You should understand this better than anyone. Eclipses are more closely linked with this Primordial Aspect than most others. To deal with things that are not organized, and organize themselves..."
"Indeed. Melody and Jungen will benefit directly, Gideon, less so. Me? I will benefit of whatever benefits the others, to an extent."
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods, as the god speaks truth of the world and speaks of what Cael's actions mean to him here.
"Though you spoke vaguely of suspicion ... what suspicions do you have of Heaven?"
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "Many. Heaven has always been wondrous... but its basic drives are the same as those of Creation. You would do well to remember, Cael, that it is a high functionary of Heaven, one of its greatest luminaries, that has bred what we fight now. Forsaken and Unnamed, he of Ten Thousand Virtues. And more... it was another luminary of Heaven, Damian Freville of Stolen Sunsets, that handled your Garda Bird to Abyssals. He has not spoken of this in Heaven, and none have asked." Falling Dusk walks, treading on the burning lights in a black diamond floor, the windows showing strange lights...
"And Gennadi, who now manipulates your Shades of Eventide, has been in contact with him."
"Conspiracies over conspiracies, Cael. All of us have an agenda, and sometimes, even those in the same time fight each other while enemies walk in bed with each other. Heaven is filled with clashing agendas of which the Theather is a simple microcosm... and, I fear, traitors. But it is the way of Heaven to be so obscure, that while trying to break a traitor, one may break a plan intended to save us all..."
'''Cael: ''' "As below, as above." He says, turning the common maxim on its head.
"Once more, I must thank you for your insight and advice, Fallen Dusk and once more, I must take my leave of you despite what seems to be a most interesting conversation."
"I have a journey to make today and I had not planned to spend the night here, even..."
'''Falling Dusk: ''' "I understand. Just... make sure you use the Seal, Cael."
"For me and all the Sages, it is important that you live. You must live, Cael."
A hand on his shoulder, a smile. "And go with Heaven's Hopes, Cael. With those that do not wish you dead."
'''Scythe of Winter: ''' "Not all." Comes the voice, cold, as she steps down the stairs.
"He is an asset... but he breaks destiny. He goes where he pleases. Winds are cold, not liberty."
"Like your protege..." She shakes her head, and finally, she smiles. A wicked smile, devoid of a heart, as inviting to the touch as searing, burning cold metal. "She was to die, you know. She dreams of it still. Wolves of white dreams run through her dreams and howl, and remember her of what it was like to beheld to the ground. To have her clothes torn off. She knows what her destiny was, naked and bleeding in the snow, to welcome the scythe."
"You cannot dodge your destiny forever."
'''Cael: ''' "Scythe of Winter," he says as he turns to face her, listening to what she has to say.
"The winds are many things, and none. In the north, they are cold, biting. In the south, they bring the cutting sand. The west, the storms. The east, the sounds of monsters in the trees. In the center, it brings all those things, from the North, the South, the East, the West," he says, as he walks up to the Scythe of Winter.
"And yet, if that was all the wind was people would fear it and though some do, most do not."
Something subtle shifts inside him, a sudden shift in his bearing, an electric aura that surrounds him now, promises of warmth even in the heart of winds.
"The wind brings the unexpected."
His eyes become pools one could loose herself in.
"The winds brings the exotic."
And with that, he plants his lips on hers, giving her a very thorough kiss, a promise of the changes the wind brings.
"Of course I break destiny ... what are the winds for, if not to bring wonder?"
'''Scythe of Winter: ''' Her lips are cold. If it was not for his collar, the cold would burn...
But they warm up. Slowly, they warm up...
"Death." She says simply, her voice breaking down...
"It brings death. I... it brings sorrow." She hides her face from him in her ice-colored hair... and the pale white of scythe of winter darkens with red. She turns around, and her scythe is nowhere to be seen, only her hair, curling up in scythe-shapes protectively, as she feels more vulnerable than ever.
"Your winds... are not mine. Are not the North. Th.. the north is cold. And death."
"A... and all they will bring her."
She says, walking as far away from him as she can, without all the poise that makes her... her.
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches her go.
''Next time, I suppose I should bring flowers. ''
He raises his hand to his lips.
''And something to deal with the cold. ''
He turns back to Falling Dusk.
"Thank you, my friend for your words of advice and of information."
He steps into the hall of starlight.
"Take care."
And then he vanishes into those hallways, walking towards the Zephyr.
Upon reaching the Zephyr, he doesn't fly back to the Spire, back to the task that waits him in the city, and the wyld zone that lives beyond it. Instead he turns her north, heading to a mountain peak he had not visited in some time, heading to a mountain peak that was just as much a nexus as the one he had just been in, heading to a mountain peak where destiny had changed once before.
He set the Zephyr down, alittle short of the top and then he climbed out, walking the path he had trod those years before, up to the top and there he waited for a moment.
First, he cast his gaze downwards, his hundred mile stare out over the North. Watching a caravan make it's slow progress south towards the warmth, watching a man cutting wood on the edge of a forest, watching a merchant haggle with her customer in one of the towns.
''Creation. ''
Next, he cast his glance upwards, past the cloudless skies to the great dome of the sky, visualizing the manifold bureaucracy that defined the place, the buildings that described it's runnings and the people that made up the organisation.
''Heaven. ''
Next, he cast his glance outwards, considering the connections of the place, the resonances it defined. Calisara, Sorcery, the war, the Sages, Alexander, the Angels, Ryshassa, Alexsei, Kanti, Shara ... the Binds.
''Destiny. ''
Finally, he reached inside himself, taking first the memories ... his first time with a girl, his first time with a goddess, taking the zephyr, meeting the Prince. Then he reaches deeper to the light at the core of his being and slowly brought it out, slowly let it spread, slowly formed the Seal.
''Self. ''
He closed his eyes to concentrate and then it happened.
From the Binds and from his anima there burst a shock of light, the quills that defined it stretching themselves out as they scribed over a seal, the Seal, a tracery of golden lines fractal in complexity and so finely formed as to make a god weep that blazed for a single moment of glory that impressed it onto the world.
''Creation. ''<br>
''Heaven. ''<br>
''Destiny. ''
''Know them, and know yourself and they shall never overcome you. ''
''Below him, Creation stopped. ''<br>
''Above him, Heaven stopped. ''<br>
''Around him, Destiny stopped. ''
''Then after a moment, it started once more. ''<br>
''Almost all of it, at least. ''<br>
''She Who Cuts The Binds would not walk soon. ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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