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== Return of the Wind ==
Since Cael left that morning, the sun has risen to it's zenith, shone through the clear winter's afternoon, then set in a glorious sequence of purples and reds with still no sign of the windwraith or his silver ship.
It is only much later, a few hours to midnight, the stars winking in the heavens once more that the ship is seen, slowly descending through the wisps of cloud above the clifftop camp before gently settling in the midst of the patrol ground once more, the warm light from within a contrast to it's silvery exterior.
A door opens in side, and Cael steps down into the cool night air, dressed impeccably as always, looking calm.
'''Alexsei: ''' Pressing Ryshassa closer to him and shielding his eyes from the raising dirt as the Quicksilver Zephyr slowly eases down near the Windian camp. It is now late at night, but the worries of last night were too strong to ignore - especially coupled with Ryshassa's musings about the Zephyr and its momentary leave of absence - and so they waited for the return of the great ship.
It is with relief that Alexsei Krauser watches the ship go down near them, and with even greater relief that he watches Cael walk through the open hatch, apparently safe and sound. He smiles, a tired but relieved smile that encompensasses much of the emotions he has lived through this long, exhausting day.
With a wave of his arm he greets Cael, signaling him their position within camp and his intention to meet him - and perhaps, talk about a few of the things tha were on his mind.
"Welcome back, Cael! I hope you have been well..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa stands shielded by her husband, dark hair whipping in the cold wind, taking in the sight of the magnificient vessel's arrival. She is still clad in her kimono of royal purple and orchids, with a second layer underneath of pale pink touched with gold lotus tracery, and the obi of dark gold like a setting sun. Besides Alexsei she waits restlessly for the Zephyr's pilot to emerge -- it is late now, but she hardly slept, what with her ...recreational activities at the hands of her beloved, and the underlying worry that has continually resurfaced throughout the day.
Her eyes widen momentarily as Cael emerges... unharmed, and in fact quite calm for what Alexsei had alluded to earlier. ''Perhaps it had nothing to do with him at all? '' She feels quite sheepish, at the thought, but is more relieved to see that he has returned safely. In fact, she would have come closer, even rushed up to him, to ensure with a healer's touch that he is indeed unbroken. But her husband's presence makes her hesitate -- of course she was worried, but it would look terribly improper, would it not?
So instead she speaks, still resting a hand on Alexsei's arm. "We've been awaiting you, Cael. Alexsei sensed... something. Something momentous and terrible that happened further North. I... ah... wondered if it might have been related to you." At that she does duck her head, feeling briefly self-conscious, her fingers flexing more tightly on Alexsei's arm.
'''Cael: ''' Cael spies the waving funeral priest easily enough in the camp, turning to walk towards the couple, approaching them slowly with a soft smile visble on his face in the half-light of the torches.
''Just the man I wanted to see ... ''<br>
''and the man one I least wanted to, too''
"Good evening, Alexsei, Ryshassa." He says with a warm voice in the cool night air. "I am sorry that my absence caused you concern."
He pauses then, for dramatic effect, or to consider his words, is not quite clear.
"I think I was right in the middle of it." he says, simply.
'''Ryshassa: ''' The dramatic pause has its effect, and Ryshassa glances from Cael to her husband and back. "In the middle..? Are you really all right?" Her hand relaxes its grip on Alexsei's sleeve, though she does not yet step forward. She did like to have permission before examining someone. Unless they dropped to the ground right before her eyes.
But he really ''did'' look fine, and mothering him would have been much more embarrassing for all involved. She suffices to wait for the explanation, instead.
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei narrows his eyes for a moment, Cael brushing away the thought that maybe, just maybe, the Zephyr's absence was not, in fact, related to the very unpleasant feeling that occured earlier during the day.
His eyes become clouded with more... concern? As he looks back to the Windwraith, his hand reflexively brushing Ryshassa's back. He sensed her worries too, through the ring, and that was one more incentive to actually learn what had happened - Ryshassa might not express her concern to the surface, but he feels it, and he feels somewhat responsible for her restrain. At least Cael seemed unharmed, and that was a relief... But there was more, much more to discuss, about what he had seen.
"Well then... Perhaps it would do us good to have a talk, if of course you are not too tired, dear friend." The day has exhausted him, himself, but the thought of leaving these matters unfinished bother him too much to let go.
* Gennadi claps sarcastically, stepping into sight. "Oh, he might be, but I warned him about this some time ago. Not that it did any good, it never does." He blinks at them. "What, you weren't expecting me? I can turn around and try again with a little more warning if you like."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's expression changes entirely at Gennadi's arrival. She doesn't say it, but the look is an obvious enough "Oh. You."
She does sketch a short bow for him though, a clipped, clinical greeting. "Already one step ahead I assume? So tell us what happened from your perspective, if you must talk out of turn." The healer smiles... sweetly enough. She would have rather Cael speak for himself, of course, but... well. Any information would be helpful.
She hasn't forgotten about that kiss, of course. But that was a tangential matter.
'''Gennadi: ''' "One step behind, m'dear, it's a better view." He returns the bow, deep enough his hair nearly brushes his toes. "I warned him he'd be getting busy, and, well, he's gone ahead and meddled in things he's not quite ready for, I'm not not quite ready to deal with, and left me stranded from my room to boot. Tsk tsk."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa gives a minute shudder at Gennadi's choice of wording. She is utterly convinced by now that the man's tastes cover both sexes, and who knew what else in between.
''In between. Argh! '' She considers the idea that the "getting busy" had something to do with what Cael and Gennadi were doing before the ship arrived. The thought is. ....well no. She would rather not subject Alexsei to any more of THAT speculation, through their rings.
"Meddled... how?" is all she says out loud, frowning. Though she looks to Cael for this, this time.
'''Anne: ''' ''"Cael!" ''
"You are BACK!"
She runs towards Cael, the clumsy girl in dark blue dress, her clear blonde hair, now so silky and clean and well-treated, whirling on the wind... her ice-blue eyes with tears, holding so many sheets of paper and a notebook under her arms... letting them go, letting them fall open on the ground, as she jumps towards the Solar....
'''Cael: ''' Cael's smile to Ryshassa encompasses both gratitude for the concern he can read in her body, and a further reassurance that he is indeed perfectly alright. Now, anyway.
Her turns from her at Alexsei's question, the answer beginning to form on his lips ...
Cael's smile is interrupted by the sarcastic arrival of Gennadi.
"So you did, Gennadi. I must apologise for your room though, next time I will ask Cal to leave it behind, perhaps?" He says to the newly arrived sidereal, without a trace of ire in his voice.
"Anyway, if you wish to hear, I will be more than happy to spea-..." cut off once more by the shouts of Anne, catching her easily as she leaps towards him, hugging her to him, kissing her forehead before setting her down on her feet. "Yes, I'm back. Sorry I had to leave so fast."
'''Alexsei: ''' ''Gennadi. Of course. ''
"Somehow, I am not as surprised as I should be." He shakes his head inwardly, pushing up the spectacles up his nose. "At least all of you are safe and sound, and there will be much to talk about." He brushes a lock of raven hair from his face, bowing in turn to Cael and Gennadi.
The thoughts freely travel within the rings, and it is almost regretfully that he must admit to himself he thought of that too, from Gennadi's wording. He brushes away the thought, however, dismissing it as something that does not regard him.
''To each his own. ''
"I am glad to see you both, in any case. Perhaps now we can start shedding some light on exactly what this all means."
"Also... One step behind is indeed a better view, Gennadi. I can only agree with that fact."
'''Gennadi: ''' "And not the other parts? I thank you for your confidence in my ability to handle catastrophe." He finds a nice spot to lean against, waiting for Cael to finish greeting the flying missle.
'''Anne: ''' She spares but a third thought to the fallen drawings and notebook and books, holding him to her...
"I was worried... Calisara told me to take my things..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Anne too''. Ryshassa looks... vaguely put off, but she cannot deny the girl her excitement, of course. ''Why'' she is put off is something she would rather not consider for now, either.
"Ah... yes, Cael," she says smoothly, picking up from where she intuits he had left off, "it would be much preferable to continue our discussion inside, where we can get more comfortable. If it pleases you and Calisara, of course."
'''Millia Gust: ''' "Try not to scare Anne like that much more, Cael... she gets scary when she is angry." The beautiful young girl steps out, holding the sleepy Cedric on her arms. The energetic boy had the face of one utterly exausted... with his usual routine of running around as if he was the wind, it was not hard to imagine. "She threw brushes on Cedric and all that. Hard to contain him from tearing her if she is all that worried after you are gone for a few hours..."
'''Alexsei: ''' He nods at Ryshassa, trying to smooth her concerns with a gentle rub of her back.
"Yes, I agree with Ryshassa. perhaps it would be better not ot hold this talk outside... If, of course, it would be allright with you."
'''Cael: ''' Cael looks beyond her then, to the small spray of notebooks and notepages on the grass, and he begins to get an inkling of why Calisara had told her to take them.
''Anne was getting rather good ... and her subject ...well, perhaps he would have reconsider his policy of letting her borrow those books from his library. ''
"I'm sorry, Anne." he says, showing sympathy and concern, giving her hair a small stroke. "Perhaps you should pick your drawings up now though?" he gently removes her from his side, with an encourging smile
He looks up at the wife and husband.<br>
"That was indeed what I was about to suggest."
"You have my apologies, Millia, I will endevour not to depart quite so precipitously in the future." he says to the young girl."
"Now, If you would all like to accompany me there, and perhaps we can get out of the cold." he makes a gesture towards the silver shape of the Zephyr, and after a brief pause to allow Anne to gather her things, he leads them back to the Zephyr.
'''Sandara: ''' Right before they go in, someone walks closer... Alexsei feels her presence. Cael sees her. It is not like she tries to conceal herself... "Wooo... so ''pretty''!" The lady says, absynthe-colored eyes watching the Quicksilver Zephyr...
Flesh of ebon, robes of green and white, obviously demonic in the way she looks pleasing to all of them. She looks at Gennadi. "Can I touch? Can I touch?"
* Gennadi blinks. "I thought I told you to stay with Shaliya..."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Hmmm, yes, about ''that''..." The lady comes around the corner, roses adorning her dress, her hair, white as snow. "She wanted to see where we would stay... and you said you would get a room in the Zephyr, so, um, I thought..."
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa looks behind them, one hand still gathering her kimono above her ankles as she boards the ship. "....she's yours?" she comments dryly to Gennadi, at the sight of the demonic girl. Shaliya coming up right behind that just makes her want to facepalm.
''Did he bring a whole harem, or what? she comments silently to Alexsei. ''
Gennadi licks his finger and tests the wind. "Funny, I wasn't expecting it to rain onlookers... Not the first time I've been wrong. Ship's Caels, Sandy. Ask him nicely."
'''Cael: ''' "Perhaps if you would introduce your companions, first?" Cael asks of the chosen of the stars.
'''Sandara: ''' The demonic shrine maiden walks closer to the Windwraith... and kneels close to him.
She looks up, and her eyes are pure. Cute. "May I touch it? Will you really let us stay with you there?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, sorry, I must have left my manners in my room. Ladies and gents, the incomparable celestial familiar Shaliya, and just arrived from Malfeas, Sandara, the most intruiging Neomah ever born."
'''Shaliya: ''' The rose moves with deft movements. She dances. She always dances. She comes close to Cael, begins a courtsy.... "I am Shaliya, Lord Solar, very impressed to meet y --" and steps in false, falling into the Solar's arms... "eep"
'''Alexsei: ''' ''Well, this looks like this will be a merry evening. ''
They were expecting to have a talk with Cael, yes, but now a whole retinue has popped in. It did not bother him to have people around, but the thought was... amusing.
''... Knowing the man, it is certainly a possibility. Though if he knows we know, he might be tempted NOT to show it off, just to throw off our expectations... ''
He pauses a moment, putting a hand to his chin.
''... Maidens, the pleasure of dealing with other Sidereals. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's hands ball into fists. Gennadi brings girls, girls falling onto Cael... What... IS...this?! She does manage to bob her head politely at Gennadi's introductions, though. It is the proper thing, after all. Her lips tighten, her smile passingly pleasant -- though it softens considerably when she also nods to Millia, holding a tired Cedric aloft in her arms.
'''Anne: ''' Anne looks as Shaliya falls, the Rose's bosom on her face...
'''Millia Gust: ''' The royal attendant looks... and shakes her head.
''Lord Cael, you are collecting quite a... menagerie''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Can we please. Just. Sit. Down?" Ryshassa says between gritted teeth, still keeping her smile intact, as false as it starts to seem. With a little huff of breath she grabs onto Alexsei's arm again, straightening her posture and her dignity. ''She'' was a married woman, she did not have to care what other men did with other girls! Or other girls getting jealous about other girls doing such things to those men...
''Just stop! '' Ryshassa tells her own errant thoughts, knowing full well Alexsei can feel them too. She looks up at him, and grabs his arm tighter.
'''Cael: ''' Cael catches the familar deftly as she falls .. well ... straight into his arms, gently helping to right her once more. "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Shaliya." he says softly, his eyes dancing with amusement, and a certain ammount of appreciation for the form he had just held.
Then his eyes range past her to the ...Neomah?! kneeling on the ground. Cael was not unfamilar with Neomah, dating a sorceror with mixed tastes will do that for you...but this girl ... demon... didn't look anything like them.
"Yes, I'm sure you will be staying on there." he says down to her, before looking to Ryshyassa, a sympathetic look on his face.
"And yes, if everyone would please go up to the lounge, and we can sit."
* Gennadi clears his throat. "Girls, we were in the middle of something. If you wouldn't mind, it is also a private something. I'll catch up to you later."
'''Sandara: ''' "But... but so I cannot touch it?" She pouts, cutely, still admiring the First Age airship...
'''Gennadi: ''' "It happens to have a wonderful spirit that you can talk to about that. I'm sure she'll find you if you look about."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Thank you, Lord Solar." She says with another bow, trying her best to stay graceful...
'''Sandara: ''' Her absynthe-colored eyes perk up, as she slowly, gracefully rises to her feet. "So... I can go in?"
'''Alexsei: ''' He raises an eyebrow, his arm getting pulled into a tight embrace by his dear wife.
Her emotions rise into a cocophony of stray thoughts and implications, and he gazes into her eyes as she tries to shush them. He smiles at her, trying to soothe her worries with a smile and a gentle brush of her hand.
"May I escort you in, milady?" he asks, his voice soft and soothing.
'''Cael: ''' "You may come aboard, though Gennadi does seem to have other ideas for you..." He says to the Neomah, deciding that politeness is probably the best way with one such as this. He waits for Ryshassa and Alexsei to enter the ship, before entering himself, Anne walking by him.
He kisses her forehead "Good night, Anne. I'll see you tomorrow."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa rewards her beloved with a grateful smile, her grip loosening slightly now, so that her arm is tucked neatly in his. Her pale cheeks are slightly pink at Alexsei's well-timed gentlemanliness, and she cranes her neck up, rising to her tip-toes, beckoning a kiss from him.
"Yes, indeed, you may," she replies, her voice much more subdued... even breathless, though the tenseness does not completely leave her body.
Together, she makes her way with him to the lounge as Cael directed, leaving behind the others.
* "Thank you!" She walks in, and Calisara appears... and begins to talk with both new girls.<br><br>Millia walks with Cedric in hand, striding towards the young prince's room... it was her duty, after all.
* Gennadi catches up to Cael for a moment. "Sorry about that... unplanned, I'm not sure why I put up with them..." He shrugs. "Won't happen again."
'''Alexsei: ''' He gratefully meets his wife's invitation, brushing her lips with a loving kiss.
"Then it will be my pleasure." He straightens slightly, a posture befitting his elegant company, and accepts her arm before leading Ryshassa into the Zephyr and towards the lounge.
'''Cael: ''' Cael briefly stops Millia with a hand on her shoulder "Thank you for keeping things together with Cedric and Anne today, Millia. Sleep well." he lets her go then.
"Ah, it is no real trouble, I am sure Calisara will love to provide for the extra guests." he says in reply to the Sidereal, walking up to the lounge, where Calisara has a tray of warmed and spiced wine, against the cold waiting for all those who appear there.
'''Gennadi: ''' He puts the previous issues out of his mind as he arrives, washing them away with a drink of wine and a pass of his hand through crimson hair. "Now that we seem to be out of possible disruptions, shall we begin?
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa looks visibly relieved that the rest of the entourage has been ...diverted elsewhere, or put to bed, when Cael and Gennadi enter the lounge. She is already seated close to Alexsei, legs crossed primly underneath her orchid-emblazoned kimono, hands folded neatly on her lap.
She helps herself to a glass of wine, grateful as the warm liquid slides down her parched throat. "That would be wonderful," she states to Gennadi's offer, calmly now, without inflection to hint at irritation. "Now... about that 'meddling' you spoke of...?"
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei holds his cup of wine in one hand, his other arm wrapped loosely around Ryshassa's shoulders as he lies back slightly, his expression becoming more serious, although still pleasant.
"Right, Gennadi. I suppose we all have questions regarding what happened today, and I believe we can piece together a decent portrait of the situation if we pool what we know together. I suppose, Cael, that I would like to ask you what exactly you went through today... And what makes you believe this is what me and Gennadi felt echoing all the way to here."
He brings the cup to his lips, savouring the spicy wine as he awaits an answer.
* Gennadi shrugs. "As you seemed so disappointed with my speaking out of turn, I cede the floor to the meddler himself. Perhaps he can explain it in words that won't distract you so."
'''Cael: '''Cael shrugs she coat off as he sits in his chair, taking up some of the pleasantly warmed wine and sipping it, letting the liquid warm him some after the cool evening air.
"Why thank you, Gennadi." he notes dryly, before sipping his wine once more.
"It is rather difficult to explain exactly what happened today. It involves the Empereayn Binds." he gestures, a loop of gold appearing in the air, which he catches, the binds beneath the black silk shirt seeming to catch fire, shining through it.
"I travelled north today following an inclination to travel that I have been avoiding for a few days now, quite a bit to the north. There, I met my wife from the age before, and then ..." he pauses "The binds awoke, for lack of a better phrase. The awakening was hardly peaceful, a tower of blackness and golden words reaching to the stars. That is why I think it was the thing you felt."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Congratulations, Cael. You left out the part where you made a Maiden weep. Capital, giant M, Maiden. Why in all the hells I can imagine would you do such a thing?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''The binds... awakening? ''
Ryshassa remembers what her husband mentioned of the binds before -- that they had, in the first age, power to rival the Realm's defense grid. And of course she knew (and perhaps knew exaggeratedly) all about the Scarlet Empress's feat that ushered in the age of Dynastic rule, having been born in the Realm herself.
Her expression is suitably worried, though for a moment she marvels at the golden flare of the binds rippliing through Cael's silk shirt. She ...does not stare too long in that direction.
"If what Alexsei has told me is true, you carry in your body a dangerous weapon," Ryshassa remarks, frowning pensively. "I trust that your mind is still sound, and you would not use such power for destruction or personal gain. But... what exactly about it has changed?"
'''Alexsei: ''' His arm tightens slightly around Ryshassa's shoulders at Cael's recollection of the events.
''The Empyrean Binds. Or... ''
"The Binds... awakened?" His brow does furrow this time, his mind wrapping itself around the implications. "If so, this might explain a lot of what has happened here, although it still leaves a lot of questions at to what we should do with it."
"The Binds, if my theory is correct and they are what I think they are, will grow and develop beyond anything you have experienced in the past. Though I suspect, such power may come as a price - and that price is unknown, at the moment."
"But what I suspect, and perhaps somewhat fear, Cael, is that we have all witnessed the awakening of the Binds of Heaven."
'''Cael: ''' ''Maidens cried over this? ... the Incarna took note? '' Cael almost looks surprised at Gennadi's comment, before he listens to Ryshassa and Alexsei.
"They have ... changed. That is all I can really say." he makes a flowing and fluid gesture, an incrediably complex stream of kanji flowing from his finger tips, coiling around and around, weaving themselves into a wine glass, the wine within steaming lightly. He raises it to his lips, and takes a sip. "That I could not do before."
"I think you might be right, Alexsei."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I am quite sure you acquired the ability to do more than party tricks, but I am quite happy without bearing witness to them. One terrifyingly wrong event in a day is enough for me."
'''Alexsei: ''' He ponders and observes as Cael demonstrates his abilities, clearly aware of the steep raise in the Exalt's abilities.
"Yes... I think the hypothesis holds some ground, Cael. If so, you find yourself in possession - or possessed by - an immensely powerful weapon."
"I suppose you are aware of Bastian, the one who shares your thoughts, the one who used to be... you. If you have met with Tahira, you must know of this. And I assume you must know of Moranine, also - and the fact Bastian and her used to be in the same Circle." He pauses for a moment, digging in his memories for the appropriate way to formulate his thoughts.
"The Binds of Heaven were made by them in the first age. Forged by Bastian and Moranine, and containing enough power to shake Creation. But, the one worrying fact remains that the Binds were forged with knowledge stolen from the Malfeans... Or something else, beyond."
He gazes at Cael, concern visible in his eyes. "This... weapon is binded to your body, Cael. As such, you probably ''feel'' its power coursing through you better than anything else can explain. I can only provide an outsider's insight to it - although I will conduct research once I have the opportunity - and perhaps only you can fully understand the phenomenon, and what it means for you..."
"And for those around you."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Speaking of terrifyingly wrong events... '' Ryshassa quips to Alexsei through their rings. ''Perhaps for you, at least, there were '''two''' of them. ''
The "party trick" as Gennadi termed it still fascinates her, but it is also decievingly innocuous -- a deception boldly outlined by Alexsei's words.
"It is a shame you do not know much more, beloved. Knowledge from the Malfeans? It seems like something thatshould be kept in check. Or... at the very least... monitored. But I would not wish to invade in Cael's privacy --" she flicks a glance towards him, apologetic "-- simply... be aware of the effects, and consequences of their use, as the binds manifest their powers..."
"And if it ever hurts you," Ryshassa addresses to Cael directly, a nuance of... pleading showing in her gaze, though vaguely, "in any way I may heal, please let me know."
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes another sip of the wine then yawns politely.
"I will bear all these things in mind. Certain things you have mentioned today are ... disconcerting, to say the least," he says, looking to the three. "I will indeed come to you, should they hurt me, Ryshassa. And I would be most grateful if we could speak later, on what you could find out, Alexsei. Today has been rather tiring though, and I find myself needing to sleep."
"Calisara, if you would please show Gennadi to his room?" he says as he stands, picking up his coat. "And now I bid you all good night."
* Gennadi raises his eyes from his contemplation of his empty glass, for the moment a sharp, cold stare lancing out at Cael before it dissolves into the typical pleasant twinkle. "Let us all hope it goes much better than the day has." He sets the glass down and stands, waiting for whatever signal Cali chooses.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I must second this notion of sleep," Ryshassa says, nodding sympathetically before bidding him farewell with a gracious smile. "It has been quite a ... busy day for us as well. Good night, Cael, I hope your dreams are restful. And you as well, Gennadi." The last seems almost an afterthought, but still, as always, polite.
The healer finishes off her wine in a last, generous draught, tipping the glass bottoms up, before setting it down on the tray. "Well, beloved, we know where to go," she says cheerfully, if wearily. ''And I dare hope Calisara does not put Gennadi's room next to '''ours'''. ''
'''Alexsei: ''' ''It '''has''' been a long day, indeed. ''
"Yes, Cael, I do agree about leaving the talk at that for now. We will have more to discuss later, and, as it seems, we all had a pretty... animated day."
His brow smooths over for a moment, the tiredness suddenly kicking in stronger than before, and for the moment he wants nothing more than to rest with his dear wife and let the worries of the day smooth away.
He stands up, smoothing the folds of his robes before bowing to the other two men in the room. "Have a good night, gentlemen... And in the hopes that we can talk like this later on."
He turns to his wife, bowing in front of her before offering her his hand once again. "As for you and I, beatiful lady, I think it is time we regain our quarters. I think you have earned your rest." He gently craddles her had in his, helping her to rise before guiding her to their assigned room in the Zephyr.
''The ramifications might still come back to haunt us, but for now... Let us enjoy the rest we can get. ''
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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