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== Issues of Trust and Love ==
'''Cael: ''' The morning after the party, a little later than Cael would usually wake, he shows Cloud off the airship, with a smile for the strong blond man before he turns back inside the Zephyr, making his way up to the cabin Ryshassa shares with Alexsei, knocking politely on the door and entering when she gives permission.
Today Cael has a pleasant smile on his face, wearing a tight fitting black shirt, a shimmering pattern in silk visible as the light catches it properly, much plainer black trousers and a easy air to him, Cael takes a seat across from Ryshassa.
"Good morning, Ryshassa."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa glances up at Cael as he enters, a deliberately polite, though welcoming, smile on her face. She sits at the table with a gilded mirror in one hand, the underside lacquered with images of lilies and songbirds; her other hand holds a brush, also gold-handled and bedecked with butterfly inlays, which she rests on the table surface as he takes a seat.
Her hair is, for the moment, unbound. Black, lavender-scented and straight, recently washed and brushed, pouring down one shoulder in stark contrast to the light shades of her kimono. This time it is wintry white silk, with silver embroidery depicting images of butterflies in all manner of patterns fluttering up from a bed of silver-white chrysanthemums. The embroidery is expertly textured, thicker layers of thread creating shadow while sparser, lighter shades create the contrast to bring out every lush detail in petal, leaf and butterfly wing. The underside and hems of the robe are a warm harvest gold, as if to offset the winter shades with the promise of coming spring.
"Good morning," Ryshassa replies, carefully, an unusually cautious expression flashing upon her pale features before settling themselves into something more ...unreadable, if still pleasant. "Have you rested well? I imagine the party continued on for a while since I departed. My body was in need of rest and recovery, after..." She spreads her hands, not mentioning Tahira's entrance, not wanting to speak of it directly, just yet.
'''Cael: ''' Cael's eyes, as always, convey a certain approval for the way she dresses, while not seeming to be overly lewd or improper, before settling back to his usual unreadably and faintly happy exterior.
"It continued on for a short while, though with our three best muscians gone it was lacking a certain something." He shrugs easily "Aside from the small interuption I had a good night ... a very good night, yes." The smile widening just a little as he finishes.
"I can only imagine that it was. I must thank you for the healing that you performed, and apologise that it was nessesary at all. How is the spirit now?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa flushes at the suggestion inherent in his comment about the "very good night." It isn't a reaction easy to hide, given her complexion; nonetheless she raises a sleeve, briefly, covering her face but a moment on the pretense of brushing aside a few strands of errant hair.
''So which one of the guests was it, I wonder. Or was it more than one? '' Her blush has nothing to do with offense, but more due to her curiosity. About what sort of person he was truly attracted to. And whether it should even matter to her in the first place.
The healer's hands fall once more, and fold together in front of her, her orichalcum and starmetal band prominent in the lattice of fingers. "Sweet Demise was stable when she left the Zephyr. Gennadi called Shaliya to take her back to Heaven. I imagine she will still need several days of rest despite my help, but at least she has no chance of worsening now that I removed the Essence feeding on her..."
Her expression shows obvious disapproval of the unnecessary brutality the goddess was put through.
'''Cael: ''' ''So, she is curious then. If the sleave was hiding what I suspect. But curious to know what? '' Cael muses as she speak more about the Goddess from the night before.
"There was essence feeding on her? You mean like ...a disease?" Cael asks, distaste evident in his voice.
"And she is in Heaven already? I suppose that is the safest place for her, though did she say why she was here in the first place?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Yes, in fact," Ryshassa replies to the query about the disease, and she makes no effort to hide her distaste either. "Gennadi explained that it is a spell, that tears the essence out of the victim to cloak the area from observers. So that Calisara would not notice..." she seems almost reluctant to say it "...Tahira's entrance, I presume. Sweet Demise was the unfortunate victim of that."
"Hm -- as for the 'why'... Sweet Demise is one of, or an agent of, his employers. The Gold Faction. How did he say it...? He was lax on his reports to the Gold so Demise was sent to 'hurry him along'. Reports being... well, at least in part, keeping an eye on Alexsei." She doesn't look greatly pleased by this fact, either, but it is also a fact not unusual to her, as the Gold has been often keeping tabs on her husband, nudging him towards work that would benefit their cause. "And on these events in the North as well, which are tied strongly to matters of Fate. These aren't things that Gennadi has told you?"
Ryshassa tilts her head curiously at the man seated across from her. She wasn't sure, even, whether Cael approved of Gennadi's presence or even liked the man, so much as tolerated him.
'''Cael: ''' Cael lets out a single word, a single syllable. "Ah." He gives a small nod, as she carries on. "I see then." passing no more comment on the subject of Tahira's entrance and chosen methods. He perhaps isn't entirely sure he wants to speak on her either.
"No, Gennadi has not mentioned such things to me, but then he did not return to the party, and I have yet to see him this morning." He says, his voice betraying no ire for this fact. "But then, I don't recall that we have ever really had a discussion about just why he is here."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "As far as I can tell, the things I have said are not things he is trying so hard to hide. Or he would not have said them in my presence."
Ryshassa's tone is almost... apologetic, now, as she seems to have revealed much more than Cael had been aware of, all at once. Apologetic for Gennadi? She did like him, he was -- amusing, yes, very amusing, and intriguing for all his secrets mixed with strategic revelations of truth. But here she was making excuses for him.
"I can't imagine he would think I wouldn't speak of it to others. I have never believed I am a pawn. Married to a Gold Sidereal, yes, trained by him, yes, but I was never made to follow him." This she asserts with such passion in her voice it almost seems as if she is trying to convince herself more than Cael.
"B-but... in any case," she continues, momentarily flustered as she reins in the heightened flush of emotion, pulls it back into something more serene, more self-assured, "Gennadi seemed quite exhausted after Demise was sent away. To my knowledge, he simply went... to sleep."
'''Cael: ''' Cael shrugs easily "I am sure he has his reasons for it. Some day he might even tell me them to my face." Cael says with a grin, before his expression sobers somewhat to continue "I'm likewise sure that you are not Alexsei's pawn. Even were that a fitting place for a chosen of your abilities, and it is not, Alexsei does not strike me as the kind of man to want pawns, but rather to want equals." his voice filled with reassurance and conviction in Ryshassa.
"And if he is sleeping, I am sure I will see him sometime soon." He says with another nod.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blinks at Cael's reassurance, more than somewhat embarrassed now. "But... you really believe that? You trust my husband, even after what you... remembered about him?" Her violet eyes gaze soulfully into his dark ones, for an instant. "I do. I don't think he would use me as a pawn either. He saved me -- he went further with helping me than he ever needed to go. I..."
"I just wonder what sort of woman you see in me, sometimes," she says more softly now, having regained some sense of serenity, drawing it to her like a veil. "What anyone sees in me. I heal who is harmed. I love deeply and devotedly. I do so unquestiongly. I am... a useful tool," and this she says with a touch of sadness.
"But I never feel I am one. It just seems... I have no real direction besides my ideals. And that makes me look as if I am the type to be easily used. If you look at the world the way a Starchosen might -- every meeting has a purpose. Every motivation can be influenced to serve one's own end. It doesn't have to be obvious. It can even be done with you thinking, the entire time, that it's truly what you desire."
"Perhaps I am used. And the rest of us as well. No, not by Alexsei. Not even Gennadi with his glib way of words. But by something greater than them, greater than us Chosen of the Sun. Have you ever wondered that?"
She shrugs, suddenly self-conscious. Her gaze drops, demurely; her lashes shield most of the irises from view. "I'm sorry. You must have caught me in a contemplative mood."
'''Cael: '''''Ah, Ryshassa, ever the intriguing one. ''<br>
''Though trusting your husband and knowing he would not take pawns is a different matter entirely''<br>
"I do." is all he says on the matter though, letting Ryshassa draw her own conclusions from that.
He tilts his head then, as he considers her. "In you ... I see a woman of beauty, a woman of intelligence, and a woman of compassion. I see a woman who has devoted herself to helping others, even though it might inflict a very real hurt on her to do so. That is what I see in you, at least, and I admire you for it." his voice thrumming with warmth and power, before his face breaks into a inrepressable grin "You have impeccable dress sense, too."
"As to the something greater than us, using us. No, I don't believe in that. I don't believe anyone is responsible for our actions but ourselves, be they good or bad. I don't believe anyone but myself truely chooses the path that I will walk. There might be someone who makes routes harder or easier, but it is I who walk them. Ultimately, my choices are my own."
'''Dark Siren Sally: ''' Ryshassa listens, simply indulging in the sound of Cael's voice for a moment. Warm, encouraging. Provocative. The color of her cheeks heighten slightly, a slightly pink cast that, this time, she makes no move to hide.
But the comment about her dress sense draws a peal of delighted laughter from her lips. It is a lovely, even ravishing sound, evocative of the richness and expressiveness of her singing voice, raw and yet almost naive in its revelation of emotion. She is pleased, yes, pleased and flattered, and beneath that relief -- for his professed trust in Alexsei, and the words that follow.
"I would like to believe the same, Cael," she replies as the laughter dies down, though the sparkle in her eyes remains for longer. "That I am responsible for my own actions. At the same time, I believe there are those out there who would like us to believe just that, while nudging us towards a purpose that benefits them."
Once again her delicate features take on a more contemplative cast. "Perhaps it is the years living with my husband that make me think such. For many of his peers seem to believe that Chosen such as we cannot be trusted with the truth. He, on the other hand, prefers the path of honesty -- and genuine choices."
"Do you think honesty is dangerous?" Ryshassa asks after a moment's pause, surprisingly straight-faced for such a weighted question.
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' "YES, IT IS!!"
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, now that is quite the most wonderful sound. ''<br>
''I will have to hear it more often. ''<br>
''Much more often. ''<br>
Cael thinks, more than a little self-indulgantly, a smile spreading over his face.
"Oh, of course. They may nudge, they may mislead, and they may misdirect. You can accept what they say, follow the nudges, or you can not. No-one knows the full truth of any situation, and if you cannot know it all, then it merely becomes a question of degree. You can be told all of what one person believes as the absolute truth and be more mislead by that than an silver tongued manipulator attempting to nudge you along her chosen path. You can only do the best you can. To kick yourself for not doing more is folly."
"As for honesty ..." Cael's eyes dance. "Of course it is. In the right situations it is more dangerous than even the most casually uttered falsehood. The trick, of course, is knowing what to say and when."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Hm-mmm..." Ryshassa hums consideringly in lieu of a reply, at first. His words, unfortunately, make perfect sense, as frustrating as it sounds to her. Even those who believe in the truth of their words could be themselves decieved. Even those who outright lie may do so for what they believe is a greater good.
"So then the best you can do is simply trust your own judgment," she finally muses aloud. When it comes to discerning one's motivations and desires, though, there are ways beyond merely trusting what one tells you. Depending on who -- or what -- you are.
Inwardly, Ryshassa feels some trepidation in indulging her curiosity, and even a twinge of guilt upon stooping to such ways. But her expression is smooth, albiet still faintly pink, as she weaves the subtle Essence into her words.
"What would you say, then," she murmurs, "if I asked you about what is on your mind right now? You are a passionate man, that much I can see. But so much of it shimmers beneath masks and veils. You look at me," and here her cheeks color more obviously "and your eyes sparkle--but surely I am but a passing amusement to you."
* Cael nods with a smile on his face "If you cannot trust yourself, then you are lost."
And then she asks her question, and he laughs softly, amused and interested all in one.
"What am I thinking at the moment, when you ask me about the sparkle in my eyes and the masks and veils in my thoughts ... though really, I have told you much of the answer not five minutes ago. You are beautiful, and so of course my eyes sparkle. Passing fancy or no."
''Ryshassa's magic, peeling away the meanings between the words, the things left unsaid and the things merely implied.... ''
''Why are you even interested in me they asked? ''
''First and foremost, he was interested because she was interesting to have conversations such as this with. ''
''Second, there was his hope of enlisting her aid in the future. And, perhaps, through her Alexsei. ''
''Then there was the fact that she was beautiful, and wore such immaculate dress''
''Then there was the curiousity as to if she could be tempted out of it and to his bed. And if she should. ''
''And the wonder of what she looked like without it. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Simple enough," Ryshassa says softly, subdued somewhat both by his answers and what her simple magic revealed. She pauses, allowing herself a slow intake of breath that visibly expands her chest before she gradually exhales. That forced, calming breath and the persistent flush of her skin are all the outward reaction she shows.
For the most part she found out nothing she had not already suspected, or known. That he was genuinely attracted to her -- desiring of her -- was, one could say, a confirmation of a hope. But she would not act upon it. She simply... wished to know. Perhaps it secretly pleased her that she could draw the attention of a man who has surely seen much greater beauties in his day.
"I am flattered, of course," Ryshassa continues aloud, willing herself not to fidget with the wintry silk of her kimono as she speaks. She does like to think she has a keen eye for fashion, and it thrills her when people notice it -- though seeing what lay beneath the silks would take more than a way with words. Much more.
"But there were many much more lovely than I at the party last night. Surely you did not spend your night lonely." A reference to his insinuation from before, no doubt.
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, she is flattered, and not offended. ''<br>
''Perhaps there is hope yet. ''<br>
''Especially with her ... reaction. ''<br>
Cael smiles at her, the sparkle that sparked her curiousity still there.
And then she asks about his partner for the night, and Cael is almost surprised.<br>
''But then, I suppose I did ... imply rather strongly. ''
"I am not sure it is my place to bismerch the gentleman's honour. But then, I am not sure he has the honour to be bismerched..." He says, with a tilt of his head as he waits for her reaction.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Gentleman?" Ryshassa tries not to let her eyes go too wide. Utterly fails, though. She falls silent another moment, mentally scanning back towards the events of the night before, focusing on the men that Cael had interacted with.
''Well, it couldn't be Gennadi. Cael already mentioned he hadn't a clue where he disappeared to after he took Sweet Demise away. ''
''There was that man that stepped in before that encounter with Tahira. What was his name? Cian? Did he even stay after we rushed out of the lounge? ''
And it definitely wasn't Alexsei. ''Mmm... '''I''' can vouch for that one'', Ryshassa thinks indulgently to herself.
Her mind finally settles on Cloud in Dawn, and that almost makes her facefault all over again. Not that Cloud was a terrible choice by any means, but he was so far in demeanor from herself that she wondered just how far Cael's tastes roamed. ''Obviously they roam both genders, as well. '' Nonetheless, Ryshassa manages to arrange her features into a much calmer and less surprised expression, her mouth turned up in an innocent enough smile.
"I see," is all she finally replies with. And, after a second's more consideration, "I am not one to gossip, in any case."
"Though, speaking of men at the party," the healer continues quickly, not wanting to spend too much time staring blankly like a fool while speculating about Cael with another man, "who was that... Cian that made a brief appearance? You seemed to recognize him instantly."
'''Cael: ''' Cael cannot wholely conceal his amusement at her reaction, eyes dancing, the corners of his lips turned up in what might be a smile. He gives a small shake of his head.
''That was entirely worth it. ''
"Cian is ... I saw him once, briefly, before I joined the Angels and the young Prince. He gave me the means to locate them. Beyond that, my memories of him are of the time before. If they play me true, he made this ship, the Zephyr."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Made it!" Ryshassa looks visibly impressed. "My. What Cian said about the Binds, though... now that is worrying. It would be a disaster if Heaven sent its hunt for you in the middle of the war. Such drastic measures... the potential for power you hold must be beyond imagining."
A solemn expression settles over her face as she speaks these words. She knew him, both from verbal and magical probing, to be a man of good intentions, for all his... playboy tendencies. Would she still be standing with him when the Binds reach their full potential? Even those who mean well can do harm.
"Controlling such power quickly seperates the saviors from the monsters." Ryshassa leans against the table by her elbows, resting her chin upon her upturned palms in a much more casual stance. "But I like you, Cael," she admits openly, guilelessly. An innocent like, if one would believe her eyes and her intonation. "Even if you are an insufferable tease who would woo a married woman from her husband's bed if you could... I still like you."
Now a smile starts to tug at the corners of her lips once more; sure, she was indignant after their dance last night, but she is not one to hold grudges against good-mannered men. The statement she finishes with brings back a touch more seriousness, though, and sincere worry. "I wouldn't want to see you corrupted by selfish ambitions, or goaded by curiosity to push your limits too far."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles "He is, or was at least, a great crafter." His smile remains even as she brings up the subject of the hunt Heaven is apparently gearing up to bring down on his head "That, I will not allow to happen. Heaven can send its hunts for me when the North is a safer place, and the Bishop's forces threaten it no longer." the tone of his voice suggesting that he states fact, not ventures an opinion. <br>
''Savior or Monster? ''<br>
''I would like to consider myself the first, but then I am sure many people do... ''
And then a wholy genuine smile spreads over his face "It warms me that you do, Ryshassa. Even if you do consider me an insufferable tease who would woo a married woman from her husband's bed without even considering that I might woo a married man from his wife's bed just as quickly." the smile by this point is an outrageously rakish grin, somehow impossible to hate.
He shakes the grin off though, as her questions become more serious, his face almost as sincere as her own. "I would not like to see myself fall like that either. But neither will I stand by when I could help people through their use." He shrugs a little, "I will walk the path I choose."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa lets out an astonished laugh that turns into a pleased, almost... obsessively delighted giggle, her cheeks flushing anew.
"Oh, Cael!" she gasps chidingly, as she manages to stifle the girlish burst of giggles with the corner of her kimono sleeve. "So you have your eye on my husband, too? Not that I blame you," she adds, her almond-shaped eyes glassing over briefly in a dreamy expression as a wide smile blossoms upon her face.
"My, but is there anyone you ''wouldn't'' try? We are fairly ''surrounded'' by exceptionally good looking people, after all." She glances pointedly towards him; Cael himself is no pushover in her scale of attractiveness, though a certain bespectacled scholar with long, dark hair claims the honor of first place. "You ''must'' have other standards!"
Ryshassa shakes her head in what ''looks'' to be mock disapproval, anyway, what with the smile that still tugs at the corners of her lips. She has more to say about such topics, but she opts to address the more serious aspects of what Cael spoke of, first.
"In any case -- I could ask little more of you than to do what you feel is right. I might not trust you alone with my husband," this she says with a wink, "but I trust that your intentions are to help and not harm. It would just... it would truly sadden me to see you consumed by the lure of power." With these words her gaze seems to take on a more vulnerable cast, but she divulges nothing more.
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches with amusement to Ryshassa's reaction to his implications about her husband and his desire for him.<br>
''Ah, this is why I so love to talk with you. Always you interest me. ''
"Must I? Well, I leave it as an excercise to the listener to work out what they are..." an infuriatingly mysterious smile on his face, before letting it vanish as Ryshassa flips back on to more serious topics.
"Power is always a means to an end, not the end itself. I hope can always remember this."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You certainly don't ''have'' to," Ryshassa acquiesces in regard to Cael's standards, inclining her head to him pleasantly, "but I like to believe there are degrees of attractiveness in temperament, as well. The... aesthetics of personality, if you will," she says with a small shrug. "Though I suppose it makes no difference, if all you're looking for is pleasure of the physical sort."
"Let us get something straight, though, Mister Windwraith." Ryshassa's voice adopts a sterner tone as she squares up her shoulders, putting on an expression of mock severity -- well, partially mock, for her eyes gleam with an edge that belies her smile.
"I don't mind the flirting. At all. Quite honestly... I find it amusing, even pleasing. I... well... you could say I have not known such attention, not even in my days in the Realm. I was... coerced," and that is all she says about that, for now. "But besides the fact I am married, I believe in commitment, physical and emotional. I love Alexsei. I would be insulted if you think me a woman who would give up her fidelity easily."
"And if you try and tempt my husband, by all means I will make sure you know, without a doubt, that he is ''mine''." For a moment there is genuine intensity in her eyes, the kind one might see when she is in the throes of wound transfer -- utter belief that what she is expressing at the moment is inherent and unshakable in her being. But there is no threat or malice in that gaze, simply certainty.
And then it is gone, banished in another one of those pleasant, demure smiles that makes one wonder whether she is capable of anything but healing and kindness.
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles broadly, almost ''insufferably'' one might say, as Ryshassa squares her shoulders at him and draws herself up to scold at him.
"My dearest Ryshassa, if I thought it would be easy, then it would not be nearly so interesting." he says, amusement rippling through his voice.
"And anyway," he says, in a flippant tone. "You speak of me stealing your husband away from you, when I would be entirely pleased with the pair of you together." he runs a tongue over his lips in a way that would make a cynis blush, before settling his face back to a satisfied smile.
'''Ryshassa: ''' The unexpected flash of tongue just flat out makes Ryshassa blush. Again. Which one could say is a very accurate reaction, being that she was born a Cynis herself. Atypical in temperament, but a Cynis nonetheless.
"Wha... you... now that's just ''terrible! ''" she exclaims, though not in an offended manner, more like... astonished, and even amused. Her laughter fills the room once more, dulcet and clear, guilelessly mirthful. "Good luck convincing my husband. Besides, threesomes seem so terribly imbalanced. But I won't inquire on your confidence in pleasing us both at once..."
She lets her voice trail off, not wanting to sound actually ''interested'' -- and trying to stave off the temptation to speculate what it might actually be like. Still somewhat red-faced, though noticeably calmer, she steers the conversation elsewhere.
"Speaking of Alexsei... I don't know if he has told you yet, but he is planning to return to Yu-Shan for a short while. I had a favor to ask of you, for while he is gone. A purely chaste favor, might I add," she stresses, raising an eyebrow.
'''Cael: ''' "Well, the problem posed by that depends entirely on whether you want a balanced ...relationship in the first place. Anyway, thank you for luck." He winks, and then allows the subject to drop entirely as she so clearly moves on.
"He had not mentioned as such, no. I hope it is nothing he or you or I need to be concerned about..." he asks, concern in his tone, almost all the amusement and suggestiveness gone.
"As to your favor, chaste as it is, speak of it, please." he says, apparently entirely unconcerned by the chaste nature of it.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Concerned? No, I don't think so. He is returning to meet with his Sifu. Training, to be exact. He has had one too many close calls, and wishes to improve his skills."
Ryshassa smiles gratefully at Cael, this time for taking her seriously. Those who come to know her well enough know she has a humorous side -- and even a naughty one. But there is a time and place for everything.
"The Starbreaker worries him, in particular," she continues. "Arioch was his name. An assassin sent -- made specifically to kill him, in fact. He got away, though. This all happened while you were... in the process of awakening the Binds."
"But... in any case..." Ryshassa seems to draw herself up into a more politely formal posture, hands folded neatly in her lap. "My favor involves something we spoke of much earlier. That being..." she takes a deep breath "...sorcery. I would like you to teach me how to reach my potential in manipulating Essence directly."
'''Cael: ''' "I .. did not realise. I should have asked if aught had happened while I was away, but you all seemed in the best of health, beyond concern over the ...tremors the Binds caused. No doubt doubt due to your skills. I will perhaps have to talk with him about the Starbreaker, though if it bested him in direct conflict then I am less sure what I can do." he shrugs.
"Ah. Sorcery. Of course I would be honoured to teach you, if you are willing to learn, though I must warn you once more that the path of the sorceror is not an easy one. But then you do not strike me as a woman to be put off by the difficulty of the path you must walk."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It is not your fault you did not know," Ryshassa says reassuringly, before adopting a more solemn tone. "Alexsei was... badly hurt when I arrived. Arioch was trained to exploit his every weakness, Cael. It was Lieutenant Tierney and his troops that chased Arioch away at the end." She does not mention that the Starbreaker nearly took ''her'' with him.
"I have no doubts he will be back, though. And likely stronger." Ryshassa shakes her head, visibly tense now. "According to my husband, Arioch was sent by none other than Ten Thousand Virtues."
Her pale features take on a determined cast as she ponders what Cael has said about sorcery, and the trials inherent in becoming one. "I understand, and I am as prepared for it as I can be," Ryshassa says simply. "I desire to be of more use to our cause in the North -- and beyond -- than a healer. I suppose it is much like your desire to explore and make use of the power of the Binds. It is potential that can be used for greater good."
"And I wish to realize it."
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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