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(* Sweet Demise avoids her own, and Sidereals brainstorm...)
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== Reasons and Healing ==
'''Gennadi: ''' It is most likely unsurprising that Gennadi still holds onto the goddess, holding her upright as she rests against his chest. Every so often, the crack of essence is heard as he tries to awaken her, murmuring soft words into her ear in hopes she'll hear him. It doesn't seem to be working, but he keeps trying nonehtless. What does he ahve to lose?
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa opens the door into Sandara's room and moves straight over to the bedside, glancing quickly at Gennadi before gazing down at Sweet Demise. Her expression for the moment is impassive, but she is inwardly surprised at the concern he was showing. At least a little bit. It did seem Gennadi liked to take good care of his associates, in any case.
"How is she doing? I assume she's resting now." As the healer talks, she bends down to examine the wound that had nearly killed the goddess more closely. Sweet Demise was no longer dying, but the wound would need further care, that was for certain.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Can't do much else, now can she? Poor thing.. bad luck on her part." He shifts her a bit to make it easier. "She seems to be resting easily, though. Crisis is over, now we just have to wait for things to work out naturally."
'''Goddess: ''' Her wounds are still mostly open, just not bleeding quitessence anymore. Stardust does not cling to her anymore, and it smears the bed, her breath coming slowly, slowly. She needs her wounds cleaned, with the Lunar essence still burning in them... and needs more immediate care. She is losing her essence once again...
'''Gennadi: ''' "Is there anything you can do? I don't want to run her back to Heaven in this condition... there's no need to attract any more attention to this happening to her."
'''Alexsei: ''' Walking behind Ryshassa and helping her into the room, Alexsei stays one step behind as she comes closer to the bed, his gloved hand brushing her shoulder as she does so.
His gaze meets Gennadi's for a moment, and he grants the Chosen of Serenity a nod before looking back to the resting goddess in bed.
"Bad luck indeed, that she would have to meet up with the Fateless one. I am not a healer like my wife, but it does not take an expert to see that she was badly drained..."
He removes his hat slowly, violet eyes scanning the prone form before him and the Exalt holding her. His eyes flicker slightly, titls his head slowly to the side...
''Her thread is thin, but it is not yet cut. The damage might still uravel it, however. She is oin your hands, Ryshassa... ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "Indeed. It's sort of sad... She was tired, dissatisfied with her work. I was trying to cheer her up, we were going to go back to the party..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's lips purse in a thin line as she takes in the damage done. "I'll need some clean water and cloth, beloved. And quickly."
"She'll be fine, Gennadi, but the wound needs to be cleaned and bound. What did that woman DO to her, anyway?" A pale hand reaches down, touches the wound again, the traces of Lunar essence... would those even be cleanable by normal means? Her Caste Mark blazes again, and the phantasmal flare of jewel-toned butterfly wings color the space behind her as she explores the body for any touch of disease... magical or otherwise.
'''Gennadi: ''' "A spell. Unsurprisingly, an old Sidereal favorite. It tears most of their essence out to cloak the area from observers. An assassin's strike." He looks over to Alexsei pointedly.
'''Goddess: ''' It is not properly a disease.... although that is how her senses and magic treat it. Lunar Essence, eating at her, an essence of chaos breaking the ordered pattern of godhood...
'''Alexsei: ''' He nods at the remark, an almost unreadable expression playing on his features. He does not linger, however, as Ryshassa states what is needed for he care of the wounded. In those situations, just like in the midst of battle, a split second could make the difference between life and death...
"Right away, Belladonna."
He quickly removes his gloves, sliding out of his longcoat and throwing it, along with the gloves and his hat, onto a nearby chair. With quick steps he heads out to fill a bowl with clean water, rolling the sleeves of his shirt as he seeks clean cloth to bring to the healer.
'''Gennadi: ''' "It's sort of funny. Healing is the one thing we can't do with any effectiveness. Everything but that. And, of course, the bitch knew it too."
'''Alexsei: ''' Still filling the water, his back turned to the others, Alexsei nods at the stetement. "Unfortunate, but true. Although the Witch is truly a pain in the rear, she still knowns who she is dealing with and what she is doing - she is playing to that weakness. Fortunately, either through arrogance or ignorance, ignorance or apathy, she has overlooked the presence of one who can work miracles in this field..." He peers over his shoulder at them, wiping the excess water over his pants. "There is still something we can do to circumvent her...'efforts.' "
With this he turns back, cloth folded over his right arm, carrying a bowl full of warm water in order to assist Ryshassa.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, I doubt she overlooked anything. She had it planned from the effect to the mess it made, and how Calisara will react. This is training, getting Ryshy ready to keep Cael alive for her."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "So I guess Tahira did have SOME purpose in... mangling her that way. Not that that makes it any better. I'm not sure Tahira overlooked me so much that she seemed unconcerned whether Sweet Demise died or not."
Ryshassa's face is now decidedly sour. But she pushes away the irritation, allowing her eyes to slip shut a moment, examining now with Essence more than physical senses. Would it be possible to... take in that sort of damage? The wound transcended the body itself. Chaos dissolving the very soul...
Well, there was nothing else to do but try. If the Lunar essence was--in some way--a disease of Sweet Demise's soul, she would draw in the tainted essence into herself.
'''Gennadi: ''' "That is her role in the game. She is toying with all of us, I'm afraid, tugging at our heart-strings to see how we dance... bloody woman. She just had to get involved..."
* Gennadi leans back. "Make no mistake, it is a game to her. The pieces are of no importance.only the result and the joy. Sweet here just happened to be adjacent to the piece she was most interested in at the moment.."
'''Alexsei: ''' He nods to Gennadi, standing besides his wife, waiting for her directions.
"Yes, that is the unpleasant alternative, and the most likely one. She wants Cael to say alive, and she also wants you to remain, if her words are to be given any credit." His brow furows, his eyes scanning the wounds of the fallen Goddess.
"She is amused at the marionettes, at their expendibility, and it will be quite the challenge to be able to outmaneuver her - she is, after all, an enigma to all authorities I know of. Taking her head on would be a grave and fatal mistake... We will have to continue dancing for a while, and not let her realize our steps are meant to ensnare us with our strings."
'''Gennadi: ''' "For some reason, she seemed to think I had something against Cael... I wish I remembered more. She's speaking of things I can't answer." He chuckles a little. "Though honestly, if I wanted him dead, did she think I wouldn't consider her retribution as coming after? Maybe my previous self was an idiot savant."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Thank you, beloved," Ryshassa says, feeling rather than seeing him draw near again. "But I have something left to purge in her before she can be properly tended to."
The silver strands of Essence are like leeches, draining away at the very cohesiveness of the goddess's spirit.
They would have to be cleansed.
Ryshassa's free hand reaches out, grasping the Caduceus firmly as the shimmer of gold on her brow intensifies. The stained-glass wings of her anima unfurl fully in a burst of belladonna petals, scattering sunset shades throughout the small room.
But the golden aura that envelops and seeps into Sweet Demise's resting form does not burn with the passion of a conqueror. It is a warmth, a gradual, nurturing warmth, a splash of sunlight to wash away the silver strands that pulse and feed on the goddess's waning essence. Wash them away to feast upon the Twilight healer, to be embraced and dissolved in her radiance.
And simply... disappear.
'''Goddess: ''' ... and then, the silver essence vanishes from the Goddess, who is left... clean. No more harm. Her wounds are still there, to be taken in, but no more is her essence being eaten... and she opens her eyes, faintly...
* Gennadi waves a hand in front of her face. "Hello? You're safe now, don't worry, don't try to talk yet... Just relax."
'''Goddess: ''' Her eyes try to focus... it takes a little while.
"Hmmmm? Where...? What...?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "We were interrupted, Tahira cast a spell on you that tore you open to hide the room. Ryshassa here has saved your life, though I did at least hide you." He nods in the direction of the shining gold.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods, wearily, as she releases her staff to hover beside her once more. The gold and sunset glow has subsided now, leaving but the slender healer in her gown of green, gold and violet. "Please, excuse the over-familiarity, but I have been trying to ensure your survival. This will take but a short while."
And, with a small, apologetic smile, she takes the water and cloth in hand to cleanse and bandage the wound properly.
'''Alexsei: ''' Letting out a sigh of relief at the sight of the goddess' awakening, gently rugbbing Ryshassa's back with his free hand. He chooses not to speak for the moment, however, instead letting the wounded goddess reacquaint herself with her environment.
* Gennadi moves, his hands shifting here and there to help the goddess sit up properly. His face is obscured as he mumbles an apology meant only for her, but slightly too loud. "Sorry... if I'd just filed my report on the danger sooner..." *
'''Goddess: '''"Ta... Her. It... was her..."
"Wh... what did she do...?"
'''Gennadi: ''' His voice returns to normal as he peers around torn wings. "Tahira did mention hating spirits of her bureau... do you think she might be playing both sides, trying to drive you away from Cael, Alexsei? She bears no love for us, after all, and he'd be more open to her manipulations."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa glances thoughtfully between Gennadi and the goddess, stepping back to a more respectful distance once her handiwork is done.
"I... suppose you know of me already, or I would introduce myself more properly," she addresses Sweet Demise cautiously. "I have no idea of the nature of your meeting with Gennadi. I can say I have no love for Tahira either, from what little I have seen, though."
* Gennadi hangs his head. "I've been late on my reports back to the gold on what I've found out, and what support I believe they should offer. She came to, well, hurry me along..." *
'''Alexsei: He shakes his head slightly, putting a hand to his chin. "That is... a possibility. Definitely a possibility, although hard to see at this point. She is caught in the Past Age, as if we were now actors in her orchestrated reenactment of what transpired back then... "
He readjusts the spectacles on the bridge of his nose, and tilts his head to one side for a moment, lost in contemplation. "There are two things I can see. If she is truly wanting me away from Cael, it could be for two reasons that I can see - either, like you say, she wants to ensure he is free of any and all of our help and influence... Or..." His eyes darken somewhat twin violets closing on themselves at the coming of night. "She is trying to make certain what happened in the first age between Bastian and Lonan does not occur again."
'''Gennadi: ''' "It would explain the skill and danger of the assassin who made an attempt on your life. It would also explain her threats to me."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I...see," Ryshassa says to Gennadi's explanation. Still cautiously, though, with a touch of dubiousness. She knew Gennadi was there to keep tabs on her husband, but it couldn't be JUST that.
"I find all this deeply unnerving though. If I am to believe what you said, I've just done what Tahira hoped for. By doing what I would have done anyway -- heal someone deeply and unfairly wounded. But she did not need that to make me protect Cael. I would have chosen without her intervention," the healer asserts stubbornly.
'''Alexsei: ''' He nods at Gennadi, still rubbing his chin in thoughtful contemplation. "Yes... And it also brings out another unpleasant consideration - the role of Tahira is still unclear to me, but Starbreaker was most definitely the pupil of another- he had been taught and trained by the Great Traitor himself."
He flashes a quick glance at the resting goddess, unsure as to her emotional state - and the talk about people that might agitate her.
'''Gennadi: ''' "That would be an excellent move, would it not? Removing two threats to her desires in the same move. I just don't know if she's that far gone..."
'''Alexsei: ''' "Very much so. That is indeed all the beauty and horror of this plan. She is however, as you say, difficult to pinpoint. But if there is one thing we can safely assert, it is that she is somewhat like a spoiled child - incredibly stubborn in her desires, and prone to fits if she does not get it."
He turns his back for a moment, gazing down for a before speaking again, a sad smile playing on his lips. "If I may ask, while we are discussing... Out of curiosity, now that you have observed, Gennadi - both the situation and me, like you no doubt continue to do - what is it that you will recommend to the Gold?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "If Tahira wishes you gone, then you must remain. If the Traitor wishes you dead, then you must live. It is very simple, really. Some more support, perhaps a momentary truce with the Bronze is possible. Considering the enormity of the events that have happened recently, I don't see how you could recommend otherwise."
'''Alexsei: ''' He turns around, and the comment is enough to make him smile. "More support it is, then. It is somewhat ironic that things play out this way... If it wasn't for Her appearance, and the unlocking of the Binds - perhaps I would have been they would have tried to silence. We both know the views the Gold have of me. And the Bronze, for that matter."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, I wouldn't think of that. There's few enough of us as it is. Could they really afford to lose another man on the ground?"
"I mean, they wound up sending ME. That should speak of desperation already." He nuzzles the goddess's cheek. "Hey, you still there? Say something..."
'''Alexsei: ''' "Ah yes, the great edict protecting us all. But it all depends on whether the man in question is willing to dance to their tune or not. Agent or not, I have been called on and been subjected to veiled threats for my stubborness more than once." He takes one step closer, his smile becoming fainter as he approaches the goddess.
"And perhaps this will be my downfall, but I will continue my life's work - And I will continue to do it in the only way I know of."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I suppose they would rather continue trying to turn you towards serving their cause than train another one of you from ground up. I don't envy you Starchosen," Ryshassa admits with a small grimace.
In fact, she is relieved she has escaped the press of such expectations. Whether it is politics of the Realm, or of Heaven -- it makes no difference to her. She does not have to answer to some responsibility from above. She follows who she chooses to, by her own free will.
Or so she believes.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Their cause is his cause, it is an arguement of methods." He shrugs. "Besides, if you envied us, we wouldn't get to keep our clubhouse all to ourselves! What a dreadful thought."
'''Goddess: ''' "Listening... you.... Chosen." She tries to smile, taking in the conversation...
"Master... told me... you... were blind..."
"He was... wrong."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Good... you're awake." He looks over to Ryshy. "She can be transported now, right? I think it's best she finish healing at home."
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa nods quickly, "Yes, and it would be better she rests somewhere soothing to her. I'm sorry we had to meet in such circumstances, Sweet Demise. Though I wonder whether we ....were meant to have met at all." A soft chuckle escapes her lips at that.
* Gennadi sticks his tongue out at her. "Hey, I was inviting her to the party. Imagine the two of you dancing! Ah, for opportunity lost."
'''Alexsei: ''' He peers at the Goddess, raising an eyebrow before looking at Gennadi, then back to the Goddess. "Ah, your master is not completely to blame - I suppose it is a particular quirk of our elders. The young are never as good as they should, and it was always better ''in their time'', when they had to fix Creation in Wyld storms and the such."
He waves a hand at her, a wink to signal her she should not think of such matters for now and focus on her recovery.
'''Goddess: ''' "It is... fine. It is a pleasure to meet you.."
"... in the right circumstances, I suppose..."
'''Gennadi: ''' Gennadi very lightly thumps her on the shoulder. "Hey, no more talking. Heal faster... they are going to be so pissed at me I let this happen to you... would one of you mind getting Shaliya? She'll run her back home."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh, I'm sure you would have turned it into an opportunity, just like everything else you do." Ryshassa's smile is slightly smug, but not at all unfriendly. After all, he did made sure to speak with her as soon as possible to befriend her to help him out.
Of course, one could also point out that she fell right for it, so what right does she have to be smug?
"And no mistreating the patient, either! She will be fine, trust me on that at least. But do take care, Sweet Demise, you are lucky to have survived that at all."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hey, I was just assaulted by Tahira too! Be nicer, making nasty accusations like that isn't very, uh... caretakery?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "That is true..." Ryshassa's mirthful expression fades somewhat. "You were hurt. Are you sure you are all right?" She stands there at the bedside, waiting for an answer before fetching Shaliya from the party as requested.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, no... I just thought it'd be a funny comment. She scratched my face, it'll be gone tomorrow. Sorry, trying to lighten the mood again..."
'''Goddess: ''' Her hand reaches up, touching Ryshassa's face...
"I will... not forget..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Hmm..." A moment more to rake her eyes over him, checking for injuries she might have owerlooked -- then Ryshassa's smile returns, brightening up her countenance quite pleasingly. "Well, you are certainly skilled at keeping us from drowning in the severity of it all."
She startles a bit, when Sweet Demise reaches to touch her, but quickly relaxes, and briefly covers the outstretched hand with hers. "I followed my heart and my calling in helping you--all you must do now is rest," she says, gently but insistently, before stepping back and turning to give Alexsei a swift peck on the cheek.
"I'll be right back."
'''Alexsei: ''' He smiles at the goddess, and then at Ryshassa in turn. ''Yet another tragedy prevented, hmm, Belladonna? Another outcome would have had me having to use of my abilities - and I would rather keep them for when the End is truly meant to come. Congratulations, beloved... ''
To the goddess, he bows his head deeply, before rising and smiling at her. "And you be safe, Sweet Demise. Today's encounter was a close one, and I believe you should listen to the doctor's advice and get plenty of rest."
'''Goddess: ''' "Rest... sounds... good." She closes her eyes, then, and sinks into sleep.. stars more visible in her translucent, night-black skin. This was the power of the Exalted - to destroy gods in ways that left them as vulnerable as humans...
'''Gennadi: ''' "Well, that went... well, I suppose."
* Gennadi sighs. "Damned, all this has tired me out. How am I supposed to deal with all of this at once?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''And yet, it leaves a taste of dissatisfaction in my mouth, '' Ryshassa's mind-voice speaks into Alexsei's as she moves out the door in search of Shaliya. ''So I've saved one of Tahira's hapless victims--but it doesn't seem it will be the last time, not at all. ''
She reemerges a moment later, with Shaliya in tow -- certainly the familiar would not hesitate if Ryshassa told her that Gennadi needed her.
'''Shaliya: ''' She walks in... and blinks. Demise broken in the bed, stardust scattered on it, Gennadi cut... blood...
"Just ''wha''--?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Someone's idea of a party trick. It involves explosions." He nods to Demise. "Take her home? She needs to heal... I'm fine. Just need a nap to sort things out."
'''Shaliya: ''' "... I should have been around..." She shakes her head, walking closer, taking Demise on her hands... "Do call me next time?" SHe begins to vanish as she says this, taking her and Demise to the immaterial plane before heaven, where Demise will be able to respire better and heal her wounds...
'''Alexsei: ''' "Indeed, considering how much more wrong it could have turned..." He unrolls his sleeves carefully, watching the entrance of Ryshassa and Shaliya, adjusting his spectacles, his following thought as much an answer to Ryshassa's inquiry as a response to Gennadi's statement...
"But in the end it is our duty - that is the weight of power; this kind of 'fun' never ends." He nods to Gennadi, taking his place beside Ryshassa after collecting his belongings from the nearby chair. "And you are right, Gennadi. There is much left to ponder. Perhaps there will be a time to discuss more later, when we have sorted things out in a more organized way. Also I should be a good husband for once and tend the wounded healer." He smiles at his wife, his hand somewhat worriedly finding her own wounds by her side.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "He had better be fine, he did say ...well, never mind." Ryshassa looks relieved, and weary, seeing Shaliya disappear with Demise.
"Yes... I will need some time to recuperate as well, that took.. quite a lot out of me, I must admit. All of it. The musical.. er, competition, as well." She winks, for outwardly it was not a competition but a friendly way to entertain the guests, was it not?
Ryshassa leans thankfully against her husband as he offers to care for her, for a time. "I suppose even the healer needs healing... and we had best be well-rested, with the war still on."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Good." He slips out of the bed. "Considering this is Sandara's bed, I'd best go explain just why there's stardust and congealing essence everywhere. I'll see you two tomorrow."
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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