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== A Dark Angel's Obssessions ==
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Hot, passionate, intense
It had been all those things and more. It had been violent. Overwhelming. A nearly blind sating of animal lust. There should have been peace to follow. Shattering emptiness. A satisfaction to strip the mind bare as much as the moment itself had.
So why wasn't there?
Moon picked up another pebble from the ground beside him and sent it skipping off over the paving stones. There was a sheen of sweat still on his face, slick and sparkling bright as the moonlight bathed over him. There was still color in his skin. Sitting on the front step of some abandoned warehouse, his arm was draped over Selina's shoulders beside him, hugging her against him slightly.
He flicked his eyes over to her a moment. She was beautiful. She was warm. She had taken him in his hunger, done everything a woman could have done. More. Offered herself to him as a vessel for that urge and drank it in thirstily.
So why wasn't he satisfied?
The urge was gone, the overpowering need of it. But his mind wouldn't rest and didn't want to think either. It was like a lead weight in his skull. There were things he should be saying to her. Things they needed to talk about. It was hard to make words come.
Another pebble skittered across the stone. " talked to the kid already."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She felt...warm. Content, for the moment at least, hugging herself against him. Some remote part of her mind told her it was odd that she could cuddle herself against someone on the street and forget the war around them like that. Especially when it could burst into plain view at any time. But there it was.
Selina looks over to Moon, turquoise eyes almost liquid, then focuses a bit more. "You did?" Her voice is a faint purr, curiosity threading throughout. "How'd that go? She doesn't seem to like talking to me."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' How did it go?
She made him want to kill her. She made him want to hate her. Some part of him did. Some part of him wouldn't forgive that deeply, couldn't forgive the Terrestrial for what she had told him. But that part was alone, just a hard bead buried in his chest.
"Went a'ite." He shrugged stiffly, holding her eyes a moment before looking away, closing his own and letting his head fall back. "She's a weird kid, but she'll do what ya ask her to."
''Everything you ask her to. ''
A small frown creased his face, his eyes opening again to confront the hanging moon. "She got kinda itchy when we were talkin' about you. Guess she saw somethin' when you two were messin' around with whatever the fuck that thing had been."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Heh, weird." Selina chuckles, thinking of just how weird that girl probably was. Girl? She could be older than Selina. Didn't matter though, she sure felt like a kid.
''Except in bed. ''
But she'd have to do that with Kanti alone to be sure. And make sure her Malfean didn't piss on her again, to distract.
"Sooner or later her past's going to come up. Not her play, that, but she had a prominent enough role in it."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' It already did. It would be again soon. More than once.
"Yeah. That ought'a be fucked up." Moon turned his head back to Selina suddenly, his voice steeling slightly. "Think that red-haired bitch is lookin' for her?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Sure." Selina purrs, cuddling up against him a bit more, still warm and not about to let the topic spoil that. "Me too. The Pale Angel as well. Bet you're included, for knocking her one so good back then."
She looks at him and shrugs. "We'll run into her at some point."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon made a grunt, fingers squeezing her arm gently as she shifted towards him more. Her weight was solid against his side, the closeness staving off the cold night air that had started to pour in when their passion died down.
Wasn't that long ago it would have been Sarah beside him, wriggling her way into his thoughts the way she did, forcing him to spew out whatever was on his mind. Sarah didn't like silence, thought it was always uncomfortable. Selina wasn't like that though. She didn't bully and pout her way into his thoughts. It was relieving and disappointing in a way.
Letting his head lull to the side, Moon buried his face into her hair a moment, nudging her playfully. " some point, yeah." He agreed after a moment, then echoed in a softer voice. "Sooner or later"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "When that time comes..." She trails off, looking up into the cold sky. "It'll be on our terms. Not her's. Nearly got my ass enslaved the last time I played her game."
Then she looks back to Moon, free hand tracing patterns on the ground beside her, absently. "Then there's those fae...and that other thing. Woman. Whatever. Mountain Folk. I thought all of them were on the Blessed Isle."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon pulled his head from hers, tipped to the side as he stared at her while her eyes searched the sky. How much history did she have with the red-haired bitch? Wasn't something he'd ever asked. Seemed enough to know that they knew each other and Selina wasn't very fond of her this was the first he'd heard about her nearly getting enslaved though
It was the first time since that moment in Shadow Eye's basement, when he had been screaming his agreement on the floor, ready to promise damn near anything to make the pain end, that a certain thought had entered his mind. That maybe someone else had just as much right to go after the bitch as he did.
Shifting in his place, setting the troubling thought aside with a sigh, mention of the pale skinned artificer made his eyes open a little wider. "Yeah Opal." Funny that he hadn't really bothered to remember her name until a few hours ago. A grin lit up his face. "You probably ain't gonna believe what happened with me 'n her before I bumped inta you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's eyes seem to flicker a considerable amount of interest at that mention. Her wings perk up a bit, even behind her and against the wall as they are. "Oh?"
''I should've guessed that'd happen at some point. ''
"I was thinking of cracking her facade a bit." She snickers at the empty air, imagining her side by side with Vorpal. They did look fairly alike, now didn't they? "Did you manage to?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Somethin' like that..." Moon responded, a glint shinning in his eyes. He rubbed a finger against his lips, thoughtfully distant for a moment, measuring how much he could brag without embarrassing the artisan too much. Something had happened in that hall way he was still careful to handle, even if everything before that had been harmless. Finally he tilted his head into his hand and bent his lips in a secretive smile. "Gotta say she ain't near as hard as she looks. Ain't as cold either, y'know?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian's eyes widen a bit at that, then narrow slyly...something reflected by her voice as well. "Oh really? Well, I wouldn't know about that. But then, the Pale Angel isn't hard as ice either."
She pauses for a moment, letting the pause lend it emphasis, then adds. "So far..."
"Really too bad you can't get along with military types, though if that Iria twit is any indication, I shouldn't blame you." Selina raises a hand, moving the index and middle finger apart about an inch. "Was that close to laying into her."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' So she'd stroked the military bitch down? Moon's brows arched a little. He could have imagined now what Vorpal felt like. Cold, hard, stern on the outside, but soft as silk to run your fingers against. Warm as the splash of the cheap wine they use to serve at the Heave House. Just like someone else he knew somehow he doubted the bitch could kiss as softly though.
It didn't take much to picture Selina gliding her hands across Vorpal, but his memory of her was hazy. Details of her face and features were hard to recall. She was pale and she was good looking and she had pissed him off; it was about all his mind could dredge up about her anymore. Made it only too easy to substitute the damn-minded woman for someone else. Someone with ringlets of pale hair and dry, hot eyes that made his skin burn.
Selina and Opal together was a far more appealing thought than the one the Dark Angel had tried to goad him with. Moon had never even noticed when his brows dropped into a devious glare.
"Yeah, yeah." He blew out a hot breath at her and waved a hand through it. Hot air and nothing more. It was the same sorta gesture you made to anyone trying to spoon feed you a bullshit line. "Heard that the last time. Sheeyit, ain't ya got a new story ta tell darlin'? That one's gettin' ''old''."
"Captain's a bitch." Moon agreed with an unconscious wince, as if even the sound of her name were offensive. "Just glad it's probably pissin' her off as much ta be workin' with trash like me as it's pissin' me off ta be around her. She's a looker enough I'd take a tumble with her though. I can be pretty forgivin' when it comes ta that." Moon waggled his eyebrows playfully, tapping a finger on the Windian's nose and flicking away a strand of hair from her face.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Story?" Selina looks confused for a moment, then snickers at him. "Oh, I never touched the Pale Angel, if that's what you mean. Just observing that...well...she's not all ice and soulsteel. Haven't ''touched'' her." The Windian ends somewhat scandalized, as if she'd do that...yet.
''If I did, likely there'd be a tumble, and not the fun kind. ''
''Well, not that kinda fun anyway. ''
"Iria'll never tumble either of us, sugar. Bet she thinks of me as expensive trash if that's how her mind works. Won't she be appalled to see me someday..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Shheh. Bitch think's everyones trash darlin'." Moon shrugged, twisting his lips into an humorless, ironic smirk. "If she even looks down at what she's steppin' on enough ta notice 'um at all. She's killed a lotta people around here. Some of 'um deserved it. Some of 'um sure as fuck didn't. Can bet yer ass she'd try ta string us both up if she didn't feel like we were useful."
Turning away from Selina, Moon settled his weight back against the building and slid down into a more comfortable slump. "Only reason she ain't is cause there's someone else doin' her job. Killin' the people ''she'' wants ta kill." Moon's head hit the door behind him with a solid thump as he turned his face towards the black horizon above the next building over, the shadow of the hillside seeming to glide back and forth across the roof as his head rolled from side to side wistfully. "Tell ya it never changes. Dead or alive, don't matter who the fuck is in charge here. Just same ole shit on a differn't day."
"Though" Moon's pale eyes turned back to Selina. "You ever do get her or the other stuck up bitch ta tumble around with ya, lemme know. Be more than happy ta help ya pin 'um down."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' For a moment, she almost said what she had been telling herself for years: that she was slumming when she did her lower-class gallavanting. That she had been born with the silver-lining of priveledge, and intended to go back someday. That the reason she was as far as she was, was because she felt she'd been robbed. That it wasn't just about revenge.
But Selina caught herself, in time. Moon hadn't been born like that. It would make the wrong impression on him entirely. And besides, she'd never felt the same with any of the men she'd been with, when she just needed someone.
''It's different. ''
''Which means screwing it up is too stupid to do. ''
She'd already said she came from that anyway. But repeating it that way...no. The assassin's slender frame arches a bit as she stretches slightly, next to him. "She could set herself against me. Her entire guard. All her allies. Any friends she has in Windia and Whiteshield."
"Wouldn't be enough to take me down." She looks to Moon, gaze going up and down, then shrugs. "Nor you. She should learn her fucking place and shut up when her betters are speaking."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon flicked his eyes back to the Windian's face, smirking in delighted amusement at the thought. 'Betters' was sort of a bullshit word around here. The beloved excuse for anyone who felt like it to shit on the Boil. He didn't know how much having a little silver circle on your head made you better than anyone else, but it sure as fuck made you meaner and that was all you had ever needed to be to stake your place in the Boil. Meaner than the asshole over.
"Yeah, maybe." He grinned, reaching over to brush the hair back from her face and touch her brow, tracing a circle against her skin. Same place the black and bleeding caste mark would have appeared on her.
''Meaner than that next asshole over. ''
Right now, Moon couldn't really say if he was, but at least the next one over wasn't trying to put him down either. Right now, she was with him and that was good enough. "Fuck knows she's gotta learn some time that shit ain't gonna be like it was before, y'know? Maybe you 'n me oughta teacher her that, when this is all over."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Everything's going to be changed after this war." Selina replies almost emptily, looking about. "The Boil'll be rebuilt, like the rest of Whiteshield. Maybe a bit better. Then blowhards like Iria can go pretend they're superior to the barbarians on the frontier. Where they should be."
The Windian chuckles to herself, thinking of how that'll go. Remembering the barbarian Exalt who was not. "If Winlandia and Whiteshield reintegrate, maybe Iria'll find herself under the Silver Angel. They oughta get along splendedly."
''Though even Vorpal didn't manage to piss me off the first time I saw her lately. ''
"I won't tweak her unless she tweaks me, though." She says off-handedly. "Unless I get a...thought."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "She and hers've tweaked me and mine enough already for a life time 'a payback." Moon snorted, tossing his hair with quick shake. "If she's gonna get slapped around I wanna make sure it's personal. Not just some shit that goes down cause things are gonna change."
She made him wonder though, how much say punks like him were going to have in the changes she was talking about. His world didn't much extend beyond the city walls yet. Whiteshield was just a place that sent people to bleed the Boil dry. Winlandia was barely even a place.
Selina had talked about leaving. He had talked about going with her. There was a lot of shit to wade through between then and now, but when it was all said and done he had to wonder if it would really change anything for the Boil. That Silver Angel instead of Iria. Some of other asshole instead of the Sheriff. New names and not much more.
Same ole shit on a different day.
"Guess anyone fuckin' with her oughta wait till we're done screwin' around with the dead." He concluded with a disappointed sigh, one meant for more than just the thought he had spoken outloud. "However long that's gonna take."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It's been going on long enough." Selina replies, leaning back a little more against the wall behind her, wing on her open side spreading out against the ground. "If the Silver and Pale Angels are assaulting, there'll be a resolution soon. Soon as the Boil's fine, we should go and begin hitting their rear-areas. Bet most of their army's gonna be Whiteshield dead unless the initial force was huge, we should stop them from raising more."
Iria, Selina intended to deal with out of principle. She'd give the woman another chance, maybe. But if she failed again...
''Well, I'll have me some fun. ''
"Boil dead, too."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon could only shrug to that. He'd never lead a real army to have much thought into how to handle a war.
"Then that's what we do." He agreed quietly, the change in topic wiping all the humor from his face. If it was what she said had to be done, then it was what they would do. Or at least it was what she would do. As soon as the Boil was fine, he had other things to take care of
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Then it popped back into her mind -- what Moon's introduction of Opal and the discussion of Iria had bumped out.
"Speaking of that, you want to know why your mentor's little crimson joy wants me as her slave?" Selina asks with a sudden sly grin.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Hm?" Moon grunted, watching her from the corner of his eye, that sly devils grin on her face again. Selina seemed pretty fond of baiting him with that evil little smile, then trailing away without much more than a lot of implications and nothing said. And it probably wouldn't matter how many times she did it either, he was still going to fall for it every time.
That didn't mean he had to give her the satisfaction of seeing it.
"Sure." He answered, suddenly picking up another pebble from the ground, tossing it into the air and catching it. Tossing it up again. His eyes looked away to focus on it, on the soft and steady pat of the rock landing in his waiting hand. "Why is that?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She giggles softly, watching his reaction, then finally lets it slide. "Because back in Windia, she got to taste me. Now I bet she's addicted."
''Why else would she send her pretties out to capture me. ''
After a momentary pause, the Windian continues in a more sedate tone. "From how she acted outside Windia, seems she wants me as her slave, though. Probably wants to cut gylphs on my body or something, like she did with Kanti. Especially after I turned the tables on her like that."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' The pebble clattered off the paving stones. Moon didn't even make a lunge for it. Unmoving as steel, the expression of almost bored disinterest remained locked on his face, but slowly his eyes were making there way back to Selina.
She had moved the conversation on already, towards more serious things. Sobering thoughts that made his face relax it's guard and take up a crooked frown instead.
Still, the thought of a pile of red hair spilling over Selina's lap that was going to be a hard image to get out of his head.
"Darlin', wouldn't matter what the fuck that bitch carved inta you. Ain't no way she'd make you like the kid" After all, he'd already learned today that it took more than a life-time to screw someone over that badly
But he didn't want to think about her anymore. And he didn't want to think about her scars painted across Selina's skin instead; Selina had enough of her own already. And he didn't want to think of how Sarah had been left broken on the floor somewhere or picture Selina in her place. He didn't want to see the empty devastation in Selina's eyes that he had stared into when he tried to take the half-fae from the top of that crab thing, back in Winlandia so long ago it was barely a memory.
He wanted to think of a pile of red hair spilling over Selina's lap.
Moon raised brows raised daringly. "Y'know what I think she woulda done if she got ahold of ya?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Wouldn't, no." Selina agrees with a slight nod and shrug, tone flat for a moment. "Because my first time already did everything to the hilt. The Vestal doesn't have the mindset to do that to me, not now."
''She doesn't even know the finer points of getting a slave. ''
"What do you think she'd do?" The Windian asks, turquoise eyes curious now, instead of Moon's.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' His eyes stared into hers, locking onto something in their depths only he could see. Touching her cheek, his fingers slid across her face and into her hair as he cupped her cheek in his palm.
"Regret it." Came the flat, final answer.
''Because she'd never break you. ''<br>
''Because she'd never get deep enough to have you. ''<br>
''Because a worthless slut like that could never measure up to someone like you.. ''<br>
''Because if I ever found out she did, it would take a lot more than a crazy old man in a basement to stop me from coming after you. ''
then his face broke into a broad, wolfish grin. The fingers in her hair swished back and forth, throwing out whatever remained of it's neat arrangement to flip a pale blond curtain over her face.
"I mean, sheeyit!" He went on, voice lifting in sorrowful speculation. "I already got ya and I'll be fuckin' damned if I know what ta do with ya half the time."
"Ya go flyin' around and eatin' people 'n shit," Moon lifted his arm from her shoulders and pulled his hand from her tangled hair as he gestured through energetically. "Then I gotta climb inta ''bed'' with ya at the end of the day?"
He slapped a wearisome palm of his brow, letting his face grow long with concern. "Fuckin' amazing I ain't woke up once yet ta find nothin' missin'. Pack's already takin' bets how long it's gonna be till you bite somethin' off."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She might." Selina agrees, looking out at him from under the curtain of her now messed up hair. One hand rises up to straight it again. "If she even figured out how firmly she's caught. That woman puts too much into appearance -- doesn't she how much she's putting into getting me."
''Even if she does, I bet she can't help it. ''
Then the Windian smirks at him, naughtily. "I don't bite nothing off, Moon. How many times now has there been enough blood there to be a nice snack? Don't worry about it. Didn't bite the Vestal either...just made her nearly lose her ability to stand. Just cause I can be nasty doesn't mean I wanna."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yeah, that's what ya ''would'' say." He chided her, prodding a finger under her ribs and tickling through her leotard. "Shheh. Just like the pushers down in the Ash. 'Don't worry kid, it ain't gonna hurt ta none. Just have another.' Before ya know it, ya sold whateva ya did have all for another hit."
"Just know how it's gonna work." His head dipped closer to hers, nuzzling slightly through her hair. "Start with a lil nibble here and there, y'know? Bite'a ear" His lips touched her ear fleetingly. "Bite outta my neck." Their cheeks brushed against one another as he lowered his lips further, kissing her neck in nearly the same place he had bitten so recently himself. "Then"
Leaning away from her suddenly, he flicked a hand against his shoulder and shook his head violently. "Pretty soon I'm gonna be missin' a whole fuckin' arm and you're gonna be walkin' around with a full belly."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' One thing Selina is, is ticklish. Flinching back against the wall a bit as he does that, she giggles slightly, then purses her lips for a moment, thinking. "Nah, that's how I do it for a tickle, to some. If your old man doesn't get her for whatever, and you don't kill her, that's what I'll do to Vestal."
Then she blinks, looking at him oddly, faint wickedness lurking in her eyes. "Besides, without all your parts you can't handle me properly."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Be fun ta see." He admitted softly as a somber tremor ran through his voice, his face loosing a touch of the playfulness in the answer.
It was a thought he'd been fighting to avoid, but she wasn't apparently willing to let him forget. Someone was going to die before Selina could get her hands on the red-haired whore. Him. Vestal. Shadow Eyes. One of them had to go. He'd be damned if he was going to volunteer to do it.
He almost told her then. Almost confessed about the mad, stupid scheme he'd plotted to hunt the bitch down. Almost told her about the basement bellow the apothecary, about what he swore to do and what Shadow Eyes had promised to do if he didn't. About what the old fucker had already done.
But then that look on her face drew him back, the look in her eyes drawing blood to his face.
"Yeah? Say's who?" he demanded, answering that wickedness with a dark little smile. He'd caught the way she'd scurried back a little. That was something to remember. "Y'know, ya might be surprised what I can do with just one arm."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, you can do ''alot'' with one arm!" Selina exclaims a bit breathlessly, then she pauses, and the next sentence is more shrewd. "But not doing it and holding me down while ya do. I'll move right out of your reach."
''I wonder... ''
"Maybe I ought to dress Kanti up as a maid. She's practically my handmaiden now...since Vestal ain't getting her back." Selina grins wickedly at the thought. "Yes. My naughty little maid."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon winced hard, pulling through a look that was nearly pure pain. A sigh heaved his shoulders. Couldn't catch a break today, could he?
"Maybe you oughta do somethin' else with her darlin'." He ventured hesitantly, not quite meeting her eyes. "After we're through here. Find someone else ta take her or somethin'. The kid ain't well shit." His hand closed over hers, holding it tight. "She's scared ta fuckin' death of you half the time darlin'. You gotta see that."
"She ain't gonna change. Ain't gonna suddenly get normal. But there's gotta be someone she ain't gonna be spending the rest of her life cowerin' next to."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Think I don't know that?" The Windian asks dryly, raising an eyebrow, sighing and relaxing against structure in exasperation. "Going to make sure I find someone who'll treat her nicely before I let her go, though. Not another Vestal. Or whatever. Maybe if Alex goes through this shit without becoming something nasty, he can take care of her."
"Though I think once I get Windia back she'd be perfectly fine with me."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yeah. Maybe." But he doubted it. The kid could probably learn to pretend to be fine around her, but Moon didn't think she'd ever be doing anything more than that.
Moon let out another sigh, just as exasperated as her own, sitting up off the building an leaning forward onto his knees. The mood was gone now. The street just felt cold and silent. Awkward. After a moment, he grunted and heaved himself to his feet.
"C'mon." He twisted back towards her and offered her a hand up. "We probably oughta be getting' back now."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Aw." Selina makes a little pout, then takes his hand, getting up off of the hard ground. She dusts herself off (not that she really needs to), and looks about. "Will be glad when all this mess is finished with. Hopefully no one I like will be dead."
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