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== Angels Downy Rest ==
'''Alexander: ''' Evening over Windia...
The snow still falls, slowly. Making people think, remembering sadness and longing... and as they slowly fall, it is as if the time slows down for all who watch... and those who fly above the city, the light dimmed and diffused by the clouds far ahead. No Sun, no Moon, simply... a muted light. Everywhere, and nowhere.
The doors to the balcony of lady La Silverstar open up just as slow, wind and snowflakes coming in with a soft howl. In it, clad in the moonlight and clothes that seem spun from it, stands the young heir to Whiteshield. "Lady Valencia... may I have a word with you?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' She was clad in white, almost entirely. A slender gown, no flowery pretense to it, elegant and simple as most of her attitre is. The remains of her dinner in the room behind her, finished. She turns to regard him, steel-gray eyes focusing on him as she does. Her voice, serene as crystal. "Yes, Prince? King, rather."
'''Alexander: ''' "A king without a crown." He smiles. "May I come in, Lady La Silverstar?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You already have." She gives a faint smile in return, looking him over, then coming back to his face. "May I ask what is the occasion of this visit?"
'''Alexander: ''' The prince points to his feet, a grin on his face, "Actually... I am standing right outside of the room, as you can see. Lovely balcony, but is a little too cold here..."
"And, well... I want to talk." He looks away, a little embarassed, searching for the words, "About last night, about what we will have to do...'
''About who we are... ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' She shrugs a little, moves to go back inside as she replies, a bit more coldly. "The Dark Angel, is it? The Pale Angel is the one who unbalanced her, not me."
She steps back into the room, taking Alex's hand.
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander blushes a little, but lets her guide him, closing the door...
"Well, you said some very... hurtful things to her. She definatly looks up at you... she used to mention you whenever Windia came up. And on the nightmare I was having.. it was my family telling me similar things. So I think I understand how she felt..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' The Silver Angel takes a seat, on a fairly straight backed chair, with the dishes of her finished meal in front of her. "I only told her what was true. I pity her, but she chose to become a monster. That is bad enough that she does not need to add 'immature rages' to it."
'''Alexander: '''She lets go of his hand... he looked at it then...
"Yes, she is... that she is." He remembers the time with the Pale and Dark Angels... the contrast between both when it came to a fight. The Pale Angel fought calm and collected as one would expect from Valencia... but Selina?
"I had the same rages as her a little while back, though. And she was the one who told me not to. Who told me that would get me killed. When we first met... when I learned of my sister. I suppose we hate to see our own faults in others?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Probably." Valencia answers, taking a sip of the half-finished wine near her empty plate, looking at him above the rim of the glass. Very intently. "I would have rebuked the Pale Angel as well, but she seemed too deep into that devil-may-care mood for it to have mattered."
"Were I Selina," The Windian goes on. "I would simply deal with the Pale Angel after the meeting. A duel, an argument, whatever is necessary. But when everyone else is not watching. Making a scene is something I expect of children, bored noble wives given to drama, and others of my kind."
"I do not expect a willful kinslayer like Selina de Windia to obey niceties." She shakes her head and takes another sip, then finishes. "But my estimation of the Pale Angel has sadly dropped by a notch or two."
'''Alexander: ''' "Others of your kind are... very much like that? I have met but two others... he was quite abrasive. Tried to kick the Pale Angel in the face. And stirred quite a ruckus in the Zephyr... and another was a frog who tried to kill us in the Theather of Falling Dusk. Almost had us, too. You all seem very... different. Professional, abrasive, cold..."
"She," He says in mention to Vorpal, "Was quite ashamed this morning. She told me she was not in her right mind, as if she had something else driving her... I... know what that means. I tend to get like that, at times..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "She should be." Valencia says simply, putting her wine glass down. "She disgraced us all."
"As for myself, yes, I do not operate on their level." Taking a napkin, the Windian passes it over her lips lightly, and puts it down. "Nowhere did Luna tell me I had to be boorish and unrefined. She chose me because I did not give up. Those fools in the hinterlands only posture as they do because they wish to monopolize the favor of our goddess, in an attempt to justify themselves."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince smiles. It was... strangely good to hear that.
"Is it true they seek to tear civilization itself apart?" He asks, wondering how he will talk about the other matter... ''Yes, she disgraced us, and in front of the Bull - something that is certain to breed conflict later on.. ''.
''divide and conquer. We did half of this for him... ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It is true." She chuckles under her breath, thinking of how many times she's foiled the locals. "Some of them do anyway. Others just want to be left alone. I have fought the former many times."
'''Alexander: ''' "I wonder why... but then again, I do not think I understand the Bishop's Chosen, either. I do think I understand the Angels... maybe..." Things he should not think. Were they so simple? Were they so afraid? No... he was probably just being too overconfident once again...
"About the Bull... he will probably think we are sitting ducks when this is over. I... I remember how I died before, Valencia. The more divided we are, the easier prey we are. Always. So easy to be plucked, then..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia exhales, a sigh maybe, then resumes her normal breathing. "Perhaps it is for the best that he does. At any rate, I am thinking the Wyld Hunt will come for us all after this mess. I have evaded it long -- there is an accounting to be made on my part at least."
"As has the Dark Angel, from what I hear of her."
'''Alexander: ''' "She is still alive..."
The Prince looks up... "The Wyld Hunt..."
Too long fighting in this war. Too long not thinking of the world. The Wyld Hunt... something he knew but from stories...
"Will come for us?" He asks, fear in his voice...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Eventually." Valencia demures, looking about her plate and bowl, wishing she had more to eat for a moment. Like the Dragon-Blooded, she could eat a great deal and not compromise her figure. "Myself and Selina, certainly. Perhaps the Pale Angel if word of what she truly is gets out, and you and Cael as well. And the Bull -- he has slapped the Realm in the face once before. They will not forget. The next time, the hammer will be unstoppable. A Wyld Hunt as has not been seen in almost a hundred years, I am thinking."
"They will wait until the dust settles and come for us while we are weak from our victory."
'''Alexander: ''' "... and... there is nothing we can do about that?" He asks, a little cold. Feeling the ice of her gaze more than ever. "You have remained alive in all this time. Cael has avoided them on the skies..."
His eyes begin to treemble. Memories begin to come in... "They will come again, won't they? Warstriders... Dragons... so many... like in my dreams..."
"I walk in a mountain of corpses in my dreams. Some are winged... but there were more. So many more..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "I avoided them by not showing my power and nature overmuch, and staying in my home province when I did unless absolutely necessary." Valencia replies evenly, taking another sip from her wine, other finger tapping the table absently. She puts the glass down again. "We were more isolated than the rest of Windia, and those in my fief would not betray their protector to dogma of the Realm. The Bishop's invasion changed all that. As for the Windwraith, I know not how he survived so long, but he was Chosen in midst of turmoil. There has not been a strong Wyld Hunt up here for years."
Her memories spoke of the Usurpation, such as it was. The little she gleaned from that period, at least. Her experience in battle spoke more to her about what would happen. "The Bull said for Selina to look to her own head. We shall look to our own. If he was not such a fool as to stand alone from us, we might be so strong as to dissaude any Wyld Hunt short of an army of Terrestrials. Too major an undertaking to throw at us in the present state of the Realm. But divided like this?"
Her voice becomes deadly serious. "Pray they come through him first, Alexander. He will slow them down, weaken them. We will have to destroy what is left. Perhaps the Realm will leave us alone for a time after that."
'''Alexander: ''' "So, if we keep divided, they will pluck us. The Bishop will win." He gulps... "And if we are together, we will invite war.There is no easy way, is there?"
His elbow resting on the table, he brings his hand to his face, trying to understand the movements of armies and politics he was brought up to understand, and yet still overwhelemed him...
"I do intend to, Lady Silverstar." He says, his voice tinging with determination. "I want to take my country back. I got my brother back. I want my sisters back as well. And when I have them, I do intend to rebuild Whiteshield. I want to bring light to it, to make it so that will ''never'' happen again. To live up to all my parents did..."
"But... if that will invite war..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "War is already upon us. We have no choice but to act." Valencia says with another soft chuckle, reaching over to straighten some of Alex's hair from his forehead. Then pulling back. "I am not afraid of another war. It is what I do. Make sure you can rebuild Whiteshield, however."
'''Alexander: ''' He stops ten, looking at her as she touches his face... and blushing. Blushing a shade of pink in his pale face... darting his eyes away as soon as he notices it himself. "I-I will! I will try!" The words come half-empty from his mouth.
''Even if I have no idea on how to do so... ''
There is a moment of silence, and he looks at the snow falling... and her reflection. "You... remember who you were, before?" ''It is not just me, now, is it? ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "A bit." She closes her eyes, and then when they open, a slow fire seems to burn within their depths. Coldly, but somehow warm. Smoldering. "Not too much of it."
'''Alexander: ''' She loks within her eyes... entranced... closing his own eyes, trying not to lose himself in hers', to remember, to focus... to try to focus on the very memories that asked him to lose on those eyes, that told him they were so familiar, so warm, so his'.
"I remember things..."
"I remember hurting... I remember dying... I remember anger... I remember death..."
"I remember love... friends... power..."
"I remember you..."
He looks down them, wondering if that meant so much... "And when I remember you... it is so... well, it is... strage." He closes his eyes again, his head leaning back under the weight of memories... "They scare me... sometimes, it feels like I am losing myself in them... it is so much. So strange..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Don't let them control you." She says ominously, not meaning to. The slow fire is banked in her eyes now, somewhat hidden. "There was good in what we were. Also bad."
"There are some I would not wish coming back."
'''Alexander: ''' "Bad... I remember changing big things on a whim... I remember everything was under my control. Everything felt safe."
"I like that feeling... I like that feeling, Valencia..." His eyes turn downward again, feeling shame, but needing to say it... even if it shames him. She understands, he knows it. She understands, and he might not have another chance... "Nothing is under my control now... no servants... only allies that I know so little about. Nothing is mine, things just... drift by. I try to give suggestions, orders, but I always feel like a passenger in all this..."
"I miss the feeling on my memories, of control."
"I miss my family..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "No one has complete control, Alexander." Valencia says, seeming for a moment like a mother admonishing one of her children. "To retreat into that is to deny the world. The world will have its due, and that attitude will only produce what happened...before. We must resist the urge to shut the world out..."
And then there were the others. Oh so many others. She remembered some of them as well. "I would not have the old ones back, Alex. Not who Cael was, nor who the Pale Angel was. They are dead and buried, let them stay thus. Too capracious and irresponsible to be allowed that kind of power, they were."
Valencia shifts in her seat uncomfortably. "And not who the Dark Angel was, most of all."
'''Alexander: ''' "It was a good feeling, though. Being in control. Changing what I wanted in a whim, to what I thought was better..." He says, still avoiding her gaze... the silverly strands of his hair falling over his face. "No wonder I was so angry when they rebelled against me."
"The Dark Angel... that part of me hates her. Or not. He likes her alot, too... it is hard to understand." A hand to his face, trying to hold his head, to understand... "I tried to kill her once. I tried to kiss her once, too..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' There's a long silence after that remark, as Valencia considers. "Going to try either of those this life as well?" She asks somewhat curiously. "She's more of a predator this time, I don't think that's wise. Besides, there are others to dally with."
'''Alexander: ''' "I already tried both, this time. Neither went very welll. Well... it wasn't really ''me''...."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' A ghost of a smirk comes over the older exalt's face as she hears that. "Oh? Well then, what about the Pale Angel?"
'''Alexander: ''' "The Pale Angel... Lilith..."
A slight blush tinges his face to remember...
"Her... I do not know. She is cold... she makes me bury my emotions. Like the Dark Angel, she bullies me around, but..." His hand trails the table, trying to find words as he gets up... "I remember that, before, she was one of the few that stood together with us, when we were betrayed. She did not go to the dark side before, and... and..."
"I can feel she is nice, inside. And we..."
The feel of her pale flesh, so warm. Her thighs, her breath...
"Well... that is it, really!" He says, no reason to mention what both his and hers' klutzyness had brought...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia smiles then, almost pitying. "You mean, when we betrayed Moranine."
She couldn't say whether her past self had known what the Dark Angel's old self had done. But she had stood aganst her, because she loved her husband. Her husband. Who couldn't control the darkness, and so wanted to destroy it. Hadn't he? She didn't have a clear perception.
"Because that, Alex, is what we did. For good or bad."
'''Alexander: ''' Her words hit him hard.
Him, and what is inside him.
A world of hurt and sadness swelling on his chest... "Yes... we... no... we did... didn't..."
He trembles a little, "But, we, er... she asked us, she plead us, I remember, but.. she was dark... she was evil... she... we had to. We had to..."
He frets around the table then, his hand trembling as it touches it... looking around to seek some wine, some water... something.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Her hand grasps his. Warm. Firmly gripping. The hand of a warrior over two-hundred years old. The hand of experience. She'd come to terms with this years ago, alone. It'd come back when she felt that woman, her ''cousin'', in her city. With ''that'' essence, that spirit. "Just because I will not let her destroy Windia, Alex," Her voice is soft, understanding. "Does not mean I do not pity her for what she carries. From this life, and the other."
"Do not be so quick to judge loyalties on what we were before."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex holds to her hand...
Smiling at Valencia.
"I... will think on it."
''And when I remember more, I will have this in mind... ''
He looked at Valencia... wanting to see the warmth again. She remembered him of his mother... colder, but it reminded him of his mother all the same...
It hurt, somewhat.
"How do you cope?"
Three hundred years old, so many of her family and friends gone, probably... nothing like him... she probably could never understand him... but...
"How do you cope with everyone dying?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' The warmth is there. Not scolding, not judging. Not too much anyway, and she has already made her judgements in any case. The woman pauses for a moment, thinking, then answers. "I grieved. I let it out, and eventually, the pain goes away. It's not natural to hold it in, to direct it inwards. That is what Selina did. Look at her now. Inside is pain."
Her steel grey eyes suddenly hold his, as she looks level to him. "And what about me? What do you think of me?"
'''Alexander: ''' The candlelight takes his unearthly beautiful amethyst eyes as he looks at her...
Blushing slightly, turning away... "About you? Um... I..."
He begins to push the hand... weakly... strangely, being that he was strong as a horse. "I... should get some water, and about you..." He pushes the hand free hitting the jar and spilling water all over her table, his embarassed face blooming in a little bit of desperation, "Oh, sorry, I..." turning around, looking for something to dry it with, he hits his feet with themselves, spinning and falling wings-first over Valencia... held by his wings on the arms of her chair.
He blushes, embarassed, as the snow falls outside and the water trickles from the table...
"About you... I am glad. That you offered help to us when we needed. That you helped me when I needed. That it is you. The legend my mother used to tell me about... the person I sometimes dream with, that is not you, and yet..."
The water trickles more, as he tries to get up, and yet... it is hard, somehow. Warm, there...
''And she has the same perfume... ''
"I am glad."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' As the boy falls on her, Valencia merely holds him, making sure her chair does not tip back as he does. Then she strokes his hair, lifting him, letting him stand. "This can't be a first, I take it?"
'''Alexander: ''' The knightly prince giggles as she helps him up, leaning his head on her fingers... "Well, you got off lightly..."
"I... ended up diving on the Pale Angel face-first. Between her legs. And she wasn't wearing much..."
Blushing, smiling, he speaks like a warrior that has done a great deed and lived to tell the tale... "She did threaten me, but I am still here. Sometimes, I will think this will get me killed around you easier than the Abyssals will..." He says, light; For a moment, all his woes forgotten...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Oh, the brave warrior lived to tell the tale, did he?" Valencia asks, bemused. She leans back in her chair a bit, looking him over, that strange look in her eyes again. "I am not particularly into other girls. But that she let you go, well..."
"I may have competition."
'''Alexander: '''''' Alex leans on her a bit, getting comfortable there on her lap, like he was on the embrace of his mother or an aunt... royalty was always very proper, but little Alexander has always been a very.... ''physical'' person.
"Over... me?" He asks, still embarassed, just feeling comfortable there, not knowing how to say much else... "Hmmm, you are very different from your cousin then, more than I would imagine, outside of looks... the Dark Angel loves girls. She hit on the Pale Angel the whole time we were together..." He quickly adds, not to let an awkward silence if she does not want to reply...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "She did?" Valencia voice does not betray a whole lot of surprise at the idea, though her eyebrows do raise a bit. "And the Pale Angel is not interested, I take it?"
What she'd seen that night, in the dream, she'd seen before on others. The mark of someone who'd been rejected, then rubbed in the rejection by a tease. It was a wonder the girl hadn't tried to kill the other girl then and there.
''And girls they are, despite whatever age their memories entail. ''
"Let me state it quite clearly. I have the same...desire...for you, which the Pale Angel apparently had for...Selina." Valencia says it with cool control, indifferent on the outside by tone alone. "I merely control it better. Back then, she was no better at holding her lust than now, apparently."
'''Alexander: ''' "No, the Pale Angel was never interested." He enjoys her scent, a contented cat's smile as he closes his eyes, leaning his head on her... "She was always cold towards the Dark Angel, until that night, on the dreamworld... I ... don't understand why she acted like that then. She had never acted like that..."
He blushes at her mention, butterflies fluttering on his stomach, wondering what to make of that... how to react to that... "She was... like that, before? Wanton?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Yes." The Windian replies, remembering. She'd denied the woman then, when she was Sati. Sati hadn't liked that. Such a trull she was.
"She neglected her mate for her dalliances. The woman didn't deserve a mate then, and I am wondering if she does now."
'''Alexander: ''' "Oh, you mean ''her''..."
"You mean ''before''!"
"You are really different from them, milady Silverstar." His cheek rests near her shoulder, his wings twitching a bit... "Want me to lose the wings? I have an ability to..."
"But whatever she is, milady Silverstar, the Pale Angel is very, very different from what she was. Almost opposite, really, if that was Sati on the dream..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It probably was." Valencia states dryly, remembering the display. She was somewhat thankful that the woman had left her alone -- she had never reciprocated Sati's affections in the First Age, and she would not begin now. "Sati is used to Moranine. Moranine was calm, controlled. If she dallies with Selina, she may find herself chewing steel, or worse. Perhaps I should tell her that sometime."
"The wings are fine, Alex." She says after a moment, considering them. They were quite pretty.
'''Alexander: ''' "They fight all the time. They are used to it, really. From each other. I think the problem was that it was... in front of everyone."
His wings twitch a little over her bosom, the feathers passing over her breasts on the armrests, as he breathes deeply on her perfume... "... it has been a long time since I could just... relax with someone. Thank you..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "There are arguments, and there are arguments, Alex." Valencia says simply, as if it should be self-evident. For a moment, she considers taking this further. But it would be a shame to spoil this. Even if it was replaced with...something else.
Something that part of her, deprived for all too long, would finally find. On the other hand, it was wartime...
''A little longer. ''
"People like the Dark Angel have pride as their shield. Break it and corner them at your own peril."
'''Alexander: ''' "So, you are saying that on the inside they are... afraid? That it is all just an armor?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Exactly." The Windian replies, feeling the warmth of him on her lap. "For the Pale Angel too, most likely. Look at her legend. Legends make poor people, I have noticed."
'''Alexander: ''' "Hmmm..." He murmurs something, his face moving to rest his chin close to her neck, smiling contendly...
Not thinking anything then, just many thoughts of happyness, of warmth, and wild fantasies of youth.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "So, you are not in love with the Pale Angel then?" Valencia ventures stroking his hair idly.
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander settles in more comfort there, just enjoying the warmth she can give... not as cold as she seemed... his wings twitching as she mentions 'love'...
"I... like her. I like her..."
"I don't know. I honestly don't know. It seems like every time I close my eyes, that I dream, or... ''think'', I see a woman, and yet, it is always a different one... the Pale Angel, Fiona, the Dark Angel... and you..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' The Lunar scoffs a bit. "That is probably because you saw more than one back then. At least you weren't on Sati's level. I would never have borne that."
'''Alexander: ''' He remembers it then... looking at his hand, and seeing more than one ring... more than one wedding...
"... sorry. So much happened... I just... don't know, milady..."
He opens his eyes at long last, trying to catch hers'... "Sorry."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It's alright." She says reassuringly. "I forgave you then, and I don't hold it against you now." She pats his head and then strokes the blond hair down. "At least you didn't break my heart, at any rate. Some of us...did worse."
'''Alexander: ''' He holds her hand, holding her in his eyes... looking at her through timeless eyes...
"I loved you before, I know this much. I just... I could love more than one, I think. It is still love... it is!"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' She chuckles and looks down at him. It had been hard to stay angry with him then, when he put it like that. "That is true. But some of us get a bit...possessive."
'''Alexander: ''' "I know. I know I would be now... I do not want anyone going away. Not anymore."
He smiles at her, still holding the Silver Angel in his eyes, "I need people close to me. I suppose I was like that back then as well... but I miss the confidence. And well... all he had... I had."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "We are close to you...for now." Valencia states softly. "The war may take us away, or we may have to go elsewhere for a bit. Regardless, we will always be around you in spirit. In some ways, those we love never leave us. Ever. A part of them remains within us."
'''Alexander: ''' His face at her neck now, close to pure warmth, his breath warm, the whole situation, warm...
Remembering old friends.<br>
Remembering old loves.<br>
Remembering family...
"Now, I want it close to me, though. Don't let go."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "I'm not going anywhere." Valencia says in a voice that is almost a whisper. "You don't have to worry about me."
'''Alexander: ''' "When we go, too..." He whispers back, and suddenly, the snow is not falling outside, the candles are not blowing, the water is not over the table. It is just them, and the little space of warmth between them. "I will not let you be hurt. I will keep you safe... all of you. You are better than me... stronger than me... but I can. And I will. I swear to you."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "And I will not let you, either." She says, looking outside the window for a moment, seeing the coming winter. The dead, and more beyond. "This is not when you die. I know that much."
'''Alexander: ''' For Alexander, the world was only that. To be on one's arms again, to lose himself in that warmth and think, looking all of the boy he was now...
"You can see the future, milady?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "No," She says simply, looking back to Alex with the hint of premonition. "But I do not see this war claiming you. You may never rule over Whiteshield, that is possible, but I think we survive this. It looks dark, only if we let it look dark."
"Those are things for another time, soon enough. For now..." She trails off, stroking his hair, thinking. He was a boy. She wanted him. But there was more...so much more. And the Pale Angel. And who knows who else.
''We shall see. ''
"Let us rest."
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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