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== Crimson Courtesan ==
'''Alexander: ''' Freed from the threat of the faux Selina and Kanti, the real Kanti offered the Prince a dance ..."We shall, dear lady!" He stands on the tips of his feet to kiss close to her forehead - he manages to reach between her eyes - then moves down, and begins to walk her to a place more suitable for the dance... his violet eyes taking in her visage, trying to read her... "You were scared, right? You can tell me... I want to understand."
"It is so hard to understand you sometimes..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles lightly as he kisses between her eyes, letting the Prince guide her to where he likes, walking elegantly beside him, the regal courtesan, on the outside at least. Inside, she is less serene, her mind churning.<br>
''he...saw I was scared? ''<br>
''he wants to know? ''<br>
''why does he want to know? ''<br>
"I ... was scared, yes. She always scares me." Kanti admits, guility.
'''Alexander: ''' He brings her to a secluded part of the expansive garden, where there are few, and yet, close enough so they can hear the music... "Few can hear us here." He smiles as he begins the first flourishes of the dance... he was skilled, but more than that, he had class - even if he was not a skillfull dancer, the etiquette with which he treated her would be noticeable.
He bows to her at the beggining, letting her react to the salute, playing the complicated game that comes before the dance itself. So many little rituals learned through so many drills in his former life, where failing to show such etiquette seemed to bring consequences that felt, to him, at the time, more dire than failing the current war.
He has his eyes nearly closed during theduration of it, and does not speak in reply to her, feeling something... happyness? Belonging? Nostalgy? Something like it, but when he finishes, he holds her hands, tightly on his'. He stands closer to her than he ever had before. He smiles at her, and she can see he feels a connection to her now.
"She scares me, too. The darkness, the orders, the chaos, right? The chaos more than anything."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti matches each of the little movements, the guestures and the motions, performing each one with a perfection bourne of many years of training. As she does so, she relaxes, loosing herself in the routine of it all, in the familiarity of someone who knows the gestures and the formalities. The courtesan to his king.<br>
''he's just another assignation. ''<bR>
''...right? ''<br>
She lets him draw her close as the gestures and the formalities finish, looking down on him, and feeling somehow guilty for doing so.<br>
''The darkness? ''<br>
''The orders? ''<br>
''The chaos? ''<br>
"...the darkness."
'''Alexander: ''' He smiles.
The more she matched his movements, the more at home he felt.
Like her, he lost himself in the flourish, and had a warm smile for her at the end.
He meets her gaze evenly; One could never truly look down on him as long as he looked at them like he did now. In her eye, without guilt or accusation, not asking anything of her but one thing. To understand. Because if anything, he was lost. To understand, to unite...
"That is what frightens you the most?"
He takes his time to think about it... as they begin to dance. He leads her, slowly at first, and allows his hands to deviate from the pattern of the dancing just slightly to run his hand over her arm, and feel the scars... "You are afraid of this, as you are of her? Of her darkness? You feel more at ease with things that are... natural, right?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti returns the smile, the mask hiding the top of her face, though her eyes seem almost calm, drawing on all ritual to keep her so.
As she starts to dance, she follows flawlessly, never straining to dance faster, never letting his mis-steps phase her, making no complaint as his hands roam somewhat, though she tenses slightly as his hands trace over her scars.<br>
''Is this when you're going to burn me? ''<br>
''Are they what frighten me? ''<br>
''She gave them to me. ''<br>
''I wear them for Her. ''<br>
''How can that frighten me? ''<br>
''....except that it does. ''<br>
''and she has her void. ''<br>
''and her hunger. ''
"I...I'm so afriad of the blackness ...of the void." she says quietly.<br>
''and I want it. ''
'''Alexander: ''' Step by step, he lets a little bit of light pour from him, warm, white. Such a clear white. It has no inpurity, only traces of golden... step by step, he weaves it into their dance, covering her in it, making afterimages of them... the god gives her warmth, a show to the few that could look, while the boy looked at her, his eyes working out connections at her words... "So that is why you are so afraid of your mistress..." the warming smile breaks out at the end of the sentence, telling her not to be afraid, scared or embarassed of it... "Do you like the light?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti leans into him, as the light pours from him, wrapping her, warming her, far more even than Fiona did in the Vestal's palace, never faltering, relaxing more, still following.<br>
''she wants to hurt Her too. ''<br>
''and she ...eats people. ''<br>
''It's the darkness I fear... ''<br>
''the darkness I crave. ''
''...and the light? ''
"I like the light, yes." she says quietly. "Will you burn me with it again?" she asks, guilt in her eyes, and hope.
'''Alexander: ''' ''Will you burn me with it again? ''
A pang of guilt goes through him, as he remembers the garden. So scared of his own darkness...
Letting the light out to burn it from within him. The shadows the Dark Angel put within...
Just thinking on them made Kanti's scars so... alluring. And desires he really should not have danced on his mind, and his body moved with Kanti's in response to them. Just to the memory of that. There was lust, and guilt, and decisions... the light still washes over her, then he shakes his head, leaning up to plant a kiss on the low of her cheek. "No, I will not. I will be careful not to."
"I am sorry... I am not going to do anything you do not want."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti reacts to the change, to the way he pushes closer as he remembers the visions the Dark Angel brought on, relaxes by accepting, opening her self up for more of what he might want, a thousand subtle changes of pose and posture each one chosen by deeply buried instinct to accept, accomadate, encourage, offering herself to him and not realising she was doing so.<br>
''he won't burn me. ''<br>
''he won't fill me with the light. ''<br>
''he won't hurt me. ''
''I... ''
"I ... don't mind if you want to burn me."<br>
''I want to feel it burning! ''<br>
''... and know I'm of the dark. ''
'''Alexander: ''' His body rubs against her, in so many places. The light holds her tightly, almost suffocating, too bright for her eyes to stay open...
His breah hot on the hollow of her neck, up, his lips nearly brushing...
And then she speaks. And he steps back, watching her in puzzlement...
"Is that... what you want?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti closes her eyes against the brightness, leaning into the touches, the feeling of his hands on her, the sensation on her neck.
And then he stopped, stepping away, and Kanti almost stumbled in the dance.<br>
''do I want that? ''<br>
''do I want the pain? ''<br>
''do I want to be hurt? ''<br>
''do I want the light? ''<br>
"...yes." she says, her eyes still closed against the light falling off him.
'''Alexander: ''' The light does not vanish, the harmless light. But he is still away, still dancing, but away now. A respectable distance, a little more than a gentleman would give, still bashing her in light, in warmth of essence, but not of body.... as he looks at her. As he tries to understand. As he tries to deny how the suggestion crosses with the scene of a dance, the scene of lust, without being alien. Pain, some degree of it, seems to be natural. He tries to understand. He keeps leading her and trying to understand, almost voicing an answer more than once, but unable to... not finding words, not finding a question.
She had answered, after all.
And he... felt inclined to give it?
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti continues to follow, letting him lead her, still luxuriating in the light.
''I worried him. ''<br>
''he doesn't really want to hurt me. ''<br>
''I worry him. ''<br>
''...but he hasn't stopped the light yet. ''
Kanti dances in silence, and waits for the Prince to leave her, or to talk.
'''Alexander: ''' The dance stops, against a hedge wall. Light crackles around him, as he touches her.
Curiosity wins out, and his light becomes searing where it touches her scars, like slaps accross her skin...
And he watches her as he does so, he wonders if this is what she really wants...
Trying to ignore what he himself feels. The darkness. Breaking it. Lust. Control.
In a life out of control, now it felt the opposite... and it gave him a thrill.
Which he tries so hard to deny as the hands moved over her scars...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti lets out a pained gasp as his hands move over her, trailing the fire behind them, and the light, leaning back against the hedge for support, feeling the small agony, closing her eyes, glorying in it.
''yes! hurt me. ''<br>
''thank you. ''<br>
''punish me for the darkness. ''<br>
''burn me until there is no darkness. ''<br>
''burn me until there is nothing. ''<br>
"...thank you.." she says softly into the flames of sunlight.<br>
"...thank you for the light. Thank you for the pain..."
'''Alexander: ''' The hands move, making her flesh take a deeper tone of red, akin to slaps, to soft slaps over her skin, only around the scars... as they contrast so deeply with the cracking white light. The prince watches... in awe, pehaps? It was... it was something he had never seen before. It was something forbidden, dark and yet not, as she felt it and wirithed under his touch. The thrill faded, but this... fascination? Did not... and he held to her...
''This is what she wants... ''
Dark, but fears the darkness. Marked by the darkness. Marked by natural Creation.<br>
Innocent. Whore. Dark. Fearful.<br>
So much... so strange...
"You want this, but... no... wounds, right? You do not want to... die, do you?" He says, fear breaking the reverie, pehaps...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti held on to him, as the hands moved over her, leaving her skin burning with a mix of pleasure and pain behind it, submitting to the pain, letting it travel where it will.
''Don't hurt me more... ''<br>
''you wouldn't be so cruel? ''<br>
''you want me bleed for you? ''<Br>
''I willl....ask me and I will''<br>
''but don't hurt me''<br>
''don't kill me. ''<br>
''do you want to kill me? ''<br>
''...you can... ''<br>
''no! no! ''<br>
''...please? ''
"...I...will bleed for you...if you want..." she breathes out.<br>
''don't make me bleed! ''<br>
''...please make me. ''
'''Alexander: ''' He held her, even as she held to him, knees bent to his level, lips on hers....
And kissing. So tender, so warm, even as the burning light crackled against her skin.
''If I want... ''
He looked, almost... blank. ''She would enjoy... it all... ''
The kiss broken, he thinks... and remembers a basic tenet. Even if the people cannot do anything... you must care. And so he breaks the kiss, perceiving he has to care. To protect. She felt... she felt like a child. A pet... she was older than him, more experienced, learned and knowledgeable than him, and even so, he realised that... she would not know when... to stop... "I will not. Never. Ever."
"Even if you ask me to."
"I just cannot hurt like that.. do not wish people to be hurt, like that."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti slipped then, dropping to her knees at the sudden stop of sensation, the lack of the burning playing over her skin, the lack of the sensation of his lips on hers, the knowledge he wouldn't hurt her like she craved.<br>
''why won't you hurt me? ''<br>
''why do you protect me? ''<br>
''why does everyone protect me? ''<br>
''why won't they hurt me and mean it? ''<br>
''I want it. ''<br>
''thank you. ''
"..Sorry." she says, and looks up at him, deep dark eyes framed by a golden mask.<br>
"I want to be hurt ... want you to hurt me ... but if you won't hurt me...." she looks up at him guility.<br>
"...I won't ask again."
'''Alexander: ''' He cups her face on his hand, the crackles of white fire touching the scars on her cheek like slaps.
She was so defenseless. Like a child, she had to be protected... from her own wishes. From herself... how could he... how...
"Would you like to have a mistress other than the Dark Angel, Kanti?"
"Would you like to serve ''me''?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti lets out another gasp as he burns her again, her eyes wavering alittle as she looks up at him, <br>
''you said you wouldn't hurt me. ''<br>
''you said you didn't want people to be hurt like that. ''<br>
''you hurt me still. ''<br>
''Thank you! ''
"I...it is not my place to decide, Prince Alexander." she says, dropping into formality, her voice still tinged with pain. "I ... "<br>
''would hate you? ''<br>
''would love you? ''<br>
''would damn you? ''<br>
''would help you? ''<br>
''would hurt you? ''<br>
''would protect you? ''<br>
''would burn you? ''<br>
''would love too. ''
"Yes. ... I don't want to be in the darkness..."
'''Alexander: ''' He rises her with the superhuman strength the boy should not have, kissing her again. The crackling begins to fade...
"I will talk to her, then. I will. You will serve me next, I promise."
''You will be mine... ''
''Will I be good for you...? ''
''What am I doing...? ''
"I want to keep you safe. I will keep you safe. I will make sure nobody ever do this to you again." He says, fingers trailing the scars... still rubbing against her, his body warm, still remembering the Angels'... the darkness that made her scars seem so alluring... her, so inviting, so, so... "Can I... do more than hurt you? I..."
"... want you."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti is lifted up, lifted to his lips, kisses as he kisses her, feeling the skin on her face still glowing with the aftermath of the light, still burning softly with Alex's light. She smiles at him a little then. Not sure she believed. Wanting too so badly. Wanting the hope, the hope of the sunlight, the hope of freedom from the darkness.
She freezes a little as he traces over the scars, still warm from the flames.<br>
''he wants to protect me''<br>
''he wants to keep me safe. ''<br>
''he wants to hurt me. ''<br>
''he wants to keep me. ''<br>
''he wants me. ''<br>
"Of course." she says quietly, her body presenting itself to him of its own accord. "You may do far more than hurt me, Prince Alexander."
'''Alexander: ''' She is pressed against the hedge. It comes so fast, so furiously. The hands of the impossibly fair boy going into her dress, between her legs, pressed against her, kissing, so much, with the sort of enthusiasm only someone so young, who held himself back so, could have.... so many moments in the party, things, so sexy...
His eyes slitted, but not closed. Looking at her. Burning her in involuntary glows....
And his eyes to hers'. He curses himself for enjoying the single thought his mind entertains so... enjoys so...
The thought so clear there...
''Mine.... ''<br>
''Mine? ''<br>
''Mine. ''
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti feels the thorns of the hedge digging into her back from behind, keeping her upright but drinking from her all the same, Alex's hand between her legs, Alex's lips on hers, Alex's flame on her skin, surrendering to him, surrendering to his fury, surrendering to his wants. She lets out a gutteral noise, somewhere between lust and pain.
''his... ''<br>
''his? ''<br>
''hers? ''<br>
''Hers? ''<br>
''His? ''<br>
''his. ''<br>
''his. ''
'''Alexander: ''' So different. Something else entirely. She reacts to him, but lets him lead... like a dance...
His fingers soaked, the light gone. Nobody would see them there, now. Just another dark spot on Kadel's garden, made for such trysts to be carried... he felt the taste of her scars under his lips. It felt unholy. It felt good.
He thought of the Pale Angel, and felt regret...<br>
He thought of her and the Dark Angel, and did not know what to think...<br>
He thought of all the encouragement....
And then, slowly, he let her sink to her knees again, now that she had whimpered on his hand.
He struck her face, and smiled. Then, he realised there was no problem.
She would be his servant... would she not?
That is something... else...
He let it slip, then. Part of him noticed he might be wrong. That Selina might say no. That he would have to fight for her. That he might fail. That the Dark Angel, the Dark Angel... and yet, he had to slip... "Mine. My servant..." His wings close her. Under his aegis, at least for now...
'''Kanti: ''' one thought.
'''Alexander: ''' ''Lust''
After Kanti was done working on her knees, the prince pushed her to his chest, and set out... feathers on the air about her, purely white. He glided through shadows cast by the moonlight, landing on a more secluded, private area... she could see he wished to let her down gently, but he was too lusty to. Too lusty to even take her clothing off... he barely refrained himself from ripping it off. What he could not resist on the underwear protecting what he so coveted. Now, as the sweat cooled on their brows, the fabric covering her bosom was all wet, filled with his saliva as he tasted it even through the clothes...
And it was... different, very much so. He had her, in the full meaning of the world. As it ended, at least for the moment - the boy had the vitality of a god - he rolled to the side, and pushed her. To him. She was taller than him, as the Pale Angel was, but it just did not feel right to rest atop of her like he did with Vorpal. She felt like she needed to be protected, arms wrapped around her...
... like the Pale Angel did to him.
And yet, it felt like something he had to do, something so important for him to do...
It made him feel good. Right.
A quick peck on her forehead, playing with her hair...
"... you are wonderful."
He took the pieces of her panty, giving her an embarassed smile. "... sorry about that.."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti had made barely a noise of protest as he near threw her to the ground in garden, openning herself up to him, taking in all his lust, submitting to it and returning it, nuturing it, using it to drive him higher into ecstacy, not using all of her skill for the young Prince, but enough that it would be beyond anything he had experienced before.
"...Thank you, Prince Alexander." she says quietly in the aftermath, pressing up to him in the cool air, wanting to feel close to him. "..don't worry yourself over my panties.."
'''Alexander: ''' She holds her face on his hands. "I should worry. Ripping your clothes apart is.. rude, is it not?"
He looks down a bit, his face blushing a darker shade, "I almost tore your dress.. hard to measure my strengfth those days..."
He feels how she presses up to him, "You... want warmth? You are of fire, alright..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti presses all the closer to him, letting him feel the heat of his breath on her skin, feeling his closeness, his warmth, his power.
"Do you want to see me without it?" she asks of him softly, as he blushes.<br>
''he should not feel ashamed of what he wants to do with me... ''<br>
"I...it might have caused questions to be asked at the party, though, had you ripped it..."<br> Kanti adds uncertainly.
'''Alexander: ''' She does not reply, but he moves his arms up and down on her back, keeping her closer, warm. He picks his white overcoat and drapes it around her, for warmth. "Yes. Yes, I do. I want to see you..."
He thinks on what she said... "And what about you? You would not mind?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti gives a small shake of her head "Not at all, Prince Alexander, if you really wished me without clothes there. ..."<br>
''I've been to more prestigeous parties than this without. ''<br>
She looks up at him "Or here?"
'''Alexander: ''' He looks at her... and blinks, face blank, not believing what he hears...
''She did not mean that... ''
''She could not.. possibly... ''<br>
''No, she could not! ''<br>
''Could she...? ''<br>
''Only one way to know... ''
"If I asked you to, you would walk back in there, into the party, naked?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti nods ... then pauses
"...No. I do not think the Dark Angel would approve." she shivers slightly as she says the name. "And she is is my mistress still."
'''Alexander: ''' Oh...
He sees her nod.<br>
He sees why she might not...
''So, if your master wants, you would do anything? Everything? ''<br>
A shiver ran through him. That was so natural, and yet...<br>
And yet...<br>
She was an ideal for the nobility. It was almost like she wasn't... a person...
"I want to see you here, and only here. But not now if you do not feel like it. We have to go back soon, after all... or they might notice we have been gone for too long..." ''I doubt either of the angels would be happy to see us like this... ''
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti pulls away from him a little, and nods <br>
"Now, then."
She smiles a little, and flows up to her feet in an deceptively easy manner, his overcoat already liring on the floor, and then she slowly, teasingly stripes for him, until she is naked and lying beside him on the cool grass once more, the black scars crossing over her skin, visible even in the darkness.
''what will he think? ''
''what will she think? ''
''what will she say? ''
''what will I say? ''
'''Alexander: ''' The prince picks the abstractally decorated vest... after she lowers herself. He watched her intently before, every movement... every movement... so hypnotic, so enticing. The first time he had seen one strip like that, before him... he had heard of such, however. "So, this is what a strip-tease is like?" He asks of her, his coat not around her... just his light. Keeping her warm even bare over him... bare. Defenseless. And, if he asked, if she had not her mistress, she would walk back into the party naked...
If he asked...
He holds her body to his, the warm white flame covering her as he kisses her hair... "I am going to protect you. To keep you safe." He says, what he needed to say... the only thing he could think of as she showed herself to be... "I am never going to ask anything of you to degrade you. I will keep you noble. I will... I will not allow anyone to hurt you. I promise."
'''Kanti: ''' ''am I scared of you? ''
''you will hurt me. ''<br>
''you will protect me. ''<br>
''you will use me. ''<br>
''you are sunlight. ''
"You do not scare me, Prince Alexander." says Kanti in the merest whisper, and just for that moment, just for that insant, it is true.<br>
It might not be true in a minute.<br>
It might not be true in an hour.<br>
It might not be true in a day.<br>
That doesn't matter.<br>
For now it is true, and it is enough for Kanti.
'''Alexander: ''' That is true, and Alex is happy. She could deceive him, but he does not think about it. It does not even cross his mind. He just kisses her once again, and cracks a big, shining smile! One that makes him see so young and bright and innocent! A smile that can fill with warmth, that can feel with hope, that denies there is anything wrong in the world!
"I am glad, then!"
His body rubs against her just slightly... then sighs, as a child who knows it is time to leave a toy store. "Well, we should be getting back now, right? But before we go..." another kiss. His tongue more playful. His lips more dominant. Without evil, without desire for dominance. Just natural. "... your dance got me... a little too happy. You can see, right?" There merest tug of her hair, down... "Do something about it before we go back."
It comes naturally, again<br>.
An order.<br>
Said without a second thought.
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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