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== Demon Aegis ==
The district of the Black Rose.
Claustrophobic. Damp. Dark. Through narrow streets they walk, and through alleyways sometimes too short for all the move side-by-side. It is still raining, and from many ceilings and floors it drops, making a disjointed symphony of heaven's teardrops. It was dark, past twilight, and mist was thick on its streets... sometimes, too thick for them to see not too far foward. In some places, closer to the legendary savant's home, they see... cobwebs. Large cobwebs... and broken streets. Having to double-take and go around a room blocked by debris of a fallen roofstreet bridge, before...
... arriving somewhere filled with the meowling of cats. They see one, then another, dart past... and then get to the great Manse. Hidden by a pattern of buildings that unfurl like a black flower around it, it is likely one could only notice its existence by standing directly above... but it was a grand existence.
And through those they go... getting to the Manse. Hidden within the complex of buildings, it was clearly made to be, as it is a great Manse - a spire of glass reaching to the sky, glass changing its colors to better accomodate all the fluxes of essence, a garden formed by many spirtals of little rocks around it. Around the rocks, three pounds in a circuit of running water that seems to end on itself, and strange, exotic plants... where cats hunt for birds, still so alive here. The cobwebs gone here, except on its highest trees...
They come to the home of the Savant.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise wanders along, her hands slipped into the long sleeves of her robes. Completely unbothered by the fact that it's raining, as the rainwater simply slid off her. :D
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''What a nice place you have here, Savant. ''
Selina has her greatcoat over the rest, though it's unbuttoned and occasionally flicks open enough for some of the material underneath to be seen as she walks. The rain doesn't really bother her...not after Amber Post.
''Not after six mercenaries an hour. ''
All she wants is the summoning circle. Of course, this Archren is probably going to want to watch. And the little she's heard about the woman from others is not very encouraging...
"Well, here we are." Selina says lightly, and knocks on the door.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa stands behind the sisters in quiet apprehension, taking in her surroundings with little words and much curiosity. Clad of course in kimono, subtly textured dark blue silk cinched with violet obi, white petals unfolding starkly on the fabric -- the slender delicate petals of a night-blooming cereus. Her hair is neatly braided, if now damp, and against the rain she tucks her hands into her kimono sleeves and the warmer underrobe she has beneath.
She wasn't very fond of coming to Archren's door, but it was the Dark Angel's choice, and so she would endure for knowledge gained. "I have my doubts she likes visitors," she murmurs under her breath.
'''Iselsis: ''' "She likes visitors like her face likes mirrors.", Ise adds.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Pretty." Says the Aspect of Air, taking in the surroundings... "Hmmm, rainy and cloudy. It could only get better with more winds here... but Spire is most of what I expected it to be, you know. Only with less... um." She looks around, at the empty windows around the Manse... "... you know, people." She shrugs, shifting the scythe over her shoulder and whistling as they get to the Manse...
She shrugs, "Ah, well. Least this will be ''interesting''" She says... watching Ryshassa and Iselsis.
''For the fights, if nothing else! ''
'''Archren: ''' And she opens the door... long golden hair cascading down her back, covered in a dress of gold, spun gold like dragonscales, other scales in brilliant copper forming the image of a dragon coiled around her, the dress leaving her slender legs, arms and shoulders free, ending in a low cut at her bosom. Jewels shine on the back of her hands, above her feet, twins like butterfly wings below her back, shining on her skin. One eye covered by her golden hair, she takes on the sights, silent... her eyes burning with motes, until she purses her lips and speaks... and power comes from it, pouring forth with her voice. "Hmmm, this is interesting. Why do I owe such an illustrious visit, of the Dark Angel and her entourage?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa finds herself thankful she had decided to keep her hair bound tight, rather than look wet and raggled in front of the Savant as she was so proudly called.
Fortunately it was not her business to respond, so she kept her thoughts to herself. Entourage indeed. Bronze Butterfly she had only hardly met, though she looked friendly enough! and attached to Lady Aine besides.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You possess a summoning circle, Savant of Spire." Selina says evenly, looking her over. Well, she dresses well. All the time though?
''Some people are like that. ''
"And I need to summon a demon, unfortunately. But...a benign one at least."
She adds, almost as an afterthought: "If you don't mind, that is."
'''Archren: ''' She looks over the Dark Angel, amusement dancing in her eyes... and then she nods, stepping aside and making a little flourish. "I would not mind, no. It would be... instructive, to see more summonned here. Whiteshield never looked demons in the eyes... call me curious. Hope you do not mind my disherveled appearance..." She touches the gems open and burning with essence atop her hands. "But I had no time to cover myself with any care. Do be careful in my home, though... I would hate to see you hurt for breaking something you should not."
Her eyes smile as she looks at the others...
"Oh, the healer. I forgot to thank you for your assistance earlier."
* Iselsis wisely, probably, keeps her mouth shut, and just waits to follow her older sister. The less she had to say to Archren the better, she didn't want to have to make a scene by trying to strangle her in her own home.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hurt?" Selina asks with a raised eyebrow, wondering if the woman keeps biting crystal flowers in her house or something.
''Disheveled? ''
''What the hell? ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa just inclines her head, somewhat clinically, relieved as soon as she and the others can emerge out of the rain and into somewhere drier. ''I might have let her die, and she's thanking me. ''
She isn't quite sure what to think about that, so she just adheres to protocol. "You are welcome. You look... well, now. I am here for similar reasons as that you would allow Lady Aine to summon here. I have recently been initiated to the study of sorcery, so the more examples I see, the better I will grasp the concepts, I believe."
Hopefully that sounded amiable enough. Much like Iselsis she would much rather not make a scene.
'''Archren: ''' "I am... a collector, Dark Angel. There are many things on the sewers of Spire, in the mines of the Boil, in the ruins of Argentile. So many interesting things, and I always get some... souvenirs. Some are alive. Some are deadly. Some are cursed." Indeed, as she walks inwards, her house seems like... a museum. Paintings and strange things... and indeed, there is a wyld poisonous bird in a cage, and a ice-flower held far up on the hall which Selina knows to bite, slowly turning those it bites into ice. Archren reaches into a drawer, picking long gloves of the same golden color... and letting to of some concentration which makes her more human, showing the gold around the gems... before she covers her hands in the gloves.
She points inwards as she finishes placing the gloves, "The way to the summoning chamber is there. You will forgive me the lack of decorations, like I said, it has not been used in a while. Damned if I will let some demon cultist or desperate mortal summon something here. Even if it is some First Circle I can destroy, it is better not to take any chances."
She raises an eyebrow at Ryshassa... and then smiles, a smile of... amusement? Smugness?
"''You? '' Oh ho. It is always interesting to see more chosen walk this path. It is the path of truth, Healer."
She walks towards the chamber then, entering the door she pointed, through a corridor... and into a stair down...
"It is the path of divinity."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''I devour Chosen and you think your trinkets are deadly to me? ''
She doesn't say it, though. She '''is''' using the woman's summoning chamber, afterall. Maybe if she keeps saying things like that Selina will say something.
"We only need the essentials. My method of summoning doesn't require much, though some things make it less irritating to practice."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's back straightens somewhat stiffly at Archren's words to her, wondering if she thought her unfit to walk such a path. "I am trying to broaden my understanding of the world, you might say. The view of a healer is but one of them."
'''Iselsis: ''' "People should be less eager to meddle with the domain of the yozis."
That's all Izabella says as she wanders after the others. She'd seen how messed up it could get first hand.
'''Archren: ''' "I would not advise you to trust too much on your nature here." She says idly... "If touched by a needle, a Chosen still bleeds. Poisons, drugs... you will survive with me here, but none of you seem like gluttons for pain and punishment, for me." She says, then stops on the stairs and looks up... "... but I may need glasses after all those years, who knows."
She laughs to herself, as she finally leads them through another corridor... and the room for summoning, a Circle of gems with glyphs on Jade. Not like the rings of Jade and other Magical Materials found on places like the Realm... but still more regal than most places on the threshold. Braziers of diamond can be seen there... sparkling in stark contrast to the rest of the room.... "Oh, the braziers are new. I got them from the Boil not even a week ago. A good omen for you, pehaps?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ah, my braziers." Selina says, her face darkening a bit as she remembers the farcical scene which brought about their existance.
''I'm going to '''get''' you, Rain. ''
"Odd that they found their way here so quickly." She looks to Archren. "Did you get them from a faerie?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Well, Sorcery is not only about summoning, as I understand it," Ryshassa points out to Iselsis. "I myself would likely refrain from summoning of quite this nature. Still, the observation will hopefully be enlightening."
"As for pain and punishment, I would do my best to care for anyone harmed if need be, but I am sure we are adults enough to be careful." She did find many of the items she passed on the way to the summoning chamber of interest, and might have wanted to see more of it, if Alexsei were here to see it with her...
''It seems like it's been so long already... I wonder how you are doing now, beloved? ''
'''Archren: ''' The braziers are '''magnificent! '''
Pure diamond, intricately carved... they are masterpieces, wondrous in themselves... not simply Braziers...
"''Your'' braziers? Now, that is interesting... I got it from normal merchants. It was sold around on the Boil, I hear, many people were killed over it, and a man smart enough to run from it got here last week, not a penny on him, trying to sell the braziers for a fortune. I cut a good enough deal with him and held onto them - they seem so very... sparkling."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Keep em, then." Selina says with a wave of her hand. If Rain can do that, Days can probably do much the same. She can get another set of diamond braziers. "As you spent money on them, I did not."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa gazes at the braziers with a touch of bemusement on her delicate features. "I assume there is quite a story behind these beautiful pieces of art. Particularly if a faerie is involved..." ''Days? Or another? ''
The room, she finds, is much more magnificent than the "lack of decorations" Archren had described it as having. Apparently she had quite the talent for understatement. Or perhaps she is simply used to more. Much like those that lived in Heaven tended to be.
The healer steps away to one side of the room, entirely out of the circle, so she might watch without disturbing the Dark Angel's concentration.
'''Archren: ''' "How did you come by them, then?" She asks, crossing an arm below her bust, placing her elbow over it and touching her face bemusedly. "They are perfect... true objects d'art. I certainly paid for them much, much less than I should... but when you cast pearls before the swine, they believe such things as a huge pile of mud is a fortune to trade for it."
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella stays back, looking around the room casually. Despite knowing a lot about this kind of thing, she'd never actually done or even witnessed it herself.
But hey, book reading is still knowledge!
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I was summoning an elemental in a hurry and needed a brazier. A faerie provided these for me." She puts a finger on her chin and taps it idly. "Suppose I forgot about them, what with the rebellion and all."
She shrugs. "Guess I'll be using them again."
Selina turns to the circle, and begins. Her eyes shine a brilliant turquoise, her anima banner kindles to life around her, all rushing wind and crackling lightning and shadow. She makes a motion with her left hand, and burning emerald runes superimpose themselves on the empty air in its wake, slowly fading over the course of a few seconds. And the summoning circle glistens, then shimmers, then burns, with green fire. The call to Malfeas, in Old Realm, comes from Selina's lips. A steady chant of reinforcement, creating the cage and draw for the demon -- the summoning begins to take shape.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Oh, here we go..." Says the Butterfly, sighing, and plopping into the ground in a very unladylike manner, crossing her fingers and watching the summons with an interested face, but knowing the ceremony will'' far'' outstretch her patience... "Least, it's preeeetty..."
'''Archren: ''' "I will be right back." She says with a quiet nod, walking out of the room...
And back long white-gold boots instead of bare legs and slippers. The chants continue, and the power suffuses the room... and with almost hungry eyes, she watches, enjoying every moment... and in her eyes of pure power, almost a gateway to a hollow white world of light, one can see... a reflection, in a way, of all she is seeing before her...
The chant continues... for an hour, and another... building a crescendo...
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa waits and watches Even though she is not near as fidgety as Bronze Butterfly, it does take some discipline to stand still for so long. But she keeps herself focused, on the rhythm of the chants and the position and configuration of the runes Selina draws in the air... the reactions in the circle as time passes on, the subtle changes that soon build into a noticeable thrum of power with the rising of the Dark Angel's voice.
She looks briefly to Archren, envying in a way her essence sight, wondering how she can feel such... what looks to be pleasure, in watching this. ''Is it for her the way that I can feel when I touch and experience the wounds of others? '' The thought of her lingers in Ryshassa's mind as she refocuses her eyes on the ritual.
''How strange. Archren doesn't seem nearly so bad to talk to when we meet her in her own home. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The demon's true name, spoken in a language that seems to only be carried through Old Realm rather than part of it, completes the summons. Whether this is Selina's deliberate design, or how she is supposed to phrase it in order for the summoning to cap itself, is unknown at the moment. But the emerald cage completes, at long last ready for the prey which she had studied in her free time at Amber Post. Some of the spoils of victory were useful, afterall -- and the dwellings of a summoner or two in the Boil had yielded up some juicy secrets.
And Selina stands waiting, coat open and ready for violence in case things should go not-as-she-planned. Her mind ready to test itself against that of the demon's. The first demon she has ever summoned. The beginning of her road to dominance against '''him'''.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' Butterfly fidgets, touching the tip of her scythe against the ground rhytmically, mumbling something... or other... and yawning. The lights soon had overstayed their welcome, and she had seen the Dark Angel flare in full glory like she just did now, before. Of course, the room was too small... and the dark light filled them all, nearly putting out the candles... so much light, so much power... and she watches, until the emerald cage completes... and the shiny takes her eyes, as if she was a bird, and she goes 'ooh!'
And then...
'''Iselsis: ''' A faint clicking sound echoes as Ise sees the signs of the end of the summoning ritual coming around, one hand under her hair at the small of her back on her repeater pistols. She was sure it wouldn't be necesary at all, just dealing with demons made her nervous.
... Especially lately.
'''????: ''' ... there is a great explosion in the middle of the circle... pure green light, pure green flame. For a moment, sand touches the edges of the concentric circles. Sand that seems to cut through space itself, leading little grain-shaped holes on the world to the other side of everything. The flames reach to the roof, forming a spire, and then a sphere... where she holds herself in fetal position, only a sillhouette that looks like a little girl... until the sphere explodes, a roar like an anima, the face of a beautiful demon with auburn hair and burning green eyes.... as she opens her eyes... and falls in the ground.
Her eyes are two great emeralds, and she has something akin to a helmet over her head... and her body is like armor, shaped like a little girl, her very skin like clockwork, like a jigsaw puzzle of shining dark brass. And she smiles, a toothy grin...
... and with the most adorable voice, bellows, ''"Who dares summon me? Who dares bring out Ligier's favorite child, aegis of brass, protector of immortality?" ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "''The First Facet of Damnation summons you. ''" Selina replies in a sepulchrical voice, voice resonating with power as emerald light intermixes with her normal anima, flaring all the more violently. "''By the pacts of old I claim service. ''"
Not all summoners do that, but then, magic is a personal thing to most. Selina clenches one hand into a fist and brings it halfway up to her chest, as her will clashes with that of the demon's.
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa blinks. She had known Lady Aine would be summoning a demon to serve as Iselsis's armor... the ''voice ''throws her off, though, and she almost -- but does not quite! crack a smile. Not wanting to be caught completely off guard either, she subtly draws Essence to her to strengthen her skin from harm...
'''????: ''' It is a ''very'' close call...
...but the little girl holds to the hems of her 'gown' and courtsies, lowering her head, her eyes looking down to the floor, trying hard to maintain her poise when she is so dominated. "I am here to serve, Mistress. What do you ask of this servant?" She asks, slowly lifting her face just a tad, and looking up.
* Iselsis meanwhile removes her hand from behind her back, evidently her guns aren't needed today.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' The Butterfly watches... then claps! "How ''cute~!''"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina relaxes, almost visibly. She didn't bluster much, at least not consciously, nor did her mind jump from one place to the other. But for a first...it was successful.
''Of course, this one is much more powerful than most. '' She thinks to herself, in the middle of her somewhat lessening anima banner.
Her fist unclenches, drops to the side. "You will see." The true name of the demoness, she is not going to say out loud. Sorcerers -- some of them at least -- guard their lore, and unless someone else has reason to ask her, Selina will not be spreading the name. And even then she will consider first.
She turns to her audience. "Well, shall we do it here?" She looks to her sister.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa doesn't clap, but exhales a breath of relief... peering discreetly at the demon girl, she wonders just how that would even manage to ''fit'' on Ise.
"I should leave, if you'd rather now... in fact, some of us probably should."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Cute, huh.", she kind of sneers at the notion, "If this'd gone wrong she would've tried to tear out throats out and trying to stop a rampaging demon made to be armor tends to be hard.", she says in BB's general direction.
"Now? ... Well not with all these people in the room, that's for sure.", she says.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Butterfly, Archren? If you don't mind...we will need you to leave the room for a bit." Selina says, looking at them. She isn't sure what to say about Ryshassa. And looks to Izabella, unvoiced question of the same apparant.
'''Archren: ''' "Ah, yes. After all, it makes perfect sense to feel prudish about a body that is not even yours'." She favors Iselsis with a bemused smile, turning around and walking past the stairs... "For those who wish, I can ask one of my servants to fetch us drinks..." She says, for whichever ones decide to follow her. She knows that, whoever decides to stay, the demon-lady would not be comfortable with ''her'' in the room.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Me too?" She points at herself, looking hurt at the Dark Angel...
"Fine." She shrugs, walking out... "But there will be a ''reckoning! ''"
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella shrugs a bit at her sister's questioning glance, apparantly leaving the decision up to Ryshy herself.
"Well if she's interested in knowing because of sorcery things, she can stay. Not like it's something she hasn't seen before."
Before shooting a death glare at Archren's back as she leaves.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa considers briefly, then nods... "Yes, I think I will stay if that is comfortable with you." Though she does not go out of her way to stare too closely, either, when the process of donning the armor begins.
'''????: ''' She paces around the room, looking over the red demonic girl, up and down... "So, you are the one I have been called to protect? Well, then..." and then, she jumps on the Dark Angel, climbs up her until she has her legs around her neck so she can look down on Iselsis, and with the same toothy grin as before declares, pointing down at her... "... ''get naked! ''" she orders!
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...." Selina is speechless. What a strange demon. She shakes her head, slowly, instead of saying anything.
'''Iselsis: ''' ... "Am I supposed to start taking orders from my armor, now?", she blinks a bit at the little demon.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, you were going to take that off anyway." Selina says with a sigh. "Let's not argue the point."
'''????: ''' "If you are smart, yes!" She says, touching her upper chest with delicate hands and propping her nose up, looking as smug as she can, "Me, I am a creation of ''Ligier Himself'', crafted from Jade and Brass and Gems from a ''Whooolleee Mountain! '' Been around the world, protecting chosen for centuries! To put it simply, whoever you are, I'm smarter!" She nods, then looks down, appearing upside-down in front of Selina's face, "Right, mistress?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Aren't demons supposed to be all sullen and resentful after you successfully summon one?" Selina asks the upsidedown little face in front of her's.
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Oh dear. '' Ryshassa wonders whether she should have left after all. But the curiosity is too much, and in a way she is touched that Ise does not mind her there. Well, that is part of the deal as a healer, to be professional about such things as nudity.
This, on the other hand... She isn't sure whether to smile or shake her head at the perky demon. "Hm. Well, let her take her time. Iselsis, I mean."
'''????: ''' "Well, you didn't ''ask'' me to be, did you now?"
She says with the sly grin of a kid found stealing some apples...
'''Iselsis: ''' "Maybe the last one she was assigned to was ugly, and that's why she's so happy?", she shrugs forlornly and starts undoing her gunbelts and the grey waist cinch, which really doesn't leave much holding the oversized robe up and it flops down and pools around her feet.
"There.", she says rather unceremoniously, though she does quickly cross her arms over her breasts, apparantly not ''that'' comfortable being stark naked around other people.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Okay." Selina says with a look at her sister, pursing her lips and poking Astaroth on the leg slightly. "Turn into armor on her."
"Red like Kanti..." The Windian says, mostly to herself, more of a murmur, really. And sighs. Her family reduced to this. At least Izabella's filled out somewhat.
''Not that she'll be marrying anybody after all this. ''
'''????: ''' "Unless you want me to be sullen and angsty and go 'oh, mistress, I ''will avenge this humilliation! '' I will suck the marrow from your bones and feed on your brain and..." She stops, touching her nose to Selina's. "You get the picture. What ''fun'' is it?"
"Aaaaallllright!" She says, then puts her hands atop Selina's head, standing on her hands atop the Dark Angel and doing a pirouette, faling in front of Iselsis... and pacing around her, looking over her body very interestedly... "Lose the arms." She commands again, making 'hmmm' and 'mmm' noises, pondering things...
* Iselsis sighs and lets her arms hang limply alongside her body. Really she's filled out rather well, even though she's not nearly close to the proportions of her sister or even Vorpal. But then, she wasn't a deathknight either, so it balanced out.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa actually does find herself blushing, a little. There was just something about the entire concept of... actually... wearing a demon on your skin. Even if a perky, happy girl forged of dark metal demon.
''As long as it doesn't hurt her... ''
''Though maybe I should have left, after all. ''
'''????: ''' "Right, then. You seem ''about right! ''" She declares, stopping right in front of Iselsis. Very, very close. And then... she begins to open. Like opening a watch, her face... opens, her head... opens, and her smile is stilll there. It is a disturbing show as her body, parts still moving, begins to unfurl, becomin larger and greater, touching Ise's skin, the touch cold at first, prickling as if it was made of many tiny spikes.... coming up her, her legs, her torso, her breasts, pressing close to her chest, and her arms... and for a moment she can feel a searing ''pain'' and can imagine her skin being rasped off, blood pouring... but there is none, and she suddenly feel a surge of pleasure, of finally being... ''complete'' as if she was another part of her.
An armor over her legs, her arms, her shoulders, her sides, her breasts...
Where it touches, it is dark, intricate, full of details and spikes, likely able to shred someone if she wishes...
But it stops at her knees and her elbows, covering only the sides and back of her torso, covering only the sides of her bosom and nipples, covering her choker and making it even more regal, the ends of the armor, as it leaves flesh free, like silk draped on her skin, reminding vaguely of fishnets... and Iselsis is left there, belly and navel bare, thighs bare, in front of the women when the surge of pain-washing pleasure passes...
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella inhales sharply at the two sensations, one rapidly after the other, and kind of glares at nobody in particular since the one she wanted to hurt now was in fact firmly afixed to her body. She then quickly checks herself over to make sure the damn thing really didn't rasp her skin off, at which point she breathes a sigh of relief...
... until she realizes that certain key areas are still uncovered.
"Oi! You!", she taps on the metal on her thigh, "You missed a spot!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sighs again, then shakes her head again. "I think we need a bottom for my sister."
She looks expectantly to the Solar, half-smile on her face. "Unless she wants to walk back with a draft. Not fun in this weather."
'''????: ''' The armor seems to giggle... which tickles ''SO MUCH''...
And them the same material, like silk, covers her thighs, forming a 'v' which goes and touches slightly the armor on the sides of her belly. It is a thin film, but does guarantee modesty... even if Iselsis barely feels it is covered, and the V is simply enough to cover the front, stopping around the point of her last pubic hair...
'''Ryshassa: ''' There really wasn't words to describe witnessing that. Ryshassa's original discomfort passed entirely as soon as she realized that the process actually was causing Iselsis pain. But Ise was definitely a strong-willed girl, and Ryshassa simply forces herself to wait and see for herself whether medical attention would be needed.
Fortunately... it is not. And Ryshy too looks significantly relieved, though blinks in surprise when Selina turns to her. "Well, ah... I don't particularly carry ''spares'' on me..." Her cheeks still somewhat pink she adds hastily, "Never mind. I suppose I will have to see if Archren will spare one..."
"...or not..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks back at her sister, and blinks. Well, that's a fancy one.
''Vorpal would be jealous. ''
She giggles a bit, almost maliciously. "Looks like she fixed your problem, sis. Suits you too."
'''Iselsis: ''' She grumbles audibly.
"When you said armor, I was thinking something a little more dignified than this, but I suppose it'll have to do. Good thing I have robe, huh?", she says as she prepares to put said item of clothing back on over the armor ... demon ... thing.
Good thing her skin was red, or they'd have seen her blushing, and that would've just been embaressing.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods slowly. She had for a moment actually considered trying to craft panties out of her own kimono sleeve -- rather than have to walk out there and ask Archren for a spare. Asking Archren for panties! Holding out on a shudder, she says aloud, "If that will do for you, it looks fine, Iselsis."
"Though... will you have to go through the process of putting it on and removing it repeatedly? It... looks uncomfortable." To say the least.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh come on. Look at what the Pale Angel and I have as armor. Or even Valencia...when you get past the iron full plate of her's." Selina says with a chuckle. "That fits right in!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I.. I mean the underwear is fine!" Ryshassa amends quickly, then realizes that STILL sounds bad, and tries to concentrate on cold, cold thoughts to keep her blush from rising again, too. "The robe should cover up the rest nicely, anyway."
'''Iselsis: ''' She considers what Selina, Vorpal and Valencia wear for armor for a moment...
Then mutters something to herself which faintly sounds like "Like I'd ever look that good.", as she starts doing up the robe, then pointedly stares at her feet at Ryshy's remark.
''Thank the yozis for red skin. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You don't have the aura of attraction 'round you, true." Selina shrugs. "But otherwise there is nothing wrong with you." Then she exhales heavily. "Not like either of us will be getting married to propogate the family, so what does it matter anyway?"
"And yes, the robes will work just fine."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You don't need to look like them to look good, besides," Ryshassa adds, more soberly now that she's gotten over her own bit of embarrassment. "There are many standards of beauty -- I have always thought it at least partially a matter of taste."
"I suppose it's harder to think that way with the company we keep though." She smiles a little wryly. After all, she herself would be comparably plain -- more so perhaps, if not for the clothing she chooses to adorn herself in.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well I'm certainly not, but there's more reasons to want to look good than that.", she shrugs slightly, "But if you both say it's fine I'll believe you."
She muses shortly, "I suppose at least Faina will be pleased.", which prompts her to grin rather more deviously than the other two have seen her do in the past.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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