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== Big Blue Bastards ==
Sacred City Yu-Shan.
The center of the world.
Beneath the lights of the unconquered sun and luna, ever shifting above the Jade Pleasure Dome, a thousand wonders dot every street one can name. And a city of the size of the Blessed Isle has ''many'' wonders.
And pehaps the greatest of them is the Most Perfected Lotus of Heavenly Designs... the Bureau of Fate. Every day, Celestial Exalted walk in and out of it. Every day, the fate of Creation is discussed and changed there, and bureaucratic battles that shake the landscape of Creation are fought.
In its center, stands the Loom of Fate, where spiders spins all that is from threads taken by the Maidens out of pure possibility. Around the Heart of the World, stand the Five Houses, the Divisions of the Bureau of Destiny.
Concerned with the well-being, happyness and joys of man, the Cerulean Lute bursts with activity with all sorts of gods of theather, prostitution, drugs and music. The most innefficient of all the Divisions, where most, specially its director, seek only their personal joys, it is thus dubbed 'Heaven's Whorehouse'
Within it, gods of pleasure, creation and arts move. Within it, the greatest paintings ever created by man or god stand on display. Within it, every gust of celestial wind touches one of the many plants that create an elaborate symphony, ever-shifting to many masterpieces that have yet to be written, or already forgotten. Within it, sighs and whispers join perfectly the symphony. Within it, the greatest dresses, suits and cloaks are made for galas that will join all manner of celestial entities. Within it, dreams come true. Within it... Gennadi Ilkov walks.
He had left Opal in his Manse already, and come to the Lute, meeting old faces, meeting partners, friends, rivals, enemies. All in the whirlwind that is the Lute...
'''Gennadi: ''' When you've been gone in Creation for a whlie, certain rumors and tales crop up. You lose a bit of an edge, you find wonder in the truly commonplace shine of Yushan. You might, but not Gennadi. Or at least he acts that way... Years of practice send him to his office, and years of paperwork remains sitting scattered as he checks the chaotic mess for the telltale signs of tampering.
'''Narrator: ''' The office is in chaos.
Lifelong marriages in the Dynasty broken by the turmoil. Starcrossed lovers at each other's throats. Perfect slavers overturned by utopic Solars and Lunars. Great artists turning to war and machinations. The product of long-term plans in breeding programs being killed, spirited away, seduced away, by the turmoils. It had been centuries since the Exalted threw their weight around in this way. In the way to crumble long-term plans to dust. On his portion, of the north, so many great artists had died in Whiteshield. So many lovers, marriages, crafters.... it was a place of the Lute - all harmony and art. And now, so much is lost. The Gods of the Country Itself - Music, many instruments, Beauty, Fountains.... the divinity of Beauty is in hiding, very hurt, the Goddess of Fountains missing... and the goddess of Music, Sweet Melody, mourns the loss of many instruments and tunes.
All in all, it is chaos.
* Gennadi 's wide smile is entirely unrelated. It would be unseemly for one of serenity to be in a bad mood, would it not? He clears away the dust and draws out the stamp that bears his signature, channeling essence into it and hunting for the forms he needs. A small tune wafts into the air, hummed under his breath. It's not something one admits, but damn it feels good to be needed. Sought after... demanded.
'''Narrator: ''' Talking as the wine gets passed by, and the drugs... and scent of so many different ones.
Drugs, herbs... and the music. Sometimes, all at once, as exhlaed smoke became a rhapsody, as the pouring wine went from allegro to adagio. And in the middle of that enviroment, everyone wants to know about him. Had he met the group in the North? This new Circle? What do they like? Who could draw them? What are their reationships? Loves? Hates? Rivalries? Which one of them could be a better patron for their relationships, for their accomplishments, for their skills....?
All asking him to make reports more comprehensive than Shaliya's, which will certainly be a sensation there...
* Gennadi 's answers are at once useless and comprehensive, depending on what context each questioner brings with them. He lists fine details, tells stories of walking in on a forbidden marriage, tales of ties that last beyond death, recites lists of quirks and smaller details still. It's just enough to make it plain that he has the answers, he has the connection, and damned if that's going to be freely available on bureau time. After all, it's nothing personal...
'''Anitsu: ''' And they ask. And they demand. And soon, it turns out Gennadi is almost like an auction house dealer, and the bidding for this or that detail increasing exponentially... and then she steps in. Anitsu, the Pleasure-Weaver. A little out of her game - she deals with the Southwest, mostly - but she strides in, coming closer to the Chosen, intrigued about the issue of the marriages within that particular Circle... the ones there, the ones to be.
* Gennadi 's curious about that one. It's not quite that he moves, and it's not quite that the Chosen break ranks, but somehow she winds up sitting astride the large wingbacked chair, her hair wrapped around Gennadi's finger. He tugs lightly on it to draw her focus from looking bewildered to matching his gaze. "And what are you doing here, hrm? You must be feeling lucky if you expect to work your magic on that crew."
'''Anitsu: ''' She looks up, and as he looks down, he has a great view of her motherly body... covered only by grainy veils that seem to have more dimensions than possible, folding and waving impossibly, both covering her entirely and sticking to it like a second skin. She reaches a finger, touching the tip of Gennadi's lips... "Why, from what you have told me, they are piles of haphazard emotions... would not be too hard. If you told me more details, that is."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, it's not the difficulty that's the problem." He runs his tongue against the fingertip, a perfectly placed nip trimming her fingernail into a perfect curve. "It's just that I don't see you weaving time for formal ceremony into the hectic schedule. They were too much even for me!" He chuckles and leans in, words too low even for charm-enhanced senses. Less true speech and more words translated from the warmth of his breath. "Besides, there's old business I want to take care of first... what do you say of a trade?"
'''Anitsu: ''' She weaves silence about them, cutting the patterns of speech, forming a flimsy tapestry of anti-sound... something she did sometimes for women having affairs too, too close to their husbands, so their whimpers and screams of pleasure would not be heard. "Trade is how we work, Ilkov. Show me yours... I show you mine."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If I get the old, you get the new." He grins at her. "I know you've got more stored away than even that damned foxbitch knows... it's just a matter of collecting it all. I may have need of it, as her interference is growing... tiresome."
'''Anitsu: ''' "You want me to interfere with her? And what do I get in return...?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "The right to interfere with others, what else?" He wags a finger at her. "Come now, dear, statements like "Whatever you want" and "Me" are passe. Not only that, but it's going to take a bit more than this to get me to turn my own romantic status over to you... Perhaps a single pairing of your choosing. I'll even assist."
'''Anitsu: ''' "Me?" She smiles, shaking her head, moving her free hand down her body, re-weaving the infinite angles... "Dear Gennadi. I do not wish rights to any couple yet, not in those troubled times. I just want... information. About the couples there. You give me that, and I will try to interfere with this fox in any way I can."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I know better than that. You want more, but you're settling for the potential. You're taking what you can get. Am I wrong?"
'''Anitsu: ''' "Sort of. If I choose a pair without the information, I can choose wrong, and then, lose it all with those Exalted breaking our manipulations and nets of plans... so, why not just be able to know who they are, and see it very closely to know where better to nudge? Only the idiots around us would jump into something like that."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That does not keep it from working often enough for my tastes. It seems a fair enough trade. Don't start interfering just yet, of course. I'm trying to keep my cards hidden until the betting's ended."
'''Anitsu: ''' "I will send you a memo when I am about to. And you... can send me a report with all I want to know. Fair enough?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'll deliver it. At the moment, I very much prize the personal touch."
'''Anitsu: ''' She reaches up, picking his face and kissing him on the lips... "Why. It does have its advantanges."
'''Shaliya: ''' And then Shaliya comes stumbling by, trying to speak something but lost amidst the woven silence, holding many papers on her hands...
* Gennadi can't hear, but he can feel, that particular bond between them letting him turn the chair. The kiss doesn't even break as she bumps into it and spills over the pair of them, landing neatly on her butt and sitting against the side of his desk. The papers fly through the air, and a quirk of the wind blowing through the crowd seems to collect them all in a stack in her lap. He shakes his head, feigning faintness and leaning back to check on the fallen familiar.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Pardon me, but she seems to need to say something important..." He chuckles. "And it's not like we need that many more words to conclude our interlude."
'''Anitsu: ''' "But why, of course, dear." She smiles, picking a little needle... and unweaving the silence... letting Shaliya finally say....
'''Shaliya: ''' "Owwwwieee, my bottom..."
"I, um... they want to talk to you about Deathknights, want a formal report about all you know about them, about each and every Solar, Wayang is asking for details in that, the division of Endings has called on you, Yaogin wants details on the Solars... and, um. I want a new dress!"
'''Anitsu: ''' "You seem to be busy, Ilkov..." She picks the chain within his suit, pushing him closer, kissing him again. "I will be waiting for my package, then."
* Gennadi drums his fingers on Anitsu's rear, counting heartbeats before it's proper to respond. "I'm always busy, but for now, you're first in line for my package. I'll see you soon." He winks at her before helping her to her feet.
'''Anitsu: ''' "See you..." She leaves with a last mischievous smile, letting go of the serenity and strutting herself out of the crowd, as they open a court to her just as they had before...
* Gennadi watches her go, or at least a specific part of her go. Afterwards, he turns back to Shaliya, helping her up and settling that bottom of hers where Anitsu's just was. "Now, formal report about deathknights and solars, wayang wants special treatment as does yaogin, and you want a new dress to show off for Cael in. Whose name is on the request for DivEnd?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Hmmm, let me see... 'Lonely Amethyst'. Awww, how cute. I should have noticed it was her when she wrote 'for that bastard'." She giggles. "Also signed by... 'Black Ice Shadow' and 'Reaper of Sorrows', however. It is very formal. Oh, and I want some earrings too. What do you think'd go with my eyes?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Contrasting or supplementing?" He hrms. "Diamond is the obvious choice, so go with carnelian. A more subdued flower design." The comment about who is actually asking doesn't miss him, but he doesn't allow himself to react. This could be very unpleasant or very useful, depending on how he handles it...
'''Shaliya: ''' "Well, you are the one to choose, hmmm? Since you are the one buying me presents! Right? Right?"
'''Gennadi: '''"You do get paid, don't you?" He forestalls the complaint with a finger on her lips. "It'll be a while. You know how hectic things can get when I've been gone. Bring me the paperwork for the Endings request, please?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Alright!" She says, scuttling over the ground and the little spirits picking the papers, looking... and finding it, handling it to her master. "Here! Oh, and, I think Sunsets is in."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Is he now." He eyes her. "And you saved that for last... why? Hoping I'd promise the presents first?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Errr... yes? And I thought you'd like to digest it all before marching there! I dunno, I get shivers every time I remember Kanti..." She picks more of the papers, not looking at him now, but handling him the paper to write reports on Abyssals and Solars in....
'''Gennadi: ''' "You got shivers before what happened happened. You just liked them more." He stacks the papers neatly to the side, not looking at them. "I suppose I will have to march there. Taking the initiative as opposed to waiting for him to deign to grace my presence."
'''Shaliya: ''' "You guys haven't talked in months, right? He was so intent on making you his pet project, and then he just..."
"I never understood that..."
* Gennadi smiles, patting her butt fondly. "You're not supposed to. Do me a favor and pick out something colorful for Opal while you're hunting your presents? You can start now, even."
'''Shaliya: ''' "I wanted you to." She pouts, but dutifully hands him the papers, picks some ambrosia from his pocket, and steps away... "But alright! I will try not to spend it all!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Keep the change. You'll need some ointment after I take the excess out in trade." He fixes his collar and steps off, locking the office door behind Shaliya. From somewhere he procures a black cigarette, smoking it quickly and discarding the ashes in a potted plant. A deep breath, and he simply opens the door to Sunset's room, sweeping inside and kicking it closed behind him with a thud.
'''Narrator: ''' He opens the door.... leading to his room. Well, the room leading to his room. Incense fills it with... sweet, sweet aromas. Like a strawberry. Like a strawberry covered in cream and sugar melting on your mouth. It washes over him as he sees the paintings... paintings of him. In many identities, in many places of Creation. Power behind thrones. Great relationships. Sculptures... sculptures of beautiful women... some, with each other.
... and speaking of beautiful women.
She is a winged beauty. Spreading butterfly wings the color of prisms, her eyes shining in many of those colors, stopping him with her palm. She is dressed in pure Ambrosia. Godling. Familiar.
She is dressed in a immaculate robe of the purest cerulean. Green circles of Kanji colored like cherry blossoms circle her forearms. Her eyes are emerald, her hair just like. Dragon-Blooded. Much like Kanti...
"Do you have an appointment?"
* Gennadi sizes her up. Godling, dragon blooded... beneath his notice, as much a part of the scenery as the statues. "Yes. Many, in fact." He smiles. "In fact, I'll be disappointed if he's late for this one, since I know he can hear me."
'''Narrator: ''' The two women circle him, slowly, something of Kanti in both of them, but standing firm to their orders...
"Do you wish to speak to Him?" The Butterfly asks.
"Who should I announce?" The Dragon-Blooded asks.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Gennadi Ilkov." He smiles. "I suspect he'll be willing to meet with me. You could say we have some mutual interests to discuss."
'''Narrator: ''' "Wait here, lord Ilkov. I will talk to Master." The Butterfly says true deference in her voice, and yet a completely rehearsed one, her eyes completely inhuman for a moment.
And then she turns around, the Immaculate taking her place. Rehearsed movements, rehearsed behavior, the godling familiar leaves with the message, the incredibly more skilled Dragon-Blooded remains, to restrict or please. It is but a moment later that the Butterfly returns, her head bowed, "He will see you now, lord Ilkov."
'''Gennadi: ''' "As a word of advice, the next time someone barges into here and you ask if they have an appointment, be more specific. This is the Bureau, everyone has appointments for something." He steps past them easily, not sparing a second look.
'''Narrator: ''' And he walks, then, into the office of Stolen Sunsets.
A great statue of Venus in Chains behind him, made of the purest Ambrosia.<br>
His desk of shining Onyx with Aquamarine edges, gives a sense of mysteries and shadows like the deepest oceans.<br>
His walls are an ever-shifting sunset of the most exquisite colors.<br>
Amidst it, paintings...<br>
Scrolls of martial wisdom.<br>
Crystals with words that speak the Truth of Essence<br>
The paintings, Immaculate Monks stripped bare, in chains. His Immaculates.
And himself, laying back on his chair, a woman with two pairs of wings, feathers of dark violet, eyes like an eagle, hair of feathers, encircling his neck with her arms, cooing as she is caressed. And Sunsets himself, head slightly low, looking at his fellow Chosen of Serenity with a knowing smile. "Hello, Gennadi. It has been a while."
'''Gennadi: ''' "It has been. The trip was worth it, though. Fun, profit, fun and profit... what more can you ask for?"
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "That depends only on how you describe 'profit' of course. A base of power, your good deed for the day, your heart's desire, favors to call on, a definite victory - are good definition. Mere goods would not be. Not that I think you would be so crass." He picks a cup of coffee, bringing it to his lips, the smoke like oil on water under the sun, shimmering in the basest colors of the rainbow
'''Gennadi: ''' "I nearly got killed on more than one occasion, strangled a behemoth charged with the essence of the underworld, and I have my own personal Mountain Folk. One of the pretty ones, too." He shrugs. "So-so on the profit, but stellar on the enjoyability. Kanti says hello."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He puts the cup of coffee down, picking a report and filing it, barely acknowledging Gennadi with slow nods. "Hmmmhmmm. Hmmmhmmm. I was wondering when you would begin building that sort of power base for yourself. Shaliya is simply not enough. Interesting that you met Kanti. How is she?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Broken. Not that you're surprised, of course. I still don't think of it as a power base... that sort of thing attracts trouble. I'm simply a man with lots of friends in high places."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "That is a nice way to view it up and until all those friends forget you. The life of a problem-solver is to fall on a problem himself." A signal to his thunderbird, and she glides about the table, pouring another cup of coffee, this for Gennadi, while Damian gives some more masterful strokes on a report... "How broken? Interesting, I expected her to be a happy nun by this point."
'''Gennadi: ''' "She kills things, lets people do whatever they want to her... The usual, just with some interesting necromantic scars." A quick grin as he collects the coffee. "I'm not a problemsolver, you know. I'm a problem-causer. It's just that usually that works to the same effect."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Nothing changed apart from scars, then. At least, I hope they are artful ones. She is too much of a masterpiece to be broken and scarred for its own sake. If it was, I must confess I will lose my faith in those Dark Exalted. Anyway, come here. A little closer." He makes a quick gesture, still not looking at Gennadi's way.
* Gennadi does so, admittedly without much thought. There's a certain protection to fools who walk where angels will not dare.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He shifts the brush from his right hand to the left, and begins to inscribe something in the air... where black paint becomes golden, forming an elaborate mandala with light, precise, fast strokes... shimmering in darkest of golds, the brush falls and Sunset's hands go through it, breaking the mandala into roaring eventide mists on his palm.
Mists that reach to Gennadi's soul, and rip images, feelings.
And on his palm, like a little floating statue, is the image of Kanti, robe of screams, scars of void.
And for a long time Sunsets watches it, his expression unreadable.
"Pain always makes things more beautiful. I wonder why."
'''Gennadi: ''' "The question answers itself, when you think about it long enough. I'd advise against it, though, enlightenment only points you out more in the dark." Gennadi shakes his head, clearing the sudden urge to smash Sunset's cultured face into the wall.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "To be in the dark is part of the excitement. As long as you know who you are and what you do, you should be like a cherry blossom on the autumn winds. Enlightement only loses the fools, it shows paths to those of understanding... exciting, thrilling paths. Look at her. I wonder what paths have been opened to her now. Her understanding of pain. The void on her body. You think any Dragonling has ever had such a close relationship to the void as she does?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Considering I'm going to be collecting a Blooded who casts Necromancy soon, I may be in a position to compare notes."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "That would be a very interesting thing to see, I am sure. I might even purchase her, if she is indeed true. Now, tell me, Gennadi..." A sleight of hand, and the image of Kanti is collected under the mists, and hidden in makeshift origami in the form of a flytrap. "To what do I owe your visit? Or did you simply wish to show me my student's progress?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm going to be terribly busy, considering how many damned official requests for lore of the void I have now, and, well, that simply reminded me of you. I thought we'd chat sooner rather than later." A pleasant smile. "I also thought I'd give you fair warning for when I bring your castaway dragon back to Heaven. I imagine she misses you dearly."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "I would take her back in, of course. If the Vestal was careless enough to let her slip away and another has broken their contract, I am under no obligation not to take her from whatever clumsy hands hold her now. And my pretties miss Kanti so. Is that not right, Amika?" He turns to the thunderbird... and she smiles, clothed in nostalgia as lighting make images of Kanti... and she whispers a yes.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, nobody said she's coming back to you. It's simply a visit. I've found her a nice Solar. Entertaining to watch, quite useful..." He shrugs. "Possibly by the time she gets here she'll be better than ever."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Who would that be? I must confess that with that... Celebrant, was it? Burning all of the Cult of the Illuminated temples nearby, I was left completely in the dark about the region. It is good to know there are Solars around. Especially for Kanti. She had always been found of Solars."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, ah, ah. that would be telling. Suffice it to say that he's an Old Friend." A dry chuckle. "And so are most of the others, it seems."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "I suppose I will have to find out, then. But I believe a Solar would be most interested in giving her back to me... and she will be most interested in having me back. No one will have her like I do. And Solars... are easy to convince. And really, even if one of us were to try otherwise... she is too Mine to do any good." He shrugs playfully, the thunderbird bringing some snacks...
'''Gennadi: ''' "For now. If there's one thing Solars are good for, it's challenging the status quo..." He pauses for a moment. "Perhaps you'd like to make a bet on it?"
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "A bet, then. And what shall we bet?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "an excellent question. It will have to be something important, or no doubt the poor dear will be most upset to see how lowly we price her loyalty and happiness."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Oh, it is not the price, Gennadi. If we exchanged a kiss or a Manse, it would not matter."
"What matters for her, is how much you care. She knows I care. Which is why, for my care, she would give her soul for a kiss."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That would be the Kanti you knew. Change is the only constant." He grins, sipping at the coffee. "Not less than a week ago I had the interesting experience of meeting her displeasure."
"It seems her time with less attuned Exalts has left her corrupt. She was pouting rather cutely over my not having left her a note. Perhaps she has learned it isn't the thought that counts after all?"
'''Stolen Sunsets: '''"Oh? Do tell. Was the petulant? Angry? Scorned?"
"But, my dear Gennadi... you have not left a note. You did not think of her."
"See... every time I returned to our Manse, every time she was returned to me, I had a little gift for her. Sometimes, it was a simple as an apple. But it had a message. On each and every one. How much I care. That I had her in mind. Always." His smile broadens. "That is the one thing you have missed. You let her slip out of your thought. Then, you did not care."
'''Gennadi: ''' "There is a paradox here, and I believe you will find it rather pleasing when I win our bet."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "For there to be a bet, Gennadi, you have to know what you wish to bet. Afraid to lose?"
"If I was sure like you are, I would bet things dear to me. Like the love of Amethyst. Like my plans for the future."<br>
"Like my friends. This is Heaven, Gennadi. The highest stakes, the greatest gains..."
"And Malfeas take pity on the losers."
* Gennadi laughs, and his eyes sparkle. There's a tinge of green to the blue, and the flecks of stars that swirl slowly are like steel.. "You speak of two things I do not possess, and the last thing worth betting."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Some of us possess more than we know. Some, less. And a few... both at once." He answers, turning back to a report, picking a silverly brush to do the work for him now, as the thunderbird held his shawl a little better "Poor fools who realise all the power and leverage they possessed was flimsy as air, and the greatness they could not aspire to was already in their grasp..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Since my victory is predicated on a paradox, I offer you one myself. I expect, of course, a similar proviso in return. At the moment, I have a virginal neomah, a priestess of no god, and a snow-white heart within coal-black skin." He wags a finger. "Does that pique your interest? She is, admittedly, less friend as possession."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damien looks bemusedly at Gennadi, scratching his chin... "A virginal Neomah? Now, that is a find. I have never heard of such a creature. Yes, yes, that piques my interest... but Gennadi, Gennadi... the truth is in making them love to be possessions. It is not that hard. It is such a sheltered, warm existence to be protected and owned. Just ask any of Mine."
"Now, I have to think of what to give you in return, do I not? I do have quite a few things to wager... and I believe I will let you choose."
* Gennadi smiles gently. "Should I lose, it will be perhaps woth it to watch you try to eclipse the green fire burning in her heart... But I doubt it. The stars are not aligned for such." He pauses to think, quiet as he considers all that Damien has to offer. That's something he's always preferred to avoid in the past...
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He snaps his fingers, and waits a moment... and then she comes from within one of the painting-sanctums. Her body is like paint of all the hues of the rainbow and beyond... she is flushed, marks of ropes vanishing slowly from her flesh... and Damian touches her with the silver brush... making color appears. "This is Nienne, one of the Seven Daughters. Her body is paint... and she is quite a useful companion, for it." He says, and then a continues to paint his report in gold.
Another snap later, and the butterfly comes in... "This is my Familiar, but I believe I may relieve her. Milena, she is beautiful. Her wings, her talents... of course, I know when I say this she gets... butterflies on her stomach." He smiles... and she coughs, hand in front of her lips, and butterflies of all colors fly out....
"V'neef Amalia is one of the first granddaughters of V'neef herself... she chose to be a immaculate saint."
"I made sure she was a sinner as well."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I offer purity, untouched, refined, absolutely rare... and you offer me sloppy seconds." The gentle smile turns into a sharp grin for an eyeblink, perhaps imagined. "I know of the perfection of your art, but it is nonetheless inextricably yours. I want something that can stand alone, or perhaps potential, as I offer potential."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "He snaps, and they leave, from where they entered. And then, Sunsets idly snaps his fingers."
He smiles to Gennadi.<br>
Proud and satisfied.
"You are learning. Oh, you are learning."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You will disagree when you learn what I ask. There is a loose end left from a battle I fought. In a field of behemoths, monsters, and deathknights, the one that got away was a simple Blooded... or not so simple. She warmed the dead heart of a General, and was rewarded by being entombed in the earth. She possesses the arts of necromancy, and no doubt is quite upset with us for ending him." He shrugs. "I like my weave nice and neat, and I wish to, shall we say, tie up this loose end. I want her, Damien. It is not so much that I want her as I want what she could be, what she should be. But... I can't handle it alone."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "You wish to change the heart of a Dragon-Blooded who sided with shadows?" He holds a heart on his hand, and makes it turn around, from red to gold, from gold to blue, from blue to silver. "That is... ambitious. But to love your enemy and make your enemy love you is the art of Venus. I would help you in this, Gennadi. It promises to be amusing on its own right."
"Aside from learning how you will treat her."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That is a......"
He sighs. "I don't really know. I have plans, yes, but... they are all short term. I am juggling entirely too many things at once. Hours spent on the acquiring, none spent on what to do after. Ah, youth."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Even if you had plans for how to do it, they would change when you would be able to."
"It is most like having kids - you will only know how to act when you act."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That, of course, is something I intend never to be able to speak from experience on."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Who knows?" He winks... "Venus moves in mysterious, unsettling, and ''infuriating'' ways..."
"Now, now... was there anything else? Aside from meeting a discarded toy, and wanting to keep me away from her?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You've had what you wanted for long enough you may have forgotten... but I still remember just how much a discarded toy can mean." He shakes his head. "Nothing else. I've too many other appointments to move from business to pleasure at the moment... though I did enjoy our discussion."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "I see you never asked me why. It is quite interesting, really."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I didn't expect you'd answer if I did."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Now, that is a healthy outlook to things. And with that... I am a busy man, and I think so are you... so, may Venus be with you, Gennadi." He offers his hand... and his smile almost pulls Gennadi's hand to his'. He shakes... and Gennadi can feel something sting his hand. "I will be seeing you, mr. Ilkov. When I try to take back my Garda Bird... and we see which of us shall be victorious."
* Gennadi doesn't flinch. "Of course. I trust you shall be as gracious in defeat as you are in dismissal." He graciously nods. "And Venus with you. At least we get some use out of her liking groups."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He laughs, waving to the thunderbird. "Siena, show him the way out, if you please."
And as she does, a wink is the last Gennadi sees of Sunsets... feeling something in his hand.
Like handwriting...
* Gennadi waits until he is safely in the bathroom. He hangs black silken underwear over the peephole and sits down to read the item, curious if silghtly nervous. He doesn't need more complication to a busy schedule of learning the martial arts, sorcery, telling other people what he's learned, and saving the world...
'''Narrator: ''' There is writing there. A time. A place.
''Black Citatel. Northern Edge of Marama's Fell. 15th of Descending Air''
* Gennadi folds it carefully and tucks it into his shirt. A minute or two after, he wonders just whose underwear he has, and then audibly shrugs before exiting. He has a trio of dates to plan, and none of them pleasant.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SeventhMovement|Seventh Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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