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== Gallery of Wings ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Still with the odd shadow-y ears on her head where they would be if they were real, Selina walks up to her sister. "So, whatcha up to?" The woman asks in an easy tone. She spies Moon off in the distance, but decides to talk to her sister first. "Not having fun I guess?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "You forced me to get dressed up to come to a party where a bunch of perverted people celebrate that 'they' supposedly won the war despite most likely cowering in their basement by leering at me. And then, you and your little friend decide to break up a perfectly good fight me and Moon were having, which might I add was the only good bit of the evening other than seeing you slap the prissy prince. ... Hmm, nice alliteration there, don't you think?", she was sitting by herself in a remote corner, puffing on the last inches of the joint Gennadi had so courteously provided her with.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Mortals vs Chosen. That's all I have to say about that fight. If you want to have a fight with a pervert, try one your own size. Like moi." Selina responds easily, raising her eyebrows. "As for the rest -- yes, and you're not going to compromise our group by remaining by yourself, alone, every time we're in a city which might still harbor a few hostile operatives. What a juicy chance they'd have, mmm?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "What? I suddenly need a baby sitter now? Listen lady", she juts out her index finger at Selina, getting up in the process, wagging it as she speaks "I've done just fine all of my life without you there to protect me, or anyone else for that matter. In fact, I quite literally work alone doing this shit for a job, I don't suddenly need you to start baby sitting me because you found out that we're related. As for fighting perverts my own size, why the hell should I be any different from anyone else picking on the little guys, huh?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  ""Oh yes. Just fine." Selina nods. "Without dealing with other people, evidentally. A useful skill to possess, wouldn't you agree?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "And you'll talk Whiteshield back into freedom are you?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Oh no, I'm talking about the bare minimum." Selina answers matter-of-factly. "Nothing fancy like that."
'''Iselsis: '''  "I'm just fine with '''sane people''!", she squints at her sister, not liking what she's implying
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Sane?" Selina grins a bit at that. "You do realize these people are normally sane, yes? The insane ones would be, well... ''' me'''  and a few others here. And we can be perfectly nonplussed as well."
"Don't you think you'd stick out like a sore thumb, hanging around us and never going anywhere except to fights?" Selina squints right back at her. "Wouldn't your employers question your professionalism, that you can't even blend into a little gathering like this? Why...perhaps people would begin ''suspecting'' something!"
'''Iselsis: '''  "I wasn't ordered to be sociable or pleasant, I wasn't ordered to not arouse any suspicion, I was ordered to keep my eye on you and your pale friend and terminate you if it became evident you were on the wrong side of the war equation.", she huffs, "Do you honestly think they picked me for my social graces? And for the record, I was referring to you and the others by the insane comment, the perverts seem sane by comparison."
"Why the hell do you care so much anyway? Aren't you supposed to be trying to kill me now or something?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Because, I hate to think you've been living in a shell for, oh, fourteen years or so." Selina responds. "What your masters desire is irrelevent to me." She continues with some small amount of devil-may-care in her tone. "I will deal with them in good time."
'''Iselsis: '''  That struck a nerve. Maybe it was the two glasses of vodka mixed with too many fumes and smoking a joint, maybe she was just sensitive when it came to that, but she instantly thought of Faina, and Selina hurting her.
At the very least the substances had loosened her restraint a little.
Her eyes glow faintly green, seeming to swirl almost as she barks out "If you so much as lay a finger on her I will kill you! '''Kill you! '''", her fangs showing through in her anger.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  '''I really do hope Dylan and Viktoriya turned out better than her. ''
''...Who am I kidding? ''
Selina sniffs at that. "I will probably be a great deal more merciful than they were to me, dear Izabella." Her tone is softer, so the name doesn't get spread around. "Unlike some of them, I understand the importance of keeping the machinery of state intact."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Don't you sniff at me. You're not intimidated by me, I'm fully aware of that. But if you ever so much as think of hurting her I will hunt you down and kill you, no matter how long it takes or how far you run."
"I make vain threats I don't carry out all the time, so I guess I can't blame you, but let's make this clear...", she moves up to her sister, staring her straight in the eye from a range probably too close for normal comfortable human comfort levels, "I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her. I will chase them, find them, and kill them without hesitation, no matter who it is. You of all people should understand the depth of such zeal, so don't even for a second think I'm joking about this."
The following words come slowly, as if carefully measured and weighed before spoken.
"Are. We. Clear?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  Selina raises her arms half-way up in a shrug-like gesture, hands level with her shoulders, palms up. Her voice is a bit irritated, and a bit confused. "What superior? Fine, I won't kill her unless she's one of the people I find to be personally responsible for what happened all those years ago."
"If she is, then I'll simply send you to Hell with her."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Fine, then we're all good.", she steps back, having made her point.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I would hazard a guess as to why that sets you off, but I think it's pretty obvious at this point." Selina says dryly.
''' Iselsis: '''  "Your point?", she shoots back.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Sssssssssex." Selina replies, fake-shadowy cat-ears twitching in amusement as she does. If someone was close enough to hear the conversation, then it would almost be expectable for Selina to grow a tail next. But thankfully that doesn't happen. "Or better yet, some little romance. So ~cute~."
'''Iselsis: '''  She grits her teeth and almost growls, but manages to retort through clenched teeth "You '''would''' think of sex first."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Oh, I saved the best for last."
'''Iselsis: '''  "You better think really carefully wether you want to say it, because I won't be responsible if it starts another fight..."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  Selina chuckles. "You misunderstand me. The romance was the last bit."
She looks around, then goes back to Izabella. "Lighten up a bit. There'll be plenty of bloody carnage all too soon."
'''Iselsis: '''  "You used the word 'little'. That's demeaning. And I'll lighten up when the actual carnage starts." ... "I'm out of fucking smokes again.", she pinches out the last of the joint and drops the butt on the floor. "So do you have a plan or are you just going to wing it against the General?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Elaborate plans are wasted time in this situation." Selina says with a shrug, wings moving upward with her. "The overall plan's been disrupted, so now we just shore it up. Anyway, without more information making more of a plan then we have already is pointless."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Then you won't mind if I go off and deal with the Acolyte so she can't get at your flank while you deal with the General."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "You may not want to do that."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Why may I not want to do that?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "What if you lose?" Selina asks, looking at her a bit critically. "Then we won't have anymore warning than we otherwise would, and we'd be back one more person."
"Not to mention she may bypass you. What caste is she?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "I didn't lose before, I won't lose now. I was just a bit ah... distracted and assumed she was dead, that's all. And she's a Wretched, so at least I have the inside perspective on how she'll operate."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Her magic may be far stronger than yours. The Nights are legendary in their ability to evade people, and her version of it may be even more potent, being of the shadows." Selina says skeptically. "Like me, they work best from the shadows. A sudden strike. She will not risk open battle again and reveal herself before she means to, I think."
'''Iselsis: '''  "... Have you been paying any attention to what I was trained to do? Or do you just not like to think too hard and simply assume that I'm going to be incompetent and could not ''possibly'' ever stand up to a deathknight?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  Selina shakes her head, waiting awhile as if considering a reply, and then...Izabella forgets her sister was standing there in front of her. For only a few seconds into the past does she forget her, but long enough for Selina to slip aside, back against a wall, and blend into the night and shadows.
'''Iselsis: '''  "You know, I can see you.", she sighs exasperatedly, before turning around to stare point blank at Selina.
'''Iselsis: '''  "Despite the nifty dissapearing trick you just pulled."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Very astute. But how easy was it to find me?" Selina looks a bit surprised at being found, but puts that down quickly, then smiles wickedly. "And I'm not even that far into the magic of staying hidden, sister. Imagine what that dark Wretched can do."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Why do you have so little faith in my abilities exactly? If you're so worried tell one of the others to come with me and babysit me, but I recall she looked very afraid the last time I saw her. That probably had something to do with the fact she was about to take a flamebath."
"Besides her pride's been injured, if she wanted to send an assassin to kill me in my sleep she would've, but she sent one I saw coming miles away. She wants to defeat me, not stab me in the back."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  The Windian sighs. "Did I ever say I thought you were an incapable child?" She shakes her head again, leaning back against the wall.
"She was probably horrified you managed to outfight her, but the second time I wager she will not make the same mistake. Her pride can be salved with a knife in the back as easily as a duel. That is how her kind works."
'''Iselsis: '''  "So then what do you suggest? I'm not going to go with you to fight the General to get in the way."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "She will come to us, have no fear. And the General has a bodyguard that needs dealing with, if she does not."
'''Iselsis: '''  "And if she shows up you'll let me fight her?"
"What if her showing up is by stabbing me in the back, or you for that matter when you're engaging the General?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "If that's going to happen, I wager it'll happen regardless. One of us needs to spot her for that, and the odds are higher it'll happen when there's more of us together."
'''Iselsis: '''  "I still call dibs if she shows up, for the record."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "That is fair enough, I suppose." Selina replies with a shrug.
'''Iselsis: '''  "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss then?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "...I had something, but it fled my mind, unfortunately." Selina responds after a moment of thought.
'''So much for whatever it was. ''
"Ah well."
'''Iselsis: '''  "Shame.", she remarks.
"So aren't you going to ask for details?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''  Selina raises her eyebrows at her sister. "And pry into your private life even more? I'm not some kind of busybody."
'''Iselsis: '''  "I dunno, you seemed pretty into that whole 'hey she's my little sister' thing, so I figured you'd ask.", she shrugs slightly.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Oh, I will meddle in your affairs if whoever this is is bad for you." Selina says easily, moving up off of the wall. "But I do not know that yet, and frankly, given how you act I doubt you'd be with some villainous, lecherous bitch. It's probably something all sweet and cute and best not messed with at this point."
'''Iselsis: '''  "My, how lucid of you.", not sure wether she should be relieved that she doesn't want to know, or offended.
'''Acelia: '''  ... and then she is there... dressed quite plainly! Her hair of snow still in place, however, her eyes, the shining blue and purple... "''Ise''!" She says, jumping to Iselsis, hugging her... "How is it going? Are you sure I should be here? I don't have a dress for it... anything happen?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "Oh, hey Acelia", she hugs her, just slightly, not really used to hugging anyone at all. "And yeah, it's fine. Moon and me thought we'd liven this party up and you deserve to be here as much as anyone. Besides, this party stinks, the company could be infinately better."
She glances at Selina "No offense."
'''Acelia: '''  She looks around... "What is the problem with the company? Aside from some of those people seeming so... scared... where is the actual party anyway?"
"Also, you said... little sister?!?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Let's pretend you never heard me say that, and never speak of it again, shall we?"
"Anyway. They were just a bunch of perverts wanting to get their jollies on. And me and Moon weren't having any fun. So we made our own. He beat up this soldier who was trying to make a move on some girl who really didn't appreciate it, and then his friends tried to gang up on him, so I dealt with them, and it kinda went downhill from there.", she gestured idly, as if dismissing the whole episode as some minor thing.
'''Acelia: '''  She looks in disbelief to Ise... "So, you are in a high outfit party, and you... started a fight?"
'''Iselsis: '''  "... Well. ... Yeah?", she blinks a little, figuring Acelia of all people would understand, after the whole 'perverts' remark.
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "'Didn't really appreciate it'?" Selina asks caustically. "I hope that's an actual fact."
'''Iselsis: '''  "It is actually, just ask Moon. He was being pretty rough on her, too."
'''Acelia: '''  "Man. It is like what the gang people do for fun." She sighs, hanging close to Iselsis, feeling a little awkward there to begin with.... "Well, it is the Seventh Moon, after all..."
'''Selina de Windia: '''  "Oh I will." Selina says with a certain deadly certainty. Knowing these people, truth was just what they felt like seeing at the moment.
'''Iselsis: '''  "Don't worry Acelia, he's a decent guy. At least he wasn't leering at me like plenty other guys. Remember, he's a warhero, and from what I heard his entire gang helped. They're probably not like that scum that chased you at all."
She shrugs a little then "And if they are and ever try anything on you, I'll make them severely regret it.", then nods.
'''Acelia: '''  "Oh, he is. Oh, they are." She goes silent a bit, looking around, "Well, I suppose he is more good-looking than some of the people here... or more dignified, anyway. But some of the others..." Her gaze wanders on the Smiling Lover, on her favorites, on Iron Tears and his entourage... "... wow. Those people are, like... from another world. Like you are now, Ise..."
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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