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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Meet the Blood Angel! ==
The Palace of Timeless Winters...
Its end consistently hidden above the clouds at the wake of winter, its many aerie-style ends at the end of its branches, the many balconies that may as well be a front door, its great halls and corridors making sure no one feels enclosed within. All shows how it was made with the winged in mind. And now, the Winged soldiers that helped liberate this city, and those, winged or not that had fought with them, that lead them as Chosen, meet there.
The feeling within it is solemn. It is old, grand, and everything within seems to have some sort of purpose. All engraved symbols part of some greater circuit, of some broken seal. A feeling of winter fills the place, a feeling of a rainy day, of memories, longing, of warmth before a fireplace. And in its war room, a feeling of tradition, a feeling of the... power and authority that the Whiteshieldian army once held. Beating back Barbarians, the Dead, the Chaos... at one time even fighting with Windia.
The round table is at the center of the room, shining ominously, the heart of this feeling of tradition and power. Discs in the shape of nine magical materials with an adamant center - now sporting a number of essence-fueled functions. Each disc is intricately ornated, with waves in the black disk, snow in the blue disk, flames in the red disc, a myriad flowers in the green disc... all with nuances in colors, and with the shapes of Dragons always appearing in them. The Silver and Golden discs seem to entwine, almost turning into one. They seemed to shine, to cast their lights outward, illuminating the craftwork on all other circles... and on their own, thanks to the Silver, it was ever-changing figures, men and beasts fighting, dancing, hunting. All glorious with Sun and Moon...
Around it, there were the colors and banners of Whiteshield and Winlandia, the arms of great generals of days long past, and paintings showing great triumphs of both countries' militaries...
There, Eva Purewing and Leonas du Mistlav waited. Once again, it was time for the Shades of Eventide to meet... would those Chosen clash once again? They could only wait for it now...
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince is one of the first to arrive, together with Kanti. The soldiers notice he seems a little... smaller than before. Younger, more... or less boyish? It is hard to be sure. But he is different. Very different, dressed with a long coat, white and red in waving patterns. "Good afternoon, Leonas. Eva. I hope my city is treating you well?" he asks, taking his seat... trying not to feel very vulnerable either. But without his blade, he just felt naked to something like that...
* "God afternoon, prince." they nod, saying almost in unison. "Good afternoon, little red dragon." Eva says, at the same time as Dorian finishes it saying her name. Both waited for their superior, the Silver Angel, to come first, truth be told. But the boy was important for their effort, to Whiteshield... and, well, he was cute. And so was his bodyguard, even though she felt so... odd.
At least, the Pale Angel would not be around this time.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti walks in behind her prince, dressed in a red and black outfit, one that complements her prince's attire, padding silently to take her place behind his seat, outwardly calm, inwardly a little concerned about both the meeting and about Xue, who she'd left alone once more.
She smiles though, at the dragonblooded pair.
"Good afternoon, Eva, Dorian." She bows her head a little in greeting.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Her uniform was the same looking as it had been the night of that meeting, though perhaps it was not the same exact set of articles of clothing. Her hair, however, is braided into one long, thick twined rope of shining silver, wings shadowing it to either side as it falls down her back. She looks at the others, and nods, almost imperceptably, to herself.
"Good afternoon." Valencia says smoothly, finding a seat a bit off on its own and moving herself into it. She crosses one leg over the other, under the table, and waits patiently for the rest to arrive.
'''Alexander: ''' "Lady Valencia!" It is all the Prince can do not to jump out of his chair, glad that Valencia has shown up.... but instead, he just smiles, glad, seeing her with the uniform again... it was the General, Marshal la Silverstar... but still. "Good afternoon. I hope you have been well?"
*  "Marshall." Leonas and Eva quickly got up and saluted Valencia as she entered the room, their heroine, their leader, their superior. It was an immediate, reflexive answer, but not any less true - they admired her, and learned to not due to her distance, but to working so long close with her.
'''Valencia Silverstar: "At ease." She says to her two subordinates casually, looking at them, then to Alex. "Well enough. I need to find replacement armor...after the General destroyed mine."
* And they go at ease, Eva back at her reports, Leonas with reports close by, but reading some tome he has found in the library... which seemed to capture the sorcerer-engineer's imagination, as he every so often adjusted his shades as he read it...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Soon after Alex, Elizabeth quietly appears at the door-- silent and composed, almost as if shed been following him just out of sight. She wasnt exactly sure what to make of this meeting-- but she was pretty sure it fell under the category of Official Duties Elizabeth Officially Hates. That was neither here nor there though; she had many more pressing concerns to be annoyed with than Terrifying Social Events.
She takes a deep breath and steps out into the room feeling the ramfications of her choices weighing her down-- quite litterally in fact, as she wore Ainerach across her wingless back. She was once more wearing a dress of fine feathered silk, and anyone who knew her the slightest would remember she was as enthusiastic about dressing up as she was about officiality.
So it is then that Elizabeth takes two stately, dignified steps into the room, then sees Valencia and collapses into a writhing fit of fangirling-- entirely internally, of course. Externally she perks up and a slight blush touches her silver-dusted skin. Its quite clear however that if she were a canine Lunar, shed probably be wagging her tail.
'''Alexander: ''' "The general destroyed yours'?" He tries to imagine her hurt by the General... Lunars could heal fast, he had seen so from his sister... even after his sister had bled all over him. And Ryshassa had been around... even Iselsis was without a scar after, he had been told, she almost burned to death. Imagining what the Abyssal could have done with Valencia made him uncomfortable, and almost angry... "... bastard. That was not your silver leotard, was it? The one the Dark Angel copied...?"
He almost forgets to point his question with a question mark as his sister enters the room, and he looks towards her... with a little bit of fear, a little bit of anger... and that healthy bit of embarassment, with seeing Ainerach with her. He felt... demoted, and he did not expect to. But more than anything, he hoped she would not talk about... his current state "Hello, sister."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "That was my iron armor. I think you saw it once, a week or so back." She replies, looking from Alex to the...newcomer.
''So, that is why he does not have it. ''
''And judging from his non-reaction to it... ''
"Princess." Valencia says in a cool voice, nodding slightly, then sighs inwardly.
''Of course, she has to come back now. ''
''Just like Selina had to come back now. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa enters... alone. It felt strange, without Alexsei there by her side, and her slender fingers rub absentmindedly at the wedding ring on her finger. But she had been invited here just like the others, as a member of the Shades of Eventide. It is her right to be here -- she has certainly contributed enough, to the health of the soldiers and her fellow Exalted.
Her kimono today is a snow white silk, embroidered with silvery butterflies in all shapes and sizes fluttering up from a bed of silver-white chrysanthemums. The under-layer of the robe is a warm harvest gold, showing itself in periodic glimmers as she moves, a hint of sunlight in a field of wintry hues. The obi wrapped around her waist is more silvery than white, contrasted with a golden obijime knotted around the center. She wears her hair mostly loose, a curtain of tresses flowing straight down to her waist, but for locks swept away from her temples, fastened up behind her head by a pair of golden hairpins with chrysanthemum bulbs at the tips.
Solemnly straight-faced, she makes her way to a chair a few seats down from Alexander -- betraying nothing, of course, of what she knows. "I apologize if I am late," she informs him and the others, bowing her head respectfully to the Prince and Princess, the Marshall and her lieutenants, saving a smile for Kanti who always seems so... meek at these meetings. "My duties at the clinic can be time consuming."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti bowed formally to the general, as she might expect from a visitor to the windian court before she straightened.
"Good Afternoon, Lady Silverstar."
She straightened then as the princess came in, tensing herself almost imperceptably. She didn't particularly like the princess, not after what she had done to her prince. But neverless she bows the appropriate bow for Whiteshield's royalty.
"Good afternoon, Princess."
Before finally she smiled at Ryshassa as she entered, the healer woman's presence brightening her a little.
"Hello, Ryshassa!"
'''Alexander: ''' "Ah, yes, the Iron one... I remember." He sighed. It was a beautiful, beautiful piece of craftsmanship. He wondered what the story behind it had been, how she got it, who had made it... but now, it was lost. It was a little sad, like him losing Vapor Aegis had been. The armor he had gotten on the Perfect Palace of Eventide, that had protected him so well... gone in that blinding flash of underworld cinders. But then Ryshassa comes, breaking his mind of those thoughts... "Good afternoon, Ryshassa. And do not mind, others have yet to show up..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Alex' worries that Elizabeth would embarass him with mention of his 'condition' are ill-founded. In fact, she totally ignores him once Valencia has come into view. "Lady Va--" she starts, then catches herself. "--Silverstar, its an honor. Kanti, Healer-Ryshassa." she nods at each in turn, greeting them always with one eye on her childhood role model.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's smile broadens at Kanti's cheer, even if it remains brief. It crosses her mind that she has not spoken with Kanti since before the fight with Calobis... there are some things she would like to speak of to her, if time and responsibility would allow.
"Good afternoon, Prince. That is good to hear... I hurried my way here the best I could..." Hurried, perhaps, but her appearance and demeanor show nothing of it. She is neither winded nor with a hair or fold of cloth out of place. "Princess Elizabeth, I trust the day has been treating you well." At least Alexander does not seem to have been changed any ''more'' since last she saw him...
For now, though, she folds her hands in front of her at the round table... waiting for the meeting to begin in an official manner.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon stalked into the room. Last and late, but he wasn't much in the mood to give a damn about that. The bloody handprint he'd left on the table last time had been cleaned off, but he knew his place anyway. He strode to the chair that had been his the last time they'd wasted time like this, yanking it out with one foot and spinning it around before plopping down on it, arms folded over the back of the chair.. The air around him stirred with agitated silver light. The Lunar wasn't happy, though anger didn't precisely describe his mood either. His jaw was clenched and his mouth draw tight into a line, making a normally angry face seem tense and solemn. Even seeing Ryshassa, Kanti, and Valencia again didn't cause more than a momentary flicker in his deeply irritated gaze. He passed the women a stiff smile and lift of the chin in greeting, then finally looked at Alex. He didn't bother to really look at Elizabeth.
"Why the fuck ya wastin' my time here?" he demanded without prompt, barreling through the middle of the pleasantries being passed around. "Take me all the fuckin' way back ta my town just ta drag my ass back here a day later? We already got 'nough shit ta take care'a without this gettin' in the way, man. Ain't we made 'nough plans already?"
* Eva and Leonas stop and nod, "Good afternoon, Ryshassa, Princess Elizabeth." they nod. Leonas spends a moment to loong realising Ainerach is on Elizabeth's back, and what that meant... a moment before the Lunar comes in.<br><br>"Moon." is all Eva says, sighing at his lack of manners... very differently from her companion. Leonas had seen Moon fight, had seen how much he cared... well, yes, he had an astounding lack of manners. But he would always vouch for the Boil's dog. "Good afternoon, Moon. And we never have enough plans. If we had a good system in place, we would not have missed Calobis' men under our noses. That is the sort of thing we are trying hard to ''avoid''."<br><br>And as he finishes, a young Solar walks through the door. Fiona, wearing the white dress Days had bestowed to her, her feline tail swishing to either side, still getting used to her new features... "Um... hi?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You could always ''not'' show up." Valencia replies to Moon, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. "But, if you are going to, then behave yourself."
'''Kanti: ''' "Moo....n" Kanti starts, very pleased to see him, a joy that soon departs as it becomes apparent what mood he's in, and Kanti just falls silent, at least until Fiona comes in, tail twitching.
"Fiona! Hello!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He glanced back at Valencia and smiled thinly. "It was pretty fuckin' temptin' darlin'," he confessed. "But 'nough shit that effects me been done without my knowin' or bein' asked."
Moon turned his gaze back to Alex as he spoke those last words, glaring intently at the prince. "I ain't fuckin' ''thrilled'' ta be here, but fuck all if I ain't gonna take my say on what gets done."
'''Alexander: ''' "Fiona! Good afternoon! Come in, come in!" Alex waves to her, feeling among friends now... after just waving to Moon when he came in. He still had hope. If they could change it... if they could... ah well. Least he could add his voice to Leonas' choir. "Yes, Moon. We need to know what to do. I thought you made your share of meetings before the Boil rose up to overthrow the dark ones, or was that another Lunar?"
'''Fiona: ''' She came closer, "Hello, everyone." She says, special smiles to Ryshassa, Moon and Alex... walking close to Kanti, and one could swear she trailed something on her wake... dream motes, scattered as she walked, as if her every step made ripples in the world. Then she got to Kanti, hugging her. "How are you...?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth's newfound awestruck disposition is not ''quite'' enough to allow her to ignore Seventh Moon's rough rudeness-- she was torn between her worship for Valencia, and the fact that she-- well, pretty much agreed with Moon. Maybe under better circumstances she would envy his candor.
Then another girl comes in, and Elizabeth's mind wanders. '''''She''' looks fine, why can't Alex be sleeipng with '''her'''? He's damn near got his own harem here and he has to choose the worst of the bunch. ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' The Lunar snorted back, but gave the prince an accepting nod and something that was almost a smile. "Wasn't thrilled 'bout ''them'' either."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles and waves at Fiona -- "You look fully recovered, Fiona, that is wonderful!" As for her impression of Moon, it is clear enough that this sort of meeting is far from what he is accustomed to, and she feels a pang of...sympathy? for the rough-mouthed gang-leader. The Boil is a very different place from the Spire or its Palace, and its people a world away from the Holyswords or Valencia and her standard of soldier... decent people, strong people, but... very different.
Even she was unsure what she would be speaking of here, beyond a mention of matters of the clinic. Well, time would tell... she did not know ''everything'' of what transpired in Spire, and perhaps there would be news to hear.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Don't assume I like meetings." She replies to Moon, then looks to the other newcomers and greets them with a "Good afternoon." Quite lax on the formality today, Valencia is.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti resists the urge to stroke Fiona's ears, a gesture that Xue seemed to find very enjoyable, deciding that it would hardly be appropriate here in the meeting. She hugged the girl back though, and smiled, whispering her answer in the solar's ear.
"I'm feeling well. Xue is doing good too!"
"How are you?"
'''Alexander: ''' "Well, ''then'' there is not much I can do..." He shrugs in answer to Moon.
"Anyway... I trust all of you know my sister Elizabeth?" He asks, a far cry from the great speech he would make if he was in better terms with her. But still, he understood. She was his guide, she was making him stand up, she wanted the best for him... but that didn't mean he was happy with it. "She is here, and I wish her to fight with us, as one of the Shades. I wanted that to be official. I am sure no one has any objections to it?"
'''Fiona: ''' "I am... well. I am adapating." She says, touching her own ears, and smiling at the Fire Aspect. Then, she addresses everyone, not fully letting to of Kanti. "Days will not be coming, again. But this time, well... she is not in any state to." She shakes her head. Careful observers might notice she said a feminine pronoun to speak of the Faerie, once again.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Mmm, she is known to me, but I do not really know her." She looks at the girl for a bit, studying her. Another Lunar. Hopefully not as heedless as the other one they have. "I have no objection."
''Two deathknights and a fae, what is there to object to? ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''She...? '' Ryshassa had never seen Days as anything but his male form. Curiously, the corner of her lips seems to quiver, as if... almost... stifling a giggle. ''Everyone is changing. Why? I suppose with this group it is practically... normal. ''
"Of course... I have met Princess Elizabeth, on more than one occasion. She is loyal and caring towards her brother --" and this she says truthfully, though for Alexander that care has been expressed in an unusually demasculizing fashion "-- and in relation, our cause. It is natural that she should fight with us here."
"There are more of us Shades, Princess, some you have heard of already... they are away on... errands, for the moment. And my husband, Alexsei, training with his master in Heaven. I can at least speak for my husband that he would not object either."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth straightens as Alex mentions her, shifting Ainerach so it hangs a little more dramatically (and less comfortably). "I thank you all for helping Alex come this far. I was in the south for an arranged marriage when I heard what happened here. There were other complications in the matter, and it was put off, therefore I was able to come as soon as I heard." There, that was the truth, simple enough and unclouded by a few little details. "Lady Silverstar, thank you... I would certainly like to get to know you more..." ''I hope that didn't sound like a come-on... ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Just in time ta take over after shit was already half done, eh? Well if ya here and we can't get rid'a ya, might as well get some use outta ya," Moon waved dismissively, as close to an agreement as he'd come on that.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "No objection at all." Comes the voice from the door. "We can always use more beauties like this."
Cloud walks in, his winds felt in most of the room. Unlike Leonas, he liked all to know what he was and what he came for. His mirrored, white clothes past him, the motiffs of Swans, always.... "Howdy, pretty silver one. Name's Cloud in Dawn."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth gives a soft nod to Cloud in Dawn, who's primary first impression was that he obviously had more fasion sense than her. "Welcome, and thank you."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Hmm?" The Silver Angel raises an eyebrow at the Princess Royal of Whiteshield. Another Lunar who wants to get to know her. Hopefully not like the other did. "We will probably get to know each other better over the next few months, have no fear. The current troubles will ensure that."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa clears her throat to address the room as a whole, after a short moment to collect her thoughts. "As for the status of the clinic here in Spire... It has been a busy couple of weeks, and some of our allies among the patients have yet to recover, but the clinic itself is in splendid shape. It is quite a transformation from the shape it was when we first arrived... ruined by war, the facilities fallen into disuse or misrepair. Now it has blossomed anew -- literally as well, with the help of the White Lilies. Their healing flowers and fruits giving the entire structure an ambiance of vitality."
"I will miss working there," the healer says regretfully. "It is a top-notch medical clinic now, not merely a triage place to bring wounded soldiers back to fighting capacity. Fiona and Kanti have been a great help in healing the worst of the patients. Those that have been severely injured or burned, those that have suffered derangement or coma from the ...unusual host of creatures that have threatened Spire's populace recently. They are fully healed now, or just about so. I would say that the Lilies can take care of the rest now, without we Exalted to aid them."
Her eyes fairly glow with pride at this revelation, for the accomplishments they have made in such short time. "I suspect that our healing skills will be needed in more pressing matters pertaining to the war, from now on."
'''Fiona: ''' "Yes, all of the people from the battle with the General, from the catastrophe in Spire... they are all good to work and fight, as you know. So there is no need for us to be there..." She says, but then she lifts Kanti's hand, as if to draw other's attentions to her... "But yes! Kanti has done a ''great'' job on the clinic!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "How's Red been doin'?" Moon asked the healer, head tipped to the side as he looked over at her. There was a guarded amount of concern in his voice and a touch of guilt. He hadn't actually visited her yet. Not that there had been time. Still, Alex had dragged him back here, so at least he could take care of that while they were still around.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth was glad to hear of the clinic, though she glazed over a bit at the details. It was just hard to give it much thought when it was a non-issue for herself. They were her people however, so she listened intently and made herself care. ''Maybe I should ask if there's a way my immortality could help... '' It was a silly thought. Her body was far gone into darkness, nothing her essence-thick blood touched would be helped for the better.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti fights the urge to hide away as Fiona holds up her hand, drawing attention to her from the assembled crowd, just smiling softly and looking calm and serene, pleased with herself.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Red..." Ryshassa's eyes drift to Kanti, before she remembers -- ''That's right, Red is what he calls Iselsis. ''
"She is, physically, doing quite well. But she has not awoken again since the... incident. During her weakened state, she was briefly possessed by a demonic presence sharing her body. The Child of Wyld Days and I, we were able to force it back into remission, but Iselsis herself still seems to be struggling, in her dreams..."
"I have not attempted yet to interfere -- I... made a promise, I would not. But it seems I will have to break it. I will help Iselsis awaken, now that my other duties are minimal," she says firmly.
"I hope Days is doing all right, though..."
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' "And Spire itself seems cleared, as well. We have interrogated the ghosts and shadowlanders left on the General's army and Spire's opressors intensively - they are emphatic to say that Calobis was their last resort here. So Spire is safe... and we can divert our attention fully elsewhere, if we can keep it safe."
"The Angels are already gone to find a way to keep the Boil safe, at that, if I am not mistaken..."
'''Kanti: ''' ''Calobis.... ''
Something in the name seems to sadden Kanti, though she passes no comment, just drifting minutely closer to Alex and to Fiona.
''Calobis... ''
'''Eva Purewing: ''' "Demonic presence? Shouldn't we keep a tighter watch over her, then?" Eva asks, wary.
"If what you mention is true, she could wake up as said demonic presence as we speak, and go out to join the enemy... or simply go on rampage, then? I would think the worries are greater than simply wether or not she will wake up." She nods, trailing her fingers over the discs of the table... "Sorry if I found insensitive, Ryshassa. But we have relied on strange mystical creatures before.. and lack of care has come to bite our behind more than once."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Poor Red..." Was all Moon really said in answer to Ryshassa's recounting of the demon-girl's condition, his expression softening somewhat. A small offering in answer to the healers story, but a heartfelt one at least. A guilty one.
''Should'a fuckin' got ta her sooner... might'a been different... ''
Though there was fuck all he could do about that now, he realized, sighing out the guilt for the moment. It was mostly in Ryshassa's hands. Still, he'd ''really'' have to swing by to see her before he left.
"City ain't doin' so bad without 'um," he said back to Leonas. "Ain't pretty, but it never has been. Need ta scrounge up food mostly. Heaven House girls say it's been gettin' pretty fuckin' tight in the belly back home. Don't think the Bishop's folk are gonna be back ta bother 'um any time soon though."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Food here will be running short soon, as well." Valencia interjects, leaning back into her chair and surveying the rest of them for a reaction. "At least, the food we've been eating. There'll be plenty of rations, however."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "No.. no, your concerns are valid ones, Lieutenant. I will not deny you that. But I cannot let her simply drift in sleep for an eternity. Iselsis is a very, very strong-willed girl. It is only because the conflict with Monev took so much out of her that the demon even had the chance of seizing control."
"I will take responsibility myself for any trouble that may arise after Iselsis is awakened," Ryshassa declares determinedly. "I believe in her. And apparently Windia did as well, so it is hardly more to ask of us." Of course, she is unsure whether Windia's black ops knew anything of Iselsis' true nature... but it is hard for her to believe they did not at least suspect.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince looks at the Silver Angel with confusion... and a sliver of disbelief. What did she mean food running out? Food never ran out! You could be out in the woods where there would be little food, like when they ran to Winlandia, but, but... "... rations?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Any chance plenty means ya got 'nough ta send some Boil's way?" Moon asked Valencia. Better to ask before he set about rounding up a gang to just go steal it. Not that he minded getting into trouble, but hey, two of them were on close enough to good terms now to be polite about it before raiding her stores.
'''Eva Purewing: ''' She nods, "I only hope you are right, Ryshassa..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Rations. You'll appreciate real food for true after a few months of rations." She says with a slight grin, making sure to see if anyone else was horrified. "But they will not kill you."
"And the Boil's food has already been taken care of, accounting for a new garrison." Valencia responds to Moon without looking at him. Doesn't the boy know what professionalism '''is'''? "Once we know how many troops the Angels are bringing with them, we can modify the shipments appropriately."
'''Ryshassa: ''' The mention of food makes Ryshassa think of sorcery, and her lessons with Cael, which hopefully would have time to resume when he returned. Sorcery could easily create food -- perhaps not necessarily appetizing food, but food nonetheless.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' .. damn. So much for raiding. It was almost too bad. He'd been sort of looking forward to it.
"Long as they get passed out far. People gettin' pretty desperate. Some fuckin' assholes were eatin' ''dogs'' while I was there..." the air around him had calmed, but it flared violently for a moment at that memory. "Goddamn fuckin' savages..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Are the Angels due to return soon?" Ryshassa asks curiously. "And Cael..." She knew well enough when Alexsei would return; the rings were handy this way. But her heart always, always yearned it would be sooner.
"There seems to be a general sentiment that we will be leaving Spire soon, when they return with the added troops. Are there any concrete plans about this?"
'''Alexander: ''' ".... it is not real food?" Alexander looks very... helpless. He could not hit lack of food. He could not make a speech to make air become food. And, well, he could do nothing but to eat those... rations. It had the same name as a pet's rations... and those were so hard and dry and.... "... rations... I... guess I will try it tonight."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' Cloud picks up Ryshasa's question, his geatures as if he was catching the words in the air... "Well, Leo has been far too modest when he said we haven't been looking elsewhere. Most of the Winlandians been out there, really, Eva and Valencia.... and me with 'um. Managed to clean a good chunk of the countryside behind us. Between Spire and the Boil and Winlandia, things seem pretty much clear, far as I can tell."
"And I can tell alot."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Dogs are one of the first things people eat when a city begins to run low on food." Valencia recounts, almost clinically. "After that come cats, rats, shoe leather, and finally, other people."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''Cael... ''
Moon glared at the empty spot where the Solar had been at the last meeting and considered. Yeah, this was the place to ask about that. The way it seemed to go, Flyboy was the one who did the diplomacy shit for them. And Moon was probably going to need that.
"I don't know 'bout everyone else darlin'," he said, as much to the rest of the room as to Ryshassa. He sat up taller in his chair to speak, almost making a declaration of it. "Soon as Cael gets back, ''I'm'' leavin'. Him too, if I get my way. I wanna borrow him for somethin'."
'''Alexander: ''' "They said they would..." Alexander asks, then turns to Moon, curious.
"For what?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "And... the enemy movements? They are still recovering from the battle with the General, I suppose?"
Ryshassa does not mention just yet the plans for traveling to Windia with Iselsis. After all, it was not ''her'' plan, initially -- and it is not quite certain yet when or how it will happen, what with her in a coma, and the Dark Angel still away.
She nearly opens her mouth to ask Moon the same question Alexander just voiced. Instead, she waits for the answer.
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' "We will probably be turning to the offensive, yes, Ryshassa." He nods. "We will have to use our... big guns, here, to quench some last fires of undead resistances, but then we have only foward to look. The Marshall has laid a plan already... we will join our sorcerous force together. We will create a great fort between here and the Boil... from whence we can begin to look foward. She can make it last, after our sorcery has erected it... it will be a grand addition to our deck, in this. If we get the countryside clean, we cannot risk them slipping behind us with a big force..."
'''Eva Purewing: ''' "That is where it gets better. The General has thrown them in disarray, yes... and I think they expected their failsafe plans to kick in, but they have not. The Bull has struck on them on the other side of the River as well... and they diverted most of their resources south. All they seem to be able to mantain for us is defense. And we need to be swift to overcome it."
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' "We cannot discount the fact they might be waiting for us to make the first movement, Eva. Do not claim victory so fast. They could be making undead engines out of their own losses... and they could, like Calobis, be waiting for us to walk in there. The Angels have uncovered all they want is to wait until they get to do thar ritual... so them being defensive might be simply good strategy, and not a sign of weakness at all."
'''Seventh Moon: '''"I met 'nother Lunar while back," he started, looking towards each face in turn while he spoke. Somehow that was important, to look them each in the eye and let them know he was serious. "Nice 'nough lady, past the bit where she tried ta kill me. Talked a bit first before that. Said she was part'a some other Circle. One made'a nothin' but folks like me 'n Valencia. Said they weren't really on the Bishop's side'a this shit. They had plans'a their own that workin' for him just happened ta help with."
Moon raised a finger to his mouth and bit down on the tip, ripping away a piece of skin. Blood welled up to the surface and he put his finger on the table top. Crimson spread outward on the polished mirrored surface, one thick river with at least fifty tiny threads branching outwards. A centipede. "I gotta taste'a her while we were dancin'. I can follow it, find her. Find all'a 'um. If they ''ain't'' with him, means they could be with us or at least they could just stay the fuck outta the way. Either way it goes, just gotta talk 'um inta it. Let 'um see we're the better side ta be on. Don't think I can do that shit on my own though, which is why Cael. He's the one that does that shit 'round here, far as I can tell."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth... sort of wished she knew what everyone was talking about-- but that was to be expected. ''Right. This is Alex' Circle. I do what I can, but with or without Ainerach, it's his to lead... '' The country on the other hand... She shivers, adjusting Ainerach yet again as part of her back tingles numbly.
''Don't think about that-- think about what you '''can''' do. '' Her mind crosses food... When she'd been in the underworld, she had conjured up meat-- of a sort-- for herself and her master... but much like using her blood for healing, it would be... unappropriate here. ''Perhaps... A drone army to protect the city? Yes Elizabeth-- do some Necromancy, Valencia will love that. ''
Then Moon says something interesting, and she perks up. "A circle of Luna's own under the Bishop?" ''What Elizabeth, did you think the Mask was the only one who had anythign to offer? ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "For my part, I think they are trying to wait us out." Valencia scoffs inwardly at the mention of another circle of Lunars. Bought by that one they call the Prophet perhaps? Perhaps this is what the Bishop wants them to go. Go haring off after hazy threats in pairs. "That could be a trap."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon flicked his finger, a droplet of blood arching through the air and splashing against Elizabeth's brow. He gave her an irate look. "''Not'' under him. That's my whole fuckin' point. She said they were workin' ''with'' him, not ''for'' him. Said they were evein' plannin' on turnin' on him soon as they got what they wanted. Only problem with that shit it we seem ta be in their way much as the Bishop."
"Which is what we gotta talk 'um outta. Make 'um see they're better of stayin' the fuck on our good side," he finished with a grin, broad fangs glistening. "One way or another."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa listens earnestly to Leonas and Eva, not considering herself an expert on military matters by far. "It seems to me it might be best to take the opportunity for an offensive -- especially if we will soon muster enough added strength to defend from here, as well. At least, send people towards the front who might better surmise the situation."
That is about as much as she can think of to contribute... at least, she would not dare presume she knows better.
Ryshassa's eyebrows raise with interest at Moon's prospective plan. "More Lunar allies, or potential ones anyway... was the Lunar you met the one that put you in such terrible shape before?" She means when she came to heal Moon at the Boil... and... and Kanti as well, though that did not go so well. "Yes, Cael would likely be a good choice for that. I would help as well, assuming I had the time to do so..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Eliabeth irritatedly wipes the blood off her brow, adding it to the deep red stains on her hands. Offhandedly, she wondered how her illusions were holding up, but there was no point worrying about it. "Under, over, with-- it all sounds like bad news... Perhaps I should come as well." ''I do have some experience in the matter... ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Don't think so," he said, turning his look to Valencia and shaking his head. "Seen plent'a traps before. This was... different."
Yeah, that would fuckin' explain it. But he couldn't ''really'' explain what there had been that moment between the lady and himself. He'd have to actually understand it first. The Windlandian would just have to trust him on that.
"Might be trouble in the end, but they ''ain't'' gonna be countin' on us comin' after 'um."
The offer from Elizabeth catches him off guard and he lets it show, his brows rising curiously. It shouldn't have been that much of a surprise. Crazy bitch had run off on her own try and stop the ritual here in Spire. And she ''was'' a Lunar too.
If nothing else, her being with him would mean she ''wouldn't'' be around to step on Alex. Whatever disagreements he had with the prince, the kid still stood more than a few notches higher than sister-come-lately.
"Yeah, a'ite," he nodded. "Won't hurt for havin' an extra body ta throw at 'um if things get ugly."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth nods sagely "--and my body is worth ''twice'' yours." No one is quite sure where '''that''' came from. Alex, in his de-sexed state, thinks she must be referring to her immortality. Yes, that must be it.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "As for myself... I will have to await the return of the Angels and Cael to decide where I will go," Ryshassa says apologetically. "And Iselsis' awakening as well. It is more likely that I will accompany her... wherever she will go. Unless, perhaps, there is some task I may be of use for in the meantime..."
She looks questioningly towards the Prince and Valencia in particular.
'''Alexander: ''' "Well, I will be around here. They mentioned quenching some last strands of resistance... and I can think of nothing better than to aid them into it. If my sister will see about those Lunars... well, she should." He nods. "But I want to make sure Whiteshield is entirely free of them, at least on the part under our control."
Inwardly, the Prince is breathing great sighs of relief, that Elizabeth will not be there to do any more to him... but of course, he also wished his Pale Lady to come back soon... he just did not want to simply wait for it to end, not when she could return to do worse!
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods... "It seems like so many people are simply coming and going, though. More of us ought to have a means of communicating long distance."
She hopes she can catch a moment with Cael before he leaves again. He owes her after all the studying she's done!
"What about you Fiona, will you be staying here as well?"
'''Fiona: ''' She brings a finger to her lips, and wonders...
"I... have no idea, yet. I will have to see. Pehaps after the Angels return, I will see..."
It really did not befit a chosen of the sun to be so indecisive... but she had no idea what to do!
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa chuckles. "Well, that would put us in the same boat then. Though more accurately, my plans depend somewhat on the plans of others. Who are currently not present."
The healer rises to her feet, gathering the silvery and gold-edged silk of her kimono around her as she eases out of her chair. Bowing deeply to all assembled, she says, "If we are about done here, I ought to see to Iselsis and Sir Monev again before the evening... and Rain, as well..." She means not the long-absent fae Rain, but the boy Iselsis had saved and brought to her, Resplendant Rain. His health as well as the girl that was with him would be very important if Iselsis could follow through with her plans.
"Ah -- I have forgotten one matter, though." The hem of her cascading sleeve, shimmering with butterflies, rises to her lips as she turns to Valencia. "A small one, perhaps... no," her gaze shifts uncertainly. "No, I believe I will ask at a more opportune time, Marshall, as it is a more personal request."
Another bow -- practiced and respectful, the sort she learned as a child of the Realm -- and she turns to leave the room, as the others gathered prepare to depart to their own tasks... or diversions.
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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