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== Dance In Hell ==
Kanti stays on the pillows, her exalted body already healed from everything last night... both the pain, the pleasure, and her mistress' forceful touches. Inside a shadowland, feeling the stale air from it... so different from the clear, resplendent air of heaven. But yet, within the confines of the opressive palace, the Vestal had brought beauty. Laying in a ground littered with pillows, opening her eyes from her meditation, she sees a beautiful girl of a charismatic smile, hazel eyes and hair wake up.... Fiona, waking up. Her young body clad in nothing but a soulsteel choker, and jeweled bracers on her arms and legs... she wakes up, suddenly, gasping, then cringing, holding herself... trying to shake off her own nightmares.
Around her, there are few others - Maera and the others are long gone, and the only ones there are two girls Kanti has never seen before, chained to the walls, her bodies all marked by their mistresses' caresses, and quite deep in inconscience...
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti smiles softly at the girl, looking reassuring, or as reassuring as she can with the scars covering her body. She is clad much like the girl, though the collar is jade, her Screams and the guides somewhere to the side of the room.
"Bad dreams." It isnt a question. "You're Fiona, yes?" she speaks in a soft, warm voice
<b>Fiona:</b> "Y-Yes..." She replies to both, a reflexive response while turning around... then, her eyes go wide in exasperation, looking about the room and seeing the others that have fainted out. "Mistress... the mistress isn't around, is she? Is she?" She says, scared...
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti feels the girl's fear, feeling it herself too. She too needed some time with out the mistress...though if she did come back..oh yes...
"No," she shakes her head "She left with Maera, a little while after...you passed out..."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Oh, good... thankfully..." She says, hugging her own legs and curling around herself... eyes wanting to close, but not doing so, as she trembles just a bit... "Kanti, right? I... I remember you screaming, when the mistress first took me in.. when she took Whiteshield..." Fiona was still wild and fighting the mistress when the Vestal went away, taking Fiona with her. And although last night the Vestal pushed them together for her amusement, they only knew it to be a show to please the mistress....
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti nods once, closing her eyes as she remembers those screams...such a long time ago, and yet so vivid in her mind...
"..I think we've all screamed a lot, here."
She moves over to the young girl, wrapping reassuring arms around her, unless she makes noises of protest.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona cringes and moves away,
"I... she did things with me, but.. no one screamed as much as you. But... it was... so bad.... I can see it was bad for you. Me... I keep remembering... what she did to me, while I did not understand... before I understood all I needed to do was to please the mistress, and nothing would hurt...."
She looks at Kanti, suddenly afraid for having pushed away, her eyes and head drooping low. "You want me to do..." She says, as she walks foward, kissing Kanti's neck, her eyes closed in resignation...
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti very gently lifts Fiona's head away from her neck, looking down at her. Keeping the guilt she felt out of them, not wanting Fiona to feel it too.
"No, not that. ... I... just thought you might ... want something to reassure you."
She kisses her forehead.
"....The understanding was hard though, I know."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona looks at Kanti... her eyes shaking. It is like she does not quite recognize the gesture. It is like she does not understands it, does not remember it... trying to get it back on her memory... her arms, that were going mechanically to sensitive parts of Kanti dropping....
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti looks at her, two small tears starting to glisten in the corners of her eyes.
"...I'm sorry." she whispers softly, holding the girl gently, as much for herself as for Fiona. "I'm sorry that you hurt so much."
And she couldnt let Fiona see the emotions within her...how could she love a woman who could do this...how could she?
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona moves weakly to Kanti, trying to reciprocate the tenderness as much as she can...
"Mistress... I see it now... she is so good to me. She treats me so well, she protects me, she is everything... she said the pain would stop, and it did now that she cares... but... but..."
"...it keeps coming back... every time I close my eyes... sometimes... when she looks at me... I still remember her eyes going through my soul... sometimes...." She begins to sob then, her voice faltering...
"I know she is..she has done so much ..for me..it's just too much to bear sometimes. Far too much to bear..."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti gently strokes her hair as she starts to sob.
"I know ...that..that is why I don't sleep now..." she drops to a whisper "Sometimes I just want to drown in them."
<b>Fiona:</b> "How do you do that? Not sleep... sometimes, I wish not to sleep... but yesterday, I was so tired... all ached... I did not even notice when... and then, they came... her laugher, her eyes... her words. It burned..." The girl nests against Kanti, as the only fortress for her spirit in the world, the only one she can let her sadness to... "She... did this to you, didn't she?" She asks, running her hand on Kanti's skin, scarred on every inch of it... "I can't imagine..."
<b>Kanti:</b> "I...I'm not sure...I...just don't..can't let myself...", she says "And so I don't"
Kanti shivers as the hands trace over the scars, partly in remembered fear, partly in pain, partly in pleasure. She nods slowly
"She did...she, and Maera...and another..."
She swallows "...I can remember thanking her for it...after she stopped..."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Y-you should... if she did this to you... she... finds it beautiful. She made you beautiful, right?" The girl puts some strength on her nestling now, finally hugging her in return, even if her warmth was there before... almost burning. "....Right?" She asks, confused...
<b>Kanti:</b> "I know she did...that..that is why I thinked her."
She had, hadn't she? She must be beautiful now...mistress had said so...but...people before had called her beautiful too, hadn't they?
Hadn't they?
She hugs the girl back a bit tighter now. "The pain..was just so much to bear...It's so hard sometimes...the pain..."
<b>Fiona:</b> "I... can help with that, if you wish... make you relax... I can!"
She says, brightening up a bit, eager to help...
Kanti nods "Please."
<b>Fiona:</b> She touches Kanti, her hands coming down Kanti's back... and seeming to waver over it as if she was touching liquid fire. Fiona moves to Kanti's back, letting her fingers work, making the fire aspect feel like she is passing some sort of cream on her... but one that goes inside... massaging and nurturing Kanti's soul.
"Beauty... people always called me beautiful... wanted to do things to me, but it was all a big adventure. I didn't knew..."
"I had no fears... I didn't even know what to fear. No plans, Kanti... I only wanted to learn. So much out there, so much to learn... but mistress was right. There was nothing. She taught me so much... to fear... to love... to please..."
She takes a moment, and gulps, scared of what she says, "... to hate..."
"Mistress showed me the world on her texts, her.. the pain she gave me... and her body. I thanked her for it... after the taught me how."
"Do you... like it, Kanti?'
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti shivers again as the magic flows into her, taking away her pain, leaving her floating a small pool of bliss...the first time since the darkness started that there was no pain anywhere on her body. Then her body relaxes.
"Oh..thank you...thank you..it...it doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt." her voice slightly wonderous, slightly out of it. She kisses her forehead again. "I wish I could do the same for you." her voice carrying a trace of guilt now.
"She taught me that too....And that's the worst of it all, isn't it?" her voice soft now.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Yes... yes, it is. That..." She says, not wanting to say hate out loud again, her voice more hushed, ".. was the first thing she taught me. Before I understood, really... that I should not resist her."
"You... when...did she taught you that?"
<b>Kanti:</b> "When...when she did things to people.....just to hurt me.....when she made me beg for their torments to end....and then did them anyway...that was when..." Kanti whispers it all. "And I still love her...love her for everything...so it's all alright then, isn't it?" she asks for reassurance more than anything.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Yes... yes!" She says, turning Kanti around and hugging her... tightly. "While we lover her... and she loves us... everything will be alright. We will have nothing to fear... but her... she will protect us... if we please her."
She looks at Kanti again, burying her doubts, the happy face she presents the Vestal. "And we will do it well, right?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti is unresisting as she is turned, then nods, hugging her back tightly, smiling at her with her own happy face, only her eyes betraying something of what she feels inside.
"Only her." she nods again "Of course we will please her."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Always...." She falls back on the pillows, running her hands over her own body... wondering if she once she would mind others seeing her exposed so. "We will go together to give retribution to those who hurt our mistress, won't we? What can you do, Kanti? You can... fight, right?" She asks, seeing the well-built body of the Crimson Dragoness...
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti's eyes can't help but follow the hands. She nods through "We will hunt them, and bring them back for her."
And mistress will get to bring misery and pain to more people. But they will know her love in the end and that will be good.
"I can fight yes..it's what I was trained to do...before....before I knew Her. And...I can heal alittle...and mistress likes my dancing, I think." a warm glow filling her voice at the last bit.
<b>Fiona:</b> "I saw you dancing, yesterday! You were wonderful!" She giggles, comfortably rising and falling on Kanti's lap, "She liked it, even the Crusader did! You danced so very well!"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti smiles down at her "..Thank you." she says happily "What is it that you do..apart from having such soothing hands?"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Oh, me? I can heal! Not as good as you, but.. well enough! And..." She stops, her fingers tracing the air to words of power... "... I can use magic. Powerful magic, too... mistress said she will have someone teach me more. But I can send dark butterflies, find people, and see the past... among other things." She looks up and smiles, "People always said I was so talented, before. I hope I will measure up to the Vestal's standards."
<b>Kanti:</b> "...I remember spells like that. Mas-.." her voice breaks as she speaks "...Master could cast spells like that..." she trails off, looking awy from Fiona briefly.
"I'm sure you will though. You won't displease her."
<b>Fiona:</b> "I hope!"She smiles, her hands going up and caressing Kanti's face,
"You had a master before that? What was he like?"
<b>Maera:</b> A droplet, raining horizontally, lands on Kanti's face, as she strides in, tall and powerful on her robes. Aquamarine light and water swirling about her, as she looks at them predatorily.
<b>Kanti:</b> "...He was from heaven. He took me in when I was young. He taught me to love the world, and I helped him, helped him protect it." She speaks with joy and fond memories. "He was the one who taught me to fight as I do, But..." she looks away saddly "then he l-..." she look around fearfully as the droplet strikes her cheek, a lot of the calm leaving her.
"Maera." She looks up at her with fear and longing, wondering why she has come.
<b>Maera:</b> "Kanti. Fiona." She says, a superior look to them,
"Get dressed. Mistress want to see the two of you."
She throws a key close to them, gesturing to the woman chained to the left wall, "Bring Tian too. Carry her if you have to."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona tenses up, becoming sat by simply tensing, then drops her eyes down. "Maera. Y-yes... I will."
The young girl gets up, dressing herself, blushing in resignation to Maera's glances at her flesh...
<b>Kanti:</b> "Of..of course Maera." she moves over to the pile of her screams, shuddering softly as she pulls them on and settles them on her body, slipping on the Guides, feeling Maera's eyes on her as she moves over to the wall, unlocking the shackles that hold Tian in place, catching her as she falls and scooping her into her arms.
She whispers to Fiona "Can you take the bliss away..?"
Tian's hair is dirty blonde, falling down as Kanti lifts her up... dressed in tight clothes of a pleasure slave, her full lips whisper something... a man's name, which Kanti can't make out.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Yes, yes, of course!" Fiona says, already dressed in her silky showy garments, touching the flower on Kanti's belly and making the narcotic bliss fade away, leaving Kanti's mind clear and fully awake again. "Better?"
Maera turns around, "Practicing for the bliss you will give mistress?" She asks, taking the first few steps out.
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti shhhs Tian soflty, easily carrying her.
Kanti nods "Yes, thank you" for blessed few moments of bliss.
She doesnt mention the real reason for wanting it taken away...the thought of what the Vestal would do if she couldn't be hurt...
She nods to Maera, and prepares to follow the Dragoness out.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> Maera guides the three of you through the corridors, getting to a room drawn full of necromantic patterns, a soulsteel and black jade circle on the ground, three ghosts drawn of Essence, fading to nothingness grafted onto the walls. he Vesal turns to you, her face full of blood, coming out of a now-fading caste mark, the robes wet with blood on her neck. She smiles pleasantly at the four. "Kanti, Fiona. So good you two came on time... did you rest well?"
Fiona nods, smiling, blushing, enthralled in love for her mistress, "Yes!"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti trembles slightly as she sees the room, memories of a similar room as the mistress' knives and Maera's claws dancing on her skin..she draws her thoughts back to the present and the woman before her.
"Yes, mistress. Thank you." her voice catching slightly with love and desire.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> "Good. Very good. I hope you two had a great time." She smiles, a smile full of love and acceptance... as she points to the magical material circle in the middle of the room.
"Could you leave Tian there, please? Be gentle, not that I need to tell the gentler of all my pretties, do I? And come to me afterwards... and lick this blood off me."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti wonders what she could want to do to Tian...though not too hard...It wasnt right to question the mistress commands....though..this circle... how could it be good...
She lays Tian out carefully, very carefully, looking back to the Vestal for approval. At the small nod, she leaves her there, walking back over to the Vestal.
"Thank you.." she murmurs softly, before slipping her tongue out to lick at the blood on her mistress neck with a gentle care.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> Mistress looks at the door, and smiles. "Oh, finally... come in, you three. Come in."
They waltz in, the three of them... Sarah, you had met before, Sarah... she was there last night. Her looks are less unususual and gorgeous as most of the Lover's playthings... as Kanti herself was before, standing out in her own way even among the supernatural beauties on the Cerulean Lute. No... hers is a beauty on her charisma, on her smile. Heart-shaped face, pouty lips, purple eyes and blonde hair... unusual, but not so eye-catching. Yet, when mistress commanded her to smile... she lit the room.
Those with her were quite the opposite. Two Fair Folk princcess, towering over the changeling on both beauty and height.
One of them may remember some of the popular folk who think the Raksha are like the Dragon-Blooded... she is so *alive*! Grass and pink flowers on her hair like a Wood Aspect... but it stops there. The rest of her body is like the green trunk of a flower, her nails like petals, her lips like fruits. And the other... was like happiness given form. Cheerful, so cheerful, even if she did not want to, jumping without meaning, colored in white and yellow and laughing with her eyes.
The Vestal smiles at them, touching Kanti as she licks so carefully... "Sarah, Kiri, Jyoti... I had been expecting you." She looks at Sarah, and nods down. Sarah kneels, without a second thought. The hearthstone on the Vestal's wrist fickles as a chain of essence runs from it to Kanti's neck, making her squeal as a chain bounds her - easy to break, but while with that chain her sensations would be so greater... the mistress gifted her with it. "Kanti, do me a favor and hold Sarah's arms? Don't let her move."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti looks at the Fae with a mixture of wonder and disbelief....such beauteous creations...she didnt quite dare greet them.
Then the chain wrapped around her and all thoughts other than the Vestal left her head, knowing that the mistress' touch was even more wonderful while she was so bound...the merest hints of desire making her tremble with pleasure.....and as it did, she felt herself start to drown in those eyes...not trying to struggle...not this time...
"Of course Mistress." her voice hotter, more breathy, dropping to her knees behind Sarah, holding her arms with an iron grip...trying to fight the urge to rub against her skin.
She looks up at the Vestal worshipfully.
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> The Vestal walks up to Sarah, looking at her...
Kanti knew those eyes. They look inside your soul. They ravaged you, defiled you. They left you curling around yourself, feeling dirty and sullied. And they ketp burning, burning even that until the only thing left was love. As soon as the pain ceased... you would love the Vestal. The Vestal looked down, touching Sarah's lips.
"My dear Sarah. I believe you. But you had so many before me... you had him before me, didn't you? You believe yourself my property, but once you gave yourself to him, didn't you?"
"You believe you love me, but most girls by the little time you have been mine do not forget it... do not forget it yet. I know Fiona did.. because there was so very little to forget. So very little will. I know Kanti did... because of what I did to her. But you, Sarah... you still do. That is why, even with your new pet, I am not sending you out... but them. And that is why you will help us. Remember..."
She said more, for some time. Leading Sarah... letting it out. She spoke of her life, as a prostitute in the Boil. From the beggining, a fae-blooded orphan, people seeing things wrong with her, to being hurt with iron... to the time she was abused by her caretaker, chained with burning iron and raped... to escaping, meeting up with the gang, the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack, her protection... and Moon. To being so dirt at first, even if protected.... but so soothed in the Red Lantern district soon later, due to a deal of the gang. Where she could relax, and take those who had more money, and more class. At the time she met Moon... Seventh Moon, and became his girl.
<i>"Moonie..."</i>She said in sobs, <i>"Even if they all walked with me, it was always you... you who I gave myself for free... and it was always you, each and every one... you who protected me if any of them were mean... I liked you ever since they took me in, Moonie... just took so long to say, and you didn't knew... I... lo...ve..."</i>She said, then looked up, at her mistress, knowing what she said. And trying to escape from Kanti's grasp... <b>terrified</b>
"Now, Fiona." The Vestal commands, looking down at Sarah... her emotions coated in a mask of indifference.
Fiona takes a step foward, her face scared as well... for Sarah, and maybe for... something else. But she recites the incantations, the symbols of Sapphire Sorcery appearing about her, exploding in light.... as she touches Sarah, and makes a bird of blue flame come forth. Fiona holds it on her hand, and looks up at the Vestal. "It... will lead us to him, yes... it will lead us to him, Mistress."
The Vestal nods in agreement, then kicks Sarah's stomach so hard.... the fae-blood cries and coughs out blood as the Vestal lifts her face with her feet. "You are a disrespectful little whore, Sarah. That is how you thank all I gave you? All my kindness?" She kicks again, and pushes Kanti up, "Let her go, Kanti, and come here."
<b>Kanti:</b> No...No...No...
Kanti trys to fight the pleasant haze filling her, as Sarah spills out her story...to warn her..somehow...but.......no....it was useless....
She heard the fateful words rising from Sarahs lips, and gripped her all the tighter as she struggled, whispering into her ear to calm down, to stop struggling.
The she winces at the vestal's brutal kick, feeling Sarah's pain in sympathy...disapproval? trying to fight its way through the warm haze caused by the chain on her neck...overwhelmed by them.
She drops sarah as the mistress commands her, some faraway portion of her mind screaming out at her to care for the girl, to heal her...but....mistress wouldnt like that...so that was that.
She stumbles a little as she is lifted, but walks over to the Vestal, looking at her with slightly dazed, waiting for instruction...
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> The Vestal pushes Kanti to her, her hand effortlessly going inside her generous dress, and easily... so easily, thanks to the chain, pushing her to her peak. The Vestal kisses Kanti, passionately, looking to her eyes... a superior look, but a caring one. "Your mistress loves you, Kanti. You love your mistress, don't you? You are not like that betraying, weak whore, are you?" Her voice sounds haunting, essence-driven, all the shadows blurring in red lust... red like the Vestal. the center of her world, the promise of a world of protection, sheltering, that makes sense as long as you obey... as you love her.
She stands so tall, so taller than Kanti... so greater than any in the room, right now, so deitified, so impossible to be obeyed..."Do you not love your mistress, Kanti?" She says, holding her hand, soaked from Kanti, to her pretty's lips..."Are you not angry with her? With this betrayal of your mistress?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti drowns in those eyes, in that voice, in the presence that wraps itself around her body, wraps itself arount her heart, around her soul.
When she surfaces again, she is pressed up to the Vestal, sucking on her fingers, tasting herself, and nodding in agreement...to what she isnt sure..only that it is of such importance to her mistress....
"Yes mistress..so angry..." she says, feeling an angry passion rising in her..so alien...but...so right...it is wanted, after all...right?
<b>Vestal of the Livid Lamasery:</b> "Then, punish her. Punish Sarah for your mistress."
She purrs in Kanti's ears as the dragoness tastes herself, "Make her suffer for every one of those words. Make her suffer for each of it she has in her soul. I want her still alive, and you can do that... can do anything to her and just make it something she will recover in a few hours. But she will be hurt. You will *hurt* her, won't you? Make her scream until she is ready to throw away those feelings and kill Moon herself?"
She moves her face back from Kanti's, her eyes narrowing in what would be a threat, "If she is not hurt enough when I got her, I might need to do to her like I did with you, Kanti... it will be much more merciful. Make her ready to repent, and maybe I will love her again. Otherwise..."
She breaks the chain, the cold of the air coming to Kanti again, taking away the hot bliss.... "You have a few hours before going out. Use them well."
<b>Kanti:</b> She slumps to her knees as the chain breaks, taking in deep, desperate gasps of the cold air.
"Mistress..I..." she looks up, terrified and guilty and ashamed.... "...I...." those eyes again...she cannot disappoint those eyes...
"....I will do as you ask." She hangs her head, so that her mistress doesnt see the self-loathing in her eyes, though it must be obvious from her body...
And then she turns back to Sarah, and to her own private hell, repeating on her body many of the indignities inflicted on her own since she met the Vestal. She feels the pain of each and every agony she inflicts. Softly whispering, begging for her forgiveness even as she visits more harm on Sarah's skin. Many times over the hours she stops, shaking, rocking herslef slowly, convicncing herself this is for the best.
Then, as they draw to the close, Sarah now unconcious on the floor, she wraps herself in her arms, having long since cried herself dry, and sits there, rocking slightly.
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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