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== Seeing Double ==
For a moment, there is silence.
Leonas' spetacles fall. He had been watching Cael, much as Cloud in Dawn had, feeling the... kinship. There was something of ice, of air, in the Windwraith now. Something that marked him as a Air Elemental, or something more, something of air. But now... now, that was an interesting turn of events. Even in the strange world of the Exalted.
Cloud boggled. Eva Purewind stopped her snack on her teeth, not sinking any further.
And the Prince Alexander Holysword... well, his face was a blank.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "...W-what... the... FUCK!?" Elizabeth stammers out, then recovers quickly. She's a bright girl though-- the times she had seen anyone else that looked like her could after all be counted on one hand. "You're supposed to be fucking DEAD". Ainerach flashes into her hand-- she obviously intends to fix that.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child of Wyld Days, almost half-asleep, perks to attention once she becomes aware that... someone's shown up, and looks to be claiming to be the real Elizabeth Holysword... at first she frowns. And then she shivers, as it dawns on her what she should possibly do to try and clear things up quickly. Instead of acting, Monkey simply remains a little ball of skin, gossamer clothing and white fur, watching the newcomer and building up the courage to act.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon looked one way, to the Elizabeth in front of him. Moon looked another way, to the Elizabeth behind him. One way. The other way. Left. Right. Back. Forth.
"A'ite," he concluded after his through examination, easing out of the crouch he'd worked himself into. "What the ''fuck''? Seriously."
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa actually... giggle-snorts, into the rest of her drink, and then quickly chastizes herself. ''No, this is supposed to be serious! '' But it occurs to her that Liz could have made a clone of herself. She doesn't even know Liz well enough to judge which one is the real one.
Regaining her composure, Ryshassa puts her glass aside, dusting her fingers of crumbs, and comes towards -- but not too close -- to the newly arrived princess. Clone. Whatever. "What makes you say you are the real one? Have you any proof of what you claim?"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "Dead?" She assk, indignant, even as she takes a step back, her wings curling up about her protectively, ready for the woman to strike... "I am far from dead, imposter! Are you insane as well? Whatever you are, I am not about to let you deceive my country's liberators in such a way!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... ex... ex... excuse me."
Finally uncurling, finally working up some measure of self-control, Monkey pads over to the 'new' Elizabeth, and idly takes a sniff at her ankle before looking up at her. "... have we met?"
'''Alexander: ''' He looks to one...
He looks at the other...
And it does not take much imagination to imagine a giant sweatdrop covering the prince's face...
"I.... sis...?"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' The Princess looks at the Monkey-girl, at first endeared... and then, her eyes seem to shine and she notices something, stepping away, her face contorting in a mien of disgust. "You think I would know the likes of you faerie? Put yourself in your place!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... I am the Child of Wyld Days. I am raksha... and you are not the Elizabeth Holysword I met so long ago."
That said, she returns to her curl-spot on the couch. "Make her go away. She scares me."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "And now we have two." Valencia reaches across the table and takes one of Moon's abandoned pastries. "Mind the language and don't fight."
She looks up at the 'new' Elizabeth. "Would you care to explain yourself and your intrusion?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "I saw that..." Moon growled out of the side of his mouth, though let te thieving Winlandian escape with the sweet. This time.
'''Cael: ''' Cael shook his head, not letting his surprise play over his face as he turns to take in the newcomer, watching as the others, especially the reactions of the strange faerie ...
''That was the Child? ''
''I am inclined to agree with her though. This new Elizabeth /also/ sounds nothing like the one I was told of her... ''
"I would be interested, then, to hear why you are here and not at Great Forks. And just why you left?"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She looks at Valencia... as if finally noticing her there. She courtesyes, then, a long, slow courtesy... "Countess Valencia Silverstar, the Silver Angel. It... it is an honor to meet you. I... I have always wanted..." She blushes just slightly a little embarassed... "... it is good to see you here, Lady Silverstar. And my intrusion? Well, it is a bit of a long story..."
"Great Forks, good sir? I came back from there a long time ago, and only left my decoy there."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth shakes her head in exasperation. "Oh please, you sound like a goddamn ''princess'', you obviously never knew me very well, Daedrin."
''And whose fault is that? ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa sighs quietly, doesn't quite eye-roll. What's gotten into her lately? The buzz of mulled wine and sweets is fading into something almost... unpolite.
In any case, this second princess's attitude does not sit well with Ryshy, either. Not to mention that she had completely ignored her question.
''Valencia has much more weight here than you would ever have, anyway. It is only fair. ''
"Perhaps both of you should explain your stories in turn, ah, Princesses," her eyes flick from the Liz holding Ainerach to the new arrival in white and silver, "so we might get to the bottom of this... mix-up."
''Daedrin? ''
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia eats hers, then takes another from the same plate, with a 'what are you going to do about it?' look going to Moon, faint smirk.
No one present has ever seen Valencia get naughty like that.
She looks back toward the 'real' Elizabeth. "You say that is Daedrin?"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "Daedrin was to be my fiancee, the son of Dayshield. However, I had been on the Great Forks only in passing... and had no time for marriage. Being the Chosen of Eos is all I have lived for for a long while now, and I have no desire for marriage so soon..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' And Moon... sat back down. He could already tell that this was going to turn exhausting real damn fast. Besides, he needed to protect his plate before everything vanished.
"Maybe we should just kill 'um both or somethin'," he ventured to suggest, pulling the platter onto his lap. "Y'know, ta be safe."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "This lying bitch is my ex-Fiance, Daedrin. Somehow he got it in his head I was ''cheating'' on him, so he fucking raped and killed me. I returned the favor exponentially."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "How is it he looks like you?"
'''Alexander: ''' ....
".... ''what''?!?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth glares at Valencia briefly hesitant, but fails to care with ''him'' here. "I ''said'' I returned the favor. '''Litterally'''."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Ah. You went Selina's path." Valencia shakes her head, and squints a glance at Moon before looking back to the two Elizabeths. "Assuming you are the real Elizabeth, which is what I will work upon for now."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey looks at Elizabeth... then at 'Elizabeth'... and her fur practically stands on end, anger overcoming fright for a moment, fingers clawing at the cushion below here. "... I like you even less now."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "Why would that tainted, silver-coated trickster be the real one? She is a ''shapeshifter! '' She pretty much has ''imposter'' tatooed all over her! Alex!" She turns to the boy with a commanding look, pointing at him accusingly, "Would I be capable of those things? Would I be as this deranged monster? Will you not recognize your sister when you see her?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth doesn't understand Valencia's comment about Selina. ''She can't know... No, she must have meant something else.. ''
"Please, you think Valencia here will fall for that? A moonkissed becomes her true self under Luna's light." She snaps her fingers, flaring her anima banner until it forms a pristine white bird. "So where's ''your'' goddess-granted ID?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Mmm..." Ryshassa tilts her head gazing at the 'fake'. Mustering essence, weaving proverbial golden nets into her words, to seperate truth from seeming. "Tell us, then, what happened to Daedrin from your point of view, 'Princess'? And what brings you here, if your duties as a ...Chosen of Eos have superceded your duties as Princess Royal of Whiteshield until now?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Come away from there darlin'," Moon called to Days, waving the Monkey away. "She might turn inta a fangy ghost fucker with tentacles or somethin'. Ya don't wanna be standin' in front'a her if that happens, y'know?"
Glancing back at Valencia, he smiled crookedly and plucked one of the pastries off his plate. Leaning over the table, he held it up towards her mouth and tipped his head to the side.
Yeah, it ''was'' a little hard to take this situation seriously.
'''Alexander: ''' She was talking to him! She was asking him... asking him the one thing that she could not ask him! Shallow breath, cold sweat covering his face, the Prince of Whiteshield looks around.... to everyone on the room and '''not''' to all those sisters of his', stepping slowly towards Valencia.... and not answering her in any way.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days snarls quietly back at Moon, staying right where she is like some kind of gargoyle perched on the couch. Even being a skittish wreck doesn't make the anger at being insulted go away so quickly.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She looks at the Blood Angel, and shakes her head. "Maybe you have changed your True Form, then. I am not Chosen, but I ''am'' a Holysword and trained by Eos. I do not flare as a Chosen does, however." She shakes her head as if the Blood Angel was just a dog barking too loud, and then turns to Ryshassa, smiling... "Well, we just did not hit it off. We talked a bit, but he had entirely the wrong idea about me. And... well, I know there was a decoy there, to marry him instead. I am a very valuable asset for Whiteshield, and my priesthood with Eos, one of our most well-kept secrets. I never expected my decoy to come here pretending to be me, however. And I heard there was something... ''wrong'' about her. Now I see what..."
Ryshy can see... that she says it because she is outraged her identity is being stolen so blatantly. That she wishes to save her kingdom for holding a fake in such an important moment. It was one thing for the fake to be married so far away, but to take the reins of her country? No, she would not stand for that, even if she has to abandon her priesthood...
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth sighs. "It's like arguing with a child."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey pauses... then does something unexpected, something that still makes her retch a little... but she does it, because she's curious as to what she'll feel from the two.
Monkey inhales, and her Cup maw opens, taking a deep astral inhale of the emotions wafting in the air. Light sustenance, but also, perhaps, some answers...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia doesn't take the food from his hand with her mouth, though she does make to swipe it out of Moon's hand. Fast, she is, faster than him.
"Or maybe she made you too well." The woman says, eyes flickering to the new liz.
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa turns briefly to Elizabeth -- the first one she has met -- and Alexander. "She genuinely believes she is the real one," she informs them tersely. "That much is for certain."
''But that does not confirm that she is real or fake. ''
Returning her attention to the newcomer Princess, she continues, "If you truly believe you are the real Elizabeth -- and I am not saying you are not, necessarily -- merely that if you believe it so strongly, you should have no problem with showing us some sure-fire proof of your heritage."
"Elizabeth, the one you claim is an impostor, has shown us her true nature under Luna's light. What might you show us?"
'''Cael: ''' ''So it was true, at least assuming that the first Elizabeth was the real one. ''
''That is going to make talking with the Dayshield interesting. ''
''I'd tried to suggest it was Abyssals too. ''
''Convincing her assuming the alternative was true would hardly be easy either... ''
For the moment though, he's silent.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "You are Solars, who can see me as I truly am. I swear, on Amaranthyne, on Luna and the Unconquered, on all the lights of Heaven, that I am who I appear to be. I am Elizabeth Holysword, Princess of Whiteshield, Priestess to Eos, gone from the light but returned, on the stead of my parent's death, to prevent the truth from disappearing on Oblivion. What other manner of proof would you require?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "There is sorcery to verify your claims." Valencia says without fanfare, cold and flat toned.
'''Cael: ''' "Perhaps you would both be willing to swear that under Oath?"
He asks a simple question.
'''Narrator: ''' Monkey drinks... all the emotions in the air...
... confusion...<br>
... playfulness...<br>
... anger... <br>
.... outrage...<br>
... indignation...<br>
... surprise...<br>
... and gluttony?
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Tch," Moon scoffed, leaning back onto his seat. No fun at ''all''. He could see where Selina got it from. He picked another treat from his plate and deliberately popped it into his mouth, smiling at Valencia as he chewed.
Finally turning his attention back to the mater of the Dueling Lizes, the Lunar swallowed hard and cleared his throat loudly. "Y'know, if ya get me somethin' that use ta belong ta her back when she was 'round here, could probably sniff out the real one for ya easy."
"From the sounds'a it, this ''ain't'' a secret thats gonna get kept long, y'know?" he shrugged. "Flyboy, Valencia, 'n me all got ways a findin' out the truth. Whoever the fuck is fake might as well just fuckin' admit it and save us all time."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods minutely at Cael's suggestion. ''That is one way... ''
Meanwhile, she glances to the Liz holding Ainerach. "But, Princess, what makes you say that this ...other Elizabeth is Daedrin? Is that a guess or a certainty?" she asks curiously.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "No help."
Days nonetheless rankles at the idea of an Oath, seeming to recoil once again from Cael. She remembers their last encounter well, and the uneasy feeling of being under the eyes of the Sun makes itself known again. "I hate this." She finally just gives up, curling up again and leaving it to the Chosen.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': '''She looked at the Windwraith.... and then stepped foward, head raised high.
"I would swear on my father's graves."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth considers and... perhaps relaxes a little. "No, you're right Solar-Ryshassa. I am not sure. I've only ever seen one person with my shape, and he was as much a pretentious bastard as she is." she glares at Alex for staying quiet on that. If nothing else, Elizabeth was known for being a tomboy. "--but she could be some conjuration of sorcery here to 'claim' Ainerach-- I will not allow that."
"Even if through some chicanery she convinces you of her lies." she adds a little threateningly, "These swords are my burden now."
"I will swear to Luna and the Sun, on the Holy Sword Ainerach that I am who I claim to be: the one and true Elizabeth Holysword present."
'''Cael: ''' Cael lets the sunlight flow into his castemark, a brilliant white center, surrounded by a corona of words.
"You would be swearing on Creation itself and things would be unfortunate if you tried to play it false." He says simply, and extends his hands.
"If you both wish to so swear, then touch your hands together...."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "No. You swear on Sun and Moon and Earth. That's how it always it." Days barely mutters this... and the moment Cael's caste mark flares... she is under the couch, only her tail peeking out. There's no real way to explain just how she got under there so quickly. Faerie magic?
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "We do not need oaths." Valencia says. "Especially on such limited information. What we need is truth."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': '''She walks towards Cael... and places her hand on his'.
Apparently, the impostor would touch her hand with hers'. She looked at the Blood Angel, distateful.
Apparently, this was not something that made her comfortable, the touching.
"I swear, on Creation itself, on the Sun and Moon, '''I am Elizabeth Holysword'''!"
'''Cael: ''' "And how do you propose to get it, Lady Silverstar? Have you some skill at truthsense you have not yet revealled? Or someone in your army who knows the spells and could be summoned here forthwith? If you do, then please, call them forth."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth walks forward, sure of herself but weary of her duplicate as she switches Ainerach to her left hand. When she reaches Cael, she drives it into the ground with a loud 'chink' and with left hand on Ainerach, right hand on Cae'ls hand, swears as well. "I swear on Creation itself, on the Sun and Moon, '''I am Elizabeth Holysword! '''"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey's tail twitches, and it soon withdraws under the couch as well, to be replaced by Days' face. She does want to see who gets smacked by Heaven, after all.
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' She looks into the Blood Angel's eyes, eyes narrowed...
And one can just see the sparkles of lighting flying between their faces...
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Did I not say sorcery?" Valencia says, not stirring from her chair. "This achieves nothing. It is a useless binding. How will you know it is to fail?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Silently, Moon listened to the Oaths from both Elizabeth's. Solemn and sacred, bound by the imputable will of Heaven to be true. They had both gone forward willingly, both taken the Oath proudly, both been undeniable in the belief of their claim.
"... a'ite," Moon said, nodding decisively. Setting his plate beside him on the couch, well out of Valencia-range, he stood up and reached into his pockets for his gloves. "We just kill both of 'um then."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "I believe the true intent of this was to see how commited we are, lady Silverstar."
"To know if we woul..." She stops, looking at Moon... "Who ''let'' this uncouth creature here?!?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa looks to Valencia, then to Moon, who had brought up truth before... "If any of us have methods with which to discern the truth accurately, this would be the time to try them."
''Though it seems that both Elizabeths are keen on oathing. ''
"Cael... you were recently in Great Forks... you must know something of what has transpired there relating to the Princess..."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Your ''commitment'' is meaningless."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "No killing." It's a hesitant statement, but nonetheless made. "No killing. This is supposed to be a time of rest and celebration. Right?"
She glances around from her hiding spot. "Right? Don't trust the new one, either.. but if it comes to that, take it outside. Please."
'''Alexander: ''' And that finally snaps the Prince out of his confusion!
"Moon, we are '''not '''killing my sister! Stop that!"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Lets not be too hasty. Killing both of us has its merits. Whoever fails to die is the real Elizabeth!"
'''Alexander: ''' And that finally snaps the Prince out of his confusion! And so he leapt up, pointing an accusing finger at Moon, trembling in anger, needing to shout at someone in the middle of his tension.... "Moon, we are '''not''' killing my sister! Stop that!"
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "You are a Lunar Exalted, you will recover from any normal punishment, of course you would want that."
She addresses them all, her face even more sickened for having her hand over the Blood Angel's. "You see? She wishes me ''dead''! Do you think that is truly me, a murderous creature such as that?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "We do no oath until there is more to base them on." Valencia finally rises to her feet. Oddly...menacing. An almost animal, restrained violence wafting from her in faint amounts. "If they both genuinely think they may be the real article, for example, then they are both telling the truth as they know it."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "But... how could she genuinely think she is me? Is that some Moon-Chosen power?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Why not?" he shot back, tugging Ebb and Flow. He flexed his fingers, the gloves creaking satisfactorily. "She done much'a anythin' ya cared 'bout beyond bein' ya sister? Sheeyit man, the one ain't done fuck all but bully ya since showin' up and t'other ain't exactly buildin' up ta be much'a fuckin' improvement."
Moon looked up at Days. Or rather, ''down ''at Days and the monkey face peeking out from beneath the couch. When the hell had she gotten under there? "...yeah, maybe ya right darlin'. Lets take this shit outside. Probably gonna get messy."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Cael, if you will not oath them, tell us what you know, at least," Ryshassa prompts again, calmly over the rise of tempers. "What you have seen in Great Forks, if anything."
"Is Daedrin alive or dead?"
'''Alexander: ''' "No, no, she has done... more than that!" He answers to Moon... but does not entirely believe it. His mind races on all the things she has done, looking for redeeming features... "She, she helped save us! She cared about me! She did!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Tell you why. Because you kill good stories that way."
Even saying that, she withdraws under the couch almost completely. She knew what Moon '''really''' looked like, what his soul looked like, and she didn't want to have that beast looking at her through his natural eyes.
'''Cael: ''' "Then call in your sorcerors, lady Silverstar, please do. I want as much as you do to get to the bottom of this, and we have already established we cannot trust their word, both professing as they are to the real princess."
"Daedrin is dead though, very, very dead. His mother was in mourning for him. Something the real Elizabeth will no doubt have to make amends with her for."
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "You mean the ''fake'' one!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It... surprises me that there is no way to prove this even before the use of magic... is there not some memory of Elizabeth those who knew her from childhood would know to belong to the real? Has she really changed so much in her absence?"
"I cannot say, myself... I am a foreigner here; I have only just met one Elizabeth only to find there are two." Again the urge to giggle almost rises. It's the absurdity of this, the futility, that brings that twinge of humor she tries to swallow down.
'''Cael: ''' "No, Elizabeth, I mean the real one. If she is the real one, and she did these things, then she is responsible. If you are the real one, and she did these things, then she is merely your simularcra, and you are responsible."
"Either way, the real Holysword Princess is responsible."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "What else she done?" Moon demanded, shrugging off his coat and draping it over the back of the couch. He looked at Alex, long and meaningfully. "She done fuck all for ya before she left ta go marry that dead bastard? Ya remember ''anythin''' she fuckin' did?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Enough bickering. I've had it with this. I have proven my identity beyond a shadow of a doubt, any longer and I will end this myself."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You are looking at the sorcerer." She says simply, the smell of violence smoothing over and disappearing somewhat. "Perhaps someone else among us would know the spell as well, though I deem it unlikely."
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander walks closer to Cael, very close...
"Cael... what will you ask of them?"
"They... I do not want to see them harmed. They are... they look... even if they are not..."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona's feline ears perk up, and she gets up from the chair from which she watched that... surreal drama happen in front of them... "Spell? Which spell ? I am very versed in them, lady Silverstar..." she said, humbly, but with a certain smug confidence. "I have mastered the Sapphire Circle, even if I do not look like it."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Please, let us do this then, Marshall... or Fiona. If your magic may shed some light into this confusion, it would be most welcome."
"I do not think there should be bloodshed. If the truth cannot be surmised now, the two should be kept seperate until a proper investigation can be made. At least..." Ryshassa hesitates a bit now, not wanting to assume too much influence among the royals "...that is what I would advise."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "You ain't doin' ''shit'' lady," Moon growled at the Elizabeth who had said that, thrusting a finger at her. "Just fuckin' sit tight."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "We merely look into the past and see what happened." Valencia continues, then looks to Fiona. "Good. We will look at the times and places they direct us to. If we see what one says to be true, obviously the other is not the real Elizabeth."
'''Fiona: ''' "But, Lady Silverstar... the spell only allows us to see the past of a given location..."
She looks at the Silver Angel, concerned, wondering if she is not talking of a different spell...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' 'And what then?' is what Monkey wants to ask, but she still feels Cael, and feels Moon, and feels Valencia, and right now the darkness underneath the couch seems alot more inviting than their glances.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "You are thinking of another spell...I think. What is the name you know this one by?"
'''Fiona: ''' "The scrolls I read it by call it Between the Minute and the Hour, Lady Silverstar."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Yes. I know it by that as well." She sits back down, slowly. And sighs. "Of course, we will have to go all the way to where the events which transpired according to them take place, to view them."
'''Alexander: ''' There is a long silence....
"If it is just a place..." The prince speaks, a little more sure of himself now.
"We can just find out where it is, right? The point their stories diverged. When was it?" He looks at them questioningly...
''''Elizabeth Holysword': ''' "That is a good idea, Alex." She nods and smiles. "Good boy."
She turns to the Blood Angel, not happy... "Do you remember Eos? Being his Priestess?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Like hell I do! I'm the Goddamned Princess, I had better things to do in the name of my country, and obviously a destiny from a greater divine."
'''Alexander: ''' "It is easy, then!" The prince nods! "All we have to do is go to Eos, and find the place she joined him!"
"Then we will know, which of them is the real Elizabeth!"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Very easy." Valencia replies with another sigh, propping her head up with a hand on her chin, the arm resting on the side of the chair. "Another few days, that would take."
'''Fiona: ''' "I can take us to a temple in Whiteshield very quickly, by today or tomorrow. As would the Zephyr!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa actually does giggle, audibly, when Alexander points this out. She pushes a hand over her mouth, muffling further giggles, biting her lip until she calms... somewhat.
"But Alexander, that... that is such a shame! Cael just returned from there, and now the Marshall and Fiona and the Elizabeths..." another small fit of laughter nearly chokes her "... must go right back?"
"Hopefully this will not compromise the war effort..." she tries to say more solemnly.
'''Alexander: ''' "It will not take more than a day, will it? By this time tomorrow... we will know."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "I ain't gonna go fuckin' runnin' off ta some asshole gods house just ta figure out which bitch we're gonna get stuck with," Moon said warily, his disappointment at apparently not being allowed to throw Elizabeth's out the window past as he listened in on their new plan. "Sides, if ''anythin''' is a fuckin' trap, this bullshit is, y'know? Ya gotta see that too darlin'," he said, looking over at Valencia. "Draggin' all'a us away ta deal with this? Even for a fuckin' day, thats a lotta time for these assholes ta be makin' mischief."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh... okay..." Ryshassa takes a few deep breaths, her face somewhat flushed. "That... that does not seem so bad at all. The sooner it is done the better... I would like to know that the Princess I am talking to is the genuine one..."
She looks at one Liz. Then the other. Trying desperately not to let a single chuckle out. Why she finds this so funny, even she cannot quite explain!
"Not all of us will have to go, Moon. Though taking the Marshall along would compromise our forces here. That may not be so good," she says, frowning. (Not giggling.)
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' Leonas finally gets time to adjust his spetacles again... and ponders. As usual, the boy spoke truth. He was rude, true... but he was usually right. Leonas had seen that enough times by now. "You are right, Moon. Some of us have to stay, even then. I imagine you and the Child will? I... would like to go with them." To see the Sorcery. To get to the bottom of this mistery!
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I will stay as well. My healing will be needed..." Ryshassa forces her words into slow, even tones. "Though you will not be going, will you, Cael?" She does not voice her request yet ''again'', but expectation is in her voice. She wants to learn more, too!
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Of course some of us will stay." Valencia replies, still propping her head up with her hand. She looks at Moon disgustedly. "Why do you complain about everything that doesn't involve hitting people?"
'''Fiona: ''' "I thought we were going to use the Zephyr?" Fiona asks, hopeful. She liked Calisara...
And it was better than how much she would have to ehxert herself to bring them all there!
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Gotta get fun outta this shit ''somehow''," he snorted back.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey's tail simply peeks from under the couch. There's no other real reply.
She's had quite enough, and would just like to make it all go away.
'''Alexander: ''' "Well, apparently not." The Prince shrugs.
"Well, then, rest, Fiona. Get ready for us to go tomorrow... I will be there with you. I will give you all the strength you need."
He nods, then look at both of his 'sisters'... "And you... try to behave. Until we find out who is the real one here, yo are ''both'' my sisters, and I am not letting any of you be hurt. Or hurt one another."
'''????: ''' A pall hangs over the room.
The shadows grow higher. The light dims. All the food turns foul, shirveling. Droplets of foul liquid come from them.<br>
The drinks spoil, becoming ash.
And she steps out of the shadows, her sleek form of silver hair and amethyst eyes. She dresses in a beautiful, regal and jeweled black dress, yet one that is allure incarnate. In her hand, blades of pure dream, trailing images of fantasies that could never be. Elizabeth remembers them, Dreamweaver's gifts to Daerdrin, one of his most proudly-kept possessions. "''There is no Elizabeth Holysword. ''"
She says in a commanding tone.
"Elizabeth Holysword is ''dead''."
"Killed by the same monster who killed the man I loved."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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