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== On the Truths of the Soul ==
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa wrenches open the door into her room at the Palace with some difficulty, laden with the books and primers Cael had bade her study. Seeing that Alexsei has not returned yet, she sets them down on the table inside, and seats herself before them, arranging her white and purple kimono comfortably around her.
''Might as well start while the knowledge is fresh'', she thinks to herself; the clinic had no need for her, as far as she knew, what with the hard work of the Lilies and Fiona as well. So she pulls over the first of the primers on Silurian symbols and begins to pore over it, not at all expecting an interruption...
'''Iselsis: ''' A knock on the door! Who oh who could that be? >_>
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blinks in the middle of absorbing a particularly labyrinthine passage, raising her head from the pages... "Yes, come in," she calls out.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise opens the door and pokes her head inside.
"Is this a bad time? Because I can come back later."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "No... I've still got a lot of time left to read all of these," she says, gesturing to the pile of books. "Cael is letting me borrow them, but he'll be away for several days, pretty soon." ''And so will Alexsei'', her thoughts remind her, though she does not say that out loud.
Closing the book and pushing the pile aside for now, she gestures to the chair across from her. "Have a seat, if you like. Is there something I can do for you?
'''Iselsis: ''' She wanders in and sits, wearing the same coat, hat and scarf that she always seems to.
"Yeah. Are you okay? I know the way you heal people and those two we brought in the other day were pretty messed up... Sorry about storming off like that too, but I didn't want to freak out the people at the clinic, heh."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I've had time to rest, don't worry about me," Ryshassa says, grateful for the concern. From Iselsis' point of view, at least, she looks healthy and fully healed. "Injuries of that sort take me longer to recover from, of course, but I have not been overexerting myself since then."
"How about you, are you all right? It was harsh enough seeing the damage done to those survivors, but you were there firsthand..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Fine... fine. Got angry, got over it.", she leans back a little, "I've decided this can't keep going like it is. Someone needs to make people see... so I've decided to go home."
She shrugs a little, "I'm probably the last person for the job, but I don't see anyone else doing it."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Home? Back to Windia?" Ryshassa raises her eyebrows in interest. "Are you going alone? I would have thought you'd be worried what your superiors will think of you," she adds, remembering Iselsis' reaction during the first Circle meeting Prince Alexander called.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Fuck my 'superiors'. They're not interested in protecting Winlandia, they're standing in the way of dealing with the threat it faces. Since I do serve to protect my country that makes them the enemies, and makes them the traitors."
"The bureaucrats won't see, but I know some people who will. People just like me. Who serve their country before corrupt bickering nobles who would rather sit back and wait for the Bishop and his armies to waltz over what little we have left of a defending force and batter down the gates of Windia, when we have no chance of winning anymore."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods, seeming to approve of Iselsis' sentiments, not at all fazed by her strong language. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but I am relieved that you want to take these matters into your own hands. You never struck me as the kind of person to follow orders mindlessly, at least. The Windian bureaucrats are taking you for granted if they believe so."
"On the other hand... there's no guarantee that they will listen, or that they will not want to turn on you as a traitor in turn. Which would be unfortunate, not to mention idiotic. It is a shame when people cannot see any further than their own immediate gain and safety. I, too, believe that what you are doing is ultimately for the good of Winlandia."
"Do you know what you will do when you are there?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "They'd have to catch me to stop me anyhow. And no, no real plan. I'll talk to my superior and explain the situation and call for a meeting with the other black ops. They're like me, I doubt they'll side with the nobles."
"I figure if I can convince them to be with me on this we can force the nobles into action by making a public display of it all, that we're going to war. That leaves the nobles open to unseen threats, which means they'll probably want to end the war soon so they can be safe and secure again. Plus if we all rise up against their plans that might sway the public's opinion as well, lending more weight to the cause."
She sighs "Of course that all depends on people listening to me... that'd be novel..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I am not a native here, so I'm not very familiar with the political climate in Windia," Ryshassa admits apologetically. "Still... I think that it would definitely be to your advantage to convince the public, if not the nobles themselves. After all, the nobles have no country without the ordinary people to help them run it. And with the operatives gone as well... yes, they would be hard pressed to remain ignorant about the Bishop and his atrocities."
The healer tilts her head curiously at Iselsis' sigh. "You don't feel you are the convincing sort? Well... considering your position and your..." she didn't really know how to mention her demonic features without it sounding insulting "...unusual appearance, I suppose that would make it difficult."
"Perhaps you might bring someone with you who is respectable and talented with words?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "People like that are in short supply around here. Besides, Valencia already tried and failed. That basically leaves the prince, and I don't think he'd want to leave his country behind in the middle of a war to go request help of a people who might not take him seriously anyway."
"After all, he's just a kid."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "That is true... and people are needed here, where the fighting has been strongest..."
Ryshassa purses her lips thoughtfully. "Excuse my ignorance, but... Windia did send Valencia and her soldiers. That was their intent, correct? To help with the war? But the military strength we have now is not enough, and the Windian nobles are largely unwilling to give up any more of their defenses. So you want to convince them they should be more concerned with the war than they are now."
"That said... perhaps you do not need a respected Windian to speak on your behalf, but simply someone convincing enough to show them that they should have personal interest in the war. That they stand to lose much more by simply ignoring it."
She pauses, remembering something Iselsis had said earlier. "What did you mean by a 'public display'?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "As far as I know they didn't send Valencia and her soldiers. Valencia just up and left on her own accord and managed to, with some help from her friends, garner some conditional support from the Durants. As for someone respected or simply convincing...", she shrugs, "I couldn't come up with anyone off the top of my head."
"The black ops don't typically work as units, or even together. Even less so they come into the public's eye, since it's the point they stay out of it. If you get people like that to suddenly assemble in public, en masse, to rally behind a cause, that has to lend some weight and credability to it, doesn't it?"
... "Or were you suggesting I bring the two survivors?", she snerks a little.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Really!" Ryshassa sounds genuinely astonished. "I had no idea Valencia was acting on her own." Or she must have forgotten it. "It must be a pain to be military... having to work with the nobles in power to do anything at all. Or even your kind, I suppose."
"Though I admit, I sometimes feel a bit... disconnected. I would not be here at all if not for my husband's involvement on the behalf of the Bureau of Destiny. I myself am not an agent of Heaven... nor a Windian soldier, noble or operative. I am a healer, and besides joining the Prince's Circle now, my loyalty is truly none other than my own. But I want to be involved, because it is my desire to oppose any force that would prey on innocent people for their gain."
The Twilight Solar shakes her head at the suggestion of bringing the survivors. "No, no, not like that! I just mean, your speaker does not have to be Windian, though that would definitely help. He or she simply has to be convincing enough for the job."
'''Iselsis: ''' She strokes her chin pensively and goes "Hmmmm..."
"Actually, that's a bloody marvellous idea! How soon do you think at least one of them can be patched up enough to travel?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "W-what? The survivors?" Ryshassa blinks, then stares at Iselsis more incredulously than before. "You really think... you want them to talk for you?" she splutters. The truth is that she had been considering offering herself for the job -- but as an outsider, her words might lack the right context, at least in the eyes of the Windians.
"Physically, they are perfectly fine. Mentally is a different case, though. I think I can help them, but going from experiencing such extremes of torture to making a speech that could affect the fate of all of Windia -- that would be a great shock, I think. It could be positively terrifying, from their perspective."
"First of all --" now Ryshassa sits herself straight and importantly in her chair, her face taking on a sterner cast, "I think that you ought to ask them, first. Second, even if they agree to it, I simply could not allow you to take them unless I accompanied them. Myself, or another person with the medical expertise to care for patients who have experienced trauma."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well that's fine, you can come.", she smiles, obviously pleased with herself.
"And I think after what they've been through, if they can be the ones to make an army rise up against who did it to them, to prevent anyone else from having to go through that, they will. It's perfect too, any of us could blither on and on about how horrible it is, and how the world is doomed and all that."
"They've been there and back, what else could be greater evidence of what lies in wait for all of us than their stories?"
'''Ryshassa: '''"You are correct. I of course have relieved them of the physical damage to their bodies. But the scars remain, both within and without. They know -- anyone with even the hint of an empathic heart, hearing what they have experienced, would believe the Bishop is a significant threat."
Ryshassa takes a deep breath. The tension in her back and shoulders has relaxed somewhat since Iselsis has said she can accompany them. Nonetheless, she is still worried for "her" patients, for the sake of their mental health, and she makes no effort to hide her concern.
"They should be the ones to decide whether they will help or not. But if I see any signs of significant strain in them, any sign that they might buckle under the pressure of speaking of their torment -- I'm afraid I will have to remove them from the responsibility."
"But this does not mean I don't want it to be done. The Windians ''do'' need to know of the atrocities committed in the Bishop's name. Just... just be careful with them," she implores.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well if they really can't, then they can't, and that's that, I suppose... but it would by far the best."
She muses, "Oh, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about, although now it'll have to wait until the business in Windia has been concluded, I suppose."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods; she'd been expecting something else, though what she is not so certain of. "Go ahead... I figured you were not here to talk to me about your plans in Windia."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well. Remember when Alexsei said it would be unwise for you to go have a peek inside my head again?"
She waits for recognition to dawn.
"What if it's not you that has to go there?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa does not answer straight away. Indeed Alexsei had said just that, and she had more or less agreed -- if grudgingly. It already weighs heavily on her mind that she could not help Kanti, but Iselsis as well?
If there could only be a way...
"What do you have in mind?" is how Ryshassa chooses to reply, half cautiously, half in anticipation for the answer.
'''Iselsis: ''' "It's my head trying to tell me something. Maybe I need to go in and see what it has to tell me when I'm not drained from a huge battle and just recovering from balancing on the edge between life and death?"
"I think figuring this out is my responsibility... I have to face whatever inner demons I have myself. Not have someone take responsibility for me."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "And you want me to help you get inside?" Once again Ryshassa falls silent, this time pondering just how such a feat might be accomplished. If, instead of entering Iselsis' psyche herself, she could coax her into a meditative state and serve as a guide into her own mind... the principles would not be much different than what the Caduceus has already taught her about spiritual healing.
"It... it could be possible," she finally continues, not without a note of hesitation, "but it is not something I have attempted before. And more importantly, Iselsis, do you understand what danger you could be unleashing on yourself? The dream that I interrupted, it was trying to eat your soul -- to erase you! I do not think it is mere battle fatigue that caused this to occur."
"Are you certain your curiosity is worth that risk?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "No, not yet, not until I convince Windia to do something..."
"But after that, I have to find out what's wrong with me. I'm sick and tired of living in fear."
... "It's like Gennadi said. If I can't compose myself and take responsibility, I'm never going to escape my curse. And as much as I'd like to shoot the twat the second he gives me due cause to, he's right."
'''Ryshassa: ''' The corner of Ryshassa's mouth quirks in brief amusement at Iselsis' words about Gennadi. "I do agree that it is your mind and thus your responsibility, and given that I should not be able to tell you what you will do or not with it."
"On the other hand... I am still concerned that attempting this may cause harm not only to yourself but to others. You did say Adorjan reacts negatively to Gennadi, for example, correct? And it damaged Lady Aine once, as well."
"We do not need to talk about this in detail just yet, since you have other issues to deal with. But when... if we attempt this, I will have to insist on certain conditions. If you lose control and I am unable to bring you out in time, I am not well suited to restrain you, not being a combatant of talent. I would like at least one other present who will able to deal with such consequences if things go wrong."
"I also believe that it ought to be your sister who is present, if at all possible. At the very least, she should know of your plans. She cares about you, no matter how she shows it, and this could be dangerous to you."
"Do you agree on these conditions?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods.
"I do, and if it somehow turns out that doing me makes Adorjan take me over, or something along those line, I hope nobody hesitates to stop me while they stil can."
She smiles thinly.
"I'd rather not turn into a monster, after all. I'm enough of one as it is."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods approvingly, if grimly. "I pray it will never come to that. But your wishes are noted, and we will make certain..." she swallows, talking about such a fate only with difficulty "...your spirit rests well."
Truthfully, she has a feeling that if the Dark Angel heard of Iselsis' plans she would be reluctant at best to agree with it. But it would be up to them to talk it out, in that case.
Taking another deep, shaky breath, Ryshassa dismisses these depressing possibilities, for now. "Good, then. We will talk about this more when you... when we are done with our business in Windia. Preferably with lady Aine in attendance as well."
She allows a smile to return to her face as she asks patiently, "Is there anything else that you wanted from me?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shakes her head.
"That'll be all for now. I'll approach you again about the survivors later. I should leave you be for now."
And she gets up.
"Thank you, Ryshassa, for all your help."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It's no problem at all. I cannot fight as you do, so such matters are all I can truly help with. And I am glad to," Ryshassa reassures her, before beginning to pull the books she has neglected in front of her again.
"Have a good evening -- considering the circumstances, anyway," she adds hastily, knowing that recent events and more are weighing heavily in Iselsis' mind.
'''Iselsis: ''' She smiles a little.
"You too.", and exits the room, leaving Ryshy to her books.
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Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

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