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Day's Harmony

Artifact ***

Day's Harmony appears as an acoustic guitar of exquisite design, crafted from rare eastern woods and featuring delicate inlays of the finest blue and white jade and orihalcum wire in abstract geometric designs and strings of shining moonsilver. Starmetal tuning pegs allow the sound to be fine-tuned to an amazing degree. Its sound is legendary even in the hands of the most unskilled player, and when an Exalt awakens the spirit residing inside it, he will find that his music can even shield him from his enemies.

It can be activated for 1 scene with 2 motes of Essence (Reflexive action).This activation allows it to be used in combat. When used as a weapon, it has the following stats and abilities:

  • Speed +5, Accy +3, Dam +5L, Def 0, Rate 2, Range 10', Commitment 5
  • While using the guitar in combat, the Exalt rolls Dex + Performance, as his music speaks to the spirit inside, commanding it to defend him against his enemies.
  • While the five magical materials are used in the construction of the guitar, none are present in enough quantity to provide any bonus.
  • User can strike targets up to 10 feet away without penalty as the strings extend to attack the opponent.
  • Can be commanded to wrap around a target. +1 difficulty against normal opponents, standard against inanimate objects. Can attempt to knock down wrapped target with a Str + Melee roll opposed by target's Dex + Resistance. Target receives +1 difficulty if mounted or on unstable terrain.
  • Can be commanded to enwrap a target's weapon, leg, or arm. All such attacks are made at difficulty 3. Entangling a target's weapon imposes a +2 penalty on its use and allows the user to attempt a disarm. Entangling a leg limits the target to a maximum move of 10 feet per turn and gives a +2 penalty on rolls to avoid being knocked down. Entangling an arm gives the target a +2 penalty on all rolls using that arm, but give user no bonus to disarm.
  • The exalt can choose to do further damage to an entangled opponent by playing the strings entangling her. The target takes Str +2 bashing damage (as a clinch) every turn until he frees himself.
  • A target can free himself from the strings of the guitar by making a Str + Athletics roll at difficulty 3. This attempt takes a full turn and the character can take no other action while freeing himself.
  • Note that unlike a lightning chain, the user CANNOT command it to lock around a target, nor does it provide any assistance with climbing.
