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Latest revision as of 15:16, 1 July 2004

Smoldering Embers

Character Sheet



Commercial time!

(Shot of a gaggle of attractive young women, piling into a horse-drawn carriage)

Off-screen Narrarator: Fee for the carriage driver to get to the concert -- Five jade pieces.

(The ladies bouncing happily in the carriage, gushing about the concert and holding up their tickets triumphantly as they disembark)

Narrarator: Front-row tickets to the Battle of the Bands -- Fifty-seven jade pieces.

(Shot of the ladies in the front row, cheering in unison to WA-HA-HA's onstage performance, all wearing idential t-shirts)

Narrarator: Limited Edition WA-HA-HA concert baby-T-shirts -- Thirty jade pieces.

(Shot of Smoldering Embers, wearing tight-tight leather pants and an unbuttoned silk shirt, kneeling down at the very edge of the stage, singing his heart out while his Anima, a Phoenix surrounding by rings of burning ice, flares majestically above and behind him... the girls scream, their bosoms heaving... and and then Embers reaches out to stroke one particularly attractive girl on the cheek, and hands her a hotel room key with a wink. The other girls promptly give her looks of amazement, envy, and even a little hatred...)

Narrarator: Graduating from fangirl to real-life groupie... PRICELESS.

(Shot of same girl walking through a hotel room door, which Embers closes behind her...)

Narrarator: There are some things money just can't buy... but for everything else, there's Nexus Card.
