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#REDIRECT [[David[[David./River/VengefulSky]]]]
== The Crimson Lance Saint ==
<b><i>Character Name: </b></i>River<br>
<b><i>Exalted Type: </b></i> Sidereal, Chosen of Battles<br>
<b><i>Nature: </b></i>Martyr<br>
<b><i>Demeanor: </b></i>Paragon<br>
<b><i>Concept: </b></i>knight of heaven<br>
<b><i>Apparent Age / Actual Age: </b></i>late-30s / 64<br>
<b><i>Sex: </b></i>Male<br>
<b><i>Height: </b></i>5'11"<br>
<b><i>Weight: </b></i>185lbs<br>
<b><i>Anima:</b></i> Beginning with a dull crimson glow, his anima wells out into a spiralling cloud of vermillion orbs so close-knit as to seem to be united. Each sphere contains the image of one of the infinite possible futures - with every action the he takes, the orbs rearrange and their images shift to reflect the new futures before him.<br>
<b><i>Themes: </b></i><br>
<i>Major:</i> mastery of conflict, ancient pacts between heaven & earth<br>
<i>Minor:</i> mathematics, duty, calmness<br>
== Description ==
=== Merits, Flaws ===
=== Attributes ===
<b><i>Physical </b></i><br>
Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4<br>
<b><i>Mental </b></i><br>
Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3<br>
<b><i>Social </b></i><br>
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Charisma 4<br>
=== Abilities ===
Endurance 3, Ride, Sail, Survival, Thrown<br>
Craft (Fate) 2, Dodge 4, Linguistics 3, Performance 3, Socialize 2<br>
<b><i>Battles [Caste]</b></i> <br>
<i>Archery 4, Brawl 4 (Gauntlets +2), Melee 5 (Spears +2), Presence 5, Resistance 5</i><br>
Investigation, Larceny 1, <i>Lore 5</i>, <i>Occult 4</i>, Stealth 2<br>
<i>Athletics 3</i>, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 3, <i>Martial Arts 5</i>, Medicine<br>
<b>Languages Known:</b> Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak<br>
=== Charms ===
* World-Shaping Artistic Vision (Duty - detailed later)<br>
* Unobstructed Blow
* Horrific Wreath
* Avoiding the Truth Technique
* Incite Decorum
* Impeding the Flow
* Harmony of Blows
* Serenity in Blood
* Orchestration of Conflict
* Meditation on War
* Smiling at the Damned
* Perfection of the Visionary Warrior
* Heroic Essence Replenishment
* Predestined Triumph Practice
* Impose Nature
* Force Decision
<b>Martial Arts - [[MartialArts/AmalgamatedCPoV | Crimson Panoply of Victory Style]] (by [[willows]] and [[David.]])</b>
* Survival is Flexibility
* Edge & Haft Discipline
* Chariot Splinter Cloud
* Abatis of Speculation
* Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
* Stirring the Calm
* Yawning Canyon Collapse
<b>Martial Arts - Five-Dragon Style</b>
* Five-Dragon Claw
* Five-Dragon-Force Blow
<b>Martial Arts - [[MartialArts/RoilingVernalTempestStyle | Roiling Vernal Tempest Style]] (by [[willows]])</b>
* Scarlet Downpour Kiai
* Indigo Stormcloud Dispersion
=== Combos ===
<b><i>Crimson Deluge Lance</b> (Scarlet Downpour Kiai, Yawning Canyon Collapse, Five-Dragon-Force Blow, Impeding the Flow)</i><br>
=== Combat ===
<b>Soak (<nowiki>B/L/A</nowiki>)</b><br>
=== Advantages ===
<i>The Spear 3, The Gauntlet 2</i>, The Sorceror 3
<i>Conviction </i>3<br>
<i>Compassion </i>2<br>
<i>Temperance </i>4<br>
<i>Valor </i>4<br>
<b>Willpower</b> 8<br>
<b> Essence</b> 4<br>
<b>Personal Essence -</b> 16<br>
<b>Peripheral Essence -</b> 45<br>
<b>Total: </b> <br>
<b>Commited: </b> <br>
=== Backgrounds ===
<b>Backing 3</b><br>
<b>Celestial Manse 3</b><br>
<b>Artifact 4</b><br>
<b>Artifact 3</b><br>
<b>Artifact 2</b><br>
<b>Sifu 2</b><br>
<b>Salary 2</b><br>
=== Notes ===

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

  1. REDIRECT [[DavidDavid./River/VengefulSky]]