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#REDIRECT [[David[[David./Donovan/VengefulSky]]]]
== The Alabaster Champion ==
<b><i>Character Names:</b></i> Vengeful Sky<br>
<b><i>Exalted Type: </b></i> Sidereal, Chosen of Battles<br>
<b><i>Nature: </b></i>Martyr<br>
<b><i>Demeanor: </b></i>Monster<br>
<b><i>Concept: </b></i>knight of heaven / merciless executioner of Creation's enemies<br>
<b><i>Apparent Age: </b></i>43<br>
<b><i>Sex: </b></i>Male<br>
<b><i>Height: </b></i>5'11"<br>
<b><i>Weight: </b></i>185lbs<br>
<b><i>Anima:</b></i> Beginning with a dull crimson glow, Vengeful Sky's anima wells out into a spiralling cloud of vermillion orbs so close-knit as to seem to be united. Each sphere contains the image of one of the infinite possible futures - with every action he takes, the orbs rearrange and their images shift to reflect the new futures before him.<br>
<b><i>Charm Theme: </b></i>Battle! Chaos, conflict, destruction, pain, glory, brutality, grace, victory.<br>
== Description ==
Vengeful Sky's age shows, and shows hard. His features are strong, with prominent cheekbones and nose, a sharp, lean jawline - he was probably quite dashing as a young soldier, but as the bloom of youth faded from him, the dignity of age replaced it. Long days in the sun haven't just bronzed his skin, but have tightened it, lending it a weathered quality, giving him an air of wisdom and experience. There's always a twinkle in those red eyes, though it's rarely a mirthful one.<br>
There is a distinct dichotomy to him - he can seem perfectly calm and rational, thoughtful, introspective, but his insatiable taste for violence and simple knack for it have lent him a reputation as a ferocious killer with little beyond bloodshed on his mind. In truth, though, this is an act. The savage abandon he displays in combat, and the endless eagerness for battle is simply his way of acknowledging and utilizing his Mars-given strengths to further his goals; goals which, surprisingly, rarely include his own glory. Within his own mind, he is not the priest of conflict, the sergeant on the battlefield, or even the last soldier. To his own conscience, he is a vengeful guardian keeping watch over Creation, striking with reckless abandon, frequently to his own detriment.<br>
=== Merits, Flaws ===
<i>Unusual Appearance (1pt):</i> Lean, criss-crossed with scars, with a wild fury in his eyes and a palpable sense of tension around him, Vengeful Sky is about as unforgettable as Sidereals come.<br>
=== Attributes ===
<b><i>Physical </b></i><br>
Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4<br>
<b><i>Mental </b></i><br>
Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3<br>
<b><i>Social </b></i><br>
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Charisma 3<br>
=== Abilities ===
Endurance 3, Ride, Sail, Survival, Thrown<br>
Craft (Fate) 2, Dodge 4, Linguistics 3, <i>Performance 4</i>, Socialize 2<br>
<b><i>Battles [Caste]</b></i> <br>
<i>Archery 4, Brawl 5 (Gauntlets +2), Melee 5 (Spears +2), Presence 5, Resistance 5</i><br>
Investigation, Larceny 1, Lore 4, <i>Occult 4</i>, Stealth 1<br>
<i>Athletics 3</i>, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 3, <i>Martial Arts 5 (Multiple Opponents +2)</i>, Medicine<br>
<b>Languages Known:</b> Low Realm (native), Old Realm, High Realm, Skytongue<br>
=== Charms ===
* World-Shaping Artistic Vision (Against Creatures Not Of Creation)<br>
* Unobstructed Blow
* Horrific Wreath
* Crimson Palm Counterstrike
* Impeding the Flow
* Harmony of Blows
* Serenity in Blood
* Orchestration of Conflict
* Meditation on War
* Smiling at the Damned
* Perfection of the Visionary Warrior
* Heroic Essence Replenishment
* Predestined Triumph Practice
* Impose Nature
* Force Decision
* Shield of Mars
<b>Martial Arts - [[MartialArts/AmalgamatedCPoV | Crimson Panoply of Victory Style]] (by [[willows]] and [[David.]])</b>
* Survival is Flexibility
* Edge & Haft Discipline
* Chariot Splinter Cloud
* Abatis of Speculation
* Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
* Stirring the Calm
* Thousand-Echelon Phalanx Drill
* Yawning Canyon Collapse
* The Fastest With The Mostest
<b>Martial Arts - Five-Dragon Style
* Five-Dragon Claw
* Five-Dragon-Force Blow
=== Combos ===
<b><i>"I am the unrelenting fist!"</i></b><br>
<i>Harmony of Blows, Unobstructed Blow, Impeding the Flow:</i> The air around River's left fist coils and writhes with crimson Essence as he unleashes a brief but inescapable flurry of attacks.<br>
<b><i>"I am the infrangible spearpoint!"</i></b><br>
<i>The Fastest With The Mostest, Five-Dragon-Force Blow, Yawning Canyon Collapse, Serenity in Blood, Impeding the Flow:</i> Deflecting the deadliest of attacks with a flourish of his spear, the Lieutenant's blows are like a river, diverting from one target to another, pouring out destruction like wine.<br>
=== Combat ===
<b>Soak (<nowiki>B/L/A</nowiki>)</b><br>
=== Advantages ===
<i>The Spear 4, The Gauntlet 2,</i> The Sorceror 3
<i>Conviction </i>3<br>
<i>Compassion </i>2<br>
<i>Temperance </i>4<br>
<i>Valor </i>4<br>
<b>Willpower</b> 8<br>
<b> Essence</b> 4<br>
<b>Personal Essence -</b> 16<br>
<b>Peripheral Essence -</b> 45<br>
<b>Total: </b> <br>
<b>Commited: </b> <br>
=== Backgrounds ===
<b>Connections (the Crimson Panoply of Victory) 3</b><br>
<b>Celestial Manse 3: <i></i></b><br>
<b>Artifact 4: <i>Celestial Lightning</b></i> - A glittering blade of starmetal twenty inches long, sharp on one side, decorated with fairly simple piercing and affixed to a six-foot haft of carved white marble, traced over with subtle markings in starmetal. It has one hearthstone socket integrated into the piercework decorating the blade.
:<b>Speed +10, Accuracy +4, Damage +12L, Defence +2, Rate 4, Min. Str <tt>&bull;&bull;&bull;</tt>, Commitment 8</b>
* The character adds one die for every three he rolls for an attack or parry with the weapon.
* When rolling damage for its attacks, add one die for every three dice to be rolled.
* When rolling damage against the Fair Folk, creatures of the Underworld, or denizens of Malfeas, add one success for every three dice to be rolled <i>instead of</i> adding one die per three dice to be rolled.
<b>Artifact 4: <i></b></i> - <br>
<b>Sifu 2</b><br>
<b>Salary 2</b><br>
=== Notes ===

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

  1. REDIRECT [[DavidDavid./Donovan/VengefulSky]]